Upload and fetch PDF from firebase using Nodejs [closed] - node.js

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to create a website for a library using Nodejs and firebase.
The idea is to show resources based on certain topics in pdf to users.
Can we create folders for different topics and fetch to website accordingly?
Is this possible?

You can use Cloud Storage to store the PDF files. To download a file from storage, you need to know its path. You can use Realtime Database or Firestore to store the file paths, along with all other info that you will need in order to display a folder-like structure based on topics, tags, or whatever you need in the website.
In Firebase Hosting you can only serve static content, so you can't host node.js apps directly. However, you can use Cloud Functions to serve your dynamic content. You can read the database in Cloud Function using the Admin SDK and serve ready-to-show content, or let the clients use the Web SDK to read the database and generate the views client-side.


Guide for Deploying Nextjs and Nodejs on server (any) in a professional manner? [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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Recently I made a Nextjs web app with backend nodejs where I am taking user data and storing it in MongoDB, and user images and video weres stored in an AWS S3 bucket.
Now I want to deploy my entire website on the best platform like AWS instances.
I am thinking to host nodejs and nextjs on a separate server, so I can manage both easily.
I am a newbie in cloud stuff.
please guide the best way to deploy my website.
Thank you

Handling files on the production server [closed]

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Closed 8 days ago.
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I'm creating a website using MERN Stack the website will help people to create videos that create a voice over and subtitle on video.
The user would have to upload a video and write some text that would be sent to server and return for them the video they uploaded with subtitle and voice over of the content they have wrote.
so I have created a website that produce this functionality but what I got stuck with is how should I handle the files (videos uploaded, audio files, subtitles and final videos generated)
my current implementation handle everything on the production server as the client prefer that everything stay on the server (and he doesn't mind to through extra bucks for that)
the website is expected to handle between 1000-3000 request per day but I'm not sure with this load could a single server handle all of that? or should I get a server for handling the files and the other for my functionality?
I'm currently finishing my code to test this but I thought maybe someone here could help me to think about it differently or maybe I'm doing something naive and I should insist on using a third party service to handle the database and the files.

Azure options for building a database-backed website? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is Azure appropriate for building an entire database-backed website, with custom tables on the backend, and custom pages, forms, and CSS on the frontend?
Like any database-backed website, there should be facility for backend logic in response to client-browser GET & POST requests.
Which Azure resources are appropriate? Logic Apps?
Sharing an answer i received on MSDN. (not sure yet if i will mark this one as best answer):
While is it possible, you have better options to consider.
If you are building a JS-powered frontend (using Angular/React), you could host the static assets directly on blob storage and expose it as a static website. The doc also covers how you could add a CDN to it for faster delivery to your customers.
The backend could be built entirely using Azure Functions. If you are using Table Storage or CosmosDB, there are bindings available that you could use and simplify the code that you would have to manage.
If you have background workflows (like batch jobs) that you have to run, then Logic Apps are indeed a good option. For complex use cases, Durable Functions might be a better fit though.

How to hide react component files in react from the browser? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am making a web application with front-end in react and back-end in Node.js. I am trying to implement role-based functionality, and I do not want users to see all the available components. For example, components for the admin tools are in component files which any user can see through the console as the browser has all the js files, but I do not want normal users to see the functionalities admin have. What can be a way to hide these components and only allow the browser to download these component files if the user role is admin.
I think server side rendering (SSR) might be the best option here. That way the content is sent from the server (safe place) and then loaded on the client after the fact.
You can also checkout a framework like Next.js which I believe does SSR out of the box.

Amazon S3 upload using rest API and node.js [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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guys, I want to upload image to S3 storage, but I can't do it.
My app is on parse.com and I can't use npm to install aws-sdk
Please, help me, I'm newbie in aws and node.js.
I posted a link as a comment, however I will give it a bit of explanation.
I am not sure if it is possible to upload to S3 through Parse (mainly because that would be alot of unnecessary traffic for Parse), however it is possible to upload to S3 directly from your client by using a certificate. This (signed) certificate effectively tells S3 that you are authorizing the device to upload to your bucket as long as the requirements included in the certificate are met.
This question on Parse's site give more information about this, as well as Cloud Code that should generate the certificate for you. As always, I would recommend you understand what this code is doing before you use it for any production app/service.
You can also probably find some more information about this client-side upload by doing a quick google for something like 'client side upload to S3'.
Seems like a perfect place to use https://www.inkfilepicker.com
Just plug in your own S3 creeds and off you go.
If you can't stand not doing something painful use the REST API here for S3 http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/S3_Authentication2.html and build out your cloud code functions with the networking capability available in parse
There is a reason inkfilepicker exists tho...
