Constantly get "?" as score and FMP error on pagespeed insight - pagespeed-insights

I use pagespeed insight to audit thise site:
But I can't get result like usual, instead it shows "?" and "error (NO_FMP)" for First CPU Idle, FMP and dom ready.
Here's the screenshot

This appears to be a problem with the simulated throttling on Page Speed Insights.
I cannot pinpoint the problem but I would guess it is related to some strange behaviour on your site where the site starts loading in and then there is a quick flash and the content then animates in.
Also as you have a lot of assets set to https in source but don't have an SSL certificate the 307 redirects could cause an error somewhere.
Certain Chinese character combinations have been known to cause issues with Lighthouse (the engine behind Page Speed Insights) under throttling although the exact cause I am not sure of.
Obviously once the site has SSL etc. the problem could go away.
In the mean time if you go to Developer Tools -> Audits you have the option to deselect 'Simulated Throttling'. If you do that then it does work, although the score is always about 3-5 points lower than simulated throttling so bear that in mind.
newer chrome versions -> the option to deselect the 'Simulated Throttling' is now only visible if you click the settings icon (gear / cog) in the top right of the audits page, took me a few seconds to work out where they had hidden it. Also make sure that 'Clear Storage' is checked so that you get a score as if it was a new visitor to the site.

PageSpeed Lighthouse reports an error on the "too many redirects" as well as an error for "defer off -screen content".
It works as expected if the page is scrolled to the end before the audit is complete. And as noted, it only happens if a slow network is simulated.
There seems to be more than one plugin trying to cache content. Try turning one or both of those off.
Some of the lazy loaded image tags have a src value with a HTTPS protocol on the CDN and a lazy loaded image (data-src) on the server with a HTTP protocol. Try turning lazy loaded images off and if that fixes it, try making sure both src and data-src use the same protocol.
It also seems like something is causing assets that are 404 errors to return the URL of the page.
One last thing I noticed: The Autoptimize plugin does not seem to be resulting in optimized performance—the time to first byte is sometimes over 4 seconds. Maybe try turning it and any other plugins caching off, empty the caches they've created and look at PageSpeed.
In general, turn plugins off and see if the PageSpeed problem is fixed and even if performance is better with them off.


Getting CSP reports on

I have switched to using Content-Security-Policy for my website. I'm starting to see reports about the following not being allowed:
Does anyone know why the website is trying to load this file? I'm using Google Analytics and Tag Manager, but I don't think that I have any page speed mod installed. Maybe this is an extension in the user's browser? Or when they open developer tools? Another source I could think of is automatic optimization through Cloudflare which I'm also running on.
Extra info: The source of loading this script is which doesn't reveal much about who made that.
Had the exactly the same issue and preventing me from using Element Inspector/ debugger. It appears to be some Chrome extension you have installed gone rogue, see if you have extension called "Auto Refresh Plus" installed like i did before.
I also see reports on being blocked with the same source of loading. It seems to happen in short periods on the various resources I have reports from. This indicates that it is related to the user/browser and not related to the site itself.
The same can be seen with translators, extensions, security proxies etc. I have given up trying to attribute the source of anything that is likely not caused by legitimate site content.

Application Insights doesn't load data pretty often

I am using Application Insights in Azure very intense but very often I experience loading issues.
So many times when I want to inspect the logs, I find the following loading animation taking forever:
The interesting thing ist, that nothing is really "loading" in the background. You can see my dev tools here:
So waiting forever does not help - its not "slowly", it just does not load at all.
None of my http requests seems to be pending... is there anyone experiencing the same behaviour? Or could I have misconfigured anything?
I get this all the time.
Press F12 (in Chrome) to open Dev Tools.
Hold left click on the refresh icon in the tool bar.
Click 'Empty cache and hard reload'.
The transactions will now load.

