pytorch loss.backward() keeps running for hours - pytorch

I am using pytorch to train some x-ray images but I ran into the following issue:
in the line : loss.backward(), the program just keeps running and never end, and there is no error or warning.
loss, outputs = self.forward(images, targets)
loss = loss / self.accumulation_steps
print("loss calculated: " + str(loss))
if phase == "train":
print("running loss backwarding!")
print("loss is backwarded!")
if (itr + 1 ) % self.accumulation_steps == 0:
The loss calculated before this is something like tensor(0.8598, grad_fn=<DivBackward0>).
Could anyone help me with why this keeps running or any good ways to debug the backward() function?
I am using torch 1.2.0+cu92 with the compatible cuda 10.0.
Thank you so much!!

It's hard to give a definite answer but I have a guess.
Your code looks fine but from the output you've posted (tensor(0.8598, grad_fn=<DivBackward0>)) I conclude that you are operating on your CPU and not on the GPU.
One possible explanation is that the backwards pass is not running forever, but just takes very very long. Training a large network on a CPU is much slower than on a GPU. Check your CPU and memory utilization. It might be that your data and model is too big to fit into your main memory, forcing the operation system to use your hard disk, which would slow down execution by several additional magnitudes. If this is the case I generally recommend:
Use a smaller batch size.
Downscale your images (if possible).
Only open images that are currently needed.
Reduce the size of your model.
Use your GPU (if available) by calling model.cuda(); images = images.cuda() before starting your training.
If that doesn't solve your problem you could start narrowing down the issue by doing some of the following:
Create a minimal working example to reproduce the issue.
Check if the problem persists with other, very simple model architectures.
Check if the problem persists with different input data
Check if the problem persists with a different PyTorch version


Mixed Precision(Pytorch Autocast) Slows Down the Code

I have RTX 3070. Somehow using autocast slows down my code.
torch.version.cuda prints 11.1, torch.backends.cudnn.version() prints 8005 and my PyTorch version is 1.9.0. I’m using Ubuntu 20.04 with Kernel 5.11.0-25-generic.
That’s the code I’ve been using:
start = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
end = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
for epoch in range(10):
running_loss = 0.0
for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0):
inputs, labels = data
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
outputs = net(inputs)
oss = criterion(outputs, labels)
Without torch.cuda.amp.autocast(), 1 epoch takes 22 seconds, whereas with autocast() 1 epoch takes 30 seconds.
It turns out, my model was not big enough to utilize mixed precision. When I increased the in/out channels of convolutional layer, it finally worked as expected.
I came across this post because I was trying the same code and seeing slower performance. BTW, to use the GPU, you need to port data into tensor core in each step:
inputs, labels = data[0].to(device), data[1].to(device)
Even I made my network 10 times bigger I did not see the performance.
Something else might be wrong at setup level.
I am going to try Pytorch lightening.

Extracting Meaningful Error Message from 'RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered' on Google Colab in Pytorch

I am experiencing the following error while training a generative network via Pytorch 1.9.0+cu102:
RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered
CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call,so the stacktrace below might be incorrect.
For debugging consider passing CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1.
While using a Google Colaboratory GPU session. This segment was triggered on either one of these two lines:
running_loss += loss.item()
target =
It produces the error on the first line when I am first running the notebook, and the second line each subsequent time I try to run the block. The first error occurs after training for 3 batches. The second error happens on the first batch. I can confirm that the device is cuda0, that device is available, and target is a pytorch tensor. Naturally, I tried to take the advice of the error and run:
However, neither of these lines changes the error message. According to a different post, this is because colab is running these lines in a subshell. The error does not occur when running on CPU, and I do not have access to a GPU device besides the GPU on Colab. While this question has been asked in many different forms, no answers are particularly helpful to me because they either recommend passing the aforementioned line, are about a situation fundamentally different from my own (such as training a classifier with an inappropriate number of classes), or recommend a solution which I have already tried, such as resetting the runtime or switching to CPU.
I am hoping to gain insight into the following questions:
Is there a way for me to get a more specific error message? Efforts to set the launch blocking variable have been unsuccessful.
How could it be that I am getting this error on two seemingly very different lines? How could it be that my network trains for 3 batches (it is always 3), but fails on the fourth?
Does this situation remind anyone of an error that they have encountered previously, and have a possible route for ameliorating it given the limited information I can extract?
I was successfully able to get more information about the error by executing:
os.environ['CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING'] = "1"
BEFORE importing torch. This allowed me to get a more detailed traceback and ultimately diagnose the problem as an inappropriate loss function.
This can be mainly due to 2 reasons:
Inconsistency in the number of classes
Wrong input for the loss function
If it's the first one, then see you should get the same error when you change the runtime back to CPU.
In my case, it was the second one. I had used BCE loss, and its input should be between 0 and 1. If it's any other value, this error might appear. So I fixed this by using:
instead of:
Oh yeah, and I also used:
at the beginning of the code.

