is it possible to make PC or Linux machine shutdown for certain time and then make it come up again automatically? - linux

I want to know if there is any way we can make either Windows or Linux machine shut down for let's say "N" minutes. and then it powers up automatically at the end of "N" minutes.
I know we can switch between OS using Grub from Linux and using third party software on Windows but never heard of such software or command to make it shut-down for certain time.

Check your BIOS, sometimes motherboards have a "boot at specific time" option in there if it's a regular thing
If you machine doesn't need to be fully off, then you could also hibernate. rtcwake is popular, allows disk-written low power hibernation and can be set to come back up automatically
Lastly if you need (or want, for energy reasons) it to be for reals off, and you don't have a timer boot option, most motherboards allow "Wake on LAN" or "Power by Eth" or something along those lines. Keeps enough power going to the network card to detect a broadcast packet with a wakeup signal matching your machine's
NIC's MAC address from the network, even when the computer has properly shutdown. This is my favourite method because it's true remote boot, but it means you need to have another device on the network.
There are readily available phone apps which can send a wake signal, I've only ever used manual ones but there's bound to be one on a timer. For linux I know there's ethtool and wakeonlan available, (haven't used either personally though.) Worst case scenario, there are several tutorials for baking your own, and the protocol isn't complex.

For Windows:
To my understanding you need to create a new task on the Windows Task Scheduler and let that task run after N minutes. The scheduler will program the BIOS' "power up on time" feature to the specified time. If the machine is powered (plugged in to wallsocket) and Windows is only in standby or hibernate mode (that is, not shut down), it should power up on the given time.
You might want to set the waking time about a minute early or so, since booting takes time as well. Also make sure energy saving options are not set too strict like "go to standby after X minuted of idle time" and this is in the middle of the unattended task execution ;)
I used this a lot when programming my PC to record from my TV card on a specific date and time and it worked well. DVBViewer handled all of the task creating stuff. I never set them up manually. There surely are other tools to automate the task creation if needed.
The manual way is something like this:
Right click on the Windows Start Button, select "Computer Administration Console" (or similar, I don't know the correct english naming), then a window pops up where you can right click in the tree view on the left handside on the item "Task Scheduler" (again, naming may differ) and select "Create simple Task" or "New Task..." (more advanced options). Hope you can manage from there.
Should work on Windows 7 to 10. Maybe earlier versions as well, but you need to figure out how to get to the task creation wizard.
Hope this helps, good luck :)


