How to get an instance of the updated sequelize model from an afterUpsert hook? - node.js

Other sequelize hooks, like afterUpdate(instance, options) provide an instance of the modified model as a parameter. However, afterUpsert(created, options) provides a created boolean which indicates if the operation was a insert or update.
Is there a way to configure sequelize, or manipulate the afterUpsert parameters, to obtain an instance of the upserted model?

As far as I know you can not. As the result of upsert call to db via queryInterface is what is returned to the afterUpsert hook, which is boolean value whether there has been any newly created records or not in the upsert process.
While, you can use beforeUpsert with the values passed to upsert method. Not sure if that might be helpful ( may be to clear a cache )

I have faced the same issue recently, and I was able to manage it this way:
beforeUpsert: (values, options)=>{
/* afterUpsert will always get an array of type [Model, created] as first argument */
options.returning = true;
I decided to use the beforeUpsert hook to make sure that any call to Model.upsert is forced to return an instance and not only a created boolean. But, you can also call
upsert(values,{returning: true});


Mongoose pre hook middleware with typescript, how to set up types to access the query objects parameters?

I am using Mongoose 5+ and currently do not have the option of upgrading to Mongoose 6 (which seems to have fixed several issues concerning types and stuff)
I am refactoring from js to ts, and I keep hitting a wall when dealing with pre hooks. In this particular case, I want to understand how to pass generic types to the pre hook and not have typescript get mad that i am trying to access certain fields of this
So my prehook looks like this. It is using findOneAndUpdate and in this case the this is bound to the Query, which gives me some particular properties to access, such as this._update and this._conditions. I use this._update to access the information I am trying to update in this document, and I use that to modify another document in another collection before committing to the change in this document. I use this so the operation will be atomic and no changes will be committed to the DB if any of the other writes fails. However, typescript does not like me accessing values from this and outlined below are the errors i get
unitsSchema.pre('findOneAndUpdate', async function(next){
const update = this._update; //TSError: Property '_update' does not exist on type 'Query<any, any>'
const conditions = this._conditions; //Property '_conditions' does not exist on type 'Query<any, any>'
if(update.isDeleted === true){
//remove the unit from the condo model
await Condos.updateOne({_id:conditions.condoID},
await UnitSttmt.updateMany({unitID:conditions._id},
//I even get an error here for some reason, i dont understand why here next is expecting a required argument, but not on other similar hooks
next(); // Expected 1 arguments, but got 0
I have tried passing it my document interface which extends mongoose.Document type and some other types too, but to no avail. Does anyone have any insight on how to get typescript to recognize the available Query paramters that exist?
Some examples I have tried
unitsSchema.pre<Query<any, UnitsDocument>>(...)
// this one obviously works but kind of defeats the purpose, but at least it gets rid of my error
also want ot mention the code works fine as javascript, it must be an error or limitation in the type declarations.. or maybe I'm just not supposed to be accessing those fields from the Query this ?

Sequelize: Force update for a JSON array

Sequelize won't update a JSON field under some circumstances.
For example, I have:
[[1]] (an array inside array)
And I'm trying to push something:
instance.arr[0].push(1); // [[1,1]];
// or:
instance.update({arr: instance.arr});
Now inside the instance I have changed the array and nothing changed inside the database. Not even a query is sent. :(
From the Sequelize website:
The save method is optimized internally to only update fields that really
changed. This means that if you don't change anything and call save,
Sequelize will know that the save is superfluous and do nothing, i.e.,
no query will be generated (it will still return a Promise, but it
will resolve immediately).
That's good, but it seems like it doesn't work for JSON. Can I do a force update?
As of today, I have to do a deep copy of the array to save it.
I'm using MariaDB. I don't know if that matters.
It seems you have to specify that the field has changed
instance.changed( 'arr', true);

what is the difference between document middleware, model middleware, aggregate middleware, and query middleware?

