How to create a private VM on azure with internet access - azure

I want to provision a VM which has no public ip so it can only be connected from other VM who have public ip. Now i can create a VM without public ip but then it does not have a internet access.
Now is there a way on Azure like on AWS where i can provision a NAT gateway or NAT instance on public subnet and let the private instances have internet connection
I also tried using NAT Gateway on Azure but it doesn't work unless i assign public ip to VM which is not what i want
I have two subnets lets say public_subnet & private_subnet , now i can ssh to my private vm from a jump but the thing is when i login to my private vm i cant install any package or even not able to ping or curl to any website. Both subnets were created using terraform so the configuration of subnets are all same there is no change is subnet configuration

Azure VMs have internet access by default, you dont have to do anything for them to have outbound access. It just works. Even without the public IP

There's two possibilities:
First one, under the same Vnet, you provision you VM without a public ip adress and then access it using Azure Bastion. You can find more details here.
Second one, is to provision two or more VMs in the same subnet one with public IP and the other without a public IP. and then access the one with private IP from the one with public IP.


Azure: Multiple VMs behind same public IP?

What is the correct process for getting multiple VMs to report their public IP as the same address in Microsoft Azure? I have them in the same subnet on the same VNet already, and there is a gateway on that VNet with a dedicated public IP however all machines are reporting unique public IPs.
In general each Azure VM have their own IP (Public or Private or both).
However you can keep one IP at front and VM behind by -
Option 1 : Place a azure public loadbalancer and keep the VMs behind this and route the traffic by creating rules.
Option 2 : Easy Option if the VMs are identical (same OS, Size etc) you can use the Azure Dev test Lab with shared IP option for multiple VM. This option is there in the advance setting part of create VM dialog, here you can define the instance count as well.
Link for DevTestLab -

DevTest Lab reports cannot create public IP Address when using a private network

When I setup my DevTest Lab, I created a private virtual network (with private address subnet assigned to it) and then created a Gateway with a single public IP. The gateway works perfectly and we can use it to connect to VMs created within the DevTest Lab.
However, more and more we're starting to get the following message when trying to create new VMs attached to said network:
Cannot create more than 10 public IP addresses for this subscription in this region
I understand what the message means. However, as the VM is being attached to a private network, I don't see why I am getting this message. I've already double checked the subnet that we're using and all of the public IP Address options (both dedicated and shared) are disabled. And when creating the VM, I've confirmed that I'm selecting the right virtual network and the right subnet.
All the VMs we deploy in the lab go into the same Resource Group, and there's only one Public IP object in there, which should prove that other VMs successfully did not get a Public IP Address.
Does anybody have any ideas why I'm getting this message ? Or how I can troubleshoot it further ?
I couldn't picture your Lab's exact configuration, but you seemed to have hit one of the Public IP address limits for your Subscription. I wonder if you happened to cross-check the Azure Portal to find those 10 Public IP address resources provisioned.
When you create a lab, it's created in a subnet of a virtual network. In order for all of your lab VMs to share the same Public IP address, you have to enable the option Enable shared public IP to Yes (this is anyway the default setting for new labs). You could explicitly also set the Allow public IP creation setting to No to disallow lab users to create a new public IP address when they create a lab VM. This configuration creates one public IP address for the entire subnet.
As a Lab owner, you can change this subnet policy to ensure that no one accidentally creates public IP addresses for their VMs. Or, the subscription owner can create a subscription policy preventing public IPs from being created.
For more information about configuring virtual networks and subnets with Azure DevTest Labs, check out the following resources:
Configure a virtual network in Azure DevTest Labs
Understand shared IP addresses in Azure DevTest Labs
Enable browser connection on Azure DevTest Labs virtual machines

