Is it possible to force mark success any task in a DAG after certain time interval programmatically in Airflow? - python-3.x

I have a DAG with one task that fetches the data from the API. I want that task to fetch the data only for certain time interval and marks itself as SUCCESS so that the tasks after that starts running.
Please note that the tasks below are dependent on the tasks which I want to mark SUCCESS. I know I can mark the task SUCCESS manually from CLI or UI but I want to do it automatically.
Is it possible to do that programmatically using python in Airflow?

You can set status of task using python code, like this:
def set_task_status(**kwargs):
execution_date = kwargs['execution_date']
ti = TaskInstance(HiveOperatorTest, execution_date)


Airflow api to stop a dag run

I want to control airflow DAG runs using my python code base. There is a start DAG api POST /api/experimental/dags/<DAG_ID>/dag_runs
But want to know if there is any stop DAG api which can just mark all the task failed/abort for that particular DAG
You can pause it using /api/experimental/dags//paused/ with boolean value.
Stopping a DAG is not available at this point in the experimental Rest API.
UPDATE: There is something called _set_dag_run_state with paramers (dag_id, execution_date, state, session=None) with in mark_dags API.
Also, you could use set_dag_run_state_to_failed to mark a dag as failed and set_dag_run_state_to_running to mark a dag as a success. But I'm not quite sure what it's routeing could be.

How to re-try an ADF pipeline execution until conditions are met

An ADF pipeline needs to be executed on a daily basis, lets say at 03:00 h AM.
But prior execution we also need to check if the data sources are available.
Data is provided by an external agent, it periodically loads the corresponding data into each source table and let us know when this process is completed using a flag-table: if data source 1 is ready it set flag to 1.
I don't find a way to implement this logic with ADF.
We would need something that, for instance, at 03.00 h would trigger an 'element' that checks the flags, if the flags are not up don't launch the pipeline. Past, lets say, 10 minutes, check again the flags, and be like this for at most X times OR until the flags are up.
If the flags are up, launch the pipeline execution and stop trying to launch the pipeline any further.
How would you do it?
The logic per se is not complicated in any way, but I wouldn't know where to implement it. Should I develop an Azure Funtions that launches the Pipeline or is there a way to achieve it with an out-of-the-box AZDF activity?
There is a UNTIL iteration activity where you can check if your clause.
Your azure function (AF) checking the flag and returns 0 or 1.
Build ADF pipeline with UNTIL activity where you check the output of AF (if its 1 do something). In UNTIL activity you can have your process step. For example, you have a variable flag that will before until activity is 0. In your until you check if it's 1. if it is do your processing step, if its not, put WAIT activity on 10 min or so.
So you have the ability in ADF to iterate until something it's not satisfied.
Hope that this will help you :)

creating recurring events in nodejs to update or insert MySQL table

I have a MySQL table tasks. In tasks, we can create a normal task or a recurring task that will automatically create a new task in the MySQL tasks table and send an email notification to the user that a task has been created. After a lot of research, I found out that you can do it in four methods
MySQL events
Kue, bull, agenda(node.js scheduling libraries)
Using a cron job to monitor every day for tasks
the recurring tasks would be repeated over weekly, daily, monthly, and yearly.
We must put an option to remove the recurring event at any time. What would be a nice and clean solution?
As you've identified there are a number of ways of going about this, here's how I would do it but I'm making a number of assumptions such as how many tasks you're likely to have and how flexible the system is going forward.
If you're unlikely to change the task time options (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly). Each task would have the following fields last_run_date and next_run_date. Every time a task is run I would update these fields and create an entry in a log table such as task_run_log which will also store the date/time the task was run at.
I would then have a cron job which fires a HTTP message to a nodejs service. This web service would look through the table of tasks, find which ones need to be executed for that day and would dispatch a message for each task into some sort of a queue (AWS SQS, GCP Pub/Sub, Apache Kafka, etc). Each message in the queue would represent a single task that needs to be carried out, workers can subscribe to this queue and process the task themselves. Once a worker has processed a job it would then make the log entry and update the last_run_date and next_run_date fields. If a task fails it'll add it into move that message into an error queue and will log a failed task in the task log.
This system would be robust as any failed jobs would exist as failed jobs in your database and would appear in an error queue (which you can either drain to remove the failed jobs, or you can replay them into the normal queue when the worker is fixed). It would also scale to many tasks that have to happen each day as you can scale up your workers. You also won't be flooding cron, your cron job will just send a single HTTP request each day to your HTTP service which kicks off the processing.
You can also setup alerts based on whether the cron job runs or not to make sure the process gets kicked off properly.
I had to do something very similar, you can use the npm module node-schedule
Node scheduler has many features. You can first create your rule setup, which determines when it runs and then schedules the job, which is where determine what the job performs and activates it, I have an example below from my code which sets a job to run at midnight every day.
var rule = new schedule.RecurrenceRule();
rule.dayOfWeek = [0, new schedule.Range(1, 6)];
var j = schedule.scheduleJob(rule, function(){
This may not exactly fit all of your requirements alone but there are other features and setups you can do.
For example you can cancel any job with the cancel function
You can also set start times and end times like so as shown in the npm page
let startTime = new Date( + 5000);
let endTime = new Date(startTime.getTime() + 5000);
var j = schedule.scheduleJob({ start: startTime, end: endTime, rule: '*/1 * * * * *' }, function(){
console.log('Time for tea!');
There are also other options for scheduling the date and time as this also follows the cron format. Meaning you can set dynamic times
var j = schedule.scheduleJob('42 * * * *', function(){
As such this would allow node.js to handle everything you need. You would likely need to set up a system to keep track of the scheduled jobs (var j) But it would allow you to cancel it and schedule it to your desire.
It additionally can allow you to reschedule, retrieve the next scheduled event and you can have multiple date formats.
If you need to persist the jobs after the process is turned of and on or reset you will need to save the details of the job, a MySQL database would make sense here, and upon startup, the code could make a quick pull and restart all of the created tasks based on the data from the database. And when you cancel a job you just delete it from the database. It should be noted the process needs to be on for this to work, a job will not run if the process is turned off

