Retrieve the state in scan() iterator? - rust

To obtain the partial sums of a sequence of integers, I can use scan() on the iterator like this:
let partial: Box<[u32]> =
.scan(0, |st, elem| {
let ret = *st;
*st += elem;
The above code works well, but I'm trying to modify it to give me the total sum as well.
Something like:
let (partial, total): (Box<[u32]>, u32) =
.scan(0, |st, elem| {
It seems like I would just need to obtain the eventual value of st, and the iterator should already know it's value. However, I can't seem to find a way to retrieve that value, short of doing a second iteration over the whole sequence (e.g. with fold()).
Is there a way to find the partial sums and the total sum in a single pass?

Include the total sum in the scan, but then split off the last value.
use std::iter;
fn main() {
let list = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
// Add zero at the start to emulate what you had before
let partial: Box<[u32]> = iter::once(0)
.chain(list.iter().scan(0, |st, elem| {
*st += elem;
// unwrap since with the added zero, the slice will always be non-empty
let (total, partial) = partial.split_last().unwrap();
println!("partial sums: {:?}", partial);
println!("total sum: {}", total);
Or using successors():
fn main() {
use std::iter::successors;
let list = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
let mut iter = list.iter();
let partial: Vec<_> = successors(Some(0), |n||i| n + i)).collect();
// unwrap since with the added zero, the slice will always be non-empty
let (total, partial) = partial.split_last().unwrap();
assert_eq!(partial, &[0, 1, 3, 6]);
assert_eq!(total, &10);

You must decide what you want to do in the closure.
As it stands in your code, you remember ret = *st which is the accumulator's value before the addition takes place, and you return Some(ret). Thus, the first item you get in the result is currently 0.
If you want the value after the sums, you should just return Some(*st), which is the updated accumulator's value after the addition.


How to sum elements of Vec<Vec<f64>> together into a Vec<f64>?

I am looking for an "rusty" way to accumulate a Vec<Vec> into a Vec such that the 1st element of every inner Vec is summed together, every 2nd element of each Vec is summed together, etc..., and the results are collected into a Vec? If I just use sum(), fold(), or accumulate() I believe I will sum entire 1st Vec together into a single element, rather than the 1st element of each inner Vec contained in the 2D Vec.
pub fn main() {
let v1 = vec![1.1, 2.2, 3.3];
let vv = vec![v1; 3];
let desired_result = vec![3.3, 6.6, 9.9];
Sometimes it's easy to forget in Rust that the imperative approach exists and is an easy solution.
let mut sums = vec![0.0; vv[0].len()];
for v in vv {
for (i, x) in v.into_iter().enumerate() {
sums[i] += x;
While I prefer #orlp's solution, if you're hell-bent on doing this the most functionally possible, you could do it like this:
let v1 = vec![1.1, 2.2, 3.3];
let vv = vec![v1; 3];
let sums = vec![0.0; vv[0].len()];
let summed = vv.into_iter().fold(sums, |mut sums, v| {
v.into_iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, x)| sums[i] += x);
Also if knowing beforehand the size of the inner vectors (or taking it from the first occurence in the vv vector), you can use a range iterator:
pub fn main() {
let v1 = vec![1.1, 2.2, 3.3];
let v1_len = v1.len();
let vv = vec![v1; 3];
let res: Vec<f64> = (0..v1_len)
.map(|i| vv.iter().map(|v| v.get(i).unwrap()).sum())

How does one get an iterator to the max value element in Rust?

I want to access the element next to the maximal one in a Vec<i32>. I'm looking for something like this:
let v = vec![1, 3, 2];
let it = v.iter().max_element();
In C++, I would go with std::max_element and then just increase the iterator (with or without bounds checking, depending on how adventurous I feel at the moment). The Rust max only returns a reference to the element, which is not good enough for my use case.
The only solution I came up with is using enumerate to get the index of the item - but this seems manual and cumbersome when compared to the C++ way.
I would prefer something in the standard library.
This example is simplified - I actually want to attach to the highest value and then from that point loop over the whole container (possibly with cycle() or something similar).
C++ iterators are not the same as Rust iterators. Rust iterators are forward-only and can only be traversed once. C++ iterators can be thought of as cursors. See What are the main differences between a Rust Iterator and C++ Iterator? for more details.
In order to accomplish your goal in the most generic way possible, you have to walk through the entire iterator to find the maximum value. Along the way, you have to duplicate the iterator each time you find a new maximum value. At the end, you can return the iterator corresponding to the point after the maximum value.
trait MaxElement {
type Iter;
fn max_element(self) -> Self::Iter;
impl<I> MaxElement for I
I: Iterator + Clone,
I::Item: PartialOrd,
type Iter = Self;
fn max_element(mut self) -> Self::Iter {
let mut max_iter = self.clone();
let mut max_val = None;
while let Some(val) = {
if max_val.as_ref().map_or(true, |m| &val > m) {
max_iter = self.clone();
max_val = Some(val);
fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 3, 2];
let mut it = v.iter().max_element();
See also:
How can I add new methods to Iterator?
I actually want to attach to the highest value and then from that point loop over the whole container (possibly with cycle() or something similar).
In that case, I'd attempt to be more obvious:
fn index_of_max(values: &[i32]) -> Option<usize> {
.max_by_key(|(_idx, &val)| val)
.map(|(idx, _val)| idx)
fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 3, 2];
let idx = index_of_max(&v).unwrap_or(0);
let (a, b) = v.split_at(idx);
let mut it = b.iter().chain(a).skip(1);
See also:
What's the fastest way of finding the index of the maximum value in an array?
Using max_by_key on a vector of floats
What is the idiomatic way to get the index of a maximum or minimum floating point value in a slice or Vec in Rust?
Find the item in an array with the largest property
a simple solution is to use fold,
the following code produces "largest num is: 99"
let vv:Vec<i32> = (1..100).collect();
let largest = vv.iter().fold(std::i32::MIN, |a,b| a.max(*b));
println!("largest {} ", largest);
If all you want is the value of the item following the maximum, I would do it with a simple call to fold, keeping track of the max found so far and the corresponding next value:
fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 3, 2];
let nxt = v.iter().fold (
(None, None),
|acc, x| {
match acc {
(Some (max), _) if x > max => (Some (x), None),
(Some (max), None) => (Some (max), Some (x)),
(None, _) => (Some (x), None),
_ => acc
assert_eq!(Some(&2), nxt);
Depending on what you want to do with the items following the max, a similar approach may allow you to do it in a single pass.

