Why is time conversion between epoch seconds and string changing time by 1 calendar year? - python-3.x

I am using the time module of python3 to convert time between seconds and formatted string. Python functions used to generate string are localtime and strftime. To generate the time in seconds, I use string splicing followed by mktime. As I call these repeatedly on each result, only the year changes, always incrementing the seconds by a full year.
Code used is as below:
import time
def time_string(t):
#t is second obtained by time.mktime((yr, mn, dy, hr, mn, sec, 0, 0, 0))
time_struct = time.localtime(t)
time_string = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time_struct)
return time_string
def string_time(t_string):
#t_string has format '2020-01-31 08:23:35'
yr = int(t_string[:4])
mn = int(t_string[5:7])
dy = int(t_string[8:10])
hr = int(t_string[11:13])
mn = int(t_string[14:16])
se = int(t_string[17:])
t=int(time.mktime((yr, mn, dy, hr, mn, se, 0, 0, 0)))
return t
t = int(time.mktime((2020, 3, 19, 18, 15, 20, 0, 0, 0)))
print (t)
for x in range(5):
t_st = time_string(t)
t = string_time(t_st)
The results I get from above code execution is as follows:
2020-03-19 18:15:20
2021-03-19 18:15:20
2022-03-19 18:15:20
2023-03-19 18:15:20
2024-03-19 18:15:20
SystemExit: stopping..
What am I doing wrong? Why does this happen?
What is a better way of converting time-string to seconds?

I do not get the purpose of the question, so what you're actually trying to do, however if you have a string of a time, and you want to have the seconds of it, try using datetime.timestamp() instead of a time-string-splicing...
Your code is increasing in the year by one beacuse in your method string_time(t_string) you set the variable mn twice! One time at mn = int(t_string[5:7]) and once at mn = int(t_string[14:16]) which will result in a month of 15 which will adapt the year by 1 year and 3 month which will result in the one year for you

Found time.strptime to solve the problem of converting back from string using the right formatters. The following code eliminated the need to do string splicing
def string_time(t_string):
#t_string has format '2020-01-31 08:23:35'
t_struct = time.strptime(t_string,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
t = int(time.mktime(t_struct))
return t
Korbinian had already found the error in my code. Is there a reason why I should use the datetime module instead of the date module?


find an open slot in google calendar api between time

i am struggling to iterate over a time interval in google calendar api and check for an open slot, for example:
i have a time interval from 12:10 pm to 6:30 pm and there are 3 events from 12:10 to 3 pm and 3:10 to 4:25 and 5: 00 to 6:20 pm, on that day and the event i want to check has time duration of 25 minutes and i want to iterate over that time period, and possibly place it between 4:25pm to 5:50pm.
i have tried this but its not correct way:
def set_window_filter(title, windowx1, windowx2, event_duration, calendar, next_day):
schedule_date = None
if (windowx1 is not None) and (windowx2 is not None):
x = datetime.strptime(
windowx1, '%I:%M %p')
y = datetime.strptime(
windowx2, '%I:%M %p')
start_date = datetime.combine(
next_day.date(), x.time())
event_between_date = start_date
event_end_date = event_between_date + timedelta(minutes=event_duration)
end_date = datetime.combine(
next_day.date(), y.time())
while event_end_date <= end_date:
if event_end_date >= end_date - timedelta(minutes=(event_duration)):
return None, False
if event_between_date < event_end_date:
event_value, events = calendar.calendar_event_func(
event_between_date, event_end_date)
print('event_value, events: ', event_value, events)
if event_value is None:
print('event_value: ', event_value)
schedule_date = event_between_date.strftime(
'%A, %d, %B, %Y %I:%M %p')
return schedule_date, False
event_between_date += timedelta(minutes=10)
event_end_date += timedelta(minutes=10)
basically windowx1 and windowx2 are input of time period like 1 PM TO 5 PM
event_value, events = calendar.calendar_event_func(
event_between_date, event_end_date)
this function will return event value(i.e True) and events list if finds any events between the given time period and None and [] if none found,
what could be a better way than this.
This function below will find the earliest available time when a meeting of a desired duration can be scheduled. For example, if the desired window is from 5 to 10, the desired duration is 1 hour and there is an existing meeting from 5:30 to 6:45, the function will return the 6:45 time.
def findFirstOpenSlot(events,startTime,endTime,duration):
def parseDate(rawDate):
#Transform the datetime given by the API to a python datetime object.
return datetime.datetime.strptime(rawDate[:-6]+ rawDate[-6:].replace(":",""), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
eventStarts = [parseDate(e['start'].get('dateTime', e['start'].get('date'))) for e in events]
eventEnds = [parseDate(e['end'].get('dateTime', e['end'].get('date'))) for e in events]
gaps = [start-end for (start,end) in zip(eventStarts[1:], eventEnds[:-1])]
if startTime + duration < eventStarts[0]:
#A slot is open at the start of the desired window.
return startTime
for i, gap in enumerate(gaps):
if gap > duration:
#This means that a gap is bigger than the desired slot duration, and we can "squeeze" a meeting.
#Just after that meeting ends.
return eventEnds[i]
#If no suitable gaps are found, return none.
return None
The function parameters are as follows:
events: a list of raw event objects as obtained via events.get.
startTime , endTime: The start and end of the desired window where the new event should be placed, as a python datetime.
duration: the duration of the new event, as a python timedelta.
The function will return None if it is impossible to schedule the meeting. With that, you can proceed to create the new event with event.insert.

