how to return values from a function that has #given constructor - python-3.x

def fixed_given(self):
return #given(
floats(allow_nan=True, allow_infinity=True)),
def its_a_fixture(test_df):
obj = its_an_class(test_df)
return obj
def test_1(test_df):
#use returned object from my fixture here
def test_2(test_df):
#use returned object from my fixture here
Here, I am creating my test dataframe in a seperate function to use it commonly across all functions.
And then creating a pytest fixture to instantiate a class by passing the test dataframe generated by a fixed given function.
I am finding a way to get a return value from this fixture.
But the problem i am using a given decorator, its doesn't allow return values.
is there a way to return even after using given decorator?

It's not clear what you're trying to acheive here, but reusing inputs generated by Hypothsis gives up most of the power of the framework (including minimal examples, replaying failures, settings options, etc.).
Instead, you can define a global variable for your strategy - or write a function that returns a strategy with #st.composite - and use that in each of your tests, e.g.
MY_STRATEGY = data_frames(columns=[
column(name="float_col1", elements=floats(allow_nan=True, allow_infinity=True))
def test_foo(df): ...
def test_bar(df): ...
Specifically to answer the question you asked, you cannot get a return value from a function decorated with #given.
Instead of using fixtures to instantiate your class, try using the .map method of a strategy (in this case data_frames(...).map(its_an_class)), or the builds() strategy (i.e. builds(my_class, data_frames(...), ...)).


How do I use a pytest fixture to mock a child class's inherited methods with classes as properties while maintaining the API contract using autospec?

