Groovy : add root closure if condition - groovy

A little bit confuse about this simple use case :
I want to add a closure around an other one only with conditions.
For the moment, I only succeed to do this :
if(condition) {
my_root_closure {
my_main_closure {
} else {
my_main_closure {
I would like to do this without repeat the my_main_closure bloc.

To avoid repetition, you could create new closure that calls my_main_closure and store it in a variable:
def mmc = {
my_main_closure {
if(condition) {
my_root_closure( mmc )
} else {


Jenkins Library / Groovy Script - Wrap Code dynamically

I'm developing a Jenkins shared library right now.
I wasn't able to figure how to easily "wrap" a code inside a function without copy-pasting the whole code. For example: If a developer sets a value to true, then I want to wrap the whole code inside a function. Right now I want to use this to allow e.g. the gitlabIntegration to be turned off from the Jenkinsfile.
// vars/stageWrapper.groovy
def call(Map parameters = [:], body) {
stage(stageName) {
if (pushtoGitlab) {
gitlabCommitStatus(stageName) {
if (!containerName) body()
else {
container(containerName) {
} else {
if (!containerName) body()
else {
container(containerName) {
let the user select if the stage should be pushed to gitlab via the gitlabCommitStatus wrapper.
switch to a specified container or use default container (if none is specified)
To realize this I currently repeat the code, which I really don't like...
Is there any way of achieving the same, but without repeating the same code over and over?
Thank You!
In Groovy you can reuse a Closure in different DSL-Builders by setting it's delegate to builder's delegate.
Something like this should work:
def containerNameBody = { body ->
if (!containerName)
container(containerName) {
def call(Map parameters = [:], body) {
stage(stageName) {
containerNameBody.delegate = delegate
if (pushtoGitlab)
gitlabCommitStatus(stageName) {
containerNameBody body
containerNameBody body
How about following approach to pass down the param into function, then decide how to do inside the function by the param value.
def gitHub(gitHubOn) {
def gitLab(gitLabOn) {
def call(Map parameters = [:], body){
//some code....

Groovy syntax for enter/exit block

Is there a way to define a block/environment with custom open and close methods? Currently, I have:
script {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: '...', usernameVariable: 'CONFIG_USER', passwordVariable: 'CONFIG_PASS')]) {
def sql = Sql.newInstance("...", CONFIG_USER, CONFIG_PASS, "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
sql.rows("SELECT * FROM visualization").each { row ->
println "row ${row.branch}"
I would like to be able to do:
with sqlConnection() { sql ->
sql.rows("SELECT * FROM visualization").each { row ->
println "row ${row.branch}"
Where it automatically opens/closes the connection accordingly. I am new to Groovy, so it's the syntax I'm concerned about. In Python I would do this using an object __enter__/__exit__.
If I understand you correctly you want a new method sqlConnection() that does the withCredentials part?
You can use a closure parameter to do something before or after something else.
def sqlConnection(Closure withSqlClosure) {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: '...', usernameVariable: 'CONFIG_USER', passwordVariable: 'CONFIG_PASS')]) {
Sql.newInstance("...", CONFIG_USER, CONFIG_PASS, "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").withCloseable {sql ->
Can be used like this
sqlConnection() { sql ->
sql.rows("SELECT * FROM visualization").each { row ->
println "row ${row.branch}"
So everything before the call to the closure (withSqlClosure(sql)) corresponds to __enter__ everything after the call is your __exit__. Note that you will need to lookout for exceptions. Usually you will want to wrap the closure call in a try { ... } finally { ... } Statement. Here I used withCloseable which does that for us (assuming Sql.newInstance returns a Closeable).
To aid your IDE and enable #CompileStatic you should also add a #ClosureParams
def sqlConnection(
#ClosureParams(value =,
options = ["your.sql.type"]) Closure withSqlClosure) {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: '...', usernameVariable: 'CONFIG_USER', passwordVariable: 'CONFIG_PASS')]) {
Sql.newInstance("...", CONFIG_USER, CONFIG_PASS, "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").withCloseable {sql ->
Here your.sql.type is the return type of Sql.newInstance.