Best approach to check if Spark streaming jobs are hanging

I have Spark streaming application which basically gets a trigger message from Kafka which kick starts the batch processing which could potentially take up to 2 hours.
There were incidents where some of the jobs were hanging indefinitely and didn't get completed within the usual time and currently there is no way we could figure out the status of the job without checking the Spark UI manually. I want to have a way where the currently running spark jobs are hanging or not. So basically if it's hanging for more than 30 minutes I want to notify the users so they can take an action. What all options do I have?
I see I can use metrics from driver and executors. If I were to choose the most important one, it would be the last received batch records. When StreamingMetrics.streaming.lastReceivedBatch_records == 0 it probably means that Spark streaming job has been stopped or failed.
But in my scenario, I will receive only 1 streaming trigger event and then it will kick start the processing which may take up to 2 hours so I won't be able to rely on the records received.
Is there a better way? TIA
YARN provides the REST API to check the status of application and status of cluster resource utilization as well.
with API call it will give a list of running applications and their start times and other details. you can have simple REST client that triggers maybe once in every 30 min or so and check if the job is running for more than 2 hours then send a simple mail alert.
Here is the API documentation:
Maybe a simple solution like.
At the start of the processing - launch a waiting thread.
val TWO_HOURS = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000
val t = new Thread(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
try {
// send an email that job didn't end
} catch {
case _: Exception => _
And in the place where you can say that batch processing is ended
If processing is done within 2 hours - waiter thread is interrupted and e-mail is not sent. If processing is not done - e-mail will be sent.
Let me draw your attention towards Streaming Query listeners. These are quite amazing lightweight things that can monitor your streaming query progress.
In an application that has multiple queries, you can figure out which queries are lagging or have stopped due to some exception.
Please find below sample code to understand its implementation. I hope that you can use this and convert this piece to better suit your needs. Thanks!
spark.streams.addListener(new StreamingQueryListener() {
override def onQueryStarted(event: QueryStartedEvent) {
//logger message to show that the query has started
override def onQueryProgress(event: QueryProgressEvent) {
synchronized {
recordsReadCount = recordsReadCount + event.progress.numInputRows
//Logger messages to show continuous progress
override def onQueryTerminated(event: QueryTerminatedEvent) {
synchronized {
//logger message to show the reason of termination.
I'm using Kubernetes currently with the Google Spark Operator. [1]
Some of my streaming jobs hang while using Spark 2.4.3: few tasks fail, then the current batch job never progresses.
I have set a timeout using a StreamingProgressListener so that a thread signals when no new batch is submitted for a long time. The signal is then forwarded to a Pushover client that sends a notification to an Android device. Then System.exit(1) is called. The Spark Operator will eventually restart the job.
One way is to monitor the output of the spark job that was kick started. Generally, for example,
If it writes to HDFS, monitor the HDFS output directory for last modified file timestamp or file count generated
If it writes to a Database, you could have a query to check the timestamp of the last record inserted into your job output table.
If it writes to Kafka, you could use Kafka GetOffsetShell to get the output topic's current offset.
This provides contextual information for a task, and supports adding listeners for task completion/failure (see addTaskCompletionListener).
More detailed information such as the task 'attemptNumber' or 'taskMetrics' is available as well.
This information can be used by your application during runtime to determine if their is a 'hang' (depending on the problem)
More information about what is 'hanging' would be useful in providing a more specific solution.
I had a similar scenario to deal with about a year ago and this is what I did -
As soon as Kafka receive's message, spark streaming job picks up the event and start processing.
Spark streaming job sends an alert email to Support group saying "Event Received and spark transformation STARTED". Start timestamp is stored.
After spark processing/transformations are done - sends an alert email to Support group saying "Spark transformation ENDED Successfully". End timestamp is stored.
Above 2 steps will help support group to track if spark processing success email is not received after it's started and they can investigate by looking at spark UI for job failure or delayed processing (maybe job is hung due to resource unavailability for a long time)
At last - store event id or details in HDFS file along with start and end timestamp. And save this file to the HDFS path where some hive log_table is pointing to. This will be helpful for future reference to how spark code is performing over the period time and can be fine tuned if required.
Hope this is helpful.

Best practice beanstalkd (queue) and node.js

I currently do service using beanstalkd and node.js.
I would like when jobs fail, retry n time before give up the job.
If the job succede i want do it the same job 10 time.
So, what is the best practice, stock in mongo db with the jobId the error and success count, or delete and put a new job with a an error and success count in the body.
I dont know if i'm clear? so tell me , thanks a lot
There is a stats-job <id>\r\n that should also be available via the API library that returns, among other things, how many times the specific job has been reserved, released, buried, and so on.
This allows for a number of retries of failed jobs by checking previous reservation/releases.
To run the same job multiple times, I would personally create either one additional job, with a success count that would then be incremented (into another new job) - or, all nine new jobs, with optional delays before they start.
You have a couple of ways to do this:
you can release the job, and obtain from stats the number of reserves
you can put a new job with a retry count, and keep track of history in the data payload
You should do the later, and you don't need MongoDB as a second dependency.
