How to mock a file with no read permission in Python3? - python-3.x

How to modify the following code such that the test is passed??
import unittest
import unittest.mock as mock
def read_file(file_name):
returns: tuple(error_code, data)
error_code = 1: file found, data will be read and returned.
error_code = 2: file not found, data is None.
error_code = 3: file found by cannot read it.
with open(file_name) as fh:
data =
return 1, data
except FileNotFoundError:
return 2, None
except PermissionError:
return 3, None
class TestReadFile(unittest.TestCase):
#mock.patch('', mock.mock_open(read_data=b''))
def test_file_permission(self):
err_code, data = read_file('file_name')
assertEqual(err_code, 3)
I tried reading from this: but couldn't find any solution.

The logic you've used in the program is correct, but the problem is you've used the wrong identifiers at places:
1) unittest doesn't have a class Test, it has TestCase
2) The function you want to test is named read_file(), but when calling it, you are instead calling file_read()
3) The keyword argument to mock.mock_open() is not data, but read_data.
Here is the code with the suggested changes:
import unittest
import unittest.mock as mock
def read_file(file_name):
returns: tuple(error_code, data)
error_code = 1: file found, data will be read and returned.
error_code = 2: file not found, data is None.
error_code = 3: file found by cannot read it.
with open(file_name) as fh:
data =
return 1, data
except FileNotFoundError:
return 2, None
except PermissionError:
return 3, None
class TestReadFile(unittest.TestCase):
#mock.patch('', mock.mock_open(read_data=''))
def test_file_permission(self):
err_code, data = read_file('file_name')
assertEqual(err_code, 3)


How do I properly test python function doing file operation?

I have a function that does some file operations and
makes an entry for that IP to /etc/hosts file for DNS resolution
def add_hosts_entry():
ip_addr = ""
HOST_FILE_PATH = "/etc/hosts"
reg_svc_name = "SVC_NAME"
with open(HOST_FILE_PATH, 'r+') as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
for line in lines:
if not reg_svc_name in line:
except FileNotFoundError as ex:
LOGGER.error(f"Failed to read file. Details: {repr(ex)}")
f"Successfully made entry in /etc/hosts file:\n{ip_addr}\t{reg_svc_name}"
I want to test that there is indeed an IP entry in the file that I
and that there is only 1 IP address that maps to reg_svc_name
I found how to mock open().
I have this so far but not sure how to check for above two cases:
def mocker_etc_hosts(mocker):
mocked_etc_hosts_data = mocker.mock_open(read_data=etc_hosts_sample_data)
mocker.patch("", mocked_etc_hosts_data)
def test_add_hosts_entry(mocker_etc_hosts):
with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):
# how to assert??
Solution 1
Don't mock the open functionality because we want it to actually update a file that we can check. Instead, intercept it and open a test file instead of the actual file used in the source code. Here, we will use tmp_path to create a temporary file to be updated for the test.
def add_hosts_entry():
ip_addr = ""
HOST_FILE_PATH = "/etc/hosts"
reg_svc_name = "SVC_NAME"
with open(HOST_FILE_PATH, 'r+') as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
for line in lines:
if not reg_svc_name in line:
except FileNotFoundError as ex:
print(f"Failed to read file. Details: {repr(ex)}")
print(f"Successfully made entry in /etc/hosts file:\n{ip_addr}\t{reg_svc_name}")
import pytest
from src import add_hosts_entry
def etc_hosts_content_raw():
return "some text\nhere\nSVC_NAME\nand the last!\n"
def etc_hosts_content_updated():
return "some text\nhere\nand the last!\n1.2.3.4\tSVC_NAME\n"
def etc_hosts_file(tmp_path, etc_hosts_content_raw):
file = tmp_path / "dummy_etc_hosts"
return file
def mocker_etc_hosts(mocker, etc_hosts_file):
real_open = open
def _mock_open(file, *args, **kwargs):
print(f"Intercepted. Would open {etc_hosts_file} instead of {file}")
return real_open(etc_hosts_file, *args, **kwargs)
mocker.patch("", side_effect=_mock_open)
def test_add_hosts_entry(
mocker_etc_hosts, etc_hosts_file, etc_hosts_content_raw, etc_hosts_content_updated
assert etc_hosts_file.read_text() == etc_hosts_content_raw
assert etc_hosts_file.read_text() == etc_hosts_content_updated
$ pytest -q -rP
. [100%]
============================================== PASSES ===============================================
_______________________________________ test_add_hosts_entry ________________________________________
--------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------------------
Intercepted. Would open /tmp/pytest-of-nponcian/pytest-13/test_add_hosts_entry0/dummy_etc_hosts instead of /etc/hosts
Successfully made entry in /etc/hosts file: SVC_NAME
1 passed in 0.05s
If you're interested, you can display the temporary dummy file too to see the result of the process:
$ cat /tmp/pytest-of-nponcian/pytest-13/test_add_hosts_entry0/dummy_etc_hosts
some text
and the last! SVC_NAME
Solution 2
Mock open as well as the .write operation. Once mocked, see all the calls to the mocked .write via call_args_list. This isn't recommended as it would feel like we are writing a change-detector test which is tightly coupled to how the source code was implemented line by line rather than checking the behavior.