How it started
I'm testing a class, ClassToTest, that makes API calls using atlassian-python-api. The tests are going to ensure that ClassToTest performs correctly with the data it gets back from the API. Many of the atlassian-python-api API calls use instantiated classes which inherit from the same base class or group of top-level classes.
I'd like to write tests that will expose breaks in the API contract if the wrong data is returned or API calls fail, while also testing the class I wrote to ensure it does the correct things with the data returned from the API. In order to do this, I was hoping to use unittest.mock.patch("", autospec=True) to copy the API spec into the MagicMock, but I don't believe it's working properly.
For the purposes of the question, ClassToTest is not that important; what I am aiming to solve is how to setup and configure the pytest fixtures in a way that I can use them to mimic the API endpoints that will return the data that ClassToTest will act upon. Ideally I'd like to reuse the fixtures without having patch conflicts. I've included relevant code from ClassToTest for illustrative purposes here:
from atlassian.bitbucket import Cloud
from typing import NamedTuple
# these are hardcoded constants that work with the production API
from src.constants import (
CommentType = NamedTuple("CommentType", [("top_level", str), ("inline", str)])
class ClassToTest:
def _get_token(self):
"""this returns a token of type(str)"""
def __init__(self, workspace, repository, pull_request_id):
self.active_comments = None
self.environment = sys.argv[1]
self.comment_text = CommentType(
top_level=r"top_level_comment text", inline=r"inline_comment text"
) = Cloud(token=self._get_token(), cloud=True)
self.workspace =
self.repository =, repository)
self.pull_request = self.repository.pullrequests.get(id=pull_request_id)
def _get_active_comments(self):
"""Returns a list of active (non-deleted) comments"""
return [
c for c in self.pull_request.comments() if["deleted"] is False
# a few more methods here
def main():
# result = instance.method() for each method I need to call.
# do things with each result
if __name__ == "__main__":
The class has methods that retrieve comments from the API (_get_active_comments, above), act on the retrieved comments, retrieve pull requests, and so on. What I am trying to test is that the class methods act correctly on the data received from the API, so I need to accurately mock data returned from API calls.
How it's going
I started with a unittest.Testcase style test class and wanted the flexibility of pytest fixtures (and autospec), but removed Testcase entirely when I discovered that pytest fixtures don't really work with it. I'm currently using a pytest class and as follows:
import pytest
from unittest.mock import patch
from src.class_to_test import ClassToTest
#pytest.mark.usefixtures("mocked_comment", "mocked_user")
class TestClassToTest:
# We mock Cloud here as ClassToTest calls it in __init__ to authenticate with the API
# _get_token retrieves an access token for the API; since we don't need it, we can mock it
#patch("src.test_class_to_test.Cloud", autospec=True)
#patch.object(ClassToTest, "_get_token").
def setup_method(self, method, mock_get_token, mock_cloud):
mock_get_token.return_value = "token"
self.checker = ClassToTest("WORKSPACE", "REPOSITORY", 1)
def teardown_method(self, method):
def test_has_top_level_and_inline_comments(self, mocked_comment, mocked_pull_request):
mock_top_comment = mocked_comment(raw="some text to search for later")
assert isinstance(, dict)
assert["raw"] == "some text to search for later"
# the assert below this line is failing
assert mock_top_comment.user.account_id == 1234
import pytest
from unittest.mock import patch, PropertyMock
from import Comment
from import User
def mocked_user(request):
def _mocked_user(account_id=1234):
user_patcher = patch(
f"", spec_set=True, autospec=True
MockUser = user_patcher.start()
data = {"type": "user", "account_id": account_id}
url = "user_url"
user = MockUser(data=data, url=url)
# setup mocked properties
mock_id = PropertyMock(return_value=account_id)
type(user).id = mock_id
mockdata = PropertyMock(return_value=data)
type(user).data = mockdata
return user
return _mocked_user
def mocked_comment(request, mocked_user):
def _mocked_comment(raw="", inline=None, deleted=False, user_id=1234):
comment_patcher = patch(
f"", spec_set=True, autospec=True
MockComment = comment_patcher.start()
data = {
"type": "pullrequest_comment",
"user": mocked_user(user_id),
"raw": raw,
"deleted": deleted,
if inline:
data["inline"] = {"from": None, "to": 1, "path": "src/"}
data["raw"] = "this is an inline comment"
comment = MockComment(data)
# setup mocked properties
mockdata = PropertyMock(return_value=data)
type(comment).data = mockdata
# mockuser = PropertyMock(return_value=mocked_user(user_id))
# type(comment).user = mockuser
return comment
return _mocked_comment
The problem I am encountering is that the assert mock_top_comment.user.account_id == 1234 line fails when running the test, with the following error:
> assert mock_top_comment.user.account_id == 1234
E AssertionError: assert <MagicMock name='Comment().user.account_id' id='4399290192'> == 1234
E + where <MagicMock name='Comment().user.account_id' id='4399290192'> = <MagicMock name='Comment().user' id='4399634736'>.account_id
E + where <MagicMock name='Comment().user' id='4399634736'> = <NonCallableMagicMock name='Comment()' spec_set='Comment' id='4399234928'>.user
How do I get the mock User class to attach to the mock Comment class in the same way that the real API makes it work? Is there something about autospec that I'm missing, or should I be abandoning unittest.mock.patch entirely and using something else?
Extra credit (EDIT: in retrospect, this may be the most important part)
I'm using mocked_comment as a pytest fixture factory and want to reuse it multiple times in the same test (for example to create multiple mocked Comments returned in a list). So far, each time I've tried to do that, I've been met with the following error:
def test_has_top_level_and_inline_comments(self, mocked_comment, mocked_pull_request):
mock_top_comment = mocked_comment(raw="Some comment text")
> mock_inline_comment = mocked_comment(inline=True)
test/ in _mocked_comment
MockComment = comment_patcher.start()
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python#3.10/3.10.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/unittest/ in start
result = self.__enter__()
> raise InvalidSpecError(
f'Cannot autospec attr {self.attribute!r} from target '
f'{target_name!r} as it has already been mocked out. '
f'[target={!r}, attr={autospec!r}]')
E unittest.mock.InvalidSpecError: Cannot autospec attr 'Comment' from target '' as it has already been mocked out. [target=<module '' from '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.10/site-packages/atlassian/bitbucket/cloud/common/'>, attr=<MagicMock name='Comment' spec_set='Comment' id='4398964912'>]
I thought the whole point of a pytest fixture factory was to be reusable, but I believe that using an autospec mock complicates things quite a bit. I don't want to have to hand copy every detail from the API spec into the tests, as that will have to be changed if anything in the API changes. Is there a solution for this that involves automatically and dynamically creating the necessary classes in the mocked API with the correct return values for properties?
One thing I'm considering is separating the testing into two parts: API contract, and ClassToTest testing. In this way I can write the tests for ClassToTest without relying on the API and they will pass as long as I manipulate the received data correctly. Any changes to the API will get caught by the separate contract testing tests. Then I can use non-factory fixtures with static data for testing ClassToTest.
For now though, I'm out of ideas on how to proceed with this. What should I do here? Probably the most important thing to address is how to properly link the User instance with the Comment instance in the fixtures so that my method calls in test work the same way as they do in production. Bonus points if we can figure out how to dynamically patch multiple fixtures in a single test.
I've started looking at this answer, but given the number of interconnected classes and properties, I'm not sure it will work without writing out a ton of fixtures. After following the directions and applying them to the User mock inside the Comment mock, I started getting the error in the Extra Credit section above, where autospec couldn't be used as it has already been mocked out.

Passing parameters to pytest BOTH fixture and test

I'm using a python fixture browser_manager from a library which it would be inconvenient to modify or wrap in another class. browser_manager takes some variable some_config, which is passed to this fixture by indirect.
def _browser_manager(request)
indirect_params = getattr(request, "param", dict())
return BrowserManager(indirect_params)
def test_browser_manager(browser_manager):
# some test goes here
My question is how can I access some_config in the test function itself? some_config is successfully passed to the fixture. I could simply pass some_config in twice, but I want to avoid that for maintainability. As mentioned before, it would be inconvenient to modify the fixture.
To answer was actually right above in my question. I made use of the fixture's request.
def _browser_manager(request)
indirect_params = getattr(request, "param", dict())
return BrowserManager(indirect_params)
[{"attribute": value}],
def test_browser_manager(browser_manager):
attr_value = getattr(browser_manager.request, "param", dict()).get("attribute")

Accessing variables from a method in class A and using it in Class B in python3.5

I have a BaseClass and two classes (Volume and testing) which inherits from the BaseClass. The class "Volume" use a method "driving_style" from another python module. I am trying to write another method "test_Score" which wants to access variables computed in the method "driving_style" which I want to use to compute further. These results will be accessed to the class "testing" as shown.
from training import Accuracy
import ComputeData
import model
class BaseClass(object):
def __init__(self, connections):
self.Type = 'Stock'
self.A = connections.A
self.log = self.B.log
def getIDs(self, assets):
ids = pandas.Series(assets.ids, index=assets.B)
return ids
class Volume(BaseClass):
def __init__(self, connections):
BaseClass.__init__(self, connections)
self.daystrade = 30
self.high_low = True
def learning(self, data, rootClass):
params.daystrade = self.daystrade
params.high_low = self.high_low
style = Accuracy.driving_style()
return self.Object(data.universe, style)
class testing(BaseClass):
def __init__(self, connections):
BaseClass.__init__(self, connections)
def learning(self, data, rootClass):
test_score = Accuracy.test_score()
return self.Object(data.universe, test_score)
def driving_style(date, modelDays, params):
daystrade = params.daystrade
high_low = params.high_low
DriveDays = model.DateRange(date, params.daystrade)
StopBy = ComputeData.instability(DriveDays)
if high_low:
style = ma.average(StopBy)
style = ma.mean(StopBy)
return style
def test_score(date, modelDays, params):
"want to access the following from the method driving_style:"
DriveDays =
StopBy =
return test_score ("which i compute using values DriveDays and StopBy and use test_score in the method learning inside
the 'class - testing' which inherits some params from the BaseClass")
You can't use locals from a call to a function that was made elsewhere and has already returned.
A bad solution is to store them as globals that you can read from later (but that get replaced on every new call). A better solution might to return the relevant info to the caller along with the existing return values (return style, DriveDays, StopBy) and somehow get it to where it needs to go. If necessary, you could wrap the function into a class and store the computed values as attributes on an instance of the class, while keeping the return type the same.
But the best solution is probably to refactor, so the stuff you want is computed by dedicated methods that you can call directly from test_score and driving_style independently, without duplicating code or creating complicated state dependencies.
In short, basically any time you think you need to access locals from another function, you're almost certainly experiencing an XY problem.

