System.MissingMethodException: 'Method not found': Error - visual-studio-app-center

Running sqlite-net (v1.6.292) in latest xamarin forms (v4.5.0.282) application along side Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics and Crashes (v2.6.4) with no issues. I upgraded Microsoft.AppCenter.* from 2.6.4 to 3.0.0 today and now sqlite-net crashes on first execution of CreateTable such as database.CreateTable
(); with the below error message.
System.MissingMethodException: 'Method not found: 'System.String SQLitePCL.raw.sqlite3_column_name(SQLitePCL.sqlite3_stmt, Int32)'.'
Has anyone else seen this error or might know what the fix for this issue might be? I am suspecting Microsoft.Appceneter.* is updating something with sqlite that sqlite-net is not compatible with?
I have rolled back my upgrade until I can determine the cause.

App Center 3.0.0 uses SQLitePCLRaw 2.0, which is not compatible with sqlite-net v1.6.292. As an option, you can update sqlite-net to 1.7.302-beta to resolve this version conflict.
You can find detailed changelog for this version on GitHub.


Unknown attribute android:scaleType

This is the error. As shown in the image. This is not letting the app run.
This happens when I set the compile sdk version to 33. What to do?
Thanks in advance.
You can either ignore it or upgrade to Android Studio - Dolphin; it is a known bug. I had literally hundreds of these Unknown Attribute errors in my project, but they went away when I upgraded to Dolphin v2021.3.1.
Here's a link to Google's issue tracker indicating it is resolved in Dolphin:

Migrated from commons-lang-2.6 to commons-lang3.12.0, facing error: NestableException

Recently migrated from commons-lang-2.6 to commons-lang3.12.0, getting below error: org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException
How to resolve that?
Facing this issue as apache has taken support from Nestableexception in commons-lang3
moreover your java version might be older. They have used java 5 in lowest version of commons-lang3, and in version: commons-lang3.12.0.jar, they have used java 8+
So, if you want to update commons-lang, need to upgrade jdk also. Thats the only solution.
(see under nested exception)

Upgrading to 2.0 causes JavaLaunchHelper conflict during compilation

When I upgraded my project Android Studio 2.0 (which triggered me to upgrade to, I get the following error:
Error:objc[17636]: Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java and /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/libinstrument.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
The error seems to be benign and I tried some of the suggestions at and it did not seem to help.
I've also seen numerous reports of this being a JDK issue here (which has not fixed yet), but it's odd that this only happens after I upgraded the gradle version.
Invalidating Cache and restarting android studio worked for me. I was on AS canary 3.0 and my Gradle upgrade was from 3.3 to 3.5
update: This is only a temporary fix, the problem seems to come back after some runs

Couchbase Logging issue

I have got a strange issues with Couchbase once i update it to the latest version (through NuGet).
My MVC web app uses log4net loading it from unity container.
Suddenly Couchbase Cluster constuctor started to throw an exception saying:
Method not found:
'Common.Logging.ILog Common.Logging.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger()'.
Stack trace:
at Couchbase.Cluster..cctor()
Any idea? How could i solve this problem?
Had the same problame.
Resolved it by adding dll compiled from current Couchbase.NetClient sources available on GitHub.
Issue was fixed by this commit
Download last version of sources
Compile Couchbase project
Replace ..\packages\CouchbaseNetClient.2.0.1\lib\net45\Couchbase.NetClient.dll with compiled version in your solution
As far as CouchbaseNetClient 2.0.2 is released you can update it from NuGet.

How to solve: Error MT2002: Can not resolve reference: System.Void MonoTouch.Foundation.NSTimer::.ctor() (MT2002)

When using Steema TeeChart for MonoTouch (5.4.0) and compile to run on a physical device, I get Error MT2002: Can not resolve reference: System.Void MonoTouch.Foundation.NSTimer::.ctor() (MT2002).
I already know the answer but put the question here as a reference for others.
The problem is that Steema TeeChart uses a bad version of NSTimer, that Xamarin removed in the latest version of MonoTouch.
There is a discussion about the issue here:
And a hotfix for it here:
From MonoTouch 5.4.1, the hotfix will be built in and hotfix installing won't be necessary.
