nodejs bigquery parameterised query inside IN() expression - node.js

I am trying to run a parameterised query using the npm module #google-cloud/bigquery.
Something like this:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE id IN (#ids);
I have no idea how bigQuery is expecting the parameter ids formatted.
My options.params look like something like this:
{ ids: '"1234", "4567"'}
But I don't get any result back. I know there are results, I can see them in bigquery and if I remove the parameter and just inject the string works just fine.
It seem pretty easy, but I can't figure out why it doesn't work, anyone who is willing to help me out?
Thank you in advance

Of course I found the solution as soon as I posted the question...
Thanks to this thread! Need to do some gymnastic...
So provided that the parameter is a string like:
We need to do:
REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL - returns an array
UNNEST - flattens the array for the IN clause as stated in the link above.


How to work with result set of meta-functions in Vertica

I want to use result set of meta-function get_node_dependencies as a subquery. Is there some way to do it?
Something like this:
select v_txtindex.StringTokenizerDelim (dep, chr(10)) over () as words
from (
select get_node_dependencies() as dep
) t;
This query thows an error Meta-function ("get_node_dependencies") can be used only in the Select clause.
I know that there is a view vs_node_dependencies that returns the same data in more readable way, but the question is generic, not related to any specific meta-function.
Most Vertica meta functions returning a report are for informational purposes on the fly, and can only be used on the outmost part of a query - so you can't apply another function on their output.
But - as you are already prepared to go through development work to split that output into tokens, you might often be even better off by querying vs_node_dependencies directly. You'll also be more flexible - is my take on this.

Select one column from Type-ORM query - Node

I have a type ORM query that returns five columns. I just want the company column returned but I need to select all five columns to generate the correct response.
Is there a way to wrap my query in another select statement or transform the results to just get the company column I want?
See my code below:
This is what the query returns currently:
I want it to return:
const qb = createQueryBuilder(Entity, 'stats_table');'', 'company');
qb.addSelect('stats_table.title', 'title');
qb.addSelect('SUM(count)', 'sum');
qb.where('city_code IS NOT NULL OR country_code IS NOT NULL');
qb.addOrderBy('sum', 'DESC');
return qb.getRawMany();
TypeORM didn't meet my criteria, so I'm not experienced with it, but as long as it doesn't cause problems with TypeORM, I see an easy SQL solution and an almost as easy TypeScript solution.
The SQL solution is to simply not select the undesired columns. SQL will allow you to use fields you did not select in WHERE, GROUP BY, and/or ORDER BY clauses, though obviously you'll need to use 'SUM(count)' instead of 'sum' for the order. I have encountered some ORMs that are not happy with this though.
The TS solution is to map the return from qb.getRawMany() so that you only have the field you're interested in. Assuming getRawMany() is returning an array of objects, that would look something like this:
getRawMany().map(companyRecord => {return {company:}});
That may not be exactly correct, I've taken the day off precisely because I'm sick and my brain is fuzzy enough I was making too many stupid mistakes, but the concept should work even if the code itself doesn't.
EDIT: Also note that map returns a new array, it does not modify the existing array, so you would use this in place of the getRawMany() when assigning, not after the assignment.

Is there a way to pass a parameter to google bigquery to be used in their "IN" function

I'm currently writing an app that accesses google bigquery via their "#google-cloud/bigquery": "^2.0.6" library. In one of my queries I have a where clause where i need to pass a list of ids. If I use UNNEST like in their example and pass an array of strings, it works fine.
However, I have found that UNNEST can be really slow and just want to use IN on its own and pass in a string list of ids. No matter what format of string list I send, the query returns null results. I think this is because of the way they convert parameters in order to avoid sql injection. I have to use a parameter because I, myself want to avoid SQL injection attacks on my app. If i pass just one id it works fine, but if i pass a list it blows up so I figure it has something to do with formatting, but I know my format is correct in terms of what IN would normally expect i.e. IN ('', '')
Has anyone been able to just pass a param to IN and have it work? i.e. IN (#idParam)?
We declare params like this at the beginning of the script:
DECLARE var_country_ids ARRAY<INT64> DEFAULT [1,2,3];
and use like this:
WHERE if(var_country_ids is not null,p.country_id IN UNNEST(var_country_ids),true) AND ...
as you see we let NULL and array notation as well. We don't see issues with speed.

How do I input a NodeJS variable as a parameter in a MongoDB Query

I've read through every stack overflow I can find and I don't understand why this still isn't working.
I'm trying to construct a NodeJS Mongo find query and very simply want to use a variable as the values, the key does not need to be dynamic.
This is the code I was working with initially :
collection.find({project_id : project_id_val})
but this simply returns :
Found the following records
I've also tried constructing my own javascript object and passing that in e.g.
Query = {}
Query["project id"] = project_id_val
But that doesn't work either, I know the key/value pair is correct because
project_id: "12345" works absolutely fine, and returns exactly what I want it to. I feel like this should be very simple so if someone could let me know where I'm going wrong that would be great.

LookUpRows on rowset created with function BuildRowSetFromString

Is it possible to apply a function like LookUpRows or Lookup to an array created with BuildRowSetFromString?
I have this:
SET #rowSet = BuildRowSetFromString(#ItemsString2, '|')
I'd like to know if there's a function on which I can do:
SET #var = LookupRows(#rowSet, ITEM_ID, ... )
I am trying already using a FOR loop. I want to know if there's a function that can do this.
No. I wish.
Best bet would be to use arrays in Server-Side JavaScript or possibly GTL.
If you want to over-engineer it, you can use XML and XPATH to do some array functions in AMPScript. I've written up a use-case with examples here on my personal blog.
Also, there is a lot more SFMC dicussion going on over in