$HASP373 and IEF403I z/os syslog

I ask myself a question about the z/os log:
I just would like to know if all the operations getting started were always called by $HASP373 and IEF403I ?
And for the status Ended called by $HASP395 and IEF404I ?
The trouble with z/OS is that it's really hard to explain something without introducing another concept that also needs explaining. This, in turn, requires another explanation etc. This is partly due to the z/OS operating system being from a different planet compared to Unix, Windows, OS X etc, all of which are broadly similar.
Those messages are issued by the system for a lot of the work that happens on a mainframe, but not all of it.
All work on z/OS runs in its own address space, which is almost like a mini-VM. There will be many address spaces in a z/OS system (380 in ours currently). A program in an address space is not aware of any other address spaces and thinks it has access to the entire 2Gb (31-bit addressing) range of memory (different address spaces can communicate if necessary & authorised, and more than 2GB is available with 64-bit addressing). A program in one address space cannot crash a program in another address space by overwriting storage. Programs in 2 different address spaces can access the same memory address, but don't affect each other, as they will actually, unbeknown to them, access different memory.
There are 4 types of address spaces:
TSO (Time Sharing Option) - these are users logged on to the system, typing commands and getting responses. They may run scripts, using the languages REXX and Clist (Command Lists - older, generally replaced by REXX) much like Perl and shell scripts, submit batch jobs, write and compile code etc.
BATCH JOBS (or JOB) - This is where you want to run a program, so you create a text file with the name of the program(s) to run and the file(s) that it/they need(s) and SUBMIT it. The system will run the program(s) and tell you when they are done, Whilst running, you can go and do something else. You don't even need to be logged on - you can prepare an FTP job (for example) to run at 01:00 whilst you're asleep and another job to run if the first one works.
STARTED TASKS (STCs) - Very similar to a batch job. Usually started either by the system itself when it starts or by an operator issuing a START command for that STC at the system console. (E.g. 'START DB2' starts the DB2 started task. Alternatively a user may submit a batch job for their own test DB2 system.)
System Address Spaces (SYSAS). Consider these like a Unix daemon. started by the operating system itself for various essential processes. There are also address spaces representing processes running under the 'Unix' half of z/OS (USS - Uxniz System Services), but that's another story.
There is no such thing as an 'operation' in z/OS terms. Within an address space, many programs may be running, each one identified by a TCB (Task Control Block) or SRB (System Request Block).
However, if you knew that the information you wanted was produced by a normal batch job, then looking for the £HASP373 and £HASP395 messages for that job would be the right place to start. Bear in mind that the message ids (HASP373 and HASP395) might not start with a '£' on your system. '£' is the default, but it is a customisable parameter. $ and # are also fairly common.
I do know what I'm talking about, but if any of the above is not clear, then I haven't explained it very well. I may be guilty of doing exactly what I warned against and explaining an unknown concept by using another unknown concept. :-)
Work gets into z/OS through something called the subsystem interface. Part of this flow is that generally, when an address space is started, it requests work from the subsystem that started the address space through a well-defined interface (IEFSSREQ). This handshake is where things like your HASP messages come from.
Here's a watered down example.
An operator enters a START command from a system console. As part of processing that command, the system creates an address space, and eventually a thread in the new address space says, "ok - I'm ready...give me some work to do". This goes to the primary job entry subsystem, who hands the address space something to do - the internal data structures representing the task that the operator started in this case. As part of this chain, the various $HASP messages are issued, and this works pretty much the same way for TSO sessions, started tasks (STCs) and JCL submitted for a batch job.
JES2/JES3 are examples of subsystems, but there are others.
For example, if our operator added the SUB=MSTR parameter on the start command, the requests wouldn't go through the primary JES - and so there wouldn't be any of the $HASP messages you're looking for. There are plenty of vendor applications that start and manage address spaces outside of JES, and this is the stuff you miss by limiting yourself to the HASP and IEF401 messages.
Also, UNIX Services has a variety of APIs similar to UNIX "fork" that can be used to spawn address spaces without necessarily involving JES.
If you want to know about activity starting and ending, there are better ways - SMF, ENF signals, etc. A great way to learn this stuff if you don't know already is to use the system trace facilities and read some dumps. The wonderful thing about z/OS is that it's all right there, for those who spend the time figuring out where to look.
No. Those messages are for jobs. Not all operations are jobs. An example of an operation that is not a job would be a system command. I don't have a z/OS system at hand right now, but I believe another example of an operation that would not use the messages you reference would be a started task.
This may be helpful, as it attempts to explain z/OS concepts in Unix terms.
A job is something that goes through JES2/JES3. (In your case, JES2.) JES2/JES3 jobs are generally used for batch type of work. For example, a sort job, where I submit something, and come back later and get an answer. However, there's a lot of work running under z/OS that doesn't go through JES2/JES3.
Part of the problem here is what you mean by an operation; for example, while you may get a message saying that DB2 has started, after it's started, it's not going to tell you every time it gets a query. A TSO user might run a REXX exec underneath his/her address space, but that's not going to go through JES.
Another way to look at this is that JES2/JES3 are job management subsystems, but they aren't equivalent to the kernel on a unix/windows system, which does schedule all the work running on the system. For z/OS, there are multiple ways that work can come in to a system; examples include JES2/JES3, TSO, ISPF, CICS, DB2, IMS, via the console, etc. It's then up to the master scheduler/WLM/SRM to manage all the requests that come in through all of the subsystems.
If you have access to a z/OS system, look into SDSF, or whatever you use to manage JES2. The ST panel, under SDSF, is a list of things that are running/eligible to run that are managed by JES2. However, if you look at the DA panel (assuming you have authority to do so), you'll note that there are a lot of address spaces that show up on the DA panel that don't show up in the ST panel.
If address spaces are started through the JES2-subsystem, which is normally the case unless another subsystem or MSTR is specified using the MVS START command, then the $HASP373 jobname STARTED is issued. Similarly, when the address space ends, message $HASP395 is issued.
The IEF403I and IEF404I messages are issued by the system in similar situations and independent of what either JES2 or JES3 are doing and regardless under what subsystem the address space was started. The messages are only issued when the operator has requested to monitor job names using the SETCON MONITOR or the MONITOR JOBNAMES command. Products for automated operations typically do this.

