I need to find a specific word from an Excel file. I want to search row by row, and if the word is found, skip 2 rows down and copy the next 20 rows and loop to the next word.
Sub Example4()
Dim FilePath As Workbook
Dim wsheet As Worksheet
Dim i, lcount, lcount2 As Integer
Dim cell, rgFound As Range
Dim Found As Range, LastRow As Long
Set FilePath = Workbooks.Open("D:\SLC.txt")
Dim rowVal As Integer
rowVal = 1
For lcount = 1 To FilePath.Sheets("SLC").Range("A1048576").End(xlUp).Row
Set rgFound = Range("A1:A1048576").Find("TXN. NO TXN SEQ", ThisWorkbook.Sheets(), Cells(rowVal, 1))
FilePath.Cells(wsheet.Range(rowVal).End(xlDown).Row + 3).xlCopy
wbook2.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
wbook2.SaveAs ("D:\SLC_Copied.xlsx")
rowVal = rgFound1.Row
Debug.Print lcount
Next lcount
End Sub
As Siddharth Rout suggested, use Find and FindNext.
Try to choose variable names appropriate to their type, calling a workbook object FilePath is confusing to others trying to understand your script.
Option Explicit
Sub Example4()
Const TEXT_FILENAME = "D:\SLC.txt"
Const OUT_FILENAME = "D:\SLC_Copied.xlsx"
Dim wbText As Workbook, wbOut As Workbook, rngOut As Range
Dim wsText As Worksheet, wsOut As Worksheet, count As Integer
Dim rngSearch As Range, rngFound As Range, rowFirstFind As Long
' open text file no link update, read only
Set wbText = Workbooks.Open(TEXT_FILENAME, False, True)
Set wsText = wbText.Sheets(1)
' search
Set rngSearch = wsText.Columns("A:A")
Set rngFound = rngSearch.Find(what:=TEXT, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
If rngFound Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No lines match [" & TEXT & "]", vbCritical, "Exiting Sub"
Exit Sub
' create new workbook for results
Set wbOut = Workbooks.Add
Set wsOut = wbOut.Sheets(1)
Set rngOut = wsOut.Range("A1")
rowFirstFind = rngFound.Row
'Debug.Print rngFound.Row
rngFound.Offset(3, 0).Resize(20, 1).Copy rngOut
Set rngOut = rngOut.Offset(20, 0)
Set rngFound = rngSearch.FindNext(rngFound)
count = count + 1
Loop Until rngFound.Row = rowFirstFind
End If
wbText.Close False
MsgBox count & " blocks copied to " & wbOut.Name, vbInformation, "Finished"
End Sub
How do you go through the specific worksheet and in a specific column for every row that contains word "firewall" - then insert an empty row above? The Row with "firewall" may be followed by rows that contain other values. The last line in the column is always "Grand Total". I supposed can be used as condition to stop the loop.
I found on Stack Overflow this example which is almost exactly what I need, but it does it only once, and I need through the entire column for all matches. The worksheet should be specified.
Sub NewRowInsert()
Dim SearchText As String
Dim GCell As Range
SearchText = "Original"
Set GCell = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells.Find(SearchText).Offset(1)
End Sub
My data example:
firewall abc
policy x
policy y
firewall xyz
policy z
policy xxx
Grand Total
Insert Rows (Find feat. Union)
Option Explicit
Sub NewRowInsert()
Const sText As String = "FirEWaLL"
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim LastRow As Long: LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Dim rg As Range: Set rg = ws.Range("A2:A" & LastRow)
Dim sCell As Range: Set sCell = rg.Find(sText, , xlFormulas, xlPart)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim trg As Range
Dim sCount As Long
If Not sCell Is Nothing Then
Dim FirstAddress As String: FirstAddress = sCell.Address
If trg Is Nothing Then
Set trg = sCell
Set trg = Union(trg, sCell.Offset(, sCount Mod 2))
End If
sCount = sCount + 1
Set sCell = rg.FindNext(sCell)
Loop Until sCell.Address = FirstAddress
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Select Case sCount
Case 0
MsgBox "'" & sText & "' not found.", vbExclamation, "Fail?"
