In Azure powershell set output to table format instead of json - azure

In Azure powershell, the json format is annoying at times. Need to scroll backwards and de-crypt .
How do i change the default to be --output table for all az commands?

In Azure powershell, type the following inorder-to change the default output to table
az configure
it will prompt you with following question. Select 3
Do you wish to change your settings? (y/N): y
What default output format would you like?
[1] json - JSON formatted output that most closely matches API responses.
[2] jsonc - Colored JSON formatted output that most closely matches API responses.
[3] table - Human-readable output format.
Please enter a choice [Default choice(1)]: 3
This is for users who doesn't like the default json format

Since you've given a solution on how to configure default table output for Azure CLI, this question should also have a solution for Azure PowerShell.
The easiest solution I can think of is just piping the output to Format-Table e.g. Get-AzResourceGroup | Format-Table -AutoSize.
You can have a look for more information at Format Azure PowerShell cmdlet output.


Auto format azure bicep file

How to auto format azure bicep files to have common way for writing/format code
param instLocation array = [
param instLocation array = ['euw']
To auto format azure bicep file, you can use
format via the VS Code UI. View -> Command palette... then type format document
use cli az bicep format that will come out with next release,

How to find length of result array in Azure CLI via JMESPath?

I am trying to "explore" json results from an Azure CLI command using the --query switch (e.g. az functionapp list --query <something>), and to get started I'd like the length of the resulting array.
The Azure CLI help says nothing specific, and points to which does indeed show that a length function exists, however it seems to require an argument. I have no name for the argument, which is the root/outermost array returned by the list command.
It seems from that length(something) is what I want, but I don't know what to put in for the "something" part. What do I put here? Or am I going about this all wrong??
As we know az functionapp list returns a json where the root node is an array. In order to get the length of this array we can use the following syntax:
az functionapp list --query "[] | length(#)"

Azure adds timestamp at the beginning logs

I have a problem with the logs retrieving from my docker containers with Azure log analytics, all logs are retrieving well but Azure adds a date at the beginning of each line of the log, which means that an entry is created for each line and I can't analyze my logs correctly because they are divided...
For example on this image I have in the black rectangle an added date (by azure I think) and in the red rectangle the date appearing in my logs :
Also, if there is no date on a line of my logs, there is still an added date on all lines, even the empty ones
The problem is that azure cuts my log file line by line by adding a date on each line when I would like it to delimit with the dates already present in my logs files.
Do you have any solutions?
One of the solution I can think of is that, when you query the logs, you can use the replace() method to replace the redundant date(replace it with a empty string etc.). And you need to write the proper regular expression for your purpose.
A false query like below:
| extend new_logEntry=replace(#'xxx', #'xxx', LogEntry)
Currently Azure Monitor for containers doesn’t support multi-line logging, but there are workarounds available. You can configure all the services to write in JSON format and then Docker/Moby will write them as a single line.

What is the format of azure monitor metric alert conditions in Azure CLI?

The documentation for az monitor metrics alert create does not explain the format used for --conditon parameter. Seems to me the value ends up being passed as allOf argument to constructor of MetricAlertSingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria class as seen in the Azure CLI source for However this would mean this is a list of MetricCritieria, but the documentation examples are as follows:
--condition "total transactions > 5 where ResponseType includes Success"
--condition "avg SuccessE2ELatency > 250 where ApiName includes GetBlob or PutBlob"
which doesn't look like a valid format for the list[MetricCritieria]
The detailed format description is given upon calling with the -h flag:
PS> az monitor metrics alert create -h
az monitor metrics alert create : Create a metric-based alert rule.
--condition [Required] : The condition which triggers the rule.
Usage: --conditon {avg,min,max,total,count} [NAMESPACE.]METRIC {=,!=,>,>=,<,<=} THRESHOLD
[where DIMENSION {includes,excludes} VALUE [or VALUE ...]
[and DIMENSION {includes,excludes} VALUE [or VALUE ...] ...]]
Dimensions can be queried by adding the 'where' keyword and multiple dimensions can be
queried by combining them with the 'and' keyword.
Values for METRIC, DIMENSION and appropriate THRESHOLD values can be obtained from `az
monitor metrics list-definition` command.
Multiple conditons can be specified by using more than one `--condition` argument.
If you have a custom metrics which contains dot '.' or colon ':' then it is not so easy and I did not find any documentation. Fortunately what I found was a metric condition parser rule where you can read how the condition should look like.
So for example my metric is called Ori.EventHub:DeliveryTime, so the condition switch should look like:
az monitor metrics alert create --condition "avg Azure.ApplicationInsights.'Ori.EventHub:DeliveryTime' > 100" .

Powershell: Formatting executable

I'm trying to create a script that will format the output of w32tm.exe /monitor and display in a table the server name, NTP offset, and RefID.
I'm a little unaware of how to go about getting the output from an executable file to format it and was wondering if someone here could help me. Right now I'm trying this:
$executable = w32tm.exe /monitor
$executable | Format-Table -View "Server Name", "NTP offset", "RefID"
How can I manage to get the executable to be formatted in a table to display those specific parts of the exe?
Hi I also needed to do this before I found a function someone made to do this have a look I am sure you can change it to suit your needs or just use it as is .
Article on how it works
