Run parallel jobs on-prem dynamic spark clusters - apache-spark

I am new to spark, And we have a requirement to set up a dynamic spark cluster to run multiple jobs. by referring to some articles, we can achieve this by using EMR (Amazon) service.
Is there any way to the same setup that can be done locally?
Once Spark clusters are available with services running on different ports on different servers, how to point mist to new spark cluster for each job.
Thanks in advance.

Yes, you can use a Standalone cluster that Spark provides where you can set up Spark Cluster (master nodes and slave nodes). There are also docker containers that can be used to achieve that. Take a look here.
Other options it will be to take and deploy locally Hadoop ecosystems, like MapR, Hortonworks, Cloudera.


What is Databricks Spark cluster manager? Can it be changed?

Original Spark distributive supports several cluster managers like YARN, Mesos, Spark Standalone, K8s.
I can't find what is under the hood in Databricks Spark, which cluster manager it is using, and is it possible to change?
What's Databricks Spark architecture?
You can't check the cluster manager in Databricks, and you really don't need that because this part is managed for you. You can think about it as a kind of standalone cluster, but there are differences. General Databricks architecture is shown here.
You can change the cluster configuration by different means - init scripts, configuration parameters, etc. See documentation for more details.

How to run a Spark Standalone master on Kubernetes that will use the Kubernetes Cluser Manager to start workers

I have an application that currently uses Standalone Mode locally to use spark functionality via the SparkContext. We are not using spark-submit to upload our jobs, we are running our application in a container on kubernetes so we would like to take advantage of the dynamic scheduling that kubernetes provides to run the jobs.
We started out looking for a helm chart to create stand alone cluster running on kubernetes similar to how you would have run a standalone cluster on machines ( vms or actual machines ) a few years ago and came across the following
very old instances of spark
not using the containers provided by spark
this setup wastes a bunch of resources if you need to have large worker nodes reserved and running all the time regardless of your need
Next we started looking at the spark-operator approach here
Doesn't support the way we interact with spark, takes the approach that all the apps are standalone apps that are pushed to the cluster to run
No longstanding master that allows us to take advantage of cached resources in the cluster
Along this journey we discovered that spark now supports a kubernetes cluster manager ( similar to the way it does with yarn, mesos ) so we are looking that this might be the best approach, but this still does not provide a standalone master that would allow for the in memory caching. I have looked to see if there was a way that I could get the org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master to start and use the
So I guess what I'm trying to ask is does anyone have any experience in trying to run a Standalone Master, that would use the kubernetes backend such as "KubernetesClusterManager" in order to have the worker nodes dynamically created as pods and running executors while having a permanent Standalone Master that would allow a SparkContext to connect to it remotely in client mode.

How to setup Spark with a multi node Cassandra cluster?

First of all, I am not using the DSE Cassandra. I am building this on my own and using Microsoft Azure to host the servers.
I have a 2-node Cassandra cluster, I've managed to set up Spark on a single node but I couldn't find any online resources about setting it up on a multi-node cluster.
This is not a duplicate of how to setup spark Cassandra multi node cluster?
To set it up on a single node, I've followed this tutorial "Setup Spark with Cassandra Connector".
You have two high level tasks here:
setup Spark (single node or cluster);
setup Cassandra (single node or cluster);
This tasks are different and not related (if we are not talking about data locality).
How to setup Spark in Cluster you can find here Architecture overview.
Generally there are two types (standalone, where you setup Spark on hosts directly, or using tasks schedulers (Yarn, Mesos)), you should draw upon your requirements.
As you built all by yourself, I suppose you will use Standalone installation. The difference between one node is network communication. By default Spark runs on localhost, more commonly it uses FQDNS name, so you should configure it in /etc/hosts and hostname -f or try IPs.
Take a look at this page, which contains all necessary ports for nodes communication. All ports should be open and available between nodes.
Be attentive that by default Spark uses TorrentBroadcastFactory with random ports.
For Cassandra see this docs: 1, 2, tutorials 3, etc.
You will need 4 likely. You also could use Cassandra inside Mesos using docker containers.
p.s. If data locality it is your case you should come up with something yours, because nor Mesos, nor Yarn don't handle running spark jobs for partitioned data closer to Cassandra partitions.

Datastax Spark Sql Thriftserver with Spark Application

I have an analytics node running, with Spark Sql Thriftserver running on it. Now I can't run another Spark Application with spark-submit.
It says it doesn't have resources. How to configure the dse node, to be able to run both?
The SparkSqlThriftServer is a Spark application like any other. This means it requests and reserves all resources in the cluster by default.
There are two options if you want to run multiple applications at the same time:
Allocate only part of your resources to each application.
This is done by setting spark.cores.max to a smaller value than the max resources in your cluster.
See Spark Docs
Dynamic Allocation
Which allows applications to change the amount of resources they use depending on how much work they are trying to do.
See Spark Docs

Is it worth deploying Spark on YARN if I have no other cluster software?

I have a Spark cluster running in standalone mode. I am currently executing code on using Jupyter notebook calling pyspark. Is there a benefit to using YARN as the cluster manager, assuming that the machines are not doing anything else?
Would I get better performance using YARN? If so, why?
Many thanks,
I'd say YES by considering these points.
Why Run on YARN?
Using YARN as Spark’s cluster manager confers a few benefits over Spark standalone:
You can take advantage of all the features of YARN schedulers for categorizing, isolating, and prioritizing workloads.
Any how Spark standalone mode also requires worker for slave activity which can not run non Spark applications, where as with YARN, this is isolated in containers, so adoption of another compute framework should be a code change instead of infra + code. So the cluster can be shared among different frameworks.
YARN is the only cluster manager for Spark that supports security. With
YARN, Spark can run against Kerberized Hadoop clusters and uses
secure authentication between its processes.
YARN allows you to dynamically share and centrally configure the same
pool of cluster resources between all frameworks that run on YARN.
You can throw your entire cluster at a MapReduce job, then use some
of it on an Impala query and the rest on Spark application, without
any changes in configuration.
I would say 1,2 and 3 are suitable for mentioned scenarios but not point 4 as we assumed no other frameworks are going to use the cluster.