Tensorflow supports multiple threads/streams on one GPU for training?

I found the source code of GPUDevice, it hard-coded max streams to 1, may I know the know reason?
GPUDevice(const SessionOptions& options, const string& name,
Bytes memory_limit, const DeviceLocality& locality,
TfGpuId tf_gpu_id, const string& physical_device_desc,
Allocator* gpu_allocator, Allocator* cpu_allocator)
: BaseGPUDevice(options, name, memory_limit, locality, tf_gpu_id,
physical_device_desc, gpu_allocator, cpu_allocator,
false /* sync every op */, 1 / max_streams /) {
if (options.config.has_gpu_options()) {
force_gpu_compatible_ =
I am wondering whether TensorFlow(1.x version) supports multi-thread or multi-stream on a single GPU. If not, I am curious the underlying reasons, TF did this on some purposes or some libs like CUDA prevents TF from providing or some other reasons?
Like some previous posts[1,2], I tried to run multiple training ops in TF, i.e.[train_op1, train_op2],feed_dict={...}), I used the TF timeline to profile each iteration. However, TF timeline always showed that two train ops run sequentially (although timeline is not accurate[3], the wall time of each op suggests sequential running). I also looked at some source code of TF, it looks like the each op are computed by in device->ComputeAsync() or device->Compute(), and the GPU is blocked when computing an op. If I am correct, one GPU can only run a single op each time, which may lower GPU utilization.
1.Running multiple tensorflow sessions concurrently
2.Run parallel op with different inputs and same placeholder
I have similar experience with you.
I have two GPU, each GPU run three threads, each thread running a session, each session running time fluct a lot.
if run only one thread on each GPU, session running time is quite stable.
from these appearence, we can conclude that ,thread in tensorflow not cowork well,
the mechanism of tensorflow has problem.

Debugging the optmization run while training variables of a pre-trained tensorflow model

I am loading a pre-trained model and then extracting only the trainable variables which I want to optimize (basically change or fine-tune) according to my custom loss. The problem is the moment I pass a mini-batch of data to it, it just hangs and there is no progress. I used Tensorboard for visualization but don't know how to debug when there is no log info available. I had put some basic print statements around it but didn't get any helpful information.
Just to give an idea, this is the piece of code sequentially
# Load and build the model
model = skip_thoughts_model.SkipThoughtsModel(model_config, mode="train")
with tf.variable_scope("SkipThoughts"):
theta = [v for v in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES, scope='SkipThoughts') if "SkipThoughts" in]
# F Representation using Skip-Thoughts model
opt_F = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(model.total_loss, var_list=[theta])
# Training[opt_F], feed_dict = {idx: idxTensor})
And the model is from this repository:
The problem is with training i.e. the last step. I verified that the theta list is not empty it has 26 elements in it, like ...
Also, even after using tf.debug the issue remains. Maybe it really takes lot of time or is stuck awaiting for some other process? So, I also tried breaking down the
tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(model.total_loss, var_list=[theta])
step into
gvs = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).compute_gradients(model.total_loss, var_list=theta)
opt_F = opt.apply_gradients(gvs)
g =, feed_dict = {idx: idxTensor})
so that I can check if the gradients are computed in the first place, which got stuck at the same point. In addition to that, I also tried computing the gradients with tf.gradients over just one of the variables and that too for one dimension, but the issue still exists.
I am running this piece of code on an IPython notebook on Azure Cluster with 1 GPU Tesla K80. The GPU usage stays the same throughout the execution and there is no out of memory error.
The kernel interrupt doesn't work and the only way to stop it is by restarting the notebook. Moreover, if I compile this code into a Python file then too I need to explicitly kill the process. However, in any such case I don't get the stack trace to know what is the exact place it is stuck! How should one debug such an issue?
Any help and pointers in this regard would be much appreciated.

Sklearn OneClassSVM can not handle large data sets(0xC0000005)

I am using OneClassSVM for outlier detection.
clf = svm.OneClassSVM(kernel='rbf', nu=k, tol=0.001)
However it encountered the following error.
Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)
The data size is around 20MB(train_x), which is not very big too me.
Memory of my computer is 8GB.
However if I reduce the file size, it worked. And this behavior is inconsistent.
Sometimes it worked and did not work otherwise.
Has any one had this problem before?