How passing a protocol as parameter in Swift

In Objective-C, I know how passing a protocol as parameter:
- (void)MyMethod:(Protocol *)myparameter
But in Swift there is no more Protocol type.
How can I pass a protocol as parameter without knowing which is ?
In one of your comments you say:
"I want create a method which return an array of type of class which implements a desired protocol."
Have you tried something like the following:
//notice the use of #objc here
#objc protocol AlertProtocol
func getMyName()->String
class Class1 : AlertProtocol
let name = "Object 1"
func getMyName() -> String
return name
class Class2 : AlertProtocol
let name = "Object 2"
func getMyName() -> String
return name
//borrowing from and refactoring siLo's answer
func classesConformingToProtocol(proto:Protocol) -> [AnyClass]
let availableClasses : [AnyClass] = [ Class1.self, Class2.self ]
var conformingClasses = Array<AnyClass>()
for myClass : AnyClass in availableClasses
if myClass.conforms(to: proto)
return conformingClasses
Then use the above structure like this:
let classes = classesConformingToProtocol(AlertProtocol.self)
The tricky part that does the work is the "#objc" that exposes the protocol to the objective c runtime and allows us to pass any "Protocol Type" as a parameter.
Probably at some point in the future we will be able to do this in a "pure" Swift way.
Here is what I have tried:
#objc protocol Walker
func walk()
#objc protocol Runner
func run()
#objc class Zombie : Walker
func walk () { println("Brains...") }
#objc class Survivor : Runner
func run() { println("Aaaah, zombies!") }
func classesConformingToProtocol(proto:Protocol) -> AnyClass[]
let availableClasses : AnyClass[] = [ Zombie.self, Survivor.self ]
var conformingClasses = Array<AnyClass>()
for myClass : AnyClass in availableClasses
if myClass.conformsToProtocol(proto)
return conformingClasses
// This does not work
let walkers = classesConformingToProtocol(Walker.self)
let runners = classesConformingToProtocol(Runner.self)
I have been unable to convert Swift's Metatype information into a Protocol object.
In swift 2.0, I use it like this before:
classA.conformsToProtocol(XXXProtocol.self as! Protocol)
It doesn't works fine...
Look the definition of Protocol:
// All methods of class Protocol are unavailable.
// Use the functions in objc/runtime.h instead.
#available(iOS 2.0, *)
public class Protocol {
All are unavailable...and I don't know which to use instead in objc/runtime.h
So I have to use this method:
if ClassA is protocol<XXXProtocol> {
// do something
Currently, it works...
If you don't allow use #objc (because yours protocols have property, for example), the only solution that I found is with closure. Then, you need use a closure to use a protocol and return a value.
protocol Proto { }
protocol Proto2 { }
class Foo: Proto { }
class Bar: Proto, Proto2 { }
class Baz: Proto2 { }
class Qux { }
func printConforms(classList: [AnyClass], protoCond: (AnyClass) -> Any?) {
for i in classList {
print(i, terminator: " -> ")
if protoCond(i) != nil {
print("is subscriber")
} else {
print("NOT IS subscriber")
let myClasses: [AnyClass] = [Foo.self, Bar.self, Baz.self, Qux.self]
printConforms(classList: myClasses, protoCond: { $0 as? Proto.Type })
More complete example:
Another better solution is using generics, for example:
protocol Proto { }
class Foo: Proto { }
class Bar: Proto { }
class Baz { }
func filter<T>(classes: [AnyClass], byConformanceTo: T.Type) -> [AnyClass] {
return classes.filter { $0 is T }
filter(classes: [Foo.self, Bar.self, Baz.self], byConformanceTo: Proto.Type.self)
// return [Foo.self, Bar.self]
Worked out a way today (Xcode 6.1):
Firstly, the protocol must be marked as #objc for any checking to work.
Then use an "if let" cast to check for conformance.
#objc protocol MyProtocol {
var protocolValue: Int { get set }
if let conformingObject = someObject as? MyProtocol {
// conformingObject is now someObject cast to MyProtocol
conformingObject.protocolValue = 3