'CommentedMap' object has no attribute '_context_manager' during data dump with ruamel.yaml

Here's my code:
import ruamel.yaml
import pathlib
class YamlLoader:
def safe_load(filename):
filepath = pathlib.Path(filename)
with open(filepath) as stream:
if ruamel.yaml.version_info < (0, 15):
data = ruamel.yaml.safe_load(stream)
yml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe', pure=True)
data = yml.load(stream)
return data
def save(yaml, filename):
filepath = pathlib.Path(filename)
if ruamel.yaml.version_info < (0, 15):
ruamel.yaml.safe_dump(yaml, filepath)
ruamel.yaml.YAML.dump(yaml, filepath)
my code in
data = YamlLoader.safe_load("data.yaml")
I then get my YAML data in the variable.
However, when I then do:, "output.yaml")
I get the error message:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in
"/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/", line
434, in dump
if self._context_manager: AttributeError: 'CommentedMap' object has no attribute '_context_manager'
Most likely I'm using the API in a wrong way, but I can't figure out where the issue is.
The last line of your code has a problem:
ruamel.yaml.YAML.dump(yaml, filepath)
as you are not creating an instance of YAML like you do wnen loading.
Either do:
yml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
yml.dump(yaml, filepath)
or do :
ruamel.yaml.YAML().dump(yaml, filepath)

Reading from file raises IndexError in python

I am making an app which will return one random line from the .txt file. I made a class to implement this behaviour. The idea was to use one method to open file (which will remain open) and the other method which will close it after the app exits. I do not have much experience in working with files hence the following behaviour is strange to me:
In __init__ I called self.open_file() in order to just open it. And it works fine to get self.len. Now I thought that I do not need to call self.open_file() again, but when I call file.get_term()(returns random line) it raises IndexError (like the file is empty), But, if I call file.open_file() method again, everything works as expected.
In addition to this close_file() method raises AttributeError - object has no attribute 'close', so I assumed the file closes automatically somehow, even if I did not use with open.
import random
import os
class Pictionary_file:
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
self.len = self.get_number_of_lines()
def open_file(self):
self.opened = open(self.file, "r", encoding="utf8")
def get_number_of_lines(self):
i = -1
for i, line in enumerate(self.opened):
return i + 1
def get_term_index(self):
term_line = random.randint(0, self.len-1)
return term_line
def get_term(self):
term_line = self.get_term_index()
term =[term_line]
def close_file(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
file = Pictionary_file("pictionary.txt")
file.open_file() #WITHOUT THIS -> IndexError
file.close() #AttributeError
Where is my mistake and how can I correct it?
Here in __init__:
self.len = self.get_number_of_lines()
self.get_number_of_lines() actually consumes the whole file because it iterates over it:
def get_number_of_lines(self):
i = -1
for i, line in enumerate(self.opened):
# real all lines of the file
# at this point, `self.opened` is empty
return i + 1
So when get_term calls, it gets an empty string, so is an empty list.
file.close() is an AttributeError, because the Pictionary_file class doesn't have the close method. It does have close_file, though.

How can I redirect hardcoded calls to open to custom files?

I've written some python code that needs to read a config file at /etc/myapp/config.conf . I want to write a unit test for what happens if that file isn't there, or contains bad values, the usual stuff. Lets say it looks like this...
def readconf()
""" Returns string of values read from file
s = ''
with open('/etc/myapp/config.conf', 'r') as f:
s =
return s
And then I have other code that parses s for its values.
Can I, through some magic Python functionality, make any calls that readconf makes to open redirect to custom locations that I set as part of my test environment?
Example would be:
def _open_file(path):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
def foo():
return _open_file("/sys/conf")
from unittest.mock import patch
from main import foo
def test_when_file_not_found():
with patch('main._open_file') as mopen_file:
# Setup mock to raise the error u want
mopen_file.side_effect = FileNotFoundError()
# Run actual function
result = foo()
# Assert if result is expected
assert result == "Sorry, missing file"
Instead of hard-coding the config file, you can externalize it or parameterize it. There are 2 ways to do it:
Environment variables: Use a $CONFIG environment variable that contains the location of the config file. You can run the test with an environment variable that can be set using os.environ['CONFIG'].
CLI params: Initialize the module with commandline params. For tests, you can set sys.argv and let the config property be set by that.
In order to mock just calls to open in your function, while not replacing the call with a helper function, as in Nf4r's answer, you can use a custom patch context manager:
from contextlib import contextmanager
from types import CodeType
def patch_call(func, call, replacement):
fn_code = func.__code__
func.__code__ = CodeType(
replacement if call == name else name
for name in fn_code.co_names
func.__code__ = fn_code
Now you can patch your function:
def patched_open(*args):
raise FileNotFoundError
with patch_call(readconf, "open", "patched_open"):
You can use mock to patch a module's instance of the 'open' built-in to redirect to a custom function.
def readconf():
s = ''
with open('./config.conf', 'r') as f:
s =
return s
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import myapp
def my_open(path, mode):
return open('asdf', mode)
class TestSystem(unittest.TestCase):
#mock.patch('', my_open)
def test_config_not_found(self):
result = myapp.readconf()
except FileNotFoundError as e:
if __name__ == '__main__':
You could also do it with a lambda like this, if you wanted to avoid declaring another function.
#mock.patch('', lambda path, mode: open('asdf', mode))
def test_config_not_found(self):

How to mock readlines() in Python unit tests

I am trying to write a unit test to a class init that reads from a file using readlines:
class Foo:
def __init__(self, filename):
with open(filename, "r") as fp: = fp.readlines()
with sanity checks etc. included.
Now I am trying to create a mock object that would allow me to test what happens here.
I try something like this:
TEST_DATA = "foo\nbar\nxyzzy\n"
with patch("", mock_open(read_data=TEST_DATA), create=True)
f = Foo("somefilename")
The problem is, when I peek into, there is only one element:
Which means whatever happened, did not get split into lines but was treated as one line. How do I force linefeeds to happen in the mock data?
This will not work with a class name
with patch("",
But this will work by mocking the builtin directly, for python3
#mock.patch("", new_callable=mock.mock_open, read_data=TEST_DATA)
def test_open3(self, mock_open):
or this without class by mocking the module method
def test_open(self):
with patch("", mock.mock_open(read_data=TEST_DATA), create=True):
#Gang's answer pointed me to the right direction but it's not a complete working solution. I have added few details here which makes it a working code without any tinkering.
def read_from_file():
# Do other things here
filename = "file_with_data"
with open(filename, "r") as f:
l = f.readline()
return l
from file_read import read_from_file
from unittest import mock
import builtins
##mock.patch.object(builtins, "open", new_callable=mock.mock_open, read_data="blah")
def test_file_read(mock_file_open):
output = read_from_file()
expected_output = "blah"
assert output == expected_output
