Is there a library in python or c++ that is capable of estimating normals of point clouds in a consistent way?
In a consistent way I mean that the orientation of the normals is globally preserved over the surface.
For example, when I use python open3d package:
radius=4, max_nn=300))
I get an inconsistent results, where some of the normals point inside while the rest point outside.
many thanks
The tangent plane algorithm is now implemented in Open3D!
The source code and the documentation.
You can just call pcd.orient_normals_consistent_tangent_plane(k=15).
And k is the knn graph parameter.
Original answer:
Like Mark said, if your point cloud comes from multiple depth images, then you can call open3d.geometry.orient_normals_towards_camera_location(pcd, camera_loc) before concatenating them together (assuming you're using python version of Open3D).
However, if you don't have that information, you can use the tangent plane algorithm:
Build knn-graph for your point cloud.
The graph nodes are the points. Two points are connected if one is the other's k-nearest-neighbor.
Assign weights to the edges in the graph.
The weight associated with edge (i, j) is computed as 1 - |ni ⋅ nj|
Generate the minimal spanning tree of the resulting graph.
Rooting the tree at an initial node,
traverse the tree in depth-first order, assigning each node an
orientation that is consistent with that of its parent.
Actually the above algorithm comes from Section 3.3 of Hoppe's 1992
SIGGRAPH paper Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points. The algorithm is also open sourced.
AFAIK the algorithm does not guarantee a perfect orientation, but it should be good enough.
If you know the viewpoint from where each point was captured, it can be used to orient the normals.
I assume that this not the case - so given your situation, which seems rather watertight and uniformly sampled, mesh reconstruction is promising.
PCL library offers many alternatives in the surface module. For the sake of normal estimation, I would start with either:
Greedy projection triangulation
Although simple, they should be enough to produce a single coherent mesh.
Once you have a mesh, each triangle defines a normal (the cross product). It is important to note that a mesh isn't just a collection of independent faces. The faces are connected and this connectivity enforces a coherent orientation across the mesh.
pcl::PolygonMesh is an "half edge data structure". This means that every triangle face is defined by an ordered set of vertices, which defines the orientation:
order of vertices => order of cross product => well defined unambiguous normals
You can either use the normals from the mesh (nearest neighbor), or calculate a low resolution mesh and just use it to orient the cloud.
Say I had a point cloud with n number of points in 3d space(relatively densely packed together). What is the most efficient way to create a surface that goes contains every single point in it and lets me calculate values such as the normal and curvature at some point on the surface that was created? I also need to be able to create this surface as fast as possible(a few milliseconds hopefully working with python) and it can be assumed that n < 1000.
There is no "most efficient and effective" way (this is true of any problem in any domain).
In the first place, the surface you have in mind is not mathematically defined uniquely.
A possible approach is by means of the so-called Alpha-shapes, implemented either from a Delaunay tetrahedrization, or by the ball-pivoting method. For other methods, lookup "mesh reconstruction" or "surface reconstruction".
On another hand, normals and curvature can be computed locally, from neighbors configurations, without reconstructing a surface (though there is an ambiguity on the orientation of the normals).
I could suggest Nina Amenta's Power Crust algorithm (link to code), or also meshlab suite, which can compute the curvatures too.
Given a polyhedron defined by a matrix of 3-Dimensional vertices and its faces(delaunay triangles), I want to be able to create a smooth 3-D object.
Is there any software that has built a built in function that would allow me to do this?
If not, I have found a paper that seems to describe what I want, but I am unable to fully understand the math.
Here is an examples of what I am looking for.
One solution for "smoothing" geometry, if we state the problem a bit more formally, is to perform mean curvature flow on your mesh. Here are some search terms - "curve-shortening flow", "mean curvature flow", "willmore flow", "conformal curvature flow" ...
Image source: Keenan Crane. Context and permission
"Smoothness of a surface or curve is very hard to define. (For an empirical test on what people perceive as smooth see
If you only care about perceived smoothness, for example, smoother appearance while rendering in high resolution etc., an easier approach would be Catmull-Clark subdivision scheme.
The geometric intuition is quite simple. In the case of a 2D curve, in every instance, every point on a curve moves according to some function of the curvature at that point. If we let the curve or surface move like this for some time, it will start smoothing out areas with high curvature more and more, eventually becoming a circle (or a sphere in 3d) and then collapse to a point. So for smoothing usually we have to preserve areas or volumes.
One way to define it is in terms of some energy, and our goal is to minimise this energy on the mesh. For example willmore flow minimises the willmore energy. Sometimes this process is called fairing.
I am not aware of a prepackaged library or tool, that's freely available and open source for curvature flow.
2D only
K.Mikula, D.Sevcovic, "Tangentially stabilized Lagrangian algorithm for elastic curve evolution driven by intrinsic Laplacian of curvature",
2D and 3D
Keenan Crane's page has more information on this and more examples too.
2D and 3D (level set method)
I know that there are 4 techniques to draw 3D objects:
(1) Wireframe Modeling and rendering, (2) Additive Modeling, (3) Subtractive Modeling, (4) Splines and curves.
Then, those models go through hidden surface removal algorithm.
Am I correct?
Be that way, What formula or algorithm can I use to draw a 3D Sphere?
I am using a low-level library named WinBGIm from colorado university.
there are 4 techniques to draw 3D objects:
(1) Wireframe Modeling and rendering, (2) Additive Modeling, (3) Subtractive Modeling, (4) Splines and curves.
These are modelling techniques and not rendering techniques. They allow you to mathematically define your mesh's geometry. How you render this data on to a 2D canvas is another story.
There are two fundamental approaches to rendering 3D models on a 2D canvas.