How do I convert numpy array to days, hours, mins?

Running with this series
X = number_of_logons_all.values
split = round(len(X) / 2)
X1, X2 = X[0:split], X[split:]
mean1, mean2 = X1.mean(), X2.mean()
var1, var2 = X1.var(), X2.var()
print('mean1=%f, mean2=%f' % (mean1, mean2))
print('variance1=%f, variance2=%f' % (var1, var2))
I get:
mean1=60785.792548, mean2=61291.266868
variance1=7483553053.651829, variance2=7603208729.348722
But I wanted something like this in my PyCharm console (pulled from another result):
>>> -103 days +04:37:13.802435724...
Tried to place the np.array in a pd.Dataframe() to get the expected value by adding
.apply(pd.to_timedelta, unit='s')
...this didn't work, so I tried
new = pd.DataFrame([mean1]).to_numpy(dtype='timedelta64[ns]')
...and (still) got something like this:
>>>> [[63394]]
Anyone out there who could assist me converting to an easily comprehended datetime result from my means calculation above?
Thx, in advance for your kind support.
You can use f-strings:
mean1, mean2 = 60785.792548, 61291.266868
variance1, variance2=7603208729.348722,7483553053.651829
print(f'mean1={pd.Timedelta(mean1, unit="s")}, mean2={pd.Timedelta(mean2, unit="s")}')
print(f'variance1={pd.Timedelta(variance1, unit="s")}, variance2={pd.Timedelta(variance2, unit="s")}')
mean1=0 days 16:53:05.792548, mean2=0 days 17:01:31.266868
variance1=88000 days 02:25:29.348722458, variance2=86615 days 04:44:13.651828766

Time Duration in python

Given two strings :
start_time="3:00 PM"
Start time is in 12-hour clock format (ending in AM or PM), and duration time
that indicates the number of hours and minutes
Assume that the start times are valid times.The minutes in the duration time will
be a whole number less than 60, but the hour can be any whole number.
I need to add the duration time to the start time and return the result
The result should be in 12-hour clock format (ending in AM or PM) indicates the
number of hours and minutes
start_time = "6:30 PM"
Duration = "205:12"
# Returns: 7:42 AM
I Tried and finally got the required answer but unable to produce correct AM or PM for
the result after addition.
what I Tried:
start_time = "6:30 PM"
Duration = "205:12"
#My answer =7:42
#expected :7:42 AM
Can someone help me with the logic to produce correct AM or PM after addition of start
time and Duration.
def add_time(a,b):
be1 = int(b[0][:b[0].find(':')])
af1 = int(b[0][b[0].find(':') + 1:])
if ((s>12) and (p<60)) :
elif ((s<12) and (p>60)) :
f = p-60
if len(str(f))<=1:
return (str(s + 1)+":"+(str(f)))
elif ((s<12) and (p<60)) :
elif ((s>12) and (p>60)):
if len(str(f)) <= 1:
return (str((s -12)+1)+":"+('0' + str(f)))
return (str((s -12)+1)+":"+(str(f)))
print(add_time("10:10 PM", "3:30"))
# Returns: 1:40 AM
print(add_time("11:43 PM", "24:20"))
# Returns: 12:03 AM
Your code does not seem to cover all edge cases, e.g. add_time("11:43 PM", "1:20") returns None because the case s==12 is not covered.
Therefore one should put <= instead of < in the respective if conditions. The case where the addition of the minutes leads to hours greater than 12 although the addition of the hours itself did not, is not covered either. So we should check the minutes first and the hours after that instead of simultaneously.
To make the code more readable, we use f-strings and can use str.split() with an argument, forgive me for changing the code quite a bit:
def add_time(a,b):
start = a.split()
start_h, start_m = [int(val) for val in start[0].split(':')]
start_app = start[1]
dur_h, dur_m = [int(val) for val in b.split(':')]
end_m = start_m+dur_m
end_h = end_m//60
end_m %= 60
end_h += start_h+dur_h
if (end_h//12)%2==0:
end_app = start_app
end_app = 'AM' if start_app=='PM' else 'PM'
return f'{end_h:02}:{end_m:02} {end_app}'

Simple way to get the epoch of 12 AM for today in UTC in Python (3.x)?

I am trying to come up with the epoch of the start of the day (12AM midnight UTC) in Python. I found this snippet:
today = datetime.date.today()
time.mktime((today.year, today.month, today.day, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
but the resulting epoch leads to today's date at 5AM. The reason I need this is because I have a script executing a SQL command that needs to filter using epoch time (for some reason, casting or extracting an epoch through native SQL results in my query finishing in 5 minutes, as compared to 12 seconds). I'm guessing that the code snippet I put above uses my local machine time.
You need to figure how what date it is currently in UTC, and then replace the time bits:
now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
midnight = now.replace(hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0)
In order to get the epoch, use midnight.timestamp(). This will ensure that the timezone information is applied when calculating the timestamp.

how to choose certain elements of a matrix to create a new one with np.array?