Recover from OpenCL freeze in Linux

I am writing my first OpenCL kernels on an Ubuntu machine with an NVIDIA card. Once in a while, the application totally freezes the whole computer. The mouse does not move, and the only way to reboot is by force-pressing the power button.
I've realized that the reason for the freezes is that I accidentally read past the last index of a global, read-only float array. While this is something I don't intend to do often, it might still happen in the future.
My question is - is there any way to prevent the computer from completely shutting down if this happens again? I know that, for example, Windows can shut down bad GLSL kernels and recover with a graphics driver restart. Is something similar possible here?
You may not be able to completely recover but you can recover better using SysRq (sometimes called System Request or Magic SysRq). By executing a specific key combination you can have Linux reboot in some what of a sane way (killing processes and unmounting filesystems). This key sequence is described in detail at so I won't repeat it here.
In some cases you might be able to still SSH to the device. If this is your case you might be in more luck. If you can SSH there are a number of other options you can try such as: unloading/reloading the crashed module, restarting the xserver, or at least rebooting the normal way.
Although I'm not an expert on "HURD" I believe it was designed to handle this type of condition better. The only other solution I can think of is using two graphics cards one for X and one for OpenCL. Dependidng on what you are doing you might have to passthrough the NVIDIA to a VM in order to completely isolate it off your host.

Is there a way to independently task and use heterogenous multi gpus in a windows 7 system?

Can I have two mixed chipset/generation AMD gpus in my desktop; a 6950 and 4870, and dedicate one gpu (4870) for opencl/gpgpu purposes only, eliminating the device from video output or display driving consideration by the OS, allowing the 4870 to essentially remain in a deep sleep or appear ejected/disabled until it's stream processors are called upon?
Compared to the 4870, the 6950 is a heavyweight in opencl calculations; enough so that it can crunch numbers and still allow an active user session, and even web browsing. HOWEVER, as soon as I navigate to a webpage with embedded flash video, forget what I have running and open media player or media center- basically any gpu-accelerated video task that requires the 6950 to initialize UVD, the display system hangs.
I'm looking for a way to plug my 4870 in an open pcie slot, have it sit in a dormant state with near-0 heat production and power consumption (essentially only maintain the interface signalling, like an ethernet card in a powered-off desktop maintaining the line and waiting for a WOL command), and attain a D0 state (I don't even care if the latency of this wake event is on the scale of seconds) to then run opencl calculations ON ITS OWN. I do not wish to achieve a non-CF heterogeneous gpu teaming setup! In my example of a UVD hung situation I would see manually stopping the opencl calculations on the 6950, beginning those calculations then on the 4870 to free up the 6950 for multimedia usage/gaming as my desire outcome (granted, with a hit to the calculation rate). Even better if the two gpus could independently run similar calculations while no one is using the desktop. I don't even mind if I have to initiate the power-state transitions of the 4870 from/into an 'OFF' state (say, by a shortcut on the desktop), as long as it doesn't require a system restart, ending the user session and logging off... and the manual ON/OFF 'switch' for the 4870 is something any proficient windows end-user could do- like click a shortcut to run a script, or even go into device manage and toggle enable/disable. As long as the 4870 isn't wastefully idling by for 1 sole use that may occur sporadically.
I couldn't think of a solution to facilitate this function besides writing a new ini for the 4870 to override the typical power management characteristics written for usage of the device as a typical graphics card (say to drop in/out of powered state w/o relinquishing irq or other allocated resources to 'hold the door open' on interface availability and addressing). But that is an endeavor that is both well above my abilities, and I easily see an additional involvement of licensing being necessitated to achieve.
Windows 7 (and maybe windows 10) doesn't define a "selected device". It's softwares' own responsibility to pick the right device. For example, google chrome's add-on software(for video decode) will pick whatever gpu comes as first target defined in it. If it is written to pick first-indexed device, then it needs a pci-e re-plug of both cards to switch their roles.
This OS written to fit for majority(%99) of users, not for multi-gpu users(%1 ?). It simply picks one of gpus or software has explicit control over devices and simply benchmarks all gpus and picks fastest. So you should look for software's abilities instead of OS.
Same thing goes for games too! When I play dota-2 on vulkan api, it uses HD7870 for compute(of textures, particles, etc..) but uses R7-240 for graphics! But I prefer the opposite because R7-240 can't draw fast. Because this game is written for majority of people who don't have more than 1 gpu.
Money controls development I'm sorry for this. Then, market-penetration is needed for money. %99 market penetration needs writing code for public, not scientific guys or rich ones. Public has simply 1 gpu and that is a cheap one.
I wish this:
select 1 gpu for: unzipping files, wathing videos, compressing internet uploads and caching for file system(up to 2GB)
select another gpu for: gaming, opencl applications, mining, ..
select all gpus for: games, benchmarks, seen as single device by my applications,..
but is not guaranteed to become true because money still talks.
If I were a driver developer, I would add a "rename" option(and become poor in return) to give N virtual devices to OS, so OS and other software will be able to gain only 1/N 'th power of whole system or N/N by just using those renames or main devices. A rename could be a single compute unit of a gpu. When OS tells drivers "give me %25 of all cores that share same memory" so it pick a device and gives %25 of total cores of system. So even users could create renames for their own work.
I even sent a message to microsoft for "file system cache on my 2nd graphics card" but they did not return!