Case 1
MsgBox "Found 1 occurrence of '" & sText & "'.", _
vbInformation, "Success"
Case Else
MsgBox "Found " & sCount & " occurrences of '" & sText & "'.", _
vbInformation, "Success"
End Select
End Sub
I am trying to make a macro to insert a new column after the last occupied column in a sheet, then search for the column title "Part Number" in my example and Ctrl+F search for each string listed in the column, and search for it in another workbook. If the string is found in that workbook, I want "Found in 'Workbook Name'" to be filled in the same row as the part number it just searched for but the column that was created at the beginning. This is a part of a larger function so I am passing all the variables in including what's being searched for 'colTitle1', the book and sheet the values are on, 'BOM', the sheet "BOMSheet", and the document being searched 'SearchDoc".
The main function is here:
Public Sub OCCLCheck(colTitle As String, BOM As Workbook, BOMSheet As Worksheet)
Dim OCCL As Variant
Dim OpenBook As Workbook
Dim pn As Variant
Dim lastRow As Integer
'Counts number of rows in Column A with content
lastRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))
'Flashy but not good for regular use - uncomment when not showing off product
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Code for user to indicate the OCCL doc with a file path box - add something to prompt again if cancelled
OCCL = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="Choose OCCL File", FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls*),*xls*")
If OCCL <> False Then
Set OpenBook = Application.Workbooks.Open(OCCL)
End If
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Call SearchFunc("Part Number", BOM, BOMSheet, OCCL)
End Sub
The search function is here:
Public Sub SearchFunc(colTitle1 As String, BOM As Workbook, BOMSheet As Worksheet, SearchDoc As Workbook)
Dim pn As String
Dim colTitle2 As String
Dim c As Variant
Dim lastRow As Integer
'Code to search for something on something else, made for searching across books
'Find the column with colTitle1
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Set c = .find(colTitle1, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
pn = ActiveSheet.Range(c.Address).Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
End With
'Count number of rows to iterate search through
lastRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))
For i = 1 To lastRow
If Cells.find(What:=Workbooks(BOM).Worksheets(BOMSheet).Range(i, 2).Value, After:=ActiveCell, _
LookIn:=Workbooks(SearchDoc).Worksheets(1).xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate <> .Range(i, 2).Value Then 'Write not on occl to first unoccupied column also add code to find unoccupied column before this loop
End If
End Sub
I am pretty lost at where to go now as I know what I want to do but I am new to VBA so getting the program to do it is my problem ATM, any suggestions are appreciated!
This is the error with the macro searching for const "Part Number"
Most of the essential parts needed to build your solution should be within this script. I used xlWhole in the Find so that ABC1 would not match ABC10 but if part numbers are fixed length maybe xlPart is OK. Refactor into smaller subs and functions as necessary.
Option Explicit
Sub macro()
Const COL_TITLE = "Part Number"
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, found As Range
Dim wbSearch As Workbook, wsSearch As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range, iResultCol As Integer, iPartCol As Integer
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("BOM D6480000005")
' headers
Set rng = ws.UsedRange.Rows(1)
' determine part number col
Set found = rng.Find(COL_TITLE, , xlValues, xlPart)
If found Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Can't find " & COL_TITLE, vbCritical, "Search failed"
Exit Sub
End If
iPartCol = found.Column
' determine last col
iResultCol = rng.Columns.count + rng.Column
ws.Cells(1, iResultCol) = "Search Result"
Debug.Print rng.Address, iPartCol, iResultCol
Dim sFilename As String
sFilename = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="Choose OCCL File", FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls*),*xls*")
If Len(sFilename) > 0 Then
Set wbSearch = Application.Workbooks.Open(sFilename)
MsgBox "No file chosen", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
' find last row
Dim iLastRow As Long, iRow As Long, sPartNo As String, count As Long
iLastRow = ws.Cells(Rows.count, iPartCol).End(xlUp).Row
Debug.Print "iLastRow", iLastRow
' search each sheet
For Each wsSearch In wbSearch.Sheets
For iRow = 2 To iLastRow
sPartNo = ws.Cells(iRow, iPartCol)
If Len(sPartNo) > 0 Then
Set found = wsSearch.UsedRange.Find(sPartNo, , xlValues, xlWhole)
If found Is Nothing Then
' not found
ws.Cells(iRow, iResultCol) = "Found in " & wbSearch.Name & _
" " & wsSearch.Name & _
" at " & found.Address
count = count + 1
End If
End If
' end
wbSearch.Close False
MsgBox count & " matches", vbInformation, "Finished"
End Sub
Basically i have this script which compare 2 sheets, which compares a value in a column to the new sheet, if it finds the value, it will copy the information from Old sheet "B" to new sheet "B" column.