Using singledispatch with custom class(CPython 3.8.2)

Let's say I want to set functions for each classes in module Named 'MacroMethods'. So I've set up singledispatch after seeing it in 'Fluent Python' like this:
def addMethod(self, obj):
print(f'Wrong Object {str(obj)} supplied.')
return obj
def _(self, obj):
print('adding object wait')
obj.delay = self.waitSpin.value
obj.onFail = None
obj.onSuccess = None
return obj
Desired behavior is - when instance of class 'MacroMethods.Wait' is given as argument, singledispatch runs registered function with that class type.
Instead, it runs default function rather than registered one.
>>> Wrong Object <MacroMethods.Wait object at 0x0936D1A8> supplied.
However, type() clearly shows instance is class 'MacroMethods.Wait', and dict_keys property also contains it.
>>> dict_keys([<class 'object'>, ..., <class 'MacroMethods.Wait'>])
I suspect all custom classes I made count as 'object' type and don't run desired functions in result.
Any way to solve this problem? Entire codes are here.
I've managed to mimic singledispatch's actions as following:
from functools import wraps
def state_deco(func_main):
Decorator that mimics singledispatch for ease of interaction expansions.
# assuming no args are needed for interaction functions.
func_main.dispatch_list = {} # collect decorated functions
def wrapper(target):
# dispatch target to destination interaction function.
nonlocal func_main
# find and run callable for target
return func_main.dispatch_list[type(target)]()
except KeyError:
# If no matching case found, main decorated function will run instead.
def register(target):
# A decorator that register decorated function to main decorated function.
def decorate(func_sub):
nonlocal func_main
func_main.dispatch_list[target] = func_sub
def register_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func_sub(*args, **kwargs)
return register_wrapper
return decorate
wrapper.register = register
return wrapper
Used like:
def general():
return "A's reaction to undefined others."
def _():
return "A's reaction of another A"
def _():
return "A's reaction of B"
But still it's not singledispatch, so I find this might be inappropriate to post this as answer.
I wanted to do similar and had the same trouble. Looks like we have bumped into a python bug. Found a write-up that describes this situation.
Here is the link to the Python Bug Tracker.
Python 3.7 breaks on singledispatch_function.register(pseudo_type), which Python 3.6 accepted

pytest - default fixture parameter value

I wrote a fixture in pytest which was not parametrized but is used by a lot of tests. Later I needed to parametrize this fixture.
In order to not to have to mark.parametrize all the old tests I did the following:
def ldap_con(request):
server_name = request.param
except AttributeError:
server_name = "ldaps://my_default_server"
c = Connection(server_name, use_ssl=True)
yield c
Now I can have both:
def test_old(ldap_con):
#pytest.mark.parametrize('ldap_con', ['mynewserver'], indirect=True)
def test_new(ldap_con):
The solution has several drawbacks:
I am catching an arbitrary Attribute Error (there might be another)
It does not take into account named parameters
It is not clear to a reader that there is a default value
Is there a standard way to define a default value for a fixture parameter?
Indirect parametrization is messy. To avoid that, I usually write fixture so that it returns a function. I will end up writing it this way:
def ldap_con():
def _ldap_con(server_name="ldaps://my_default_server"):
c = Connection(server_name, use_ssl=True)
yield c
return _ldap_con
def test_old(ldap_con):
#pytest.mark.parametrize('server', ['mynewserver'])
def test_new(server):