how to solve website speed test delay

So I have this wordpress blog set up on a VPS with litespeed and cloudflare. The website loads some banners from a revive insallation on the same VPS server, only that domain doesn't have cloudflare installed.
Although the page speed and wslow scores are good, I still get a 3 to 5 secs page load. You can see the results here:
Although individual resources seem to load fast (including the revive banners), there seem to be inexplicable "delays" in the waterfall... I'm no wiz in website optimization but do have some experience.
Am I missing something? I couldn't find a decent resource on how to read the waterfall, although I figured out most of it. Thanks!
Overall you got pretty good results!
First of all deal with all those images gtmetrix displays: optimize them using photoshop, jpeg mini or sprites.
If you haven't already, install bj lazy load plugin and above the fold.
Install and configure W3C cache which will fix the YSLOW settings that still not green in gtmetrix.
I assume you use some kind of theme / page builder? see if you can reduce the number of dom elements in page. Use DOM Monster! to see how nested is your page.
For example if need to display an image dont nest it in div inside column inside row inside container div.
If your website is gonna be used by users in multiple countries I would suggest paying for MAXCDN. It also integrated into W3C cache plugin.
If you use google fonts try adding them locally to style instead of GETing them.

why is my website resizing browser windows

I have had a report that my company's website is resizing at least one employee's browser windows. I experienced this behavior myself on the user's computer, and it was mystifying because the resizing only occurred on our site, not on any other site, and it occurred on both Firefox and Internet Explorer. The user has a Windows 7 machine running updated software. She has no add-ons, themes, or plugins besides the usual (Flash etc.) and her settings are the factory defaults. I cleared the browser cache on both browsers and restarted the computer and it still occurred. The only thing left is the css, but none of it seems suspicious to me.
What is happening is, when she clicks a button or internal link on the site, then when the new page finishes loading, the browser window resizes to approximately 80% of the width of the content. That is, the very last thing the page does as it loads is to resize itself. If she zooms in or out, then on the next load, it again resizes to 80% or so of the smaller or larger size of the content. If she maximizes and then loads a page, then the window resizes to 80% but somehow maintains the "maximized" icon. (You then have to click twice on the "maximized" icon to maximize.)
The reason I am flummoxed is that I thought this kind of behavior was something you could only do with JavaScript, but I deliberately tested this with pages that had no JavaScript at all and it still occurred. There is exactly one page on the website that has browser-resizing JavaScript on it, but it resizes to a pixel size, not a percentage, and it's part of a web service that wasn't in use while I was testing.
What kinds of things should I investigate to solve this issue? Because this is an employee, I have to either fix the website or fix her computer, so ideas for investigating both would be great.
The problem turned out to be that single page with browser-resizing JavaScript I mentioned. Another set of pages had needed some JavaScript functions from that web service, so one person had copy-and-pasted the functions that were needed. Then someone else came along, noticed that the copy-pasting was a dumb idea, and decided to simply include the JavaScript file that had those functions instead.
The problem was, the command to resize the window was bare in that file. For that one user, that command was being carried out and resizing every window. For everyone else, their browsers were ignoring the resize command except on the web-service popup window. I can only assume she had the problem because she had factory-standard settings, and the rest of us didn't. To fix the problem, I moved the resize command from the JavaScript file to the head of the web service page.

How To Tell What Files IE Thinks Are "nonsecure"?

We have a CMS system whose web interface gets served over HTTPS. This works beautifully for Firefox, but when we load it in IE6 or IE7, it complains that "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items."
I've loaded the page in Firefox and checked with Firebug, and every connection seems to be going through HTTPS, as should be the case.
Is there any way to tell what is causing IE to throw this apparently spurious error?
Firefox has a number of bugs in mixed content detection. Generally you should try using Fiddler to spot insecure resources.
If you install a tool I wrote ( you will get a different mixed content prompt which shows the exact URL of the first insecure resource on the page. That tool is basically a prototype and you should uninstall it when you're done with it.
Use Fiddler to watch the traffic between the server and IE.
Be sure to go to Tools > Fiddler Options... > HTTPS > and check 'Decrypt HTTPS traffic'
Any non-HTTPS traffic generated between any server and IE should be easy to spot in the Web Sessions list.
I used Eric's tool (thanks Eric you saved me hours...) and it turns out that IE6 treats a background image specified with a relative path as nonsecure content. Even though it actually requests it over https. So if you're stumped - converting your relative paths to absolute ones might really help...
Are one or more resources (CSS url-image ref overlooked easily) pointing to a subdomain that's not covered by the certificate ( vs
If you can't see anything that isn't using SSL, then this is usually down to a broken SSL certificate somewhere. I don't know of anything off-hand that will tell you what exactly what the problem is, but you can get a list of everything that's loaded easily enough.
The media tab on Firefox's 'page info' dialog (right click on the page) will do it, it might also be worth having a go with Fiddler (which is an excellent, and extremely useful piece of software).