The script is working flawlessly (Thanks to the author)
I have trying to configure it to search and compare not only 1 column, but 2, if column X AND Y are equal to X AND Y in the new sheet it will do the same task.
The reason for this is that sometimes i have the value it searches for in few different rows, so when it compares it will find it at few places. While this script works perfect only when there are unique "Find" values.
Can you help me to edit so it fits "Find" and compare Column "P" & Column "V" if those are the same in new sheet, it will copy the Values in Column "B" old sheet to "B" new sheet.
Sub movecommentsInternode()
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim rSourcePCol As Range
Dim rSourcePCell As Range
Dim rDestPCol As Range
Dim rFound As Range
Dim sFirst As String
Dim sNotFound As String
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsSource = Wb.Sheets("Internode Buffer")
Set wsDest = Wb.Sheets("DataInternode")
Set rSourcePCol = wsSource.Range("P2", wsSource.Cells(wsSource.Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp))
Set rDestPCol = wsDest.Range("P2", wsDest.Cells(wsDest.Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp))
If rSourcePCol.row < 2 Then
MsgBox "No comment available, therefor no import is needed " ' & wsSource.Name
Exit Sub
ElseIf rDestPCol.row < 2 Then
MsgBox "Data Sheet is empty, please import the correct IO-List to be able to merge the comments " ' & wsDest.Name
Exit Sub
End If
For Each rSourcePCell In rSourcePCol.Cells
Set rFound = rDestPCol.Find(rSourcePCell.Value, rDestPCol.Cells(rDestPCol.Cells.Count), xlValues, xlWhole)
If rFound Is Nothing Then
sNotFound = sNotFound & Chr(10) & rSourcePCell.Value
sFirst = rFound.Address
rFound.Offset(, -14).Value = rSourcePCell.Offset(, -14).Value
Set rFound = rDestPCol.FindNext(rFound)
Loop While rFound.Address <> sFirst
End If
Next rSourcePCell
If Len(sNotFound) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Import completed" & vbCrLf & "All comments have been merged with the new imported IO-List")
MsgBox ("Import completed" & vbCrLf & "The following tag-comments have not been merged with new IO-List:" & sNotFound)
End If
End Sub
Also as a extra thing: Can you help me make it show the missing tags in a list (New sheet) insted of as comment. Will be ackward if there is hundreds of missing tags showing all in Msgbox.
