Passing JSON File to PM2 as a node argument - node.js

I have a NodeJS app which needs to start the server with the following parameter: start server.js --config=config.json. Then in the server.js I use NodeUtils.getArgs() and
JSON.parse() to get all the parameters of the config.json file. This works well.
Now, I want to start the server with PM2, but I am not being able.
If I try with pm2 start server.js --node-args"--config=config.json" I get a node: bad option: --config=config.json. I tried with a lot of options but none of them works.
How can I do it? Thanks
EDIT: After starting pm2, if it gets an error, you must pm2 delete all.

You can pass your own arguments after --, so you can do this:
pm2 start server.js -- -config=config.json


Express JS code doesnt work with pm2, but when started manually ("node ."/"node index.js")

I got a Discord JS project running which works fine, now I wanted to also run a simple express script to receive a post request. When I do "node ." the code works and successfully logs the requests, if I do "pm2 start index.js --name xyz" the code also starts, logs its boot up message, doesn't shut down, but also doesn't react to any requests. There is simply no response at the set port by express.
Running on an Ubuntu VPS.
Works if I do "pm2 start index.js --name xyz -- --port XXXX" I don't know why and would like to know how these extra arguments work if anyone could explain.
You can read about arguments on the official docs
It's likely you have a runtime error. Please read your own logger files and ~/.pm2/logs/*.log and see if you can find anything. Had it been a syntax error, it would have shut down immediately. Yet, always pm2 statusafter start to double check it.

Unable to run node application using pm2

I made a small nestjs webapp, it connects to a local mssql database and works fine... Except if I try to launch it using pm2.
regular yarn start:dev works (it translates to nest start --watch)
building the production and running yarn start:prod also works fine (it translates to node dist/main)
running nodemon build/main.js also works fine
But if I try to launch my app running pm2 start build/main.js I get DB connection errors: TypeError: The "config.server" property is required and must be of type string.
My DB connection parameters are currently stored in a .env file. I load them running env.config() and it's working fine for the other three running methods I listed. I've tried to change the parameters to include quotes and double quotes, with no luck:
db_host = localhost
db_host = 'localhost'
db_host = "localhost"
What am I doing wrong?
We just found out that changing the syntax from pm2 start to something like pm2 start npm --name "myApp" -- run start:prod worked.
This can help you, in the documentation says you can use the environment variables in ecosystem.config.js file:

Nodejs waiting for to be free

When I try to use debugger in node to open debugger, I get an error 'Timeout (2000) waiting for to be free'. How can I resolve this and run the debugger correctly ?
function foo() {
var a = 5;
I have already tried changing the port using node inspect --port=9230 app.js and it doesn't work.
Try this:
node --inspect-brk app.js
replace app.js with your file name that you want to run, and you can insert your additional command alongside with this line.
I had the same problem, it took me hours to figure it out...
Run the following command:
node inspect --port=9228 file.js
I had the same issue by using VS Code. VS code document helps. Replace program.js with your js file name.
if the program should not start running but must wait for the debugger to attach:
node --inspect-brk program.js
Use node --inspect-brk {js file name} instead. It will work.
Enable inspector agent
2.Bind to address or hostname host (default:
3.Listen on port port (default: 9229)
4.Break before user code starts
I think the issue here is the command you give to node, it should be node --inspect..
You are missing the -- in front of inspect :)
npm install --global node-inspect
node-inspect script.js

Forever with npm start and environment variable

I used to start my application using:
DEBUG=chakka ENVIRONMENT=production npm start
How can i start it using forever so i wouldn't have to do it everytime i want to test the application? Thanks!
First you need to know what the application's main script file is. Open up your package.json file and find out what the start script is. If you're using Express it might be app.js. So we'll assume app.js for this example, replace with whatever your file is.
To start the application:
DEBUG=chakka ENVIRONMENT=production forever start app.js
to restart the application after you've made changes:
forever restart app.js

Start server node.js with forever on ubuntu

I been searching alot and no result with same problem as me.
I have a Node.js application and I want to start it with forever start app.js, the process starts but no website found when i try in browser. The process is in the list when I write forever list.
Npm start works fine but I cant use nodejs/node app.js or my_file.js.. It gives no error or something just new command line with no output in terminal.
So anyone know why I cant start the app with nodejs app.js or forever start app.js .. No files works.
In express 4 you should write :
forever ./bin/www
And if you check your package.json file you can see :
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./bin/www"
It's the npm start script
Alternatively, you can try using PM2.
It does a great job at keeping your app alive, and has some really useful features such as load balancing, no downtime, and a web interface to monitor your processes.
In addition, I find it dead simple to use.