Reduce code repetition in Groovy closures

In a piece of Gradle build script, the amount of code i'm repeating is increasing. All tasks have a big part in common, except for a few lines:
task copyZipFile() {
doLast {
def remoteBuildProperties = getRemoteBuildProperties(project)
ant {
taskdef(name: 'ftp',
classname: '',
classpath: configurations.ftpAntTask.asPath)
ftp(server: remoteBuildProperties[''],
userid: remoteBuildProperties['username'],
password: remoteBuildProperties['password'],
remotedir: 'some-folder', // This value differs from call to call
passive: 'true') {
// The next two lines also are different per case, and might be less or more lines
fileset(dir: rootProject.buildDir) { include(name: '') }
fileset(dir: rootProject.projectDir) { include(name: '') }
I don't like to repeat myself, so I'd like to reduce this code to a new helper method that does this trick, and a simple caller, something like:
task copyZipFile() {
doLast {
def remoteBuildProperties = getRemoteBuildProperties(project)
upload(remoteBuildProperties, 'some-folder') {
fileset(dir: rootProject.buildDir) { include(name: '') }
fileset(dir: rootProject.projectDir) { include(name: '') }
How would I achieve this?
You can pass the inner closure to your upload method as the final parameter. Set the delegate to the original builder delegate so the inner closure calls get handled properly. For example:
def upload(remoteBuildProperties, folder, body) {
ant {
taskdef(name: 'ftp',
classname: '',
classpath: configurations.ftpAntTask.asPath)
ftp(server: remoteBuildProperties[''],
userid: remoteBuildProperties['username'],
password: remoteBuildProperties['password'],
remotedir: folder,
passive: 'true') {
body.delegate = delegate

aio_write failing on release builds

I'm using aio_write it is working in a debug build but not in release. I've checked the constructor that everything is initialized and I'm not getting any warnings about uninitialized variables. The class collects data that is to be written to disc in 16K chunks. If the data is less than 16K, it works, even in release builds. If the data is larger than 16K, only the first chunk is written. WriteBuffer::ContinueWriteToFile returns WriteFileState_Active indefinitely.
class WriteBufferPlatformData
aiocb aioData;
WriteBuffer::BufferVector::iterator currentBuffer;
WriteBufferPlatformData::WriteBufferPlatformData() :
if (0<=aioData.aio_fildes) {
WriteBuffer::WriteFileState WriteBuffer::StartWriteToFile(const char * filename)
NYMPH_ASSERT2(0<=m_platformData->aioData.aio_fildes,"Could not open file for writing: %s (%d)",filename,errno);
if (0>m_platformData->aioData.aio_fildes) {
return WriteFileState_Failed;
if (m_buffers.empty()) {
return WriteFileState_Complete;
return ContinueWriteToFile();
WriteBuffer::WriteFileState WriteBuffer::ContinueWriteToFile()
if (0!=m_platformData->aioData.aio_nbytes) {
int writeErrno=aio_error(&(m_platformData->aioData));
if (EINPROGRESS==writeErrno) {
return WriteFileState_Active;
if (m_buffers.end()==m_platformData->currentBuffer) {
return WriteFileState_Complete;
if (0==m_platformData->aioData.aio_nbytes) {
if (m_buffers.back()==m_platformData->aioData.aio_buf) {
} else {
if (0!=aio_write(&(m_platformData->aioData))) {
if (EAGAIN!=errno) {
return WriteFileState_Failed;
return WriteFileState_Active;
Despite what I have read in the man page, it seems that calling aio_return is required and changing the NYMPH_ASSERT(aio_return... to NYMPH_VERIFY(aio_return... corrected the problem.