Give this a try:
Sub movecommentsInternode()
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim wsMissingTags As Worksheet
Dim rSourcePCol As Range
Dim rSourcePCell As Range
Dim rDestPCol As Range
Dim rFound As Range
Dim sFirst As String
Dim sNotFound As String
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim aHeaders() As Variant
Dim aMissingTags As Variant
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsSource = Wb.Sheets("Internode Buffer")
Set wsDest = Wb.Sheets("DataInternode")
Set rSourcePCol = wsSource.Range("P2", wsSource.Cells(wsSource.Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp))
Set rDestPCol = wsDest.Range("P2", wsDest.Cells(wsDest.Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp))
If rSourcePCol.Row < 2 Then
MsgBox "No comment available, therefor no import is needed " ' & wsSource.Name
Exit Sub
ElseIf rDestPCol.Row < 2 Then
MsgBox "Data Sheet is empty, please import the correct IO-List to be able to merge the comments " ' & wsDest.Name
Exit Sub
End If
For Each rSourcePCell In rSourcePCol.Cells
bFound = False
Set rFound = rDestPCol.Find(rSourcePCell.Value, rDestPCol.Cells(rDestPCol.Cells.Count), xlValues, xlWhole)
If Not rFound Is Nothing Then
sFirst = rFound.Address
If rSourcePCell.Offset(, 6).Value = rFound.Offset(, 6).Value Then
rFound.Offset(, -14).Value = rSourcePCell.Offset(, -14).Value
bFound = True
End If
If bFound = True Then Exit Do 'First match for both columns found, exit find loop (this line can be removed if preferred)
Set rFound = rDestPCol.FindNext(rFound)
Loop While rFound.Address <> sFirst
End If
If bFound = False Then sNotFound = sNotFound & "|" & rSourcePCell.Value & vbTab & rSourcePCell.Offset(, 6).Value
Next rSourcePCell
If Len(sNotFound) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Import completed" & vbCrLf & "All comments have been merged with the new imported IO-List")
On Error Resume Next
Set wsMissingTags = Wb.Worksheets("Missing Tags")
On Error GoTo 0
If wsMissingTags Is Nothing Then
'Missing Tags worksheet doesn't exist, create it and add headers
aHeaders = Array(wsSource.Range("P1").Value, wsSource.Range("V1").Value)
Set wsMissingTags = Wb.Worksheets.Add(After:=Wb.Worksheets(Wb.Worksheets.Count))
wsMissingTags.Name = "Missing Tags"
With wsMissingTags.Range("A1").Resize(, UBound(aHeaders) - LBound(aHeaders) + 1)
.Value = aHeaders
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
End With
'Missing Tags worksheet already exists, clear previous contents (if any)
End If
aMissingTags = Split(Mid(sNotFound, 2), "|")
With wsMissingTags.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(aMissingTags) - LBound(aMissingTags) + 1)
.Value = Application.Transpose(aMissingTags)
.TextToColumns .Cells, xlDelimited, Tab:=True
End With
MsgBox "Import completed" & vbCrLf & "See the Missing Tags worksheet for a list of tag-comments that have not been merged with new IO-List."
End If
End Sub
It is a fine code. I modified and tried it and find working as per my understanding of your requirement The modified full code is:
Sub movecommentsInternode()
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim rSourceHCol As Range
Dim rDestHCol As Range
Dim rdestHCell As Range
Dim rSourceHCell As Range
Dim rSourceHCol2 As Range 'added
Dim rDestHCol2 As Range 'added
Dim rSourceHCell2 As Range 'added
Dim rdestHCell2 As Range 'added
Dim rFound As Range
Dim sFirst As String
Dim sNotFound As String
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsSource = Wb.Sheets("Internode Buffer")
Set wsDest = Wb.Sheets("DataInternode")
Set rSourceHCol = wsSource.Range("H2", wsSource.Cells(wsSource.Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp))
Set rDestHCol = wsDest.Range("H2", wsDest.Cells(wsDest.Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp))
'Next two lines added
Set rSourceHCol2 = wsSource.Range("V2", wsSource.Cells(wsSource.Rows.Count, "V").End(xlUp))
