Cannot publish chatbot in Azure. After click "Direct line Channel" button, error is occurred - azure

I make a chat bot on Azure, check on webchat test.
Webchat test is successful, as shown in the image below.
webchat test is success
For publishing this chat bot to Direct Line.
I click "constitute Direct Line channel" button in Channel category.(shown as below image)
click "Direct Line Channel" button
Clicked this button, transited ti error page.
This error page says "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.".(shown as below image)
enter image description here
This error also occur at other publishing button (teams,cortana,Slack...)
I cannot resolve this error.
Please tell me how to resolve this error.
Thank you.

Today, I click "Direct Line Channel" button, it work fine.
I think this matter is occuered by temporaly link error.


Goggle - Cannot create credentials

Cannot create credentials, when I click the "Create credentials" button in the credentials page in, the page will show a list, "API Key", "OUauth client ID", etc as you can see in my screenshot. I want to create an API Key, but the option cannot be clicked, when i set my cursor to the option, "Navigation menu" tooltip appears, and when clicked, it will show the page menu. How do I fix this? Anyone have similar issue? I'm using chrome, trying in firefox but to no avail.

Missing Access for Slash Commands

Heres the error message:
PS C:\Users\User\Documents\Discord Bot> node .
C:\Users\User\Documents\Discord Bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\rest\RequestHandler.js:154
throw new DiscordAPIError(request.path, data, request.method, res.status);
DiscordAPIError: Missing Access
at RequestHandler.execute (C:\Users\User\Documents\Discord Bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\rest\RequestHandler.js:154:13)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:93:5)
at async RequestHandler.push (C:\Users\User\Documents\Discord Bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\rest\RequestHandler.js:39:14) {
method: 'post',
path: '/applications/723863781607997451/guilds/722043668730740788/commands',
code: 50001,
httpStatus: 403
Help is appreciated.
This is my first post on stackoverflow, so if I'm posting something wrong, please tell me!
This error is caused because your Discord Bot does not have permission to create commands for that server.
There is two ways to fix this.
Option 1 - In-App Authorization
You should first navigate to the Discord Developer Portal then you should click on the bot that you are getting the issue with.
You will then be prompted with this page:
You should then click on the "OAuth" page, highlighted in red on the above screenshot.
Once you are on this page, you should find the "Default Authorization Link" setting and set it to "In-App Authorization".
Once that option is selected another option will pop up asking what permissions the bot will ask the user for, you can see the screenshot below.
Select bot and application.commands then select the permissions that your bot requires.
Then save your changes.
You will need to re-authorize your bot to the guild before it will work, you do not need to kick it - just click on your bot and click "Add to Server" and re-add it to your guild.
Option 2 - URL Generation
You should first navigate to the Discord Developer Portal then you should click on the bot that you are getting the issue with.
Once you are on that page, you should access the OAuth sub-menu titled "URL Generation" as seen below.
Once you are on this page, you will be presented with a similar output to Option 1, you should configure the scope to be bot and application.commands and then request permissions as your bot needs.
You should use both of these with your Discord bot, you should use Option 1 to setup your in-app authorization permissions and then use Option 2 to get a URL for Discord Bot lists, etc.

Actions on Google returns in simulator "We're sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again."

Debug tab:
"response": "We're sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again.",
"expectUserResponse": false,
"conversationToken": "",
"audioResponse": ""
I create the sample project in Dialogflow and it works, but in the simulator Actions on Google it doesn't!
Please read the "Preview the app" section of this page:
To preview your app:
Turn on the following permissions on the Activity controls page for your Google account:
Web & App Activity
Device Information
Voice & Audio Activity
You need to do this to use the Actions Simulator, which lets you test your actions on the web without a hardware device.
Activity control page:
Please go to the Actions console and enter the 'Backend services' - it's in the left menu below the 'Simulator'.
There should be one card for Cloud Functions. Does this say, that there's an error? If so, you can find out more in the logs of Firebase Functions, which is linked in this card.
Check the settings and permissions, if you are a developer, owner etc. of the application. I got this fixed by changing the settings...need to dig a little more to understand the exact reason. Will do an update if I understand more

Cortana channel - Failed to create bot module

I'm using Azure Bot Channels Registration for my bot, I have working endpoint and bot works well in Web Chat and My settings are:
Display Name: Engine Crave
Invocation Name: Engine Crave
Long Desc, Short Desc etc are all correct and filled and also organization at the last is also selected.
Also, My bot takes no user permissions. But when I save the Cortana Channel, I get a popup:
Unable to save.
There was an error saving the channel:
Failed to create bot module. Trace Id : 87140f58-46f8-4101-a849-17d63af6831c
Trace ID always keeps changing whenever I try.
Pls help!
Yayay! I found answer myself. Go-to settings and make display name same as your bot registration name when you registered on Azure! Mine was crave-engine.
Next goto Channels Registration -> Cortana -> Here you will see
Display Name: crave-engine
Invocation Name: crave-engine
Let these be like this and just click the "Register" button at the bottom. It's ok for now, You can however change these names When you register from .
I don't know these was some kind of bug or Azure Bot Team did this on purpose!

Stacked Proactive Messages w/ Botframework

I'm trying to do the "Send a dialog-based proactive message" example on this page … and have it resume with the dialog that was interrupted. The code doesn't work and then I noticed the note about botadapter.js. I tried to follow the "here" link but am getting a 401 error.
Is the code sample up-to-date because it looks like bot is expecting a function not an object for that 4th parameter.
