Cassandra: Are SS table created for replicated data - cassandra

Suppose we have 3 node cluster in Cassandra and replication factor is 2.
During the compaction process, the replicated data of some other primary node also get compacted during the node compaction process.
For example, If node 1 is range partitioned for 1-10 and node 2 and node 3 are replicas for node 1. When we initiate the compaction process on node 2, will the SS table of node 2 have replicated the replication data of node 1?

The data replication happens either in real-time, when you write data, or via hints, if node was offline, or via explicit repair operation (although repair is the special type of compaction).
Compaction process is independent on every node - there are different factors that could lead to flushes happening on different times, different size of the data, etc. Compaction of data on one node won't send data to other nodes, until it's a validation compaction triggered via repair.
I recommend to read DSE Architecture guide, that explains how data is replicated, etc.
P.S. in your example, if you have RF=2, then only one node will be the replica for Node1...


why full replication Cassandra cluster have node data size difference

I have a 3-node cassandra cluster (version 3.11.11) with replication factor 3. only 2 of the nodes are receiving requests, and Node3 only sync with the other 2 nodes.
In theory, each node should have the same data size. But in practice, I end up with nodes with different data sizes as shown in the picture.
we have daily nodetool repair, operations like compaction are done automatically with default settings.
What can be the reason for the size difference?
It finally ends up how data gets compacted in the long run. Since compaction is local process and how sstables can be stacked up cannot be guaranteed. So I dont see any abbreviation here. Theory just say all nodes will have same data logically but physically it may vary. For example in node3 you may have old sstables that are not getting compacted due to size (if using STCS) and in other nodes they have compacted and reduced the size of those nodes.

Maintaining RF when node fails

Does Cassandra maintains RF when a node goes down. For e.g. if number of nodes is 5 and RF is 2 then when a single node goes down, does the remaining replica copies it's data to some other node to maintain the RF of 2?
In the Datastax's documentation, it's mentioned that "If a node fails, the load is spread evenly across other nodes in the cluster". Does this mean that migration of data happens when a node goes down? Is this a feature available only in Datastax's Cassandra and not Apache Cassandra?
No, instead a "hint" will be stored in the coordinator node and will get eventually written to the node which owns the token range when the node comes back up - the write will succeed depending on your consistency level. So in the above example the write will succeed if you are writing with consistency level as ONE.
If the node is down only for short period - the node will receive the data back from hints from other nodes when it comes back. But if you decommission a node, then the data gets replicated to other nodes and the other nodes will have the new token ranges (same case when a node is added to the cluster as well).
Over time the data in one replica can become inconsistent with others and the repair process helps Cassandra in fixing them -
This is applicable in Apache Cassandra as well.

Cassandra clustering fail over-High Avialability

I have configured a cassandra clustter with 3 nodes
Node1( , Node2(, Node3(
Created a keyspace 'test' with replication factor as 2.
Create KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy',
'replication_factor' : 2}
When I stop either Node2 or Node3 (one at a time and both at one time) , I am able to do the CRUD operations on the keyspace.table.
When I stop Node1 and try to update/create a row from Node4 or Node3, getting following error although Node3 and Node4 are up and running-:
All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: /
(com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout while
trying to acquire available connection (you may want to increase the
driver number of per-host connections)))
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All
host(s) tried for query failed (tried: /
(com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout while
trying to acquire available connection (you may want to increase the
driver number of per-host connections)))
I am not sure how Cassandra elects a leader if a leader node dies.
So, you are using replication_factor 2, so only 2 nodes will have a replica of you keyspace (not all the 3 nodes).
My first advise is to change the RF to 3.
You have to pay attention to the consistency level you are using; If you have only 2 copies of you data (RF: 2), and you are using Consistency Level QUORUM, it will try to write the data on half of nodes + 1, in this case, all 2 nodes. So if 1 node is down, you will not be able to write/read data.
to verify where the data is replicated you could see how is the ring in you cluster. As you are using SimpleStrategy it will copy the data clockwise direction. And in your case its copied at nodes at and
Take a look at the concepts of replication factor:
And Consistency Level:
Great answer about RF vs CL:
You can use this calculator to find out if your setup have a decent consistency. In your case the result is You can survive the loss of no nodes without impacting the application
I think I wasn't clear at response. The replication factor is about how many copies of your data will exists. The consistency level is how many copies your client will wait to be made before get an response from server.
Ex: All your nodes are up. The client make a CQL with CL Quorum, the server will copy the data in 2 nodes (3/2 + 1) and reply to client, in background it will copy the data at the third node as well.
In your example, if you shutdown 2 nodes of a 3 node cluster you will never achieve an QUORUM to make requests (with CL QUORUM), so you have to use consistency level ONE, once the nodes are up again, cassandra will copy the data on them. One thing that can happen is: before cassandra copy the data on other 2 nodes, the client make a request for node1 or node2 and the data is not there yet.

Cassandra: For a single node cluster, will keyspace replication factor >1 increase disk space usage?

I have a keyspace with replication factor set to 3 but I have only a single node. Will then the disk space be used 3 times the data size? As the replicas are not yet assigned to any other nodes, will cassandra stop creating replicas unless new nodes join the cluster?
No, the disk space used would not be three times the size. The single node would own the entire token range and all writes would be written to that single node once.
What happens with the writes for the other two replicas would depend on if those nodes were previously present in the cluster and are currently down, or if they have never been added to the cluster. If they had never been added, then C* would just skip trying to write to them.
If they had been added but are currently down, and if you have hinted handoffs enabled and are still within the hinted handoff window, then C* will store hints for the down nodes on the single up node.
It depends on the replication strategy you have used . Assuming your queries are working you might have used SimpleStrategy , if you try to write to such a configuration your write should fail as it needs to