I am fairly new to MongoDB and Mongoose, I am really confused about why some of the middleware works at the document and some works on query. I am also confused about why some of the query methods return documents and some return queries. If a query is returning document it is acceptable, but why a query return query and what really it is.
Adding more to my question what is a Document function and Model or Query function, because both of them have some common methods like updateOne.
Moreover, I have gathered all these doubts from the mongoose documentation.
Tl;dr: the type of middleware most commonly defines what the this variable in a pre/post hook refers to:
Middleware Hook
'this' refers to the
validate, save, remove, updateOne, deleteOne, init
count, countDocuments, deleteMany, deleteOne, estimatedDocumentCount, find, findOne, findOneAndDelete, findOneAndRemove, findOneAndReplace, findOneAndUpdate, remove, replaceOne, update, updateOne, updateMany
Aggregation object
Long explanation:
Middlewares are nothing, but built-in methods to interact with the database in different ways. However, as there are different ways to interact with the database, each with different advantages or preferred use-cases, they also behave differently to each other and therefor their middlewares can behave differently, even if they have the same name.
By themselves, middlewares are just shorthands/wrappers for the mongodbs native driver that's being used under the hood of mongoose. Therefor, you can usually use all middlewares, as if you were using regular methods of objects without having to care if it's a Model-, Query-, Aggregation- or Document-Middleware, as long as it does what you want it to.
However, there are a couple of use-cases where it is important to differentiate the context in which these methods are being called.
The most prominent use-case being hooks. Namely the *.pre() and the *.post() hooks. These hooks are methods that you can "inject" into your mongoose setup, so that they are being executed before or after specific events.
For example:
Let's assume I have the following Schema:
const productSchema = new Schema({
name: 'String',
version: {
type: 'Number',
default: 0
Now, let's say you always want to increase the version field with every save, so that it automatically increases the version field by 1.
The easiest way to do this would be to define a hook that takes care of this for us, so we don't have to care about this when saving an object. If we for example use .save() on the document we just created or fetched from the database, we'd just have to add the following pre-hook to the schema like this:
productSchema.pre('save', function(next) {
this.version = this.version + 1; // or this.version += 1;
Now, whenever we call .save() on a document of this schema/model, it will always increment the version before it is actually being saved, even if we only changed the name.
However, what if we don't use the .save() or any other document-only middleware but e.g. a query middleware like findOneAndUpdate() to update an object?
Then, we won't be able to use the pre('save') hook, as .save() won't be called. In this case, we'd have to implement a similar hook for findOneAndUpdate().
Here, however, we finally come to the differences in the middlewares, as the findOneAndUpdate() hook won't allow us to do that, as it is query hook, meaning it does not have access to the actual document, but only to the query itself. So if we e.g. only change the name of the product the following middleware would not work as expected:
productSchema.pre('findOneAndUpdate', function(next) {
// this.version is undefined in the query and would therefor be NaN
this.version = this.version + 1;
The reason for this is, that the object is directly updated in the database and not first "downloaded" to nodejs, edited and "uploaded" again. This means, that in this hook this refers to the query and not the document, meaning, we don't know what the current state of version is.
If we were to increment the version in a query like this, we'd need to update the hook as follows, so that it automatically adds the $inc operator:
productSchema.pre('findOneAndUpdate', function(next) {
this.$inc = { version: 1 };
Alternatively, we could emulate the previous logic by manually fetching the target document and editing it using an async function. This would be less efficient in this case, as it would always call the db twice for every update, but would keep the logic consistent:
productSchema.pre('findOneAndUpdate', async function() {
const productToUpdate = await this.model.findOne(this.getQuery());
this.version = productToUpdate.version + 1;
For a more detailed explanation, please the check the official documentation that also has a designated paragraph for the problem of having colliding naming of methods (e.g. remove() being both a Document and Query middleware method)

Sequelize.js - how to properly use get methods from associations (no sql query on each call)?

