Azure AD - Disable account selection on logout - azure

I'm using MSAL to authenticate the users in AAD. While logging user off, page redirects to Microsoft's AD page where it asks to pick an account to logout from.
This makes sense if multiple accounts are signed in, but if only single account session is active then it seems pointless to ask the user. Is there any way to avoid this?

Did you try to use the login_hint parameter ? you can provide the currently signed-in user's UPN as its value

Apart from the login_hint that's been suggested you may also try the domain_hint parameter.


How to provide the reset password feature outside Azure context?

My scenario is a public website, with authenticated access that is managed by AzureAdB2C, and the authentication is not embedded but on a subdomain style. In the authentication form I see that there's the option for password reset (for someone who forgets it) but my question is when the user is already authenticated and so outside Azure context, how can he ask for a password change?
Is there any endpoint or so (that would receive the email linked to the account)?
Thank you
Still not clear because you mention "fire the change/reset password flow?". Which is it or is it both?
If reset, you can use a custom policy. Just put the link to the policy on your page.
There are a number of password reset flows that may be of interest.
For change password, see here. Again, just put the policy link on the page.
Unsure if you would have to login again.
You can Configure password change using custom policies in Azure Active Directory B2C.
In Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C), you can enable users who are signed in with a local account to change their password without having to prove their identity through email verification. The password change flow involves following steps:
The user signs in to their local account. If the session is still active, Azure AD B2C authorizes the user and skips to the next step.
The user verifies the Old password, and then creates and confirms the New password.
If the question is to reset the password because the user forgot it but is still logged in, I can imagine logging out the user and redirecting them to the login page where they can choose the reset password option.
The Azure AD B2C article Set up self-service password reset for your customers states that
This article applies to self-service password reset used in the context of the standard Sign in user flow, which uses Local Account SignIn as the identity provider. If you need fully customizable password reset user flows invoked from your app, see this article.
Somehow resetting your password with a password reset flow / custom policy while you're logged in and don't 'need' your current password feels weird.

Azure AD B2C - Password change flow

We are using Azure AD B2C for a Web-Application and we want to provide a link/button/whatever to the users so that they can change thier password whenever they like.
I've found that Password Reset flow, but thatone wants to send me a verification code etc. as if I've forgotten my password.
I've also found that ForceChangePasswordNextLogin Graph API attribute. I can set that, and at the next login, it asks me to change my password by providing the old one, exaclty as I want, but I don't want do force my users to logout and log back in again.
Does anyone know how I can put plain old simple "Change Password"(not Reset!) functionality into Azure B2C?
You need to use custom policies

Azure AD B2C password change custom policy, user needs to sign in every time

I’ve implemented the password change custom policy according to the documentation and use msal.js on the frontend to start the password change flow. This works accept that the user needs to sign in again although the user is already signed in to the application. So it asks the user credentials every time. Why isn’t B2C detecting that the user has already signed in and how can I solve this?
MSAL.js is setting the prompt parameter, therefore, forcing B2C to ignore the cookie, therefore, forcing the sign-in.
const urlNavigate = authenticationRequest.createNavigateUrl(scopes) + "&prompt=select_account" + "&response_mode=fragment";
You can verify this by taking the URL MSAL.js redirects the user to and removing the prompt query parameter.
Related GitHub Issue: Allow Controlling the prompt parameter. We need to convince the MSAL library owners we need control over this parameter.
If you are trying to test through the B2C Custom Policies "Run now" endpoint, just remove the &prompt=login query parameter from the link. If you are already logged in it will skip the login, if you are not, it will still prompt for your credentials.
Credit to Jas Suri: Azure B2C EditProfile custom policy without Signing In first

Azure AD B2C SignUp-SignIn policy with MFA turned on - Custom Login Page

I have an web application that authenticates via Azure AD B2C tenant. I have a sign-up-sign-in policy [login is using username instead of email] with MFA turned on. I have also setup Custom UI login page [unified.html] and MFA page [phonefactor.html] in a storage blob that the policy points to. I am able to authenticate the user via the custom login page and login with MFA. The issue is when I create a new user and force the user to change the password at their first login, instead of redirecting the user to the change password screen, I am getting an invalid username and password message. When I use the Sign-In policy instead of sign-up-sign-in, the redirection to change the password works for the new user. But the sign-in policy does not have the option to specify Custom UI for login page. Am I missing anything here and how can I make this work with the sign-up-sign-in policy.
Also is there any way to get the "Password" hint like the "Username" hint in the company branding ... Password hint is not available
forceChangePasswordNextLogin only works on the sign-in policy which does not support UI customization.
In order to achieve similar functionality in the unified sign-up/sign-in policy, you'll need to implement this functionality yourself.
One option to achieve similar (albeit not quite the same) functionality is by leveraging the Password Reset policy. You would be creating new users up-front and ensuring you configure their email. You then direct them straight to the Password Reset policy for their account activation. They'll receive an email with a code which once provided, will let them provide set their password.
There's already two outstanding feature asks in the Azure AD B2C Feedback Forum that you can support:
Support Force Password Reset
Fully Customizable Sign-In Page
For the DIY approach:
Create the users by setting up an Azure AD app for your back-end API as outlined here:
Have your back-end API call the Graph API like this app does to create the users:
Send the users directly to the reset password URL /authorize/ url..

Azure AD with prompt=none shows Bad Request when user is logged in into another tenant

We have an application that supports seamless login with our Azure AD tenant account via OpenID Connect implicit flow. If user is authorized to access the app providing Azure AD issued evidence - access will be granted automatically, otherwise we show regular application login screen.
Every time when user authentication is required we redirect the user to the Azure AD login page ( specifying prompt=none.
Respecting the ODIC specification such flag should have the following effect.
The Authorization Server MUST NOT display any authentication or
consent user interface pages. An error is returned if an End-User is
not already authenticated or the Client does not have pre-configured
consent for the requested Claims or does not fulfill other conditions
for processing the request. The error code will typically be
login_required, interaction_required. This can be used as a method to
check for existing authentication and/or consent.
It generally works as expected, however, there is a case where Azure AD login page will show an error screen to the End User and it happens when User logged into another Azure AD tenant.
User account '...' from identity provider
'' does
not exist in tenant '...' and cannot access the
application '...' in that tenant. The
account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first.
Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory
user account.
The questions are:
Does not it violate the ODIC specification?
How to properly handle such cases in seamless for users fashion? (app is not in charge of what is going on after redirect to Azure AD).
Though I also agree that this is a violation of the spec, can I offer a workaround?
I believe you can try specifying domain_hint or login_hint parameter as well to help the system determine valid session. Hope it would give you the right answer regardless of which session user is signed in at the moment.
Yes, this is a violation of the OIDC spec. We have created a bug.
If the error is only occurring because the STS is selecting the wrong session, you could use login_hint or domain_hint to help the STS select the right session.
Yes, that is in violation of the spec and defeats the purpose of prompt=none since the the application can't keep control of the user experience anymore. #vibronet may be able to set the record straight on MS side.
