Instagram access token for graph API - instagram

I'm working on fetching posts from Instagram accounts but I got stuck in creating the access token I do not know why it is that complicated!
Can anyone walk me through the steps of getting a long live access token?
I already created the app and have business account which is linked to my Facebook also I've developer account

I've just written up a tutorial on the steps to take for getting a long-lived access token for Instagram's API. Granted, the tutorial is for using the Instagram Basic Display API, but the concepts for getting a token to access the graph API are identical. You can see if this step-by-step tutorial is enough to point you in the right direction.


Problem generating valid oauth2 token to access PowerBI APIs

The Setup :
Am trying to access Azure PowerBI based APIs using console application since my company wants to Suspend/Resume PBI capacity to optimize costing.
Have been successful in accessing those apis as per official documentation API Emulator Window, it works by perfect as it just asks with a authentication window for username and password of my outlook account and it generates authentication token implicitly successful.
When i tried to implement calling api from my console application which will be triggered automatically scheduled, there are ways to generate authentication token programmatically. Following are the methods i used to generate the same before accessing the PBI APIs.
Approach #1 : Generating token by using Azure Active Directory Authentication Libraries..
This approach asks to add AAD authentication libraries via Nuget, upon adding the same and it goes unsuccessful as the method AcquireTokenAsync takes no parameters but tutorial specified 4 parameters to be feed into this method (function overloading missing?). So i couldnt generate token using this approach. Surely a library version problem but the official MS documentation didnt explain anything above versions available over same.
Approach #2: Authorize Active Directory without dialog box StackOverflow Question with marked as answer
This approach upon calling HTTPResponseMessage, it gets hung up without going next line or catch statement.
Approach #3: Trying to emulate token generation using POSTMAN and using the generated token on my console app to check accessibility.
This approach gives a successful token generation but when using the generated token in the console app, it says unauthorised token.
Doubt Part:
Have generated ClientID, ClientSecretID and TenantID in Azure using AppRegisteration but dont know how this gets associated with PowerBI Service in azure. Do Azure Active Directory comes in place betweeen PBIService and AppRegisteration? Based on generated AppRegisteration details have tried to access this authentication api ( to generate token. This is successfully generates a token but miserably getting failed with unauthorised access on PBI api.
Am i badly missing something? will be helpful on what wrong about this concept of accessing PBI based API getting authenticated via console app. Asusual PBI community sites didnt help much.
1. How to manage Azure Power BI Embedded capacity
If you want to manage Azure Power BI Embedded capacity with rest API, please refer to the following steps.
create a service principal and assign Azure RABC role to the sp(I use Azure CLI)
az login
#it will create a service principal and assign contributor role to the sp
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "jonsp2"
Get Token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
grant_type =client_credentials
&client_id=<sp app id>
&client_secret=<sp app password>
Call Rest API
Authorization: Bearer <token>
2. How to call Power BI rest api
If you want to call Power BI rest api, please refer to the document and the document.
The detailed steps are as below
Register Azure AD application in Azure portal
Configure API permissions
Test (I test in postman)
a. get access token
b. call API
Suspend/Resume PowerBI API is described over here:
Did you read the whole Azure REST API Reference?
All steps needed to send an HTTP request are documented over here:

SharePoint REST Integration with OAuth

I have to integrate SharePoint with my web app(just want to show the content of the user account).
For that, I have researched and I am looking for the SharePoint integration with REST API through OAuth process, Right now I found a different way where users have to create their SharePoint app and they have to share username and password and then I can get the data with their credential for the users.
The above approach is not a good option.
Please help if someone knows how to get share point content through the OAuth approach with REST.
You are able to connect to Microsoft Graph which hosts an API for the Office365 entities such as Calendar, Mail, Sharepoint etc.
In order to authenticate, you need to follow the OAuth 2.0 flow. This involves the generation of access tokens, which are then used in case of username/password.
More information about the MS Graph API and setting up authentication as well as a number of SDKs can be found:

How to specify a test account for the Instagram Basic Display API App Review

I have a webapp that wants to access a user's posts via the new Instagram Basic Display API. Everything works and I now want to go live, but I find the App Review process really hard to understand!
The App Review documentation states that you have to demonstrate in a screencast how the reviewer can log in to your app, request authentication from Instagram and then make use of the Basic Display API. I have created a test account in my webapp and provided those credentials to the app reviewers. The question is what Instagram account they are meant to connect to.
I would assume that they have their own special Instagram accounts that are pre-approved to all in-development applications. But just in case that wasn't the case, I created an Instagram Account just for this purpose and gave its test credentials to the app reviewers.
My review was just rejected, with the screenshot below given as a reason. Turns out that the reviewers did in fact try to use my test instagram account, but Instagram thought their login attempt was suspicious and wanted to confirm that they really own the account.
What am I meant to do with this? Facebook owns Instagram, and I am trying to get access to Instagram's API, but their Facebook app reviewers don't seem able to test their own Instagram Basic Display API!
The only thing I can think of is giving them access to the test account's webmail so they can unlock their own suspicious login attempt.
Is it really meant to be this difficult?]1

Having trouble getting Azure AD user's groups

I'm currently using node.js passport library to authenticate using the OIDC Strategy with an azure registered app using a client ID and secret.{org id}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
I am not having any trouble getting the user profile back of the person who logged in, but I am hitting a wall when trying to get the groups. In my app, I need to authorize the user based on their active directory groups. I am getting back this piece of json:
"_claim_names\":{\"groups\":\"src1\"},\"_claim_sources\":{\"src1\":{\"endpoint\":\"{org guid}/users/{user guid}/getMemberObjects\"}}
I'm not sure what I need to do using this to get the groups. I tried generating a bearer token, passing that in a header, and getting the groups but it says I am unauthorized using Postman. Do I need certain permissions in the app? Also why is it using when I'm trying to use
Is there an easier way to do this once the user has logged in?
Overage indicator claim when user is member of many groups
The claim you're getting back as part of json shared in question is an overage indicator claim.
"_claim_names\":{\"groups\":\"src1\"},\"_claim_sources\":{\"src1\":{\"endpoint\":\"{org guid}/users/{user guid}/getMemberObjects\"}}
It means that the user is member of many groups and instead of including information about all the groups as part of token (which would make the token too big), you will need to query that information separately.
Read more about it here: Access Tokens Reference
How to get groups information?
Your application needs to make a separate call to Microsoft Graph API to get the groups information for user.
Relevant Microsoft Graph APIs
user: getMemberObjects
user: getMemberGroups
Check member groups
Permissions Required by your application
Each of the API links above mention the required delegated or application permissions that are required as part of documentation.
You will need to update your app registration in Azure AD to require the relevant permissions (and also go through Admin consent, in case the permission required needs admin consent)
Token to call Microsoft Graph API
You mention that you've tried generating a bearer token, passing that in a header, but you got Unauthorized error.
Once you're done with the permission changes for your application, acquire a token specifically for Microsoft Graph API from your application. The bearer token used to access your application may not directly work with Microsoft Graph API.
Also make sure you go through Admin consent in case any of the permissions require Admin consent. If it's a single tenant application, "grant permissions" directly from azure portal by an administrator should work, in case of multi-tenant app you can use the Admin consent endpoint.
Code Sample: Here is a quick tutorial for calling Microsoft Graph using Node.js.. you may find other good ones as well.
Azure AD Graph API ( vs Microsoft Graph API (
You have a valid question about the endpoint.. "Also why is it using when I'm trying to use"
General recommendation is to use the newer Microsoft Graph API, unless the functionality/information you're looking for isn't available with Microsoft Graph and only Azure AD Graph API can help. Read more about recommendation and comparison here: Microsoft Graph or Azure AD Graph
Since information about groups is available in v1 endpoint for Microsoft Graph already (not beta), you should make use of Microsoft Graph API.
Here are a couple of related SO posts: SO Post 1 and SO Post 2

Authenticate Azure AD user using graph api

I am trying to authenticate user against Azure AD using a web API.We are trying build a SPA and native app for iOS, we are trying to have the API take care of the authentication for us.I looked at this and this and understood that its not possible.
I just want to find out if there is any work around for my scenario.
This question is not a duplicate
#juunas is correct. You want to use something like ADAL to allow the user to authenticate against AAD for access to the Graph API and then use that auth token to access the graph. Microsoft has an example which may be useful to you over here. It's written in objective C, but there are other SPA examples out there if you search for ADAL, SPA, and Graph API.