I'm using Sequelize.js for ORM and have a few associations (which actually doesn't matter now). My models get get and set methods from those associations. Like this (from docs):
var User = sequelize.define('User', {/* ... */})
var Project = sequelize.define('Project', {/* ... */})
// One-way associations
Furthermore, Project.prototype will gain the methods getUser and setUser
according to the first parameter passed to define.
So now, I have Project.getUser(), which returns a Promise. But if I call this twice on the very same object, I get SQL query executed twice.
My question is - am I missing something out, or this is an expected behavior? I actually don't want to make additional queries each time I call the same method on this object.
If this is expected - should I use custom getters with member variables which I manually populate and return if present? Or there is something more clever? :)
As from DeBuGGeR's answer - I understand I can use includes when making a query in order to eager load everything, but I simply don't need it, and I can't do it all the time. It's waste of resources and a big overhead if I load my entire DB at the beginning, just to understand (by some criteria) that I won't need it. I want to make additional queries depending on situation. But I also can't afford to destroy all models (DAO objects) that I have and create new ones, with all the info inside them. I should be able to update parts of them, which are missing (from relations).
If you use getUser() it will make the query call, it dosent give you access to the user. You can manually save it to project.user or project.users depending on the association.
But you can try Eager Loading
include: [
{ model: User, as: 'user' } // here you HAVE to specify the same alias as you did in your association
project.user // contains the user
Also e.g of getUser(). Dont expect it to automatically cache user and dont override this cleverly as it will create side effects. getUser is expected to get from database and it should!
// user is available and is a sequelize object
project.user = user; // save project.user and use it till u want to
The first part of things is clear - every call to get[Association] (for example Project.getUser()) WILL result in database query.
Sequelize does not maintain any kind of state nor cache for the results. You can get user in the Promisified result of the call, but if you want it again - you will have to make another query.
What #DeBuGGeR said - about using accessors is also not true - accessors are present only immediately after a query, and are not preserved.
As sometimes this is not ok, you have to implement some kind of caching system by yourself. Here comes the tricky part:
IF you want to use the same get method Project.getUser(), you won't be able to do it, as Sequelize overrides your instanceMethods. For example, if you have the association mentioned above, this won't work:
instanceMethods: {
getUser: function() {
// check if you have it, otherwise make a query
There are few possible ways to fix it - either change Sequelize core a little (to first check if the method exists), or use some kind of wrapper to those functions.
More details about this can be found here:
Thanks to mickhansen for the cooperation on how to understand what to do :)

Serialize then deserialize mongoose.Model instance

Here's my problem:
I have a system with two hosts: machine M1 and machine M2 each running a node.js process on the same codebase.
On M1 I have a mongoose.Model instance (user) which I need to pass (using a REST api call) to M2. I have to have the complete instance of user on M2, ie. all data, virtuals, plugins, save() should work as expected.
One solution is to only send user's ObjectId, then on M2 to perform a query to mongodb to fetch the full object. I don't want to do this!
Another solution would be to serialize it using user.toJSON() or user.toObject() then send it down the wire. On M2, all I do is new User(userObject).
The problem is that when calling .save() on this it will interpret it as a new object and attempt an insert() instead of an .update().
To fix this I can set .isNew = false on the object, however, when updating, the delta (difference between stored model and updated values) now contains all the data and mongo complains it will not update a document's _id
Is there an elegant way to solve this using a native method or plugin ?! Am I doing it wrong?!
It may be wrong, but you may try using upsert() on the created user object instead of saving it.
If you plan to use it usually, you may end up defining a new static method in your schema, like:
Schema.statics.createOrUpdate = function(object, callback) {
statics.upsert(this, object, callback);
This way you can pass your user data to M2, and on M2, you can update it easily.
This is a late call but I faced same problem before finding out Model.hydrate method.
Shortcut for creating a new Document from existing raw data, pre-saved
in the DB. The document returned has no paths marked as modified
So on M2 User.hydarate(userObject) can be used instead of new User(userObject) and no need to set isNew to false.
