How to get the links in Draft js in read only mode? - node.js

I am creating a simple blog writing application. I am using Draft.js as an editor. I am able to create the link while writing the blog but when I go into read mode all the links are missing. Here are the React code for writing and reading the blogs. For simplicity I am storing the editorState/data in localStorage. Here is WriteBlog.js file
import React, { Component } from "react";
import Editor, { createEditorStateWithText } from "draft-js-plugins-editor";
import createInlineToolbarPlugin from "draft-js-inline-toolbar-plugin";
import createLinkPlugin from "draft-js-anchor-plugin";
import createToolbarPlugin, { Separator } from "draft-js-static-toolbar-plugin";
import {
} from "draft-js";
import { ItalicButton, BoldButton, UnderlineButton } from "draft-js-buttons";
import editorStyles from "./editorStyles.css";
import buttonStyles from "./buttonStyles.css";
import toolbarStyles from "./toolbarStyles.css";
import linkStyles from "./linkStyles.css";
import "draft-js-alignment-plugin/lib/plugin.css";
const staticToolbarPlugin = createToolbarPlugin();
const linkPlugin = createLinkPlugin({
theme: linkStyles,
placeholder: "http://…"
const inlineToolbarPlugin = createInlineToolbarPlugin({
theme: { buttonStyles, toolbarStyles }
const { Toolbar } = staticToolbarPlugin;
const { InlineToolbar } = inlineToolbarPlugin;
const plugins = [staticToolbarPlugin, linkPlugin];
const text =
"Try selecting a part of this text and click on the link button in the toolbar that appears …";
export default class WriteBlog extends Component {
state = {
editorState: createEditorStateWithText(text)
onChange = editorState => {
let contentRaw = convertToRaw(this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent());
const stringyfyRawContent = JSON.stringify(contentRaw);
localStorage.setItem("blogcontent", JSON.stringify(contentRaw));
handleSave = async e => {
// await this.setState({
// saveblog: 1,
// publish: 0
// });
// this.props.create_post(this.state);
// console.log("save state", this.state);
focus = () => this.editor.focus();
render() {
return (
<div className={editorStyles.editor} onClick={this.focus}>
<form onSubmit={this.handleSave}>
ref={element => {
this.editor = element;
{// may be use React.Fragment instead of div to improve perfomance after React 16
externalProps => (
<BoldButton {...externalProps} />
<ItalicButton {...externalProps} />
<UnderlineButton {...externalProps} />
<linkPlugin.LinkButton {...externalProps} />
className="btn btn-primary"
style={{ margin: "10px" }}
and here is ReadBlog.js file
import React, { Component } from "react";
import Editor, { createEditorStateWithText } from "draft-js-plugins-editor";
import createInlineToolbarPlugin from "draft-js-inline-toolbar-plugin";
import createLinkPlugin from "draft-js-anchor-plugin";
import createToolbarPlugin, { Separator } from "draft-js-static-toolbar-plugin";
import { convertFromRaw, EditorState, convertToRaw } from "draft-js";
import { ItalicButton, BoldButton, UnderlineButton } from "draft-js-buttons";
import editorStyles from "./editorStyles.css";
import buttonStyles from "./buttonStyles.css";
import toolbarStyles from "./toolbarStyles.css";
import linkStyles from "./linkStyles.css";
import "draft-js-alignment-plugin/lib/plugin.css";
const staticToolbarPlugin = createToolbarPlugin();
const linkPlugin = createLinkPlugin({
theme: linkStyles,
placeholder: "http://…"
const inlineToolbarPlugin = createInlineToolbarPlugin({
theme: { buttonStyles, toolbarStyles }
const { Toolbar } = staticToolbarPlugin;
const { InlineToolbar } = inlineToolbarPlugin;
const plugins = [staticToolbarPlugin, linkPlugin];
const text =
"Try selecting a part of this text and click on the link button in the toolbar that appears …";
export default class ReadBlog extends Component {
state = {
editorState: createEditorStateWithText(text)
componentDidMount = () => {
const rawContentFromdb = convertFromRaw(
const initialEditorStatedb = EditorState.createWithContent(
this.setState({ editorState: initialEditorStatedb });
focus = () => this.editor.focus();
render() {
return (
<div className={editorStyles.editor} onClick={this.focus}>
ref={element => {
this.editor = element;

I know this is super late, but you are not adding the decorator which is why this is not working. In this case, you'll want to use compositeDecorator to build your decorator object, and initialize the react state with it.
const decorator = new CompositeDecorator([
strategy: linkStrategy,
component: LinkDecorator,
const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(() =>
EditorState.createWithContent(initialContentState, decorator),


how to ensure data is not null before passing it as props?

