How to handle Database Connection Error while running app using Sequelize? - node.js

I am having an issue that if Node server application is already running using Sequelize, then Database server has been crashed then it also close node process, how to handle it ?
I also checked on Sequelize repo issue
But error events not implemented yet.
Any idea, Thanks in advance


server crushes after linking mongo atlas,

Server crushed when i linked mongo atlas on the server.js file,error being generated is connection.once is not a functionserver.js file
I have tried to require once as an eventemitter but with no success
I think the way you have implemented this is wrong. When I am looking at another example i.e Mongoose.connection('once') what does it mean it has applied db.once on a DB where as you are doing it on a connection

Database stop sending data to node server after trying to deploy on heroku. I am just getting A pending promise

I developed a node app server that get data requested through a postgres (sequelize ORM) which send the data to my react nextjs app when requested.
A few days ago I tried to host the application on heroku, which is when all hell broke loose. the application stopped working. I was getting a socket hangup error. I followed the error stack trace until i think i pinpointed the error on when my server request data from my database. I realized there are no more data coming through. Therefore, I am left hanging with a pending promise. I rebuild my backend. I also went back to previous commit when it was working and the application is still not working. The front-end is working bc it is running on a different host but my backend is not receiving data from my db anymore. I have tried everything i can think of and read a bunch of article on stack overflow and Github but have not figure it out yet. Also, I can no longer seed my seed file for some reason (also return pending promise).
I figure out what was the problem. My configuration on the server side with my database was not working. Therefore, I was getting an unresolved promise which caused the application to just keep loading while waiting for the data. By changing my config file to this:
const Sequelize = require("sequelize");
let database = process.env.DATABASE_URL;
let sequelize = "";
? (sequelize = new Sequelize(database))
: (sequelize = new Sequelize(database, "postgres", "", {
dialect: "postgres",
logging: false,
`module.exports = sequelize;
and adding my postgres database manually on my terminal when running heroku pg:psql to see and create my data base. I was able to make the application work once deployed on Heroku.

How to use the pg node package in angular

Hi, I'm quite new to Angular, I've been doing some projects following tutorials, which then lead me to try to start my own project to practice my Postgres and newly acquired Angular "skills".
I am trying to do a webapp that connects to a postgres DB using the node pg module.
(I know sequelize is a thing and it seems to work better than pg but AFAIK sequelize doesn't let you run pure postgres commands through it) Please correct me if I am wrong about this
The problem
This is where I get stuck, I am trying to follow the instructions from the docs but it doesn't seem to work correctly.
I have tried:
const { Client } = require('pg');
import { Client } from 'pg';
Also tried importing it in the .angular-cli.json in the scripts array
All of these fail with errors similar to this
ERROR in ./node_modules/pg/lib/connection-parameters.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'dns' in '[...]\node_modules\pg\lib'
ERROR in ./node_modules/pg/lib/native/client.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'pg-native' in '[...]\node_modules\pg\lib\native'
But nothing seems to work properly. Am I doing this completely wrong?
Also, pretty dumb question. I believe angular does everything on the client side, this is a HUGE security risk for DB access in prod. If that is true, is there a way to write server-side .ts services? or are services server-side?
You could write your serverside code in node using compiled ts, but probably not with angular.

Why I am able to access mongodb without running local mongo server?

I am beginning with server side programming by following a online course. As per my understanding, we use mongoose.connect(url) to connect to mongodb where url can be localhost url on which mongodb server is running.
But recently I forgot to run the local mongodb server using mongod. When I ran my node app with following code, it worked just fine :
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URL || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/TodoApp');
const {Todo} = require('./../server/models/todos');
const {ObjectID} = require('mongodb');
It worked fine with no error even though mongodb server was not running. When I checked the local database using Robo-3T tool, the documents were removed. I have verified this again.
I am unable to understand why my node app was able to connect to mongodb://localhost:27017/TodoApp even though mongodb server was not running on localhost:27017. Also, why Robo-3T tool was able to connect to this localhost: 27017 if server was not running.
The mongodb server was already running. Looks like the server does not shuts down on closing the terminal. It still runs in background. We have to close it using Ctrl+C.
More info: mongodb doesn't stop when I close terminal
Thanks #Sergio Tulentsev.
The reason is simple, the process is running in the background. If you search for 'services' - (in windows), scroll down to check for MongoDb, you will see that the process is running (Started). If set to Automatic, it starts up even after every restart.
Another reason is MongoDB server runs as a service in the background. Even if you restart your computer, it may be running.
I recognized at my win 10, MongoDB server is automatically started. So, you don't need to run mongod on your local.
At win 10 you can check it by:
type services in the search box;
open Services window;
Find MongoDB Server in the list;
Check Startup Type.
Probably your startup type is Automatic, you can change MongoDB Server startup type here.
It occurs when you don't stop the server explicitly and close your terminal.The server is running in background.You can see that in your task manager as well. Press Ctrl+C to quit and it will stop your server.

AWS - Node app won't connect to running mongo instance

I installed mongo on my elastic beanstalk node.js app and started the mongo daemon process. I'm not quite sure how to connect to the database though. On my local node app, I'm able to connect with these credentials:
module.exports = {
'url' : 'mongodb://'
I'm assuming that it doesn't connect because I need a user, password, and to create a database to connect to, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that on the remote database. I'm also finding resources on setting mongo up on t1.micro to be very scarce, so there's not much help there.
I didn't realize that I had to start up the mongo processes myself. Run mongod.