Windows CE device powering off Randomly

I have a touch screen device that is running on windows CE. after 30 second the screen goes off to save power and will come back on it you touch it.
The problem is that randomly when the screen goes off the device will not come back on simply by touching the screen. I have a done a bunch of tests and there is no noticeable pattern to when this happens.
It appears to be performing the same action as when you press the suspend button from the main menu.
I have done some research and found there are 4 power saving settings in the registry and I think I need to disable one to stop the device from "suspending". I never want the device to turn off except for the screen going off, it is always connected to power.
Does anyone know how I can do this or why it is randomly suspending ?
And the entire device is in Chinese So really precise instructions would be appreciated. My application runs on top of the CE.
I know you're after precise instructions, but it's not that simple. The device OEM defined and implemented the power management system for the device, Microsoft only provided the structure for it. The OEM could have implemented power management in any way they sought fit,, and in fact they could have completely ignore the Microsoft-provided framework (wouldn't be the first time an OEM did that). Really you need to get a hold of the OEM and ask them how to prevent the behavior you're seeing or to get something different.
Barring that, you could always play around with the registry entries, but again, there's no guarantee any of them will work. You might look at adjusting power state or the activity timer registry entries.
Playing with the power manager control panel applet might also help (it's probably labelled 电源管理)

How to handle power-failure in WinCE?

I've got a WinCE device powered over ethernet (PoE) and I want to prevent File-System corruption following a potential power loss, e.g. user pulling the plug.
As a side note, I'm already using TexFAT which is supposed to prevent FS corruptions. While the later certainly does help reducing FS corruptions (over using plain old FAT), it doesn't entirely prevent some to still occur from time to time... So, I'm considering using a small rechargeable backup battery that would give WinCE enough time to cleanly shut down. Now, I can't find any info on the shutdown process: how to trigger it, how long it takes, and so on... MSDN is pretty quiet on this topic. Any idea?
The powerdown sequence is totally platform dependent.
The following answer is relevant to Windows CE 6. It may be different for previous versions of CE.
If you include the power manager component in your system, then the sequence is plus minus this:
Send go to D4 to all the drivers that are powermanageable and that reported they support this state. Otherwise, the driver gets the lowest powerstate it supports.
XXX_PowerDown is called, but it is not commonly used in Windows CE 6.
In between the registry is flushed in case you have a Hive Based registry and you enabled the registry flush thread. You should disable this in a fragile system such as yours
device down
Just found a post by Bruce Eitman on what happens when Suspending. He puts it better than I do.
The Suspend sequence is what you'd do before loosing power.