I have created a generic component to be used in 2 cases. 1 case when dealing with single piece of data the other when dealing with an array of data. I am trying to plot this data on a react leaflet map. Right now it works for my landingPage component which deals with the single plots of data.
Previously I had it also working for my array of data before I was passing props to generic component to render. The issue is when I try to load the page responsible for displaying the map with the array of data it returns null when the getInitPosition() function is called as the props data seems to be null when component is rendered but not null after it, I checked this through logging to console. I am confused as to how it works in the single component and not the array of data component as the calls to retrieve the data are very similar. Can anyone see where I am going wrong. It seems to be that although my polyineArray is set with correct values I then print out the polylines state to check if it is set after the call to setPolylines(polylineArray) but it seems to be empty and I do not know why?
Map array of data component:
import react from 'react';
import { useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Popup, Polyline} from 'react-leaflet';
import axios from 'axios';
import polyline from '#mapbox/polyline';
import MapComp from './MapComp';
function Mapp() {
const [activities, setActivities] = useState([]);
const [polylines, setPolylines] = useState([]);
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
if(activities.length) {
}, [activities])
const getActivityData = async () => {
const response = await axios.get(
const setActivitieData = async () => {
const activityData = await getActivityData();
const setPolylineArray = () => {
const polylineArray = []
for(let i = 0; i < activities.length; i++) {
const polylineData = activities[i].map.summary_polyline;
const activityName = activities[i].name;
const activityType = activities[i].type
polylineArray.push({positions: polyline.decode(polylineData), name: activityName, activityType: activityType });
} // should push activity type as well
console.log("Polyline array = ", polylineArray);
console.log("polylines = ", polylines) // this seems to be empty????
return (
!isLoading ?
<MapComp activityData={{polylines}} />
: <div><p>Loading...</p></div>
export default Mapp;
single data plotting component which works:
import react from 'react';
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import Card from './Card';
import axios from 'axios';
import polyline from '#mapbox/polyline';
function LandingPage() {
const [cardActivites, setCardActivities] = useState([]);
const [polylines, setPolylines] = useState([]);
const [cards, setCards] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
if(cardActivites.length) {
}, [cardActivites])
const getActivityData = async () => {
const response = await axios.get(
const setActivitieData = async () => {
const activityData = await getActivityData();
const setPolylineArray = async () => {
const polylineArray = []
// right now activites refers to our button to show all activites
// we will eventually be using global state in redux
// for now we have a different state for card activties
for(let i = 0; i < cardActivites.length; i++) {
const polylineData = cardActivites[i].map.summary_polyline;
const activityName = cardActivites[i].name;
const activityType = cardActivites[i].type
polylineArray.push({positions: polyline.decode(polylineData), name: activityName, activityType: activityType });
} // should push activity type as well
console.log("Polyline array = ", polylineArray);
const activityCards = async () => {
// set up polyline array
setCards(, i) => {
return <Card key={i} activityData={{polyline}}/>
console.log("cards = ", cards);
//return <Card activityData={{polylines}}/>
return (
export default LandingPage;
generic component: import react from 'react';
import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Popup, Polyline} from 'react-leaflet';
import polyline from '#mapbox/polyline';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
function MapComp(props) {
function getInitPosition() {
console.log("props activity data = ", props);
if(!Array.isArray(props.activityData)) {
return [props.activityData.positions[0][0],props.activityData.positions[0][1]];
else {
return [props.activityData.poylines.positions[0][0],props.activityData.poylines.positions[0][1]];
return (
<MapContainer center={getInitPosition()} zoom={15} scrollWheelZoom={false} style={}>
<TileLayer attribution='© OpenStreetMap contributors'
{!Array.isArray(props.activityData) && <Polyline positions={props.activityData.positions} >
<h2>{"Name: " + +}</h2>
{Array.isArray(props.activityData.polylines) && props.activityData.polylines.length > 1 &&, idx) => (
<Polyline key={idx} positions={activity.positions}
<h2>{"Name: " +}</h2>
export default MapComp;
Can anyone see my issue why polylines isn't being set or how to ensure it is set before passing the data as props?

