Run backend directly in Angular ng serve - node.js

I'm currently developing using ng serve, with proxy configuration, while the proxy points to another nodejs instance on the same machine.
This backend is a simple express server, like this (simplified):
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var customers = require('./customers.controller.js');
app.get('/api/customers', customers.getAll)
var server = app.listen(8081)
The frontend (ng serve) runs on port 4200 and proxies /api to http://localhost:8081/api
As far as I can see, this is the recommended setup.
However, I would prefer to have the backend running directly inside of ng serve instance instead of the proxy.
And if possible, even take advantage of the automatic reload feature of ng so that I don't have to restart the server if I change something on the backend code.
As both are nodejs and ng seems to be configurable, I think this is possible, but I can't find a starting point for defining my own routes

Its possible to do this
you just need to put your angular into the backend by utilize the nodejs routing
basicly angular is a "static file" and the entry point is coming from the index.html
// Redirect all the other resquests'*', (req, res) => {
but remember you need to handle the routing for image, js, css and others also.


Is it possible to directly connect ReactJs with ExpressJs?

My needs are simple, I want the ReactJs frontend served from an ExpressJs server, without crazy separate ports and stuff.
Is it possible to send HTTP requests to my server for APIs as well?
How can I do this?
Yes and yes.
You create the react site. Use the dev server to develope it and make it look nice. When its ready you build it by doing
npm run build
Then you create the express server and make it serve the static html files
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
app.use('/', express.static('dist'))
app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('running on 3000') })
Now you can open the express app on server 3000 and it serves the react site.

Service nextjs page inside ready working nodejs/exress app

I have a nodejs application using express as a framework
example: localhost:2020
this app serves many routes
example: localhost:2020/node-1, localhost:2020/node-2localhost:2020/node-3
I created a nextjs application for just one page
example: localhost:3000/nextjs-page
I want to serve the new nextjs page inside my working node app
to be localhost:2020/nextjs-page
how can i do that?
Try express-http-proxy. Install it and include on app on localhost:2020, and then setup the middleware:
//localhost:2020 app
const proxy = require('express-http-proxy');
app.use('/nextjs-page', proxy('http://localhost:3000/nextjs-page'));

How can I connect my NodeJS/Express backend to my VueJS frontend using only one port on my local machine?

My Vue app is set up using Vue CLI (Webpack) and it's working as it should. My NodeJS/Express REST API is also working properly. However, to run them simultaneously I now start a local server for each of them -- each with its own port. I would like to have both of them communicate over one port.
Localhost:8080 should point to the home page of my Vue App and the API requests should follow localhost:8080/api/...
In my production environment I use one and the same port/URL by serving the Vue App as a set of static files ('dist' folder). In my development environment I don't know how to set this up, however.
I looked around for answers online, but feel lost among all the different terms I have come across (.env, crossenv, nginx, cors) and that I am running in circles.
What would be a good way of setting this up?
Thank you
I ended up creating three modes to run my application:
I use one script in a package.json to start the frontend and backend server on different ports, using pm2 to run the servers in the 'background' rather than blocking further commands in the terminal/cmd. I use configured a proxy inside my vue.config.js to redirect my API calls made in the frontend to the right base URL and used cors as middleware to allow requests to my API from other domains/ports.
I use one script in a package.json to build the Vue app into a folder ('dist' folder inside my backend folder) that is a collection of static files and start the backend server. My backend is set up to know when I want to go into staging mode and then serve the static files in the 'dist' folder.
I use one script in a package.json to build the Vue app into a folder ('dist' folder inside my backend folder) that is a collection of static files and push my backend (incl. the built static files) to Heroku.
Well if you need to run both on the same port you could first build your app so that you receive a dist directory or whatever your output directory is named and set up an express server that serves that app and otherwise handles your api requests
const express = require("express");
const path = __dirname + '/app/views/';
const app = express();
app.get('/', function (req,res) {
res.sendFile(path + "index.html");
app.get('/api', function (req,res) {
// your api handler
Assuming that node and the 'app' will always run on the same server you can just use a template library like ejs.
You would then just bundle the app and api together, assuming that the front-end is tied to the backend, realistically you would not even need to hit the API as you could just return the records as part of the view, however if dynamic elements are needed you could still hit the API.
Now, with that said, if the API is something used by many applications then it would probably make sense to build that out as its own microservice, running on its own server and your frontend would be on its own. This way you have separation of concerns with the API and Vue app.

Shopify app with reactjs and nodejs without nextjs?

I am developing a shopify app so the reactjs handles the UI part and node-express handles the shopify auth things.
The tutorials in shopify site are
node, react and nextjs
node and express without reactjs
My concern is how to test the app without reactjs server side rendering with nextjs?
As we know node and react runs one seperate ports, so how can we handle the authentication flow with shopify?
How I am trying to work is
User enters app -> Node authenticates with shopify -> if auth success -> show react app.
Update : I am using ant design so ssr of ant design will be helpful.
Anyone please help me out with a solution.
After some research I got a simple solution and I am adding the links that give me solution.
React App is running in port 3000
Node server running in port 3001
Setup proxy in client package.json to localhost:3001
proxy: "localhost:3001"
Install http-proxy-middleware
$ npm install http-proxy-middleware --save
$ # or
$ yarn add http-proxy-middleware
Next, create src/setupProxy.js and place the following contents in it:
const proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware');
module.exports = function(app) {
app.use(proxy('/api', { target: 'http://localhost:3001/' }));
6. That's all.
If using ngrok to make your localhost public, you may get Invalid Host Header error. Here is the solution.
ngrok http 8080 -host-header="localhost:8080"
ngrok http --host-header=rewrite 8080
This 2 link gave me the solution.
When specified, "proxy" in package.json must be a string
It wouldn't be too difficult, you'd just have to set up Server Side Rendering with Express/Node in order to get react working. Next.js does this automatically saving you the time, but if you would like to do it yourself you can always.
You can follow this guide for reference -
I'll do up my own example in a bit since I'm looking to do the exact same thing.

Bundle Angular Universal app with custom nodejs/express server

I just want to know the correct way to serve an angular universal app with an existing nodejs/express server that talks to a Mongodb database and serves data with an "/api/*" route for example.
So is it to have the universal app have its own node/express server as explained here and just merge that with the existing node/express server with route configuration as done here Serve angular universal app with NodeJS/ExpressJS back-end and allow both the custom node/express server and the universal apps express server have different ports (because i assume that is how they will be able to co-exist in production)
Or do we use the custom node/express server as the server for the universal app with proper configuration.
To serve angular app with node server first you need to build the app just run the below command
ng build
And then add two lines of code in your node server file as
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/dist'))
app.use(function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/dist/index.html')
And after that you can run node server and the default entry index html file will open when you hit the host.
