Does ArangoDB java driver provides API for GEO_INTERSECTS - arangodb

For library arangodb-spring-data, version 3.2.3, is there any possibility to query for GEO_INTERSECTS functionality using the java api provided by the driver?
Currently I am using an AQL query in my code:
LET areaLiteral = GEO_POLYGON(...)
FOR doc IN MyDocuments
FILTER GEO_INTERSECTS(areaLiteral, doc.geometry)
So far in the official documentation couldn't find anything related to GEO_INTERSECTS, also in this example:
I have checked the source code of the driver, but didn't find anything related to keyword "INTERSECTS" which would construct this query behind the scenes.

It is not yet supported, the only supported geospatial queries are Near and Within:


How to store set of tuples into cassandra using datastax driver

I'm trying to run my service with Micronaut and Cassandra (currently version 3.11.10) and store a column that is a set of tuples into Cassandra.
example code:
.value("column", QueryBuilder.literal( { it.toTuple() }.toSet())))
The toTuple() method is just an extension method that transfer the items into Term objects
When I'm doing so I'm receiving the following error:
Internal Server Error: Could not inline literal of type java.util.Collections$SingletonSet. This happens because the driver doesn't know how to map it to a CQL type. Try passing a TypeCodec or CodecRegistry to literal().
I've checked online in multiple sources but couldn't find a simple way to store a set of tuples into the database without implementing my custom TypeCodec. As I'm sure that I'm not the first person to have this issue, I'm probably doing something completely wrong, however I couldn't find any documentation regarding to what is the correct way of doing this.

Python cloudant query "_id" by regex

I am new to ibm cloudant and I am using the python API for cloudant for my web application.
Is there any way I can retrieve documents from my couch database hosted on IBM cloudant instance using regex on "_id"?
I've read the python-cloudant documentation but I couldn't find anything.
Please help.
Thank you.
If you consider the underlying API, you can use the $regex operator in Cloudant Query. However, it won't use an index, so performance will be pretty dire, as it will scan the whole database. If possible, try arrange your ids such that you can find the subset you need with a range query instead. Given a db that looks like so:
% curl
we can retrieve all docs with id starting with "a" only,
% curl '"a"&endkey="b"'

Spark-Solr Connector trying to add already existing field with stored=true

I am using Spark-Solr connector 3.4.0 with Solr cloud version 7.6.0 in a Spark 2.2.1 Cluster . We have an existing Solr collection with a predefined schema for it. Most of the fields have the stored parameter set to true, but there are certain fields where we explicitly set stored=false. When we try to push data to Solr using the spark-solr connector, we get the following error-
org.apache.solr.api.ApiBag$ExceptionWithErrObject: error processing commands, errors: [{add-field={name=taxonomy, indexed=true, multiValued=true, docValues=true, stored=true, type=string}, errorMessages=[Field 'item_id_channel' already exists.
at org.apache.solr.handler.SchemaHandler.handleRequestBody(
at org.apache.solr.handler.RequestHandlerBase.handleRequest(
at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.execute(
at org.apache.solr.servlet.HttpSolrCall.execute(
at org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrDispatchFilter.doFilter(
at org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrDispatchFilter.doFilter(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(
The error says the item_id_channel already exists, but this error is only raised for fields for which we have defined stored=false (in the Solr schema). I get that the connector wishes to create the schema again for some reason, but it sets the stored parameter to true which clashes with the predefined schema definition on Solr for this field.
My question is - Is there a way to tell the connector (probably through some option?) that we want the stored to be set to true for certain fields? And probably a generic way to define other solr parameters for the fields?
We found the issue that was causing the error. There was a bug in older versions of spark-solr connector, because of which the connector was trying to add existing fields to the solr schema in case the value of stored was true. This was fixed in 3.5.5 release. Hence, once we upgraded our connector to version 3.5.14, the ingestion stared working without any errors.

get latest version of all articles with pagination

i would like to get the latest version of all journal articles.
I have a strong requirement on performances issue.
I came up with a very fast query:
MAX(version) as currentVersion
FROM mf3_liferay.journalarticle
GROUP BY articleId
HAVING currentVersion;
I tough about dynamic queries:
DynamicQuery dynamicQuery = DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(JournalArticle.class);
dynamicQuery.add(RestrictionsFactoryUtil.eq("status", 0))
.setLimit(cur, cur + resultsByPage);
I cannot find a way to add the Having clause.
I read about that:
But I cannot get it to work and I'm worried about performances...
I suggest you use the Search engine instead of querying the database directly.
It offers better performance, and offers pagination.
Getting the latest versions (the 'current') can be done using a field filter on the field 'head', like this:
searchQuery.addRequiredTerm("head", Boolean.TRUE);

Is there a good object mapper for Amazons dynamodb(through aws sdk) which can be used in nodejs?

Maybe the question does not apply to dynamoDB due to it not being Relational Db.
However, I'm looking for a good object mapper which can be used in nodejs and aws sdk to map existing model classes to dynamoDB tables. Does anyone have experience with this issue/question, or have you used such a module/library?
If you are looking for schema: (well supported forked from vogels which has been abandoned) (inspired by Mongoose)
If you are looking for something to throw javascript objects (even circular graphs) to: (alpha)
dyngodb has experimental support for full-text search, and transactions too.
Both are based on aws-sdk.
Also worth considering is simple marshallers, which just translate between the dynamoDB format and regular js objects or JSON.
"This utility helps represent AWS DynamoDb data types. It maps (marshalls) JavaScript data into the format required by DynamoDb."
"Translates sane javascript objects (and JSON) into DynamoDb format and vice versa." [does not support B type.]
Update 2016-06:
Just discovered that the AWS SDK now does this for you. Their documentation is only partially converted so I guess this is a recent addition. Read about it here.
But these marshallers are still useful because there are circumstances where you can't use the new document client, eg. when processing a dynamoDB stream.
You could also try: It is inspired by mongoose again.
If you are using Typescript, dynamo-easy might be a good option. Just add some decorators to your model and start using it.
import { Model, PartitionKey, DynamoStore } from '#shiftcoders/dynamo-easy'
export class Person {
id: string
name: string
yearOfBirth: number
const personStore = new DynamoStore(Person)
.then(res => console.log('ALL items with yearOfBirth == 1958', res))
It uses the AWS DynamoDB sdk but takes care of the mapping between JS and DynamoDB types and provides a simple to use fluent API.
full disclosure: I am one of the authors of this library
After looking over all the posts I landed on
It doesn't hide the API but instead just wraps it in a nice, fluent way with promises even and you inject your version of the aws-sdk. It's similar to dynamodb-data-types but also wraps the methods too (not just the data types).
Extra bonus, the same author has Didn't use the sql wrapper but I can see how some people may prefer that.
Dynamoose is obviously inspired by mongoose and is a good choice if you have a well-defined schema and/or want to be abstracted away from the DynamoDB details.
Have you seen dynasaur? It seems to be the type of thing you're looking for, but I have not used it myself. There's also dynamodb-data-types which is not an ORM, but makes it easy to convert to/from standard JavaScript objects.
