Python: How to create an array of datetime, and extract the corresponding year, month, day, hour for each index in array before binning - python-3.x

I can create a list of datetimes between 1994 and 2020 as follows:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Create datetime for plotting
start_date = datetime(1994,1,1)
start_date_yr = start_date.year
time = [start_date + timedelta(days=x) for x in range(9553)]
'time' is a list, and is useful for plotting my 'y' data as a function of time.
My 'y' data is a pandas series with dimension (9553,) containing some NaNs.
However, I want to plot my 'y' data as a function of day of the year, or month, or year. In MATLAB, I would use the function 'datevec' to get these corresponding years, months, days with same dimension (9553,) from variable 'time'.
I want to bin my 'y' data to get the annual cycle (either for each day of the year or each month), and the yearly averages (using all data corresponding to a given year).
How can I obtain a time array (datetime, year, month, day) with dimension (9553,), and how can I bin my 'y' data?

Make a list of tuples:
[(datetime1, year1, month1, day1), (datetime2, year2, month2, day2), (datetime3, year3, month3, day3) ]
mydates = []
for date in time:
mydates.append(tuple((t, t.strftime('%Y'), t.strftime('%m'), t.strftime('%d'))))


How to build a time series with Matplotlib

i have a database that contains all flights data for 2019. I want to plot a time series where the y-axis is the number of flights that are delayed ('DEP_DELAY_NEW')and x-axis is the day of the week.
The day of the week column is an integer, i.e. 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday etc.
`# only select delayed flights`
delayed_flights = df_airports_clean[df_airports_clean['ARR_DELAY_NEW'] >0]
1 44787
7 40678
2 33145
5 29629
4 27991
3 26499
6 24847
Name: DAY_OF_WEEK, dtype: int64
How do i convert the above into a time series? Additionally how do i change the integer for the 'day of week' into a string (i.e. 'Monday instead of '1'). i couldn't find the answer to those questions in this forum. Thank you
Let's break down the problem into two parts.
Converting the num_delayed columns into a time series
I am not sure what you meant by a time-series here. But the below code would work well for your plotting purpose.
delayed_flights = df_airports_clean[df_airports_clean['ARR_DELAY_NEW'] > 0]
delayed_series = delayed_flights['DAY_OF_WEEK'].value_counts()
delayed_df = pd.DataFrame(delayed_series, columns=['NUM_DELAYS'])
delayed_array = delayed_df['NUM_DELAYS'].values
delayed_array contains the array of delayed flight counts in order.
Converting the day in int into a weekday
You can easily do this by using the calendar module.
>>> import calendar
>>> calendar.day_name[0]
If Monday is not the first day of week, you can use setfirstweekday to change it.
In your case, your day integers are 1-indexed and hence you would need to subtract 1 to make it 0-indexed. Another easy workaround would be to define a dictionary with keys as day_int and values as weekday.

Going from monthly average dataframe to an interpolated daily timeseries

I am interested in taking average monthly values, for each month, and set the monthly average values to be the value on the 15th day of each month (within a daily timeseries).
I start with the following (these are the monthly average values I am given):
m_avg = pd.DataFrame({'Month': ['1.527013956', '1.899169054', '1.669356146','1.44920871', '1.188557788', '1.017035727', '0.950243755', '1.022453993', '1.203913739', '1.369545041','1.441827406','1.48621651']
EDIT: I added one more value to the dataframe so that there are now 12 values.
Next, I want to put each of these monthly values on the 15th day (within each month) for the following time period:
ts = pd.date_range(start='1/1/1950', end='12/31/1999', freq='D')
I know how to pull out the date on 15th day of an already existing daily timeseries by using:
df= df.loc[(] # Where df is any daily timeseries
Lastly, I know how to interpolate the values once I have the average monthly values on the 15th day of each month, using:
df.loc[:, ['Col1']] = df.loc[:, ['Col1']].interpolate(method='linear', limit_direction='both', limit=100)
How do I get from the monthly DataFrame to an interpolated daily DataFrame, where I linearly interpolate between the 15th day of each month, which is the monthly value of my original DataFrame by construction?
Your suggestion to use np.tile() was good, but I ended up needing to do this for multiple columns. Instead of np.tile, I used:
index = pd.date_range(start='1/1/1950', end='12/31/1999', freq='MS')
m_avg = pd.concat([month]*49,axis=0).set_index(index)
There may be a better solution out there, but this is working for my needs so far.
Here is one way to do it:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# monthly averages, note these should be cast to float
month = np.array(['1.527013956', '1.899169054', '1.669356146',
'1.44920871', '1.188557788', '1.017035727',
'0.950243755', '1.022453993', '1.203913739',
'1.369545041', '1.441827406', '1.48621651'], dtype='float')
# expand this to 51 years, with the same monthly averages repeating each year
# (obviously not very efficient, probably there are better ways to attack the problem,
# but this was the question)
month = np.tile(month, 51)
# create DataFrame with these values
m_avg = pd.DataFrame({'Month': month})
# set the date index to the desired time period
m_avg.index = pd.date_range(start='1/1/1950', end='12/1/2000', freq='MS')
# shift the index by 14 days to get the 15th of each month
m_avg = m_avg.tshift(14, freq='D')
# expand the index to daily frequency
daily = m_avg.asfreq(freq='D')
# interpolate (linearly) the missing values
daily = daily.interpolate()
# show result
1950-01-15 1.527014
1950-01-16 1.539019
1950-01-17 1.551024
1950-01-18 1.563029
1950-01-19 1.575034
... ...
2000-12-11 1.480298
2000-12-12 1.481778
2000-12-13 1.483257
2000-12-14 1.484737
2000-12-15 1.486217
18598 rows × 1 columns

