Call kit incoming call not getting triggered on Testflight build - voip

I used this code to build my app.. Actually it's working very fine on loose build but not on testflight build.. It would be great if anyone knows this?

Mistakenly I was using the sandbox certificate, replaced it with the production certificate and it works.


500 error when I try to deploy nextjs ssg application with incremental-static-generation

I have NextJS app with SSG. This functionality was added recently and according to it I should do next-export after next-build to get static files. But after appearing in 9.4 of Incremental Static Regeneration I need to keep server on by npm-start command (in my case I use custom server file with next-express functionality). It works good locally and It works good when I get artifact from Azure. But It doesn't work globally when it will be deployed finally. Help please
Through my attempts, I found that it is impossible to install globally or use next in Azure Web App. That is, it cannot be deployed through Github.Deploying using other methods such as FTP cannot run successfully. It should be related to the azure node environment.
But the method provided in this post says that it can be processed by adding web.config. I think it should be useful and helpful to you. Please read it carefully and try it.
You also can read this document, maybe it useful to you.

Reactjs with Azure

I have a problem, i have created webApp, using Nodejs 8.1, its operational. I uploaded my code using a zip file. I ran npm install and start (to test) in the kudu,cmd debug console, they both succeed. It's not a reactjs .Net application (not my choice ..). I still can't see my website, I have tested different web.config files,obviously not using then locally. Should I use a VM... I need ideas. I can go thru the directories if directoryBrowse enabled = True. So there is some kind of response ...
Oh boy I was sooo far off, I needed to build and upload the build.. I found the answer here. Here is the answer

Azure Apns Hub not working with production Certificate

I have successfully tested an azure apns hub in sandbox mode. Now when I try to switch over to production, nothing works. I have read the tutorials, and i'm sure that I generated the production certificate right. Does anybody have an idea what the problem would be? At some point I think I have read that while I was using an Iphone to test the sandbox apns, it may not work after switching to production.
After debugging some more, I figured out what the problem was. I had to run my application with the production certificate. That means, that I could not test the production APNS running the app through Xcode, since xcode would automatically install the development certicicate that is linked to the sandbox apns. Run the app outside of xcode, with the production certificate.

ServiceStack NUnit Test Debugging Connection Refused Issue

In this question: ServiceStack JsonServiceClient based test fails, but service works in browser I'm looking for some clue as to why the test generates an exception, when an interactive browser test succeeds. Originally I could run tests and interact via the browser.
Now I'm asking for some direction on how to debug this. Basically, if I step through my test case, I reach a line like this: Tranactions response = client.Get(request); and then it raises an exception. I'm thinking I should download the servicestack source and add the project to my solution, in order to step through that code and get further insight into what's going on. Any advice?
I decided to update the project to the latest ServiceStack release to start. Then, I repeated my earlier troubleshooting steps. The problem was resolved. See: ServiceStack JsonServiceClient based test fails, but service works in browser for further details.

why push notifications are not working in prodection mode?

I am working with my first iphone app. and now i am working with push notifications. i am using urban airship for push notifications. in developement phase everything was working fine. device tokens were registered and then i could send push notifications from urban airship. but its not working with production phase. i put my app on app store but push notifications didnt work. i tried to search alot on urban airship to solve this problem but couldn't. I think there is something i have to change when i make binary file for that app. can anyone help me with this? any tutorial which will help me. Its working fine in development phase but not working in production phase. Thanks in advance.
I had the same issue at my company a couple months back.
There are two sets of urbanairship credentials (by credentials I mean: Application Key, Application Secret, Application Master Secret) sandbox and production. When you were developing the product, you were using the development credentials and everything worked great. Those will not work after you release the application to the AppStore due to the way urbanairship works with Apple's Notification sandbox etc etc.
Track down the production credentials on urbanairship and change them out in your source code before resubmitting and you should be all set. You'll need to do an adhoc build to verify (I believe). Good luck!
Documentation on Development/Production settings:
