Python3 not recogninzing face_recognition as a module - python-3.x

I am trying to use the implement the face_recognition module, so far without success. When I try to run it with an import in python it just says that there is no such module, however when i just try to run face_recognition on it's own it works just fine.

Case 1: Same directory name
Maybe your main folder name is face_recognition. If that's the case, then try to change it because if you try to import it, the python will import it from your main folder rather than importing it from the package folder.
Case 2: Permission
If you're using Linux, then make sure that the package folder is accessible. To verify that this the issue, try to run the program with elevated privileges using sudo command. You can try using the --user flag with pip (pip install face_recognition --user).
Case 3: Environment variables
It might be the case that your environment variables are not updated. May reference to the package folder is not present. That's why your python interpreter is unable to find the package. For path details:
import sys
Using this, you will get an idea of whether your interpreter searches for the package or not.


XGBoost module not found in site-packages. Imports but doesn't work. (mac OS)

I was able to install xgboost on my mac and have it so that I can import the module without any errors. However I cannot use it. When I try to import XGBRegressor. I get the following error :
cannot import name 'XGBRegressor' from 'xgboost' (unknown location).
Some of the support for this type of problem says that there may be more than one xgboost location, and that python is selecting the incorrect xgboost, however I have not been able to find how to fix this problem.
When I print the xgboost.__file__ location, it returns 'None'. However I know its in the site-packages folder in my python path.
I have python 3.9
Maybe this.
conda install -c conda-forge xgboost=0.6a2
Then, restart Spyder and re-run!

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'zope.deprecation'

Okay, I have lost a day in debugging the script and now I don't have any other option to post a question on StackOverflow. I have a python script which installs Apache Airflow on the machine using a requirement.txt file nothing rocket science simply
sudo pip3 install -r requirement.txt
The problem is during installation I am getting an exception
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'zope.deprecation'
at a line which is trying to execute following statement
from airflow.models.variable import Variable
The script has three stages
First: It updates the OS using somewhat apt-get update and also installs some system libraries
Second: It invokes airflow initdb etc
Third: It actually tries to create some specific entries in airflow meta-database, and Its here in this stage I am invoking the statement from airflow.models.variable import Variable which throws an exception
I install all dependencies in stage First so the Module zope.deprecation is also installed via requirement.txt file. The module is there in site-packages folder but It doesn't get imported and throws an exception
I know there are already 7700+ question with title ModuleNotFoundError on StackOverflow and I don't declare that I checked out them all but I did my homework and tried various solutions but none are working for me, Few links I checked out are below
adding directory to sys.path /PYTHONPATH
Unable to import a module that is definitely installed
Python: Installed a local package with pip3, but got module not found error
I can't share the code because of policy issues, but I hope you guys understand.
Any help would be appreciated!
there is a error by zope and zope.deprecation.
you can do this:
pip uninstall zope
pip uninstall zope.deprecation
and then:
pip install zope.deprecation

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask_wtf' in python

I'm new to python so please be patient if i ask a silly question.
I am trying to use flask wtf class as seen in a tutorial.
My first line of the program is
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
It gives me the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask_wtf'
I have followed the following steps to make sure i have activated the virtual environment and flask wtf was installed in the virtual environment and not global.
Step 1: Went to the virtual environment and activated the environment C:\Users\Shraddha\PycharmProjects\FlaskProject\venv\scripts activate
Step 2: Installed flask wtf
C:\Users\Shraddha\PycharmProjects\FlaskProject\venv\scripts pip install flask-wtf
I see that flask-wtf is installed correctly in the folder C:\Users\Shraddha\PycharmProjects\FlaskProject\venv\Lib\site-packages
However when i try to run it using command prompt it does not give me anything and when i try to run it using sublime text it gives me ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask_wtf' error.
I know this is a flask_wtf import error because other programs are executing as expected. Any help ?
If you start your virtual environment in the same dir as the file you are running doesn't that give access to the libraries in the install (ie everything shown in 'pip freeze' for the env)?
I faced same issue and tried all the approaches given on stackoverflow ImportError: No module named flask_wtf but didn't work for me.
I am using ubuntu 20.04 LTS operating system.
Note: To follow the given step you must activate your virtual environment.
I used:
pip3 freeze
which listed following directories
libries in my virtual environment
Then i tried the below command in the same directory
git clone git://
cd flask-wtf/
python3 install
Through the above commands i successfully installed flask_wtf as show below
installed flask_wtf
but then i faced the below error as i used email_validator in my file:
Exception: Install 'email_validator' for email validation support
Then I installed email_validator using following command
pip3 install email_validator
Then i successfully run my flask application. I am sure it will work for you too.

How to use system() command with administrator properties?

Say I have a simple program: (module being some module to import)
from os import system
import module
system('py -m pip install module')
import module
My problem is, the module that i need to install needs administrator privileges.
How do I launch py in administrator?
I have tried things like:
system('py',adminstrator), and stupid stuff like that hoping one of them to work, but to no avail.
You can follow the instructions here to create a sudo.cmd file, make it available in your system path, and then you can gain Administrator privileges in your Python script with:
system('sudo py -m pip install module')

add python3 library to python3.6 path

hello I'm new to python3 and python3.6, I usually use pip3 install to add old libraries to my python3 path.
I recently picked up python3.6 for managing my home servers with its asyncio functionalities however my python3.6 interpreter is unable to locate pwnlibs and am thus unable to reuse my old code.
I tried:
import sys
import os
import pwn
debugging results:
on python3.4 os.path.abspath(pwn.__file__) returns the correct path to the library
While sys.path.append is a valid means to add to your python path at runtime, you can't get the path from a module you have not yet loaded.
Instead you should install your packages using pip3 or in a specific location and add that to your path either at runtime or via the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
I would guess since you mentioned pip3 already however that you had the pwn package already installed when you tried with 3.4 and your install of Python 3.6 is not using the same paths as your Python 3.4 install. Try comparing your python paths from 3.4 with 3.6 by comparing the output from sys.path.
Lastly, just as a note, if you are using the pwntools package, it doesn't yet support Python 3, so if you are simply copying the folder, be aware it might not function correctly or at all.
