Should I use the 'request' module for a new project? - node.js

The 'request' module has been a long-time standard for Node.js. They have recently deprecated the library.
I am starting a new project, and looking for the best solution to do my networking. I started off using the native 'https' module, but ran into problem after problem. Using the request module seemed to be easy and work just fine. There are also many other libraries to replace the request module.
Generally speaking, you should avoid using deprecated libraries when possible. But does that rule of thumb apply here?
Is it bad to start a new project with the 'request' module? If so, what is the new standard?

I would personally not start a new project with the request() library unless it has a feature that no other library has that I absolutely need or unless I need another module that depends upon the request() module itself.
When I have the freedom to choose, I'm using got() for new projects instead. Choosing from the list of alternatives is a personal decision so you just have to evaluate the type of interface they each have and what features they have. For what I typically do with this type of library, got() seemed simple and clean, built from the ground up with promises, meets my needs and I've had no problems using it.
Axios, node-fetch and superagent have advantages in that you can use a similar interface in both node.js and in the browser. All are popular and in wide use.
I tried bent, but didn't click with its programming interface.
I'd personally rather be using libraries that have a stated objective to continue to evolve with new developments in the language, new developments in nodejs libraries and add new features over time rather than a library that says it will not be adding new features.
I also like using a library that has promise support built-in from the core rather than added on only as a wrapper since I do all asynchronous programming with promises now.
Some other resources in examining the alternatives:
Feature comparison chart (written by the makers of got())
Migrating to got() from request
And, if you want to read about why the request() library has gone into maintenance mode, read here.
In a nutshell, it's an old architecture with tons of features glued onto the side, but because there are so many modules dependent upon it, they can't really break their API to fix or smooth things out. And, because it's so popular, it is holding back the success of competing solutions that have designed a cleaner interface. So, the decision was made to let the alternatives that have been designed in a more modern way take the mantle going forward and request() will go into maintenance mode to continue to support the other modules that are dependent upon it, but not try to evolve into a more modern interface.

Request isn’t really deprecated. It’s no longer considering new features or breaking changes, but it is still being maintained. It’s safe to use for the foreseeable future, but how good an idea it is to use it is up to the developer. Not really a right or wrong answer here.
They’ve stopped new work on it because they believe the patterns it uses are out of date and to switch over to modern patterns would effectively make request an entirely new module, so rather than invalidate thousands of blogs and SO answers by making a massive update, they’ve decided to stop in order to make space for a new standard to emerge that effectively uses new features. As of yet, a new standard does not exist.
If you like request, and the outdated patterns it uses are good for your purposes, then go for it. But new patterns and features exist for a reason, and they might be worth exploring.

The author of request mentions that request was written in the old ways when the best practices were so different. He tried to recreate a similar library with better practices and made bent.
I would say the only problem with request was not the underlying code, but also its interface: callbacks belong to the stone age and make your code ugly.
My personal suggestion would be using RxJS-based solutions:
RxJS's bundled ajax library for frontend code (comes with rxjs),
RxJSx's request library for backend (#rxjsx/request).


Node js vs Kotlin for REST APIs

Kotlin vs Node JS for REST Api's
I couldn't find any proper explanation regarding the differences b/w Kotlin and Node JS for REST APIs
Which is better in performance wise?
Let me set the context. Its Kotlin/JVM vs JS/Node.js. We cannot blindly say that this language is better. In general Kotlin is supposed to be faster since it compiled language compared to JS which is interpreted language.
Irrespective of the language used, we will discuss on the API architecture. Serving the APIs can be implemented in either blocking or non-blocking way (I am not going to explain about what it is). Traditionally before a few of years Java/Kotlin with Spring have been using the blocking architecture which delivered performance X. On a contrary, Node.js is based on non-blocking architecture which gave us better performance than the blocking architecture and architecture style is the only reason why Node.js performed better. Later Spring released a newer version of the framework to support non-blocking architecture. The non-blocking style is called as Reactive programming/Spring Webflux.
So now both of the languages support non-blocking architecture. In terms of raw language performance, Kotlin will be better since its compiled language. Also in theory interpreted languages are supposed to be slower. But we cannot say which is better without any testing.
Personally I am fan of Java/Spring because of OOPS and later at one point I started using TS/Node.js. TS eliminates most of the runtime issues with its type checking. But still we cannot compare it with the type system available in Java/Kotlin. As a language I feel Java/Kotlin is superior and one thing I like most in JavaScript is handling objects/JSON. Checkout "Kotlin for JavaScript" as well which lets you write in Kotlin and transpile to JS. Ignore this "Kotlin for JavaScript" feature, I am planning to try Kotlin/Spring in non-blocking architecture for my future projects. If you have usecases with WebSockets, I think Node.js will perform better and I am not sure If there are any libraries in Java/Kotlin since I havn't explored it.
One disadvantage in non-blocking style is that I need to pass the login context object to almost all the methods in the project. In blocking architecture we will add the login context information in thread local so that we can access it anywhere until the request is completed.
I am sure that I did not answer your question completely. But I hope that the information what I have give is useful.
Correct me If I am wrong in any of the aspects.

Should I use typescript in all the layers of the MEAN stack?

I chose the MEAN stack to develop my web application mainly because I will be using javascript across all the layers.
One language to rule them all, right?
And then I heard about typescript, and I decided to use it.
The thing is typescript is mainly used with angular and not the other layers of the stack. So choosing typescript means losing the best thing about the MEAN stack.
I still want the benefits of typescript along with the:
One language to rule them all!
In other words, I want to use BOTH typescript&MEAN stack, to develop my web-application, would you advise me to do this?
I just found-out about this "new" stack called tsmean It seems the perfect answer for my question!
However, I am scared since it is still a new technology and there’snt a large community behind it like the MeanJS stack community. Also the lack of reliable tutorials makes me a bit hesitant to use it.
On the other hand, my web-application is relatively small and simple and in an article on medium (, the creator of tsmean wrote that in such conditions, using tsmean can be a good decision.
In a nutshell, I will be creating a web-app version of the functionalities provided by a simple excell sheet. So I believe tsmean is the right choice for me!
Yes. If you want to use TypeScript throughout your MEAN stack, you can. TypeScript is literally JavaScript with strong typing abilities. This makes classes and method signatures much stronger than JavaScript by itself. Ultimately, TypeScript is transpiled to JavaScript so any packages available to JavaScript are also available to TypeScript. Both are EcmaScript languages.

Making website with Node.js without framework

i want to create a website based on node js and mysql , but i've read that there is a framework called express for node js , and i'm wondering if i must to use such kind of a framework to create a decent website or it is possible without it and just work with pure node js.
No framework is required. You can write a full-blown web server using only the http module or if you really want to write everything yourself, you can even do it with only the net module.
It's really about what is the most effective use of your time and skill as a developer. Except for academic or pure learning experience reasons, if you're just trying to accomplish a task as efficiently as possible and free, pre-existing, pre-tested code exists that makes your job easier, then that's a better way to go.
For example, if I need to do a file upload from a browser to my back-end and the data is coming in as the multipart/formdata content-type from the browser, I have zero interest in reading and learning the multipart/formdata RFC then writing my own code to parse the multipart/formdata content-type. Pre-existing, already tested code exists to do that for me and I'm adding no value to the goals of my project by re-implementing and then testing it all myself. Therefore, I'd like to use a pre-built module that does all that for me. I can just configure the right library on the right route and out plops my uploaded file in only the amount of time it takes to understand the interface to the 3rd party module and how to use it properly.
This is where Express comes in. Not only does it offer a useful set of features and architecture for configuring routes, installing middleware, sending responses, using template engines, handling errors, etc... but there are also thousands of third party modules that are built to hook into Express and it is easiest to use them if you're using Express as your core framework. Some of these modules could be used outside of Express, some cannot - it really depends upon how they're designed and what Express interfaces they do or don't use.
Also, Express is fairly "un-opinionated" and fairly "lightweight" which means it doesn't force you into a particular methodology. It just offers you easier ways to do things you were already going to have to write code for yourself.
Look at it this way. When you get node.js, there are thousands of APIs that offer lots of already tested things such as a TCP library, a file I/O library, etc... Those are frameworks (in a sense) too. You don't have to use them either. You could rewrite whatever functionality you need from scratch. But, you wouldn't even think about doing that because tested code already exists that solves your problem. So, you happily build on top of things that are already done.
One of the BIG advantages of coding with node.js is getting access to the tens of thousands of pre-built modules on NPM that already solve problems that many people have. Coding in node.js with a mindset that you will never use any outside modules from NPM is throwing away one of the biggest advantages of coding with node.js.
could you tell me what are the Routes used for in frameworks?
A route is a URL that you wish for your web server to respond to. So, if you want to be URL that your server responds to, then you create a route for /categories so that you can write code for what should happen when that URL is requested. A framework like Express allows you to create that route very simply with just a single statement such as:
app.get('/categories', function(req, res) {
// put code here to handle that request
This is just the tip of the iceberg for what Express supports. It allows you to use wildcards in route definitions, identify parameters in urls, create middleware that does prep work on lots of routes (such as check if the user is logged in), etc...
You don't have to use a framework but it is recommended to use one of them since frameworks like Express make your life easier in many ways. Check this: What is Express.js?
Yes you CAN write a Node.js-based backend without any back end implementation framework such as Express. And if you are using Node.js for the first time without any previous experience of asynchronous coding, I'd advise against using Express, KOA or other Node implementation frameworks for your simple learner apps (e.g. those needing things like register/login form processing, logout button, user preference updates to database, etc) because:
(1) Node.js is a core skill for JavaScript back ends.
Stupid analogies between server tasking and restaurant waiters are no use to a real web engineer. You must first know what exactly Node can/cannot do in the server CPU that makes it different to most other back end technologies. Then you have to see how the Node process actually does this. Using Express/KOA/Hapi/etc you are sometimes effectively removing the mental challenges that come with a Node back end. Any time-saving is achieved at the expense of gaining a proper working understanding of what Node is and how it really operates.
(2) Learning Node.js and its asynchronous coding is hard enough without the added complication of coding with an unknown framework like Express/KOA that assumes users' familiarity with JavaScript constructs like callback functions and Promises. It's always better to learn something in isolation so you get the essence of its individual effects, rather than the overall effects if used with other packages/frameworks. So many of these Node.js Express tutorials are the software equivalent of learning to make a cake by watching Momma do it. We can copy it but we don't know how or why it's working. Professional coders can't just be good copycats.
(3) Available learning tutorials using Express often drag in other technologies like MongoDB, Mongoose, Mustache, Handlebars, etc that make learning Node.js even more awkward still.
(4) A share of basic web apps can be written more efficiently with Node.js, custom JS and existing JS modules imported off the npm repository rather than with Express.
(5) Once asynchronous coding and the JavaScript constructs available to assist with it are understood clearly, pure Node.js apps for basic tasks aren't that hard.
(5) After you do get your head around Node.js and can get basic web app functionalities working using server-side JavaScript constructs, you can then judiciously start to explore Express/Hapi/KOA/etc and see what an implementation framework can do for your workflow when doing larger projects needing numerous functionalities. At this point you know what Express code should be doing and why it is done the way it is.
Node.js has become the back-end technology of choice for most small to medium scale web applications over the last 10 years. It is also the major reason why the JavaScript language has evolved from a mere front-end scripting tool with a limited set of Java-aping constructs to the innovative and comprehensive language that it is today. It is also the most popular language in use today. Investing time in understanding the Node server framework, and the latest JavaScript constructs used in Node, is time well spent. Implementation frameworks such as Express, KOA, Hapi, Sails, etc have great benefit when writing more elaborate back ends on the Node.js platform. But all these implementation frameworks are predicated on the behaviour patterns of Node.js. So unless Node itself is understood first, the full utility of Express/KOA/Sails/etc will never be enjoyed.
Try here for the pure Node.js.