Why does a doubly-reversed iterator act as if it was never reversed?

I have an input vector which contains numbers. In an output vector, I need to get a sequence of partial products but in right-to-left order. The last element of the output must be equal to the last one in the input; the second-to-last element of the output must be a product of the last and second-to-last elements of input; and so on. For example, if the input vector is
let input = vec![2, 3, 4];
then I need the output to be [24, 12, 4].
My implementation takes an iterator over the input, reverses it, maps, reverses again and collects:
fn main() {
let input = vec![2, 3, 4];
let mut prod = 1;
let p: Vec<usize> = input
.map(|v| {
prod *= v;
println!("{:?}", p);
The result is [2, 6, 24], the same as if I delete both rev()s. The two rev()s do not solve the problem, they just "annihilate" each other.
Is this task solvable in "chain of calls" style, without using for?
This behavior is actually explicitly described in the documentation:
Notes about side effects
The map iterator implements DoubleEndedIterator, meaning that
you can also map backwards:
But if your closure has state, iterating backwards may act in a way you do
not expect. […]
A way to solve this would be by adding an intermediary collect to be sure that the second rev does not apply on the Map:
fn main() {
let input = vec![2, 3, 4];
let mut prod = 1;
let p: Vec<usize> = input
.map(|v| {
prod *= v;
println!("{:?}", p);
But that requires an extra allocation. Another way would be to collect, and then reverse:
fn main() {
let input = vec![2, 3, 4];
let mut prod = 1;
let mut p: Vec<usize> = input
.map(|v| {
prod *= v;
println!("{:?}", p);
Your prod variable is carrying state across from one item to the next, which is not what a mapping does. Mappings operate on each element independently, which makes them easily parallelized and easier to reason about. The result you're asking for is to be precise a right scan (a reversed case of a prefix sum), but I'm not sure there are convenient methods to collect from the right (probably the easiest mutable way would be using VecDeque::push_front). This led me to perform the operation in two passes for my first version:
fn main() {
let input: Vec<usize> = vec![2, 3, 4];
let initprod = 1;
let prev: Vec<usize> = input
.scan(initprod, |prod, &v| {
*prod *= v;
let p: Vec<usize> = prev.into_iter().rev().collect();
println!("{:?}", p);
Note that initprod is immutable; prod carries the state. Using into_iter also means prev is consumed. We could use vec.reverse as shown by mcarton, but then we need to have a mutable variable. Scans can be parallelized, but to a lesser degree than maps. See e.g. discussion on adding them to Rayon. One might also consider if a ExactSizeIterator should allow reverse collection into an ordinary vector, but the standard library scan method breaks the known size using Option (which by the next convention turns it into a take-while-scan).
Here's a fewer copy variant using a preallocated VecDeque to collect from the right. I used an extra scope to restrict the mutability. It also requires Rust 1.21 or later to use for_each. There's unnecessary overhead in tracking the number of items and ring buffer structure, but it's at least somewhat legible still.
use std::collections::VecDeque;
fn main() {
let input: Vec<usize> = vec![2,3,4];
let p = {
let mut pmut = VecDeque::with_capacity(input.len());
let initprod = 1;
.scan(initprod, |prod, &v| {
*prod *= v;
.for_each(|v| {
println!("{:?}", p);
Incidentally, following the old adage about Lisp programmers knowing the value of everything and the cost of nothing, here's a Haskell version I don't really know how inefficient it is:
scanr1 (*) [2, 3, 4]

What's the best way to compare 2 vectors or strings element by element?