Set rDestHCol2 = wsDest.Range("V2", wsDest.Cells(wsDest.Rows.Count, "V").End(xlUp))
If rSourceHCol.Row < 2 Or rSourceHCol2.Row < 2 Then ' condition modified
MsgBox "No comment available, therefor no import is needed " ' & wsSource.Name
Exit Sub
ElseIf rDestHCol.Row < 2 Or rDestHCol2.Row < 2 Then ' condition modified
MsgBox "Data Sheet is empty, please import the correct IO-List to be able to merge the comments " ' & wsDest.Name
Exit Sub
End If
For Each rSourceHCell In rSourceHCol.Cells
Set rSourceHCell2 = rSourceHCell.Offset(0, 14) 'corresponding value in V Col Source Sheet
Set rFound = rDestHCol.Find(rSourceHCell.Value, rDestHCol.Cells(rDestHCol.Cells.Count), xlValues, xlWhole)
If rFound Is Nothing Then
sNotFound = sNotFound & Chr(10) & rSourceHCell.Value
sFirst = rFound.Address
'Next two lines and if clause added
Set rdestHCell2 = rFound.Offset(0, 14) 'corresponding value in V Col Destination Sheet
If rSourceHCell2.Value = rdestHCell2.Value Then ' added
rFound.Offset(0, -6).Value = rSourceHCell.Offset(0, -6).Value 'offset from H to B
End If
Set rFound = rDestHCol.FindNext(rFound)
Loop While rFound.Address <> sFirst
End If
Next rSourceHCell
If Len(sNotFound) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Import completed" & vbCrLf & "All comments have been merged with the new imported IO-List")
MsgBox ("Import completed" & vbCrLf & "The following tag-comments have not been merged with new IO-List:" & sNotFound)
End If
End Sub
Edit: line Set rSourceHCell2 = rSourceHCell.Offset(0, 14) moved after line For Each rSourceHCell In rSourceHCol.Cells . If it does not work try to use If StrComp(rSourceHCell2.Value, rDestHCell2.Value) = 0 Then in place of If rSourceHCell2.Value = rdestHCell2.Value Then
This code is for updating client information in my source document for a mail merge from a list that I can pull from my client server at any time.
I've hit a snag in this code near the end. The process it currently goes through is as follows:
user selects the merge document that needs to be updated
user selects the list with the updated addresses
code steps through the merge document, grabs the name of a company, then
searches through the second document for that company, copies the address information from the list, and
pastes it next to the company name in the merge document and
starts over with the next company name in the merge document
I'm currently stuck between steps four and five.'
here's a selection of the code I'm trying to adapt to search the source workbook, but I think this isn't going to work - I need to paste the found term into the macro workbook, and I have a gap in my knowledge of VBA here.
I can post my full code if necessary, but I didn't want to throw the whole thing in right away.
Thanks in advance!
Set sourcewkb = ActiveWorkbook
Dim rnnng As Range
Dim searchfor As String
Debug.Print celld
searchfor = celld
Set rnnng = Selection.Find(what:=searchfor)
If rnnng Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "yes"
Debug.Print "no"
End If
I tried some of what was suggested in the comment, but I'm having an issue where the selection.find is finding the variable in question whether or not it's actually there. I think somehow it's searching in both workbooks?
Full code (some parts are marked out as notes for convenience during editing the code, they generally aren't the parts I'm concerned about):
UPDATED full code:
Sub addressfinder()
Dim rCell
Dim rRng As Range
Dim aftercomma As String
Dim celld As String
Dim s As String
Dim indexOfThey As Integer
Dim mrcell As Range
Dim alreadyfilled As Boolean
Dim nocompany As Boolean
Dim sourcewkb
Dim updaterwkb
Dim fd As FileDialog
Dim cellstocopy As Range
Dim cellstopaste As Range
Dim x As Byte
'select updater workbook
updaterwkb = "L:\Admin\Corporate Books\2015\letter macro\Annual Consent Letter Macro.xlsm"
'this is the finished updater workbook selecter.
' Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
' Dim vrtselecteditem As Variant
' MsgBox "select the Annual Consent Letter Macro workbook"
' With fd
' If .Show = -1 Then
' For Each vrtselecteditem In .SelectedItems
' updaterwkb = vrtselecteditem
' Debug.Print updaterwkb
' Next vrtselecteditem
' Else
' End If
' End With
'select file of addresses
sourcewkb = "L:\Admin\Corporate Books\2015\letter macro\source workbook_sample.xlsx"
'this is the finished source select code
' Dim lngcount As Long
' If MsgBox("Have you gotten this year's updated contact list exported from Time Matters or Outlook?", vbYesNo, "confirm") = vbYes Then
' If MsgBox("Is the information in that excel workbook formatted per the instructions?", vbYesNo, "Confirm") = vbYes Then
' MsgBox "Good. Select that workbook now."
' Else
' MsgBox "Format the workbook before trying to update the update list"
' End If
' Else
' MsgBox "Have someone export you a client list with company name, client name, and client address"
' End If
' With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
' .AllowMultiSelect = False
' .Show
' For lngcount = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count
' Debug.Print .SelectedItems(lngcount)
' sourcewkb = .SelectedItems(lngcount)
' Next lngcount
' End With
Workbooks.Open (sourcewkb)
'start the code
Set updaterwkb = ActiveWorkbook
Set rRng = Sheet1.Range("a2:A500")
For Each rCell In rRng.Cells
'boolean resets
alreadyfilled = False
nocompany = False
'setting up the step-through
s = rCell.Value
indexOfThey = InStr(1, s, ",")
aftercomma = Right(s, Len(s) - indexOfThey + 1)
celld = Left(s, Len(s) - Len(aftercomma))
Debug.Print rCell.Value, "celld", celld
Debug.Print "address", rCell.Address
'setting up already filled check
Set mrcell = rCell.Offset(rowoffset:=0, ColumnOffset:=6)
Debug.Print "mrcell", mrcell.Value
If Len(rCell.Formula) = 0 Then
Debug.Print "company cell sure looks empty"
nocompany = True
End If
If Len(mrcell.Formula) > 0 Then
Debug.Print "mrcell has content"
alreadyfilled = True
Else: Debug.Print "mrcell has no content"
End If
If alreadyfilled = False Then
If nocompany = False Then
'the code for copying stuff
'open source document
'search source document for contents of celld
'if contents of celld are found, copy everything to the right of the cell in which
'they were found and paste it horizontally starting at mrcell
'if not, messagebox "address for 'celld' not found
'Set sourcewkb = ActiveWorkbook
'Dim rnnng As Range
'Dim searchfor As String
'Debug.Print celld
'searchfor = celld
'Set rnnng = Selection.Find(what:=searchfor)
'If Not rnnng Is Nothing Then
' Debug.Print "yes"
' Else
' Debug.Print "no"
'End If
Dim wb1 As Workbook
Dim wb2 As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim company As String
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim rng As Variant
Dim llc As String
Dim inc As String
Dim searchfor As String
Set wb1 = ThisWorkbook
Set wb2 = Workbooks("source workbook_sample.xlsx") 'change workbook name
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1) 'change worksheet #
Set ws2 = wb2.Worksheets(1) 'change worksheet #
llc = ",LLC"
inc = ",INC."
'lastRow = ws1.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
With ws1
For i = 1 To 500
If Cells(i, 1).Value = searchfor Then
company = .Cells(i, 1)
With ws2
'change range as necessary
Set f = .Range("A1:D100").Find(company, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not f Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print searcfor
fRow = f.Row
rng = .Range("B" & fRow & ":D" & fRow)
ws1.Range("B" & i & ":D" & i) = rng
End If
End With
End If
End With
Debug.Print "skipped cuz there ain't no company"
End If
Debug.Print "skipped cuz it's filled"
End If
Debug.Print "next"
Next rCell
End Sub
fixed code:
With ws1
For i = 1 To 500
If Cells(i, 1).Value = searchfor Then
company = .Cells(i, 1)
With ws2
'change range as necessary
Set f = .Range("A1:D100").Find(company, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not f Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print searcfor
fRow = f.Row
rng = .Range("B" & fRow & ":D" & fRow)
ws1.Range("B" & i & ":D" & i) = rng
End If
End With
End If
End With
Dim wb1 As Workbook
Dim wb2 As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim company As String
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim rng As Variant
Dim llc As String
Dim inc As String
Dim searchfor As String
Set wb1 = ThisWorkbook 'Annual Consent Letter Macro
Set wb2 = Workbooks("source workbook_sample.xlsx")
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Set ws2 = wb2.Worksheets(1)
llc = ",LLC"
inc = ",INC."