Jest testing error: Cannot read property 'off' of null. With react-signature-canvas

I have this react component which uses react-signature-canvas.
I want to add some tests but I get this error and Im ot sure how to fix it.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'off' of null
29 | describe("HandSignature", () => {
30 | it("checks for classname", () => {
> 31 | render(<Wrapper />);
| ^
32 | const btn = screen.getByTestId("save");
33 | expect(btn).toHaveClass("saveBtn");
34 | });
at (node_modules/react-signature-canvas/build/index.js:1:3235)
The component I want to test is this:
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import SignatureCanvas from "react-signature-canvas";
const canvasProps = {
role: "img",
"aria-label": i18n.t("changeService:signature.signature"),
className: Styles.signature,
type Props = {
submit: Function,
refDom: Object,
signature: Object,
setSignature: Function,
const HandSignature = ({ submit, refDom, signature, setSignature }: Props) => {
const { t } = useTranslation("common");
const _resizedSigCanvas: Object = useRef({});
return (
<div className={Styles.signatureCanvasWrapper}>
<div className={Styles.aspectRatio8x2}>
<div className={Styles.aspectRatioInnerWrapper}>
<div id="resizedCanvas" ref={_resizedSigCanvas}></div>
<SignatureCanvas ref={refDom} canvasProps={canvasProps} />
export default HandSignature;
I read in the internet that I need to add the package jest-canvas-mock in order to test the canvas, So i added it to my package.json, I also added this to my package.json:
"jest": {
"setupFiles": ["jest-canvas-mock"]
But when I run it I get this error: Cannot read property 'off' of null
This is my test:
import "#testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect";
import "jest-canvas-mock";
import { Form } from "react-final-form";
import React from "react";
import { screen, render } from "#testing-library/react";
import HandSignature from "./HandSignature";
// const state = {};
const Wrapper = () => {
const refDom = React.useRef({});
const props = {
submit: jest.fn(),
signature: null,
setSignature: jest.fn(),
return (
<Form onSubmit={() => {}}>
{() => {
return <HandSignature {...props} />;
describe("HandSignature", () => {
it("test classname", () => {
render(<Wrapper />);
const btn = screen.getByTestId("save");
Any ideas on how to fix this?

GSAP timeline needed on every page in Gatsby

My Gatsby site use the same GSAP timeline on every page, so I want to stay DRY and my idea is to include my timeline in my Layout component in that order.
But I don't know how to pass refs that I need between children and layout using forwardRef.
In short, I don't know how to handle the sectionsRef part between pages and layout.
sectionsRef is dependant of the page content (children) but is needed in the timeline living in layout.
How can I share sectionsRef between these two (I tried many things but always leading to errors)?
Here's a codesandbox without the refs in the Layout:
And the sandbox with the refs in the layout:
Here's a simplified version of my files :
export default function Layout({ children }) {
const containerRef = useRef(null);
const sectionsRef = useRef([]);
sectionsRef.current = [];
useEffect(() => {
const scrollTimeline = gsap.timeline();, {
x: () =>
containerRef.current.scrollWidth -
ease: 'none',
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: containerRef.current,
invalidateOnRefresh: true,
scrub: 0.5,
pin: true,
start: () => `top top`,
end: () =>
containerRef.current.scrollWidth -
}, [containerRef, sectionsRef]);
return (
<div className="slides-container" ref={containerRef}>
index.js (page)
import { graphql } from 'gatsby';
import React, { forwardRef } from 'react';
import SectionImage from '../components/sections/SectionImage';
import SectionIntro from '../components/sections/SectionIntro';
import SectionColumns from '../components/sections/SectionColumns';
const HomePage = ({ data: { home } }, sectionsRef) => {
const { sections } = home;
const addToRefs = (el) => {
if (el && !sectionsRef.current.includes(el)) {
return (
{ => {
if (section.__typename === 'SanitySectionIntro') {
return (
<SectionIntro key={} section={section} ref={addToRefs} />
if (section.__typename === 'SanitySectionImage') {
return (
<SectionImage key={} section={section} ref={addToRefs} />
if (section.__typename === 'SanitySectionColumns') {
return (
return '';
export default forwardRef(HomePage);
export const query = graphql`
query HomeQuery {
// ...
Any clue greatly appreciated :)