Outgoing ip using ACI in a VNET

I'm using the ACI in a private VNET. My problem is, the outgoing ip from this container is not my public IP used in Azure Gateway, is some random ip.
There's some way to fix somehow this outgoing ip from some container using ACI?
OBS: I tested with a public container, I had a public ip to incoming, but for outgoing was different :|
For your issue, when you create the ACI in the VNET, you just can access the resources inside the VNET and the outgoing IP is a private IP of the VNET, so the IP is static if you do not delete the ACI.
When you create a public ACI, it can access the Internet. This time, as I think, the ACI has two public IP, one is the public IP or the FQDN of the ACI to access from the Internet. And another is the public IP of the host machine that the ACI deploy in. When you access the ACI from the Internet, you need to use the public IP or the FQDN which Azure provide you. But when you access the Internet inside the ACI, the outgoing IP is the host machine's public IP. You cannot decide which host machine you can use, so does public IP of the host machine.
If you need to decide the outgoing IP and must be a static one. You can install the docker server in the VM with a static public IP, then create containers in the VM. Then the outgoing IP is the public IP of the VM.
Or you can use the AKS, create the pod and associated with a service that uses the Load Balancer type. Then the outgoing IP is also static and it's the service public IP.

How to ssh to Azure VM using private IP address from internet

I'm new to Azure. Just deployed an Ubuntu VM but thought I'd only create a private IP address, no public IP.
How do I ssh from my laptop at home to the Azure VM using the 10.x.x.x IP address?
I've tried:
Using the Azure Cloud Shell but connection just times out
Using ssh on my laptop, but its looking for the VM on my LAN and times out.
You can't SSH from your local machine to your VM with a private IP because your machine isn't in the same network as the VM. You would only be able to SSH to the VM from another VM on the same virtual network.
In order to SSH to your VM from outside of the vnet you will need a NIC attached with a Public IP and the default port of 22 open on your Network Security Group.
Edit: because I couldn't find a relevant document for this I wrote a blog post.
I have found some other way working.
Temporarily attach the VM with private ip address under a public azure lb, configure a nat rule for ssh in the load balancer.make sure you have allowed the ssh from inside vnet in the nsg where the vm is attached.
SSH into the public load balancer ip and you will be able to access the internal machine via azure load balancer ip.
In the meanwhile there exists Azure Bastion which could help you.

Azure Virtual Network / VM's Setup to Share One Public IP

I've recently setup a point to site VPN on Azure. In doing so I have created:
Azure Virtual Network
Azure Virtual Network Gateway
Azure Virtual Network Gateway IP (static)
Azure VM
I was under the impression that any VM set to use the above said Virtual Network would all share the same public IP? However it appears that the Azure VM i setup is instead using its own dynamic public IP.
Is there a way to route any VM on the Custom Virtual Network I created through one public IP? IF so - how can I do this?
According to your description, you have create a point-to-side VPN. in this scenario, we can remove the public IP addresses from VMs, then you can access your VMs with private IP addresses via VPN.
You are correct - I have the VPN working correctly. My only concern is this, it'd be great that if any of those VM's in that private network shared the same static IP - that way I could grant access to that IP in my firewall to other systems i have in other hosting platforms (as they are all typically locked down by ip).
It sounds like your reference to availablity sets may be the phrase i was looking for to further google.. i will check it out and let me know
please let me know if anything I added above changes your answer/recommendations :)
I was under the impression that any VM set to use the above said
Virtual Network would all share the same public IP?
You are talking about Azure ASM module (classic). In ASM module, VMs can use the same public IP address(NAT).
However it appears that the Azure VM i setup is instead using its own
dynamic public IP.
In Azure resource module, we can create Azure VMs with different Public IP addresses.
Is there a way to route any VM on the Custom Virtual Network I created
through one public IP?
According to your description, you have create a point-to-side VPN. in this scenario, we can remove the public IP addresses from VMs, then you can access your VMs with private IP addresses via VPN.
If you want to access those VMs from Internet and use one public IP address, we can create VMs in the same availability set, and deploy a Internet facing load balancer, then add NAT rules to them, in this way, we can access those VMs use the same public IP address and different ports.
