How to execute the same GET request using multiple data in postman? - get

I have request as below:
I want to replace the {{type}} by three different values.
How do I implement it using postman scripts.

you need to use postman runner with a data (csv or json) file with the values of "type", and in runner select collection, then the data file and enter the iterations as required.
Refer the documentation


Encoding Pagination Rules in Azure Data Factory Dataflow Source Options

I'm trying to using pagination rules in the source options for a DataFlow source that is using a DataSet which is using a REST linked service. Pagination works in this particular API where a header w/ a cursor value is returned, and that value is used in the next call's query parameter list: cursor=xxxx. It looks like the API is not having any of this because the cursors that they return aren't URI encoded, and I can't figure out how to set that up encoding in the pagination rule or anywhere else. I would assume that encoding would be automatic, but based on the number of results that I get back using both the ADF DataFlow and Postman, it appears that when I put a non-encoded cursor value in my parameter list, I get an empty result as well as an empty next-cursor header, and that seems to be what is ending the pagination.
So how do I encode URI values, either in the pagination rules of the DataFlow source, the REST DataSet or the REST Linked Service? There doesn't seem to be any available functions for that in the dynamic content option.

Create Data Factory Dataset in a specific Azure DevOps branch rather than directly in Data Factory

While trying to build an ADF pipeline that generates datasets within Data Factory, I ran into an interesting issue. Or maybe I misunderstand some components completely, in which case I'd happily be educated.
I basically read some meta data from a SQL Database table which determines which source system, schema and tables I should pull new data from. The meta data is stored within a bunch of variables, which then feed a Web Request that attempts to generate a new Data Source as per the MS documentation. Yes, I'm trying to use Azure Data Factory to generate Azure Data Factory components.
The URL to create the DataSet and the JSON Body for the request are both generated using #Concat and a number of the variables. The resulting DataSet is a very straightforward file that does not contain references to the columns, but just the table schema and table name. I generated these manually before, and that all seems to work brilliantly. I basically have a dataset connected to the source system, referincing the table from the meta data.
The code runs, but the resulting dataset is directly published, as opposed to being added in my working branch. While this should not be a big issue once I manage to properly test everything, ideally the object would be created in my working branch (using Azure DevOps, thus a local file).
My next thought was to set up a linked service to my local PC, and simply write the same contents as above there. My challenge seems to be that I essentially am creating a file out of nothing. I am trying to use a Copy Data component, and added an empty placeholder file to act as a source.
I configure the sink with Dynamic Content for Copy Behavior, and attempted to add the JSON contents there. This gets the file created, but it's unfortunately empty. I also attempted to add a new column to the source with the data being the same contents.
However, seeing the file to be used as a sink doesn't exist, a mapping error will occur. Apart from this, I'd not want a column header to be written; just the dynamically created contents.
I'm not sure how to continue with this. I feel I'm very close to achieving my goal, but cannot seem to take this final hurdle.
Any hints or suggestions would be very welcome.

How can i send image/file and nested json data together using postman?

I am able to send image/file and normal key value which is being served as normal json later. I am using the form-data type of body in postman and a node server.
To handle image i am using multer on my node server.
But what makes issue is when i try to send the nested json and image together.
I am not able to do this thing.
Everything is fine but this is how the nested json is logging in the terminal :-
Please! Any help would be great to get the nested data object also in actual json format but not like this string as shown in terminal photo.
JSON can't contain binary data. What you're asking isn't directly possible.
The ideal thing to do is a multipart request, which is what you're getting in your first example. Note that one of those parts could be JSON, and you can just reference the other part by name, or with some other identifier.
The wrong way to do this is to base64 encode the data and put it in your JSON. If you do this, you'll get what you're asking for at the expense of 33% overhead in file size, wasted CPU and memory on each end for encoding/decoding, and significant waste in memory for your JSON parser which now has to chew through all of this extra data.
An alternative is to use a format that supports binary data, like CBOR. CBOR works in browsers, is streamable, supports all of the types of JSON and then some, is extensible, and standardized.
One solution is to split image upload and record upload into two separate services and call in UI one after the other.
It may be late but I faced the same issue, what I did was,
1: send data through form-data body and had 2 parameters.
file (the file which we want to send on backend using file field)
data (a string in json format using the text field in form-data).
data : {
I sent this in the request. Remember that when we send using form-data we have 2 separate choices file/text. Since this is text so the whole string is considered a text. So, essentially the data parameter is a string. When I receive this request on backend in django I do the following to get the actual json in json format.
attributes = json.loads(['data'])
This converts the data parameter which was first a string, into a json just as we wanted.
Hope it helps others.

SoapUI Groovy script to compare db values against Json response

Hi Guys i am new to API automation in SoapUI. i want to know if it is possible to compare data received from the JDBC step against the Json Response. Currently how i am doing is, defining the xpath for each tag and saving values in variables and comparing them. is there a way to automate this in a generic way without defining xpaths for each element in xmls

How to access a connector / Data Base from the initial/instantiation Form/Page?

How to access a connector / Data Base from the initial/instantiation Form/Page?
Hi every body, any help will be appreciated.
I try to access using the API Rest, but the method need the activyty/task id or the instance flow id.
This is because the connector stores its result in a proces/local/Busines data model or Variables,
but in the initial form I don't have an
instance of the flow/task/activity and I can't access to the variable that stores the value.
I need to use the connector to access data base and to the Ldap
to get some values to show in the initial form before instantiating the process.
Is there any way to call a Groovy Script from initial Form?, if there is,
I can access from that script to the data base, and save this value into a form variable, to show it in the form I think.
P.S.: I use Bonita 7.2
Sounds like you have a chicken and egg problem.
Can you instantiate the process with minimal data, then use a connector out to populate the BDM with the connector data, and then make the first step of your process the "initial" form? At that point you then have the case, taskid, etc.
If the data is not task/case specific, you can access the BDM data via the REST API and a custom query - i.e. you're not just limited to the API's that require the case/task/instance, etc. However, you may need to get clever with how you isolate that record. For example, I have some global parameters that I keep in in the BDM, and access them within my form by requesting the first record in that table via the rest API:
I created a variable called "globals" of type "External API" with the following REST call that retrieves the record with persistenceId=1:
In your case, you probably need to use a REST Api extensions. Basically, you can create a new REST Endpoint using Groovy script. There is a documentation available here:
