Heroku server error 503 in nodejs express api - node.js

When I run my nodeJs API on localhost is works perfect but when in uploaded it on server (Heroku) then it gives server 503 error.

Without knowing more about the project, my first guess is something that I ran into just yesterday, where Environment Variables hadn't been declared within Heroku > App > Settings > Config Vars, but were properly in place in the dev environment in the .env file (which should never, ever, ever be pushed to any repository, just so you're aware).
If you could run heroku logs --tail in your CLI and paste in the log for that app, it could help clarify exactly what's happening.


Trying to deploy PERN app in Heroku and getting 404s

I'm trying to get my app and server hosted on Heroku to work when deployed, but it's not. Client and server seem appear to be running, but the api calls are returning 404s. I'm guessing the configs are messed up somewhere.
Here is my repo: https://github.com/kpermenter/test-deploy and my Heroku settings are attached.
Any insight would be much appreciated!
This is because you haven't made the client files available publicly, you can do this by using:
in the server.js file
if this doesn't work you can try creating a 'public' folder inside the server folder then copy the contents of the build inside the server/public folder and then use app.use(express.static('/public'));
and just deploy the server folder itself

How to correctly deploy a client and server Node.js project using Heroku?

I want to deploy my project using the Heroku service.
My project contain client and server folders.
On localhost everything is working fine but when I followed the Heroku instructions, I still couldn't deploy my project correctly. I followed this instructions only for the server (I added only the server files), but when I open the given URL of my
Heroku project I receive the wild card (*) msg: Page not found
I couldn't understand what im doing wrong.
client script in package.json:
server script in package.json:
Axios file in client folder:
index.js in server folder:
updated - procfile:
I added the .env variables into the Heroku config vars.
This is the first time I'm trying to deploy my project and I will appreciate your help :)

Deploying MEAN stack application to Heroku

I am trying to deploy an application I am building with the MEAN stack to Heroku and am having some trouble. I think the issue is with the structure of my application. I have all my server code in a folder called server, which has its own package.json and src folder that contains the actual server code.
Right now I am simply trying to get Heroku to deploy the client side of the application. I am only getting an error... I know that the database and server are not running but I cannot even get past the initial displaying of the app. I have one web dyno set up to run ng serve (npm start) on the app.
If someone would be willing to look at the structure of my application and sees why I am unable to deploy to Heroku without really digging into the code, that would be much appreciated.
Here is the code
Please note that it is on the deploy branch, and this is on purpose. I do not want to push anything to the master until I am sure it is working.
The Angular web server targets localhost:4200 by default. That can be changed with a couple command-line options. --port accepts a port and --host accepts a host IP address.
So you could modify the ng serve script as follows: ng serve --host [host-ip] --port [port-number] --disableHostCheck. That last flag (--disableHostCheck) tells the dev server to bypass host checking when normally ng serve fails on anything except localhost. Terrible idea if meant for anything except private development/testing.
Another issue: Heroku runs off web dynos and from what I understand about them, they use a random port and IP each time. While the random port is stored under the variable $PORT, the IP does not seem to have a similar variable. Web dynos keep that information to themselves.
Heroku does offer this command: heroku local web. It runs your application on localhost:5000. That means ng serve --port 5000 works perfectly with this command. This should tell you how your front-end will run on Heroku. Your angular dev server will function as expected too.
For actual deployment to Heroku, use that express server of yours. Run ng build from your file system and it will spit out an index.html in the dist folder. This file holds your entire front-end application. You can then upload that file into your browser from the server.
For express that usually breaks down into:
app.get('*', function(req, res) {
Hopefully this helps! Let me know if I missed the mark anywhere.

Meteor deploy on Heroku Error deploying Node

I built a Meteor app, and it runs on my local machine, where I have meteor installed.
I have never deployed an app online, and am trying to put the app on heroku.
I first tried to use buildpack/jordansissel/heroku-buildpack-meteor.git, but I got an error "Meteor requires Node v0.10.41 or later"
I then tried to use buildpack/michaltakac/meteor-buildpack-horse.git but it failed to push because it couldn't unpack Node.
Lastly I've tried kevinseguin/heroku-buildpack-meteor.git but I get lots of warnings about npm depricated http://prntscr.com/bewzak
When I look at the logs it says "Slug compilation failed: failed to compile Node.js app"
I also get Error: MONGO_URL must be set in environment
I don't know enough to understand what the errors are, or how to get my app deployed
Image of errors: http://prntscr.com/bex0av
my goal it to get the site on gr-fireworks.herokuapp.com
I contacted Heroku helpdesk and they said they couldn't help me because the issue was outside the scope of Heroku Support.
I tried to reach out to Snap CI who said they were successful in deploying it, but when I try to type in exactly what they did, I am still getting the error about Node https://snap-ci.com/ankitsri11/Fireworks/branch/master/logs/defaultPipeline/1/Heroku?back_to=build_history
My repository I'm trying to deloy is on git at github.com/jschwarzwalder/Fireworks
From description of your problem I can conclude you need to do 2 things on your app's Heroku dashboard (Settings tab):
Add MONGO_URL environment variable that points to your Mongo DB database. You can create mongo instance on external service or use mLab Heroku addon (it has free plan).
So your environment variables may look like:
Also, you may need to add METER_SETTINGS if you use --settings settings.json and ROOT_URL - URL of you app gr-fireworks.herokuapp.com (is required).
Set this buildpack:
Ensure you have .git at the end of url.
Now you can deploy your app using single command (if you setup Heroku Toolbelt and heroku remote points Heroku's app repository):
$ git push heroku master

Heroku - Node.js application deployed successfully, heroku local fails

I have a MEAN stack app which has been successfully deployed to heroku. Everything works great using the heroku hosted version of my application.
For some reason, when I run my app using "heroku local" it fires up and appears to be working correctly but I can't access any of my endpoints.
Postman gives me the following error instantly "Could not get any response". I am also at a loss for where to even begin troubleshooting this problem, even running the application using "node app.js" gives me the same error. This did not happen prior to deploying to heroku!
Some files I have added are 'Procfile'
web: node app.js
Am I missing something here?
Another thing I have added is the MongoLab addon, to isolate and see if this was the issue I created a test endpoint at "http://localhost:8080/api/test" but it doesnt even respond with the simple "message: 'Success!'" json response.
