Azure monitor for containers v/s Application insights - azure

We are designing an application which will be hosted on AKS(Azure kubernetes service). The application will consist of a set of services written in asp .net core running in docker containers. I want to monitor the services as well as the containers/nodes and have the observability across the cluster. Azure monitor for containers seems to be a good solution for monitoring containers, nodes and the cluster as a whole however I want the advanced monitoring capabilities of the application insights for the asp .net core services for example application maps, live metrics streams, transaction tracing and such features. Moreover, I don't want to have overlapping solutions. Is the Azure monitor for containers able to provide all or most of these application insights features or do I have to have both solutions in order to get proper cluster monitoring and also the advanced application monitoring?

Azure Monitor for containers provide infrastructure level monitoring and basic application logs with stdout and stderr, Kubernetes events captured out of the box.
It does not provide instrumentation for your apps or distributed tracing capabilities today, which is possible with Application Insights.
If you are looking for application map & instrumentation for events metrics and logs for your app, you can use both together and it's possible to correlate data from both and create dashboards and views.
The long term road map has Azure Monitor for containers & Application insights combined offering

In this ( guide, you can find all the features of AKS monitoring. If these covers all your use cases then you don't need to install any other tool. If not, then you cover only those features which are missing.


Kafka monitoring in Azure

We are hosting Confluent Platform services(broker, zookeeper, schema-registry etc.) in Azure VMs. What is the best option to scrape metrics from these and visualize in Azure monitor or application insights?
I am thinking to scrape JMX metrics and visualize in azure monitor/app insights. Monitoring will include things like health status, message flow in topics, produce/consume rate, VM health etc.
What are some good options to implement this? Any better ideas?
PS- I only want to use Azure native services for monitoring/dashboards.
You can add java agents by exporting the environment variable KAFKA_OPTS. Through that, you can add any additional JVM monitoring
Azure docs -

What kind of CPU power do I get with Azure App Service?

I'm interested in deploying CPU intensive web app to an Azure App Service instance. I can't find any details around CPU usage and/or limits for Azure app service. My concern is that not having insight into the CPU specs/limitations for my app will not allow me to plan on how to accurately plan the physical cloud-based infrastructure (using Azure app service).
My app will be using the OpenCV computer vision library to do heavy image processing, face detection, and face recognition with hundreds/thousands of high quality images. This is naturally a CPU-intensive process. In a traditional setting (or on-premise Virtual Machine setup), I would at least know the specs on the machine (I.E. cpu specs, etc).
In summary, my question is two-fold:
1) Why doesn't azure app service say anything about the CPUs inside of their PaaS (App Service) context? If they do, where can i learn more about CPU limitations for this?
2) In the context of my application, is my CPU-based question irrelevant? I do read online that certain Azure App Service tiers do auto-scaling (meaning load balancing across more servers for better performance). Will this be sufficient for my need where multiple end-users are processing many photos to do face detection and recognition?
Microsoft represent the performance of the a VM in terms of ACU ( There are limited number of VM's Available in Azure App Service plan.
App Service plan has both scale up and scale out option. Scale out can be done based on the different rules.
But always do remember that the application architecture will dictate how it will use the scale out option.
Note : I would suggest to use VM if it GPU or CPU intensive, as you will get more option.
As i know standard app service are running on A Series VM but based on the scenario that you explained i suggest you to go with Premium App Service Plan that runs on Dv2 VM's. Hope below article will help you out:
I Suggest you to check the app service overview link and it says what kind of VM is running on back end so you can cross check with the VM specs and you can find the CPU details there.
App Service Plan Overview
App Service Limitation
App Service Overview

azure kubernates service managed service for application log management

problem statement.
as per my understanding, we can run an elastic search, kibana and logstash etc as a pod in kubernates cluster for log management. but it is also memory heavy intensive application. AWS provides various managed services like Cloudwatch, cloud trail and ELK stack for log management.
do we have a similar substitute in Azure as well i.e. some managed service?
you can use AKS with Azure Monitor (reading). I'm not sure you can apply this to not AKS cluster (at least not in a straight forward fashion).
Onboarding (for AKS clusters) is really simple and can be done using various methods (portal included).
You can read more on the docs I've linked (for example, about capabilities).
Azure Monitor for Containers is available now and once integrated some cluster metrics as well as the logs will be automatically collected and made available through log analytics.

Azure service fabric - Performance telemetry of individual service

Is there a way to get the performance telemetry of an individual service running in a node which has other services running in the same node within a servive fabric cluster?
We are using .net core where there are not performance counters either and we arent using containers at the moment. We want to make sure one microservice doesnt hog all the system resources and choke the other microservices running in the same node. We are using guest executables.
We use application insight. It has support for microservices for service fabric ie correlation id where you can trace a request through multiple services within service fabric
Here is set up instruction and example

Infra level telemetry of a micro-service application built with MS Azure Service Fabric

I am working on a micro-service application build in MS Azure Service Fabric. I need to gather infra level telemetry of the cluster and its nodes in real time and create Power BI queries so that i can prepare charts for the telemetry in Power BI Dashboard. I cannot use OMS due to its high cost. I was hoping to use Elastic Search but any other tools if also fine.
Thanks in advance.
Application Insights will only log information about the application. I need to capture Infrastructure related details here. Details like, downtime of a certain node on cluster, location of cluster a particular micro-service is hosted on, amount of traffic on different cluster, and so on