With ws1
For i = 1 To 500
If Cells(i, 1).Value = searchfor Then
company = .Cells(i, 1)
With ws2
'change range as necessary
Set f = .Range("A1:A500").Find(company, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not f Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print searcfor
fRow = f.Row
rng = .Range("B" & fRow & ":D" & fRow)
ws1.Range("B" & i & ":D" & i) = rng
End If
End With
End If
End With
End Sub
i am attempting to write a script that goes over a specific column and then copies all rows containing the value of "rejected" in said column to a new excel file/workbook.
Everything seems to work just fine except for the actual Paste command which fails every time.
The code:
Sub button()
Dim x As String
Dim found As Boolean
strFileFullName = ThisWorkbook.FullName
strFileFullName = Replace(strFileFullName, ".xlsm", "")
strFileFullName = strFileFullName + "_rejected.xlsx"
' MsgBox strFileFullName
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set obook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add(1)
Set oSheet = obook.Worksheets(1)
oSheet.Name = "Results"
' Select first line of data.
' Set search variable value.
x = "rejected"
' Set Boolean variable "found" to false.
found = False
' Set Do loop to stop at empty cell.
Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
' Check active cell for search value.
If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then
Exit Do
End If
If ActiveCell.Value = x Then
found = True
rowToCopy = ActiveCell.Row
lastrow = oSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
' oSheet.Rows(1).Select.PasteSpcial
End If
' Step down 1 row from present location.
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
' Check for found.
If found = True Then
MsgBox "Value found in cell " & ActiveCell.Address
MsgBox "Value not found"
End If
obook.SaveAs strFileFullName
End Sub
Any idea why i keep failing with the paste function?
Try this, no selects involved.
Sub AddWB()
Dim nwBk As Workbook, WB As Workbook, Swb As String
Dim Rws As Long, Rng As Range, c As Range, sh As Worksheet
Set WB = ThisWorkbook
Set sh = WB.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Rws = sh.Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = Range(sh.Cells(2, 5), sh.Cells(Rws, 5))
Set nwBk = Workbooks.Add(1)
Swb = WB.Path & "\" & Mid(WB.Name, 1, Len(WB.Name) - 5) & ".xlsx"
MsgBox Swb
For Each c In Rng.Cells
If c = "x" Then c.EntireRow.Copy nwBk.Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Next c
nwBk.SaveAs Filename:=Swb
End Sub
Your PasteSpecial command might fail because it's spelled incorrectly. At any rate, if you've got a lot of rows, you should consider something faster than looping through them.
This uses AutoFilter to copy all rows meeting the criteria in one pass. It will also copy the header row. If that's not what you want, you can delete row 1 of the new worksheet after the copy:
Sub CopyStuff()
Dim SearchString As String
Dim Found As Boolean
Dim wsSource As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wbTarget As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsTarget As Excel.Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Set wsSource = ActiveSheet
SearchString = "rejected"
With wsSource
Found = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.Range("E:E"), SearchString) > 0
If Not Found Then
MsgBox SearchString & " not found"
Exit Sub
End If
Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Add(1)
Set wsTarget = wbTarget.Worksheets(1)
wsTarget.Name = "Results"
LastRow = .Range("E" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Range("E:E").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:=SearchString
.Range("E1:E" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Copy _
End With
wbTarget.SaveAs Replace(ThisWorkbook.FullName, ".xlsm", "_rejected.xlsx")
End Sub
I didn't use your code to create a new Excel instance, as I couldn't see why that would be needed here, and it could cause problems. (For example,yYou don't kill the instance in your original code.)