Pandas, groupby/Grouper on month ignoring the year

I have the following data in a Pandas df:
I want to group this data on the month ignoring the year so ideally would end up with 12 new dataframes each representing the events of that months ignoring the year.
I tried the following:
sort = list(df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='M', key='Departure_Date')))
This results in a list containing a data frame for each month and year, in this case yielding 60 lists of which many are empty since there is no data for that month.
My expected result is a list containing 12 dataframes, one for each month (January, Februari etc.)
I think need dt.month for 1-12 months or dt.strftime for January-December:
sort = list(df.groupby(df['Departure_Date'].dt.month))
sort = list(df.groupby(df['Departure_Date'].dt.strftime('%B')))

Creating a daily account log from a Pandas expense file in data frame format

I have an expense file that I am trying to read in and from this file create a daily log. A small subset of the file that extends over years is shown below, for a few days in January 2015.
In my code I start with the variables checking_start and savings_start that contain the start values of the checking and savings account. I would like to give the code a start date and an end date and have the code iterate through each day, see if there was an expense on that day and subtract the checking and savings debits and add the checking and savings additions. If there were no expenses on that day it should keep the accounts at the same value as the previous day. In addition, I am trying to constrain myself to Pandas data frames in the implementation. So far my code looks like this.
import pandas as pd
from date time import date
check_start = 8500.0
savings_start = 4000.0
start_date = date(2017, 1, 1)
end_date = date(2017, 1, 8)
df = pd.read_csv(file_name.csv, dtype={'Date': str, 'Checking_Debit': float,
'Checking_Addition': float,
'Savings_Debit': float,
'Savings_Addition': float})
In a Pythonic format with the Pandas module, how do I walk through from the start date to the end date, one day at a time, then see if there is an expense or expenses on those date and then subtract that from the checking and savings. At the end I should have an array for the value of the checking account on each date and the same for the savings account on that day.
The result should be arrays written into another .csv file with the following format.
Start by reading the data that you provided and identifying the date column in data with it
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(r"dat.csv", parse_dates=[0],dtype={'Checking_Debit': float,
'Checking_Addition': float,
'Savings_Debit': float,
'Savings_Addition': float})
Set Date as index for better data manipulation.
df = df.set_index("Date")
Initialize all the variables for the loop
check_start = 8500.0
savings_start = 4000.0
start_date = pd.to_datetime('2015/1/1')
end_date = pd.to_datetime('2015/1/8')
delta = pd.Timedelta('1 days') # time that needs to be added to start date
Now group the expense data w.r.t to each date
grp_df = df.groupby('Date').sum()
Now we will do while loop for create expense report for each day
expense_report = []
while start_date<=end_date:
if start_date in df.index:
savings_start += (grp_df.loc[start_date,"Savings_Addition"]-grp_df.loc[start_date,"Savings_Debit"])
check_start += (grp_df.loc[start_date,"Checking_Addition"]-grp_df.loc[start_date,"Checking_Debit"])
elif start_date not in df.index:
start_date += delta
convert expense_report list to pandas Dataframe
df_exp_rpt = pd.DataFrame(expense_report,columns=["Date","Checking","Savings"])
Date Checking Savings
0 2015-01-01 8455.0 4000.0
1 2015-01-02 6790.2 4075.0
2 2015-01-03 6503.2 4075.0
3 2015-01-04 6503.2 4075.0
4 2015-01-05 6373.2 4075.0
5 2015-01-06 6373.2 4075.0
6 2015-01-07 1865.1 4075.0
7 2015-01-08 1865.1 4075.0
You can save to csv by
Note: The saving column values are 4075 instead of 3925.0 because you have 75 value in saving_addition column in your original data

Iterate through CSV and match lines with a specific date

I am parsing a CSV file into a list. Each list item will have a column list[3] which contains a date in the format: mm/dd/yyyy
I need to iterate through the file and extract only the rows which contain a specific date range.
for example, I want to extract all rows for the month of 12/2015. I am having trouble determining how to match the date. Any nudging in the right direction would be helpful.
splits your column to month, day and year, converts month and year to integers and then compare and match 12/2015
column3 = "12/31/2015"
month, day, year = column3.split("/")
if int(month) == 12 and int(year) == 2015:
# do your thing
parses a datetime string to time object and gets the attributes tm_year and tm_mon, compare them with corresponding month and year.
>>> import time
>>> to = time.strptime("12/03/2015", "%m/%d/%Y")
>>> to.tm_mon
>>> to.tm_year
