Configuring knex database connection uisng an access key - node.js

Well I recently started using knex for my database connectivity for my nodejs project. Here's the following code:
var knex = require('knex')({
client: 'mysql',
connection: {
So what I need is, I want to add an access key as well in my Database configuration. I just wanted to know if its possible to do it. If yes, please do tell me how. Thank you


TypeORM connection without explicitly specifying database

I wonder if it is somehow possible using TypeOrm to connect to a database server without having to specify a schema.
With the normal mysql module in Node it would work like this:
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
However, a database must be specified in the connection options in TypeOrm, if this is an empty string or does not exist, an error occurs.
So I don't see any possibility to connect to the server with TypeOrm and create a new schema with this connection.
Do I have to use the normal mysql module or is there a possibility with TypeORM that I am not aware of?

SailsJS: Requests choking at database query via models

We have SailsJS app with postgresql adapter. Requests made to server chokes at database query via models. i.e Users.find(). Database server is up and running, connection string is correct and in place in datastore.js under default head
My guess is that it is not able to make connection to database, but it is also not failing with any error. How this can be debugged
Setup your models to use the Postgres adapter the config/models.js file will need to be updated:
module.exports.models = {
connection: 'postgres'

Cannot read/write on a MongoDB Atlas database using Mongoose

I have a new sandbox cluster on MongoDB Atlas that I am connecting to with mongoose on a Node.js server. This is the code I'm using to connect:
const mongoDbUrl =
const connection = mongoose.connection
connection.on('connected', () => {
console.log('Connected to mongodb')
In the Atlas dashboard I have a readWriteAnyDatabase user that I am authenticating with. Authentication works as expected. I am able to connect to the database and no error is thrown on the connection. I can confirm this by removing a character in the password - authentication fails and I'm unable to connect.
The problem is when I try to insert documents.
const UserModel = require('./models/User')
name: 'Hello Atlas'
I get the following error:
MongoError: not authorized on admin to execute command {
insert: "users",
documents: [
name Hello Atlas
} {
_id ObjectIdHex("5aa17933d72d25730a340611")
} {
__v 0
ordered: false
As far as I know the user I'm authenticating with should have permission to read and write on the database I'm connecting to. The other part I don't understand is that the error shows that it's trying to write to admin even though my url is connecting to testdb.
Not sure if you have seen this post, but it could be because you are on a free cluster? Hope this helps.
I looked into the problem further and reproduced it on my own. I got the same error. However, I noticed that at one point Atlas provided me with a choice of connection strings. I went back to that page and chose I am using driver 3.4 or earlier.
The connection string looks like this:
const mongoDbUrl = `mongodb://${username}:${password},,`;
It worked with that connection string.
It looks like the free version of MongoDB Atlas launches with v3.4
If you are using free cluster. change 'admin' to 'test' in the path:
This worked for me
Going off #rithesh-mys 's answer. Replacing it with "test" is specifying the db. So you have to change it to the db name that you would use.
I had the same problem. I was trying a lot of connection strings, but the one for olders mongo shell (3.4 or earlier) worked for me.
I think that newer versions of connection strings don't work with mongoose, at least with free clusters.
Make sure the user you have created has the write and read privileges.

NodeJS encrypted connection string to Postgres

I am learning NodeJS by building a JWT server. Basically I want to authorize users against credentials in a PostgreSQL database. I am considering node-postgres, passport, pg to connect with PostgreSQL but I have not found anyway to store my connection values encrypted. Ideally I would store them in a properties file so I can change them per environment.
Most examples I see do something like:
var pg = require('pg');
var conString = "postgres://YourUserName:YourPassword#localhost:5432/YourDatabase";
Can someone help show me how to encrypt and use my credentials so I don't have to hard code the plain values in my source?
There seem to exist npm packages for this already. See Seems to fulfill your needs.
Please note, that you should also secure your Connection to the DB using SSL. See SSL for PostgreSQL connection nodejs for a Solution.
This should help.
if you use sequelize to connect postgres
const sequelize = new Sequelize("DB", usrname, password, {
host: "/var/run/postgresql",
dialect: "postgres",
NB: get the host string from your pgsl db might be different //

change database to mongo db on sails.js

I am a newbie in sails.js framework(and for node.js) and I have created myself an API from the address bar using sails.js features. my question is how do I transfer this data to mongodb so I can see it visually.
I have tried to follow this guide:
but its for 0.9 sails version(current version is 0.10) so that a lot of files that I needed to change has been modified and gone/renamed. I couldn't find an updated tutorial as well so if anyone can please write down how can I implement mongoDB to my sails project that would be wonderful.
In config/connections.js you need to configure your mongoDB connection. Then go to config/models.js, uncomment the connection property and set the name of your mongoDB connection.
In config/connection.js, You can configure your MongoDb connection like this.
module.exports.connections = {
MongoConnection: {
adapter: 'sails-mongo',
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
// user: 'username',
// password: 'password',
database: 'DB_Name'
You need to install sails-mongo package using npm in your working folder.
Then in config/models.js, Add the name of your mongoDb connection like this:
module.exports.models = {
connection: 'MongoConnection',
migrate: 'alter'
Thats it, you are ready to go.