Only one element of type cardNumber can be created

I am trying to display my stripe component, but I am getting this error:
IntegrationError: Only one element of type cardNumber can be created.
I don't know why, since I'm only using it once in my entire app
Any ideas?
This is my index
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';
import { loadStripe } from "#stripe/stripe-js";
import { Elements } from "#stripe/react-stripe-js";
import MyComponent from './components/StripeComponent';
const promise = loadStripe("xxx-xxx-xxx");
<Elements stripe={promise}>
And this is my component
import React from "react";
import {
} from "#stripe/react-stripe-js";
const MyComponent: React.FC= (props)=>{
const elements = useElements();
const cardNumberElement = elements?.create('cardNumber', {
placeholder: ''
const cardExpiryElement = elements?.create('cardExpiry', {
placeholder: ''
const cardCvvElement = elements?.create('cardCvc', {
placeholder: ''
const handleSubmit = async (ev: any) => {
return (
<form id="payment-form" onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<div id="card-number-element"></div>
<div id="card-expiry-element"></div>
<div id="card-cvv-element"></div>
export default MyComponent
Seems it is because you create and mount the card components in the functional component body they are executed on every render of the component, i.e. as an inadvertent side-effect.
Place the creation and mounting logic in an useEffect hook with an empty dependency array so that it is invoked only once when the component mounts.
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useElements } from "#stripe/react-stripe-js";
const MyComponent: React.FC = (props) => {
const elements = useElements();
// Effect hook to run once on component mount
useEffect(() => {
const cardNumberElement = elements?.create("cardNumber", {
placeholder: ""
const cardExpiryElement = elements?.create("cardExpiry", {
placeholder: ""
const cardCvvElement = elements?.create("cardCvc", {
placeholder: ""
}, []); // <-- empty dependency array
const handleSubmit = async (ev: any) => {
return (
<form id="payment-form" onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<div id="card-number-element"></div>
<div id="card-expiry-element"></div>
<div id="card-cvv-element"></div>
useEffect(() => {
if (elements) {
const cardNumberElement =
elements.getElement("cardNumber") || // check if we already created element
elements.create("cardNumber", defaultInputStyles); // create if dont
}, [elements]);
I had the same problem, in my case, I had a reference to CardNumberElement in another section of my code. After removing it, everything worked fine.

How to render HTML from a prop coming from MongoDB

I can't make my prop render in HTML. I'm making an app for a Christian ministry and I want to be able to post like a blog, I got quill working but I can't show the results rendered, is showing pure HTML.
I'v been trying to follow the rules of react-render-html, but my experience is little, so I don't really know what I'm missing. I try use 'renderHTML' but it doesn't work.
Below is my code, and if you see the screenshot, you will see that the first card is showing the HTML tags.
import React from 'react';
import { Container, Card, Button, CardTitle, CardText, CardColumns, CardSubtitle, CardBody, Collapse } from 'reactstrap';
import { CSSTransition, TransitionGroup } from 'react-transition-group';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { getPosts, deletePost } from '../actions/postActions';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import axios from 'axios';
import renderHTML from 'react-render-html';
import PostsForm from './extentions/PostsForm';
class Home extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
onDeleteClick = (id) => {
constructor(props) {
this.onEntering = this.onEntering.bind(this);
this.onEntered = this.onEntered.bind(this);
this.onExiting = this.onExiting.bind(this);
this.onExited = this.onExited.bind(this);
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
this.state = {
collapse: false,
status: 'Closed',
ButtonText: "Submit Post"
onEntering() {
this.setState({ status: 'Opening...' });
onEntered() {
this.setState({ status: 'Opened' });
onExiting() {
this.setState({ status: 'Closing...' });
onExited() {
this.setState({ status: 'Closed', ButtonText: "Submit Post" });
toggle() {
this.setState(state => ({ collapse: !state.collapse, ButtonText: "Close" }));
formOpening = () => {
on: !this.state.on
const { posts } =;
<div style={{float: "left"}}><h5>Current state: {this.state.status}</h5></div>
<div style={{float: "right"}}><Button
style={{marginButtom: '2rem'}}
style={{clear: "both"}}
<PostsForm />
<CardColumns style={{clear: "both"}}>
<TransitionGroup className="Posts">
{{ _id, title, subtitle, postbody}) => (
<CSSTransition key={_id} timeout={500} classNames="fade">
<Button className="remove-btn" color="danger" size="sm" onClick={this.onDeleteClick.bind(this, _id)}>×</Button>
<Button>Read More</Button>
Home.propTypes = {
getPosts: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
post: PropTypes.object.isRequired
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
export default connect(mapStateToProps, { getPosts, deletePost })(Home);
Screenshot of how it looks now
I would like to see that the cards are acting like
Body Text ect etc etc not <p>Body Text ect etc etc</p>
You need to use dangerouslySetInnerHTML API.
From React Docs, slightly modified:
function createMarkup(html) {
return {__html: html};
function MyComponent({html}) {
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={createMarkup(html)} />;