I have a matrix called "times" of form (1,517) where are the times of a whole day 24 hours (in seconds Epoch time) and I want to create a new matrix with the times of each half hour, that is, starting from the first time then the one that corresponds to half hour later and so on until completing all the half hours that there are in a day, that is, 48
I created a delta of time with
dt = timedelta (hours = 0.5)
dts = timedelta.total_seconds (dt)
but I do not know how to do to indicate that my new matrix takes those elements
Out[4]: (1, 517)
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1.55086577e+09, 1.55086593e+09, 1.55086610e+09, 1.55086626e+09,
1.55086646e+09, 1.55086662e+09, 1.55086678e+09, 1.55086695e+09,
1.55086711e+09, 1.55086728e+09, 1.55086744e+09, 1.55086760e+09,
1.55086777e+09, 1.55086793e+09, 1.55086810e+09, 1.55086830e+09,
1.55086846e+09, 1.55086862e+09, 1.55086879e+09, 1.55086895e+09,
1.55086911e+09, 1.55086928e+09, 1.55086944e+09, 1.55086960e+09,
1.55086977e+09, 1.55086997e+09, 1.55087013e+09, 1.55087030e+09,
1.55087046e+09, 1.55087062e+09, 1.55087079e+09, 1.55087095e+09,
1.55087111e+09, 1.55087128e+09, 1.55087144e+09, 1.55087161e+09,
1.55087180e+09, 1.55087197e+09, 1.55087213e+09, 1.55087230e+09,
1.55087246e+09, 1.55087262e+09, 1.55087279e+09, 1.55087295e+09,
1.55087312e+09, 1.55087328e+09, 1.55087344e+09, 1.55087364e+09,
1.55087380e+09, 1.55087397e+09, 1.55087413e+09, 1.55087430e+09,
1.55087446e+09, 1.55087462e+09, 1.55087479e+09, 1.55087495e+09,
1.55087512e+09, 1.55087528e+09, 1.55087548e+09, 1.55087564e+09,
1.55087580e+09, 1.55087597e+09, 1.55087613e+09, 1.55087630e+09,
1.55087646e+09, 1.55087662e+09, 1.55087679e+09, 1.55087695e+09,
1.55087712e+09, 1.55087732e+09, 1.55087748e+09, 1.55087764e+09,
1.55087781e+09, 1.55087797e+09, 1.55087813e+09, 1.55087830e+09,
1.55087846e+09, 1.55087862e+09, 1.55087879e+09, 1.55087899e+09,
1.55087915e+09, 1.55087932e+09, 1.55087948e+09, 1.55087964e+09,
First we create an array with a date range between the first and last entry of times
t = np.arange(np.datetime64(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(times[0,0])), np.datetime64(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(times[0,-1])), np.timedelta64(30, 'm'))
Output for t
array(['2019-02-22T01:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T01:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T02:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T02:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T03:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T03:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T04:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T04:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T05:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T05:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T06:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T06:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T07:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T07:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T08:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T08:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T09:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T09:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T10:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T10:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T11:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T11:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T12:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T12:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T13:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T13:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T14:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T14:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T15:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T15:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T16:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T16:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T17:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T17:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T18:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T18:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T19:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T19:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T20:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T20:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T21:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T21:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T22:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T22:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-22T23:00:10.000000', '2019-02-22T23:30:10.000000',
'2019-02-23T00:00:10.000000', '2019-02-23T00:30:10.000000'],
Now, we want to calculate this back to seconds. To do this, we create a lambda function which does this for a single element of the array and use np.apply_along_axis to perform this operation element-wise on the array.
f = lambda x: (x - np.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'))/np.timedelta64(1,'s')
np.apply_along_axis(f, 0, t)
array([1.55079721e+09, 1.55079901e+09, 1.55080081e+09, 1.55080261e+09,
1.55080441e+09, 1.55080621e+09, 1.55080801e+09, 1.55080981e+09,
1.55081161e+09, 1.55081341e+09, 1.55081521e+09, 1.55081701e+09,
1.55081881e+09, 1.55082061e+09, 1.55082241e+09, 1.55082421e+09,
1.55082601e+09, 1.55082781e+09, 1.55082961e+09, 1.55083141e+09,
1.55083321e+09, 1.55083501e+09, 1.55083681e+09, 1.55083861e+09,
1.55084041e+09, 1.55084221e+09, 1.55084401e+09, 1.55084581e+09,
1.55084761e+09, 1.55084941e+09, 1.55085121e+09, 1.55085301e+09,
1.55085481e+09, 1.55085661e+09, 1.55085841e+09, 1.55086021e+09,
1.55086201e+09, 1.55086381e+09, 1.55086561e+09, 1.55086741e+09,
1.55086921e+09, 1.55087101e+09, 1.55087281e+09, 1.55087461e+09,
1.55087641e+09, 1.55087821e+09, 1.55088001e+09, 1.55088181e+09])