Ray Tracing
The basic idea of ray tracing is to pass a ray from the camera's origin, through the point on the canvas whose colour needs to be determined. Determine which models get hit by it and pick the closest one, determine how it's lit to compute the colour there. This is done by further tracing rays from the hit point to all the light sources in the scene. If you notice, this approach eliminates the need to use hidden surface determination algorithms like the back face culling, z-buffer, etc. since the basic idea is rooted on a hidden surface algorithm (ray tracing).
There are packages, libraries, etc. that help you do this. However, it's common that ray tracers are written from scratch as a college-level project. However, this approach takes more time to render (not to code), but the results are generally more pleasing than the below one. This approach is more popular when you want to render non-interactive visuals like movies.
This approach takes primitives (triangles and quads) that define the models in the scene and sample them at regular intervals (screen pixels they cover) and write it on to a colour buffer. Here hidden surface is usually eliminated using the Z-buffer; a buffer that stores the z-order of the fragment and the closer one wins, when writing to the colour buffer.
Rasterization is the more popular approach with cheap hardware support for it available on most modern computers due to years of research and money that has gone in to it. Libraries like OpenGL and Direct3D are readily available to facilitate development. Although the results are less pleasing than ray tracing, it's faster to render and thus is widely used in interactive, real-time rendering like games.
If you want to not use those libraries, then you have to do what is commonly known as software rendering i.e. you will end up doing what these libraries do.
What formula or algorithm can I use to draw a 3D Sphere?
Depends on which one of the above you choose. If you simply rasterize a 3D sphere in 2D with orthographic projection, all you have to do is draw a circle on the canvas.
If you are looking for hidden lines removal (drawing the edges rather than the inside of the faces), the solution is easy: "back face culling".
Every edge of your model belongs to two faces. For every face you can compute the normal vector and check if it is facing to the observer (by the sign of the dot product of the normal and the direction of the projection line); in other words, if the observer is located in the outer half-space defined by the plane of the face. Then an edge is wholly visible if and only if it belongs to at least one front face.
Usual discretization of the sphere are made by drawing equidistant parallels and meridians. It may be advantageous to adjust the spacing of the parallels so that all tiles are about the same area.
I have a 3d volume given by a binary space partition tree. Usually these are made from polygon models, and the splitted polygons already stored inside the tree nodes.
But mine is not, so I have no polygons. Every node has nothing but it's cut plane (given by normal and origin distance for example). Thus the tree still represent a solid 3d volume, defined by all the cuts made. However, for visualisation I need a polygonal mesh of this volume. How can that be reconstructed efficiently?
The crude method would be to convert the infinite half spaces of the leaves to large enough polhedrons (eg. cubes) and push every single one of them upwards the tree, cutting it by every node's plane it passes. That seems extremely costly, as the tree may be unbalanced (eg. if stupidly made from a convex polyhedra). Is there any classic solution?
In order to recover the polygonal surface you need to intersect the planes. Where each vertex of a polygon is generated by an intersection of three planes and each edge by an intersection of 2 planes. But making this efficient and numerical stable is no trivial task. So i propose to use qhalf that is part of qhull. A documentation of the input and ouput of qhalf can be found here. Of course you can use qhull (and the functionality from qhalf) as a library.
An old Direct3D book says
" can achieve an acceptable frame
rate with hardware acceleration while
displaying between 2000 and 4000
polygons per frame..."
What is one polygon in Direct3D? Do they mean one primitive (indexed or otherwise) or one triangle?
That book means triangles. Otherwise, what if I wanted 1000-sided polygons? Could I still achieve 2000-4000 such shapes per frame?
In practice, the only thing you'll want it to be is a triangle because if a polygon is not a triangle it's generally tessellated to be one anyway. (Eg, a quad consists of two triangles, et cetera). A basic triangulation (tessellation) algorithm for that is really simple; you just loop though the vertices and turn every three vertices into a triangle.
Here, a "polygon" refers to a triangle. All . However, as you point out, there are many more variables than just the number of triangles which determine performance.
Key issues that matter are:
The format of storage (indexed or not; list, fan, or strip)
The location of storage (host-memory vertex arrays, host-memory vertex buffers, or GPU-memory vertex buffers)
The mode of rendering (is the draw primitive command issued fully from the host, or via instancing)
Triangle size
Together, those variables can create much greater than a 2x variation in performance.
Similarly, the hardware on which the application is running may vary 10x or more in performance in the real world: a GPU (or integrated graphics processor) that was low-end in 2005 will perform 10-100x slower in any meaningful metric than a current top-of-the-line GPU.
All told, any recommendation that you use 2-4000 triangles is so ridiculously outdated that it should be entirely ignored today. Even low-end hardware today can easily push 100,000 triangles in a frame under reasonable conditions. Further, most visually interesting applications today are dominated by pixel shading performance, not triangle count.
General rules of thumb for achieving good triangle throughput today:
Use [indexed] triangle (or quad) lists
Store data in GPU-memory vertex buffers
Draw large batches with each draw primitives call (thousands of primitives)
Use triangles mostly >= 16 pixels on screen
Don't use the Geometry Shader (especially for geometry amplification)
Do all of those things, and any machine today should be able to render tens or hundreds of thousands of triangles with ease.
According to this page, a polygon is n-sided in Direct3d.
In C#:
public static Mesh Polygon(
Device device,
float length,
int sides
As others already said, polygons here means triangles.
Main advantage of triangles is that, since 3 points define a plane, triangles are coplanar by definition. This means that every point within the triangle is exactly defined as a linear combination of polygon points. More vertices aren't necessarily coplanar, and they don't define a unique curved plane.
An advantage more in mechanical modeling than in graphics is that triangles are also undeformable.