Providing documentation with Node/JS REST APIs

I'm looking to build a REST API using Node and Express and I'd like to provide documentation with it. I don't want to craft this by hand and it appears that there are solutions available in the forms of Swagger, RAML and Api Blueprint/Apiary.
What I'd really like is to have the documentation auto-generate from the API code as is possible in .NET land with Swashbuckle or the Microsoft provided solution but they're made possible by strong typing and reflection.
For the JS world it seems like the correct option is to use the Swagger/RAML/Api Blueprint markup to define the API and then generate the documentation and scaffold the server from that. The former seems straightforward but I'm less sure about the latter. What I've seen of the server code generation for all of these options seem very limited. There needs to be some way to separate the auto-generated code from the manual code so that the definition can be updated easily and I've seen no sign or discussion on that. It doesn't seem like an insurmountable problem (I'm much more familiar with .NET than JS so I could easily be missing something) and there is mention of this issue and solutions being worked on in a previous Stack Overflow question from over a year ago.
Can anyone tell me if I'm missing/misunderstanding anything and if any solution for the above problem exists?
the initial version of swagger-node-express did just this--you would define some metadata from the routes, models, etc., and the documentation would auto-generate from it. Given how dynamic javascript is, this became a bit cumbersome for many to use, as it required you to keep the metadata up-to-date against the models in a somewhat decoupled manner.
Fast forward and the latest swagger-node project takes an alternative approach which can be considered in-line with "generating documentation from code" in a sense. In this project (and swagger-inflector for java, and connexion for python) take the approach that the swagger specification is the DSL for the api, and the routing logic is handled by what is defined in the swagger document. From there, you simply implement the controllers.
If you treat the swagger specification "like code" then this is a very efficient way to go--the documentation can literally never be out of date, since it is used to construct all routes, validate all input variables, and connect the API to your business layer.
While true code generation, such as what is available from the swagger-codegen project can be extremely effective, it does require some clever integration with your code after you initially construct the server. That consideration is completely removed from the workflow with the three projects above.
I hope this is helpful!
My experience with APIs and dynamic languages is that the accent is on verification instead of code generation.
For example, if using a compiled language I generate artifacts from the API spec and use that to enforce correctness. Round tripping is supported via the generation of interfaces instead of concrete classes.
With a dynamic language, the spec is used at test time to guarantee that both all the defined API is test covered and that the responses are conform to the spec (I tend to not validate requests because of Postel's law, but it is possible too).

General terminology put into context

I learned Java programming before learning any other programming languages. As I learn Node.js, I'm getting all the terminology confused. I have always thought API as a library of methods, classes, etc. that someone has built to make our lives easier. Then I learned about module, which I basically assume to be the same thing as an API(list of methods already built by someone). THEN, I learned about the Express Framework, which again, is a list of methods just like a module and an API. Moreover, the way we incorporate these features into our program is all by doing something like
Var http = require('http');
Therefore, can someone who understands the distinctions between these terms put these terms in context(examples) that could address my question.
Thanks a lot for the help.
A library is just a collection of numerous modules, classes, functions, etc. that are related to each other.
A framework is either a type of or a part of a library that is setup for you to build on top of rather than just call upon. And the distinction between Library and Framework can sometimes be a bit blurred.
With Express, you build upon the Application and its Router which handles incoming requests and determines when to call your code.
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
// ...
Though, frameworks can also span beyond code into tools. compound.js' executable is a good example of this.
A module is an individual piece of a library or framework. With Node, it's a single script file and the Object that is exported from the script.
An API is the summary/description of how you interact with the library, framework, or module.
It's usually what you'll find in documentation and is the accessible members, their name, their type, what arguments they accept, etc.
Express' API is:
Type: function
Named Arguments: (none)
Returns: Application
Type: function
Named Arguments:
name: port
Type: Number
This is largely an opinionated question. But I will attempt to provide the some terms commonly used by the Node community, and roughly the factual differences between them.
Module as it pertains to Node is very similar to what you would associate with a Java Library. It provides a wrapper around things that Node users find they do a lot. Frequently providing wrappers around node library functions for doing things everyone wants to do. A simple example would be a recursive file system reader, like wrench. Modules also extend to files you use to modularize your code. For example, modules aren't only installed via NPM, but separate javascript files you write as part of your code base to separate code functionality, under standard OOP practices.
both are modules. One is installed via NPM and located in node_modules directory, in the directory you launched node from. The latter example is a javascript file located in the directory you launched node from.
Then there are frameworks. At the core these do the same thing as modules, however, they are meant to be more wide spread, and really change the way you use node. In the java world frameworks like Express would be similar to things like Grails. You can still include and do everything you can do in Java, but grails wraps some things for you, and provides convenient powerful method calls for doing batches of work in a less verbose way. In the end you end up with functionally equivalent code, but Grails has allowed you to accomplish more in fewer lines of code, by generalizing the language a little more. But it still, as I said, allows you to use native code, when Grails doesn't provide the functionality you need. At the cost of this 'few lines of code' gain, you have added a layer of abstraction, additional function calls, etc. This distinction is unimportant, unless you are one who cares deeply about style. A hardcore ExpressJS developer likely wouldn't like it if you included a plain node http server in your code. Not so much because it is invalid Node, or from a perforamnce view any different, it wrecks the style of your code. If your code uses a framework, you should stick to using the coding conventions as used in this framework. But if you use a module like wrench to recursively search a directory, it is still perfectly stylistically acceptable to use fs.readFile, to read a single file.
Then there are mini applications which is a module that allow you to quickly launch simple things like serving a file. For example: http-server will server a directory of files to any port you wish, with a simple command line. You wouldn't use them in your own code with 'require' but this type of module can honestly be some of the most useful thing node provides, I highly recommend using some. (Nodemon, http-server, and grunt are a few highly useful examples of modules that can help make your development life easier)
Finally there are Native Extensions. The concurrency that Node provides comes from the V8 backend. Replicating this in pure Javscript is impossible, and the only way to write truly asyncrhonous code is to take advantage of asynchronous operations provided by the Node API, do some really wonky logic with process.nextTick, fork child processes, or write native extensions. Native Extensions provide truly concurrent operations that Node does not provide. Database communication is the most obvious example, but anyone can develope a C++ extension that will spawn threads to do work. There is also a very handy module that launches threads to handle bits of Javascript called "threads a gogo". It simplifies the launching of truly concurrent work, though if you're in a position where such things are necessary, you may find that you're using the wrong language for your use case. Ultimately these are no different from Modules in the way that you use them, but being aware of the fact that they can provide additional concurrent method for I/O type of operations not provided by NodeJS APIs is a unique and very important distinction.
