Find file saved from windows live mail - excel

I use windows live mail. Sometimes I get attachments in
Word, Excel, etc. If I open the document from mail, and hit "save" I can not
find out where it saves. It does not save in any temp file that I can see.
Can anyone please tell me if i can ever get those saved files ?
Please note that this happens when i hit only save.

For Excel File, Open attachment again in Excel from Windows Live Mail.Then I found file location here :
File>Info>Related Documents>Open File Location.
In my case it was on "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\A605094L"
By default this file location will be hidden so you can not find it directly.


How to open a file from an absolute path without having to save a copy

So we have our local website to navigate through our drive :
showcase of the website
Here, each button is a link to something on our drive
One of which is a link to a Excel file :
showcase of that specific link
Now, that Excel file contains relative links to PDFs : Relative links inside an Excel
If we click on that button linked to that Excel file from Edge (2nd screen), a prompt appears asking if we want to "Open" the file or "Save as", but the issue is... if we choose "Save as", obviously the links inside that Excel file wont work (unless we save it at the same location), so that's totally normal, the correct option would be to "Open" it.
The problem is that opening a file from Edge... actually doesn't open a file at all, it saves it locally under the AppData path of our machine and THEN opens it.
That means even in that case, the paths inside our Excel file wont work either because they are relative.
I know one solution would be to change all links to absolute links inside that Excel file, but that is a tedious work (because there are a LOT of links, we would have to create a script or something to do that).
So my question is, is there any way to directly open that Excel file from the path specified in the button's link, instead of saving it first locally under "C:\Users\XX\AppData\Local\Temp\MicrosoftEdgeDownloads\f02875af-f436-47bb-b7e5-f3caa96df03f" ?
This is not an issue when using Internet Explorer.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Kind regards,
If you want to allow intranet zone file URL links from Microsoft Edge to open in Windows File Explorer, you can try this Edge policy: IntranetFileLinksEnabled.
Otherwise I don't recommend you to do this, based on the security issues already mentioned.

Saving .doc files with MS Word through WebDAV not possible - no PUT request sent

I'm trying to implement a Node.js file server using the webdav-server npm module which works perfectly.
I'm able to open, edit and save .docx files with Microsoft Word (Microsoft® Word 2016 MSO (16.0.14228.20216) 32-Bit). As well as .odt files with LibreOffice Writer (Version: (x64))
Capturing the requests made by Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer I detect the expected order GET - LOCK - PUT - UNLOCK representing the requests made by opening a file (GET), deactivating the readonly mode (LOCK), saving some changes (PUT) and closing the text editor application (UNLOCK).
However if I want to edit and save a .doc file with my Mircosoft Word application I see that there is not PUT request when saving the changes and therefore the changes are lost on closing the application. There is no feedback of any kind through MS Word when clicking the save button. Not that it saved the changes nor that it didn't.
On the other hand when I open the .doc files with LibreOffice Writer there is a PUT request as I'd expected it to be.
I also tried to switch the file type in the MS Word settings so it should use .doc to save files instead of .docx (default with MS Word 2016) but that didn't change anything.
Anyone knows what the problem could be? I don't get why the PUT request should not be sent by Microsoft Word for the .doc file type but for the .docx file type?
(It's a requirement of the project that it also works with .doc files, in the best case with LibreOffice and MS Word)
Thank you all in advance!

File created in linux transferred to Windows shows corrupted

I have created an Excel file from delimted text file using awk in linux terminal transferring the same to windows. when opened it shows a pop-up "This file might be corrupted or unsafe.would you like to open?"But on tapping yes I could see data everything is fine as expected.How to avoid such pop-up.
I have tried to convert to .xlsx then I couldn't even see the data
I tried to zip and send then unzip same warning popsup
My guess as to what is going on is that the incoming Excel file is still basically a Linux file, but MS Office, being flexible, is allowing you to open it. For a one time fix, try the following steps from Windows Excel:
Open the Linux Excel file (some_file.xlsx)
Save as another file name (some_new_file.xlsx)
Close Excel
Delete some_file.xlsx and rename some_new_file.xlsx to some_file.xlsx
Now try opening the file again, and hopefully the error message will have gone away.

Recover unsaved .csv file changes

Does anyone know a way to recover changes made in a .csv that were not saved when excel 2007 was closed.
At the moment, I don't see any way to solve this.
Check all the temporary files created recently. Especially alongside the file you opened. There are a few temp folders in the system that Excel may use. C:\Windows\temp is the main one, but it is usually under the Users folder in later versions of windows. Eg: C:\Users\YourUserName\Local Settings\Temp
If you find any files that look like Excel temps, take a copy and rename the extension and then try to open it.
(Your only real chance is if auto-save kicked in and saved a copy - to a temp file - when you still had your new changes in the document. Otherwise the changes are lost I'm afraid)
If option #1 doesn't resolve your problem in Excel, go to File->Options->Save. Hopefully your AutoRecover file location, under the third box, will be populated with an address.

The first Excel file from SharePoint folder is read-only and cannot be edited

This issue only happens to a few client PCs, not all of client PCs. And I think this should be related to client PC's configuration/setting. WHoever logins to the PC gets the same exact issue.
We have an application which uploads files to SharePoint folders. The first Excel or PowerPoint file from SP folder are read-only and cannot be edited. I have tried many things and facts/results are as follows:
Monitored Content.MSO and all files are removed correctly after closed;
This issue only happens to the first XlSX/PPT file under SP folder. The second file or following will not have the issue;
There is a temporary file created under one of folders under Content.IE5. When the issue happens (the excel file is read-only), I can still edit the temporary file under Content.IE5 (add new row etc.) and save successfully. But for the second file under SP folder, I cannot edit Temporary file under Content.IE5 (locked by another name). Looks like when issue happens, the excel file is not really tie to the temporary file folder;
I tried to uninstall IE8 and re-installed IE8 (turn off from Microsoft then turn on), no difference;
I checked OWSSUPP.DLL and only one found under office14;
I tried deleting all files under Content.IE5 and Content.MSO, no difference;
Once the first file is opened and closed without saving (read-only, not able to save), next time the file is able to edit (there will be Edit Workbook button and Read-only on top of screen (read-only from server);
I tried Paul Liebrand's methods and could not find an entry called CacheFolderID from register. Here is Paul's solution:
I have struggled with the issue for a few days and seems could not find a reason.
Thanks a lot.
Try to checkout the file manually and open the file, because if its not checkout then normally the file is readonly, so its not editable. by doing this default from sharepoint from system account, from the
document library options
Settings > Document library settings > General settings (under catgery)Version settings > "Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited?" choose option "Yes".
After sharepoint do automatically checkout when user click the file (word, excel, etc..).