What's the best way to compare 2 vectors or strings element by element in Rust, while being able to do processing on each pair of elements? For example if you wanted to keep count of the number of differing elements. This is what I'm using:
let mut diff_count: i32 = 0i32;
for (x, y) in a.chars().zip(b.chars()) {
if x != y {
diff_count += 1i32;
Is that the correct way or is there something more canonical?
To get the count of matching elements, I'd probably use filter and count.
fn main() {
let a = "Hello";
let b = "World";
let matching = a.chars().zip(b.chars()).filter(|&(a, b)| a == b).count();
println!("{}", matching);
let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let b = [1, 1, 3, 3, 5];
let matching = a.iter().zip(&b).filter(|&(a, b)| a == b).count();
println!("{}", matching);
Iterator::zip takes two iterators and produces another iterator of the tuple of each iterator's values.
Iterator::filter takes a reference to the iterator's value and discards any value where the predicate closure returns false. This performs the comparison.
Iterator::count counts the number of elements in the iterator.
Note that Iterator::zip stops iterating when one iterator is exhausted. If you need different behavior, you may also be interested in
Itertools::zip_longest or Itertools::zip_eq.
If you wanted to use #Shepmaster's answer as the basis of an assertion to be used in a unit test, try this:
fn do_vecs_match<T: PartialEq>(a: &Vec<T>, b: &Vec<T>) -> bool {
let matching = a.iter().zip(b.iter()).filter(|&(a, b)| a == b).count();
matching == a.len() && matching == b.len()
Of course, be careful when using this on floats! Those pesky NaNs won't compare, and you might want to use a tolerance for comparing the other values. And you might want to make it fancy by telling the index of the first nonmatching value.

Creating a vector with non-constant length

Editor's note: this question was asked before Rust 1.0 and some of the assertions in the question are not necessarily true in Rust 1.0. Some answers have been updated to address both versions.
I want to create a vector, but I only know the size I want the vector to be at runtime. This is how I'm doing it now (i.e. creating an empty, mutable vector, and adding vectors to it) :
fn add_pairs(pairs: ~[int]) -> ~[int] {
let mut result : ~[int] = ~[];
let mut i = 0;
while i < pairs.len() {
result += ~[pairs[i] + pairs[i + 1]];
i += 2;
return result;
This is how I want to do it (i.e., creating a vector and putting everything in it, instead of adding lots of vectors together):
fn add_pairs(pairs: ~[int]) -> ~[int] {
let number_of_pairs = pairs.len() / 2;
let result : ~[int, ..number_of_pairs];
let mut i = 0;
while i < pairs.len() {
result[i] = pairs[2 * i] + pairs[2 * i + 1];
i += 1;
return result;
Unfortunately, doing the above gives me something like:
error: expected constant expr for vector length: Non-constant path in constant expr
let result: ~[int, ..number_of_pairs];
I get the impression that vectors have to have their size known at compile time (and so you need to set their size to a constant). Coming from a Java background, I'm confused! Is there a way to create a vector whose size you only know at runtime?
I'm using Rust 0.6.
In Rust version 1.0.0, they've made the std::vec:Vec public structure stable so that you can instantiate a growable vector with let mut my_vec = Vec::new(); You can also use the vec! macro like so: let mut another_vec = vec![1isize, 2isize, 3isize]; What is important to note is that in both cases the variable you're assigning must be mutable.
With these vectors you can call my_vec.push(num); for individual items or another_vec.extend_from_slice(["list", "of", "objects"]); to add items to the end of the vector.
For your specific problem, you could do something like this:
fn add_pairs(pairs: Vec<(Vec<isize>)>) -> Vec<isize> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
for pair in pairs.iter() {
return result;
You can see this in action on the Rust Playground where you have (what I assumed) was a nested vector of integer pairs.
There is no way to create an array of constant length with the length determined at runtime; only compile-time constant length arrays are allowed, so (variations of) your first method with Vec<i32> (previously ~[int]) is the only supported way. You could use vec![0; number_of_pairs] to create a vector of the correct size and use the second part.
There are many helper functions for what you are trying to do (using while directly Rust should be very rare):
fn add_pairs(pairs: &[i32]) -> Vec<i32> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
for i in 0..(pairs.len() / 2) {
result.push(pairs[2 * i] + pairs[2 * i + 1])
Or even
fn add_pairs(pairs: &[i32]) -> Vec<i32> {
.filter(|x| x.len() == 2)
.map(|x| x[0] + x[1])
Docs: chunks, filter, map, collect. (The filter is just because the last element of chunks may have length 1.)
Also note that adding two vectors allocates a whole new one, while push doesn't do this necessarily and is much faster (and .collect is similar).
In at least Rust 1.0, there is a Vec::with_capacity() function that handles this scenario.
Example code:
let n = 44; // pretend this is determined at run time
let mut v = Vec::<f64>::with_capacity(n);
println!("{:?}", v); // prints [6.26]
println!("{:?}", v.len()); // prints 1
println!("{:?}", v.capacity()); // prints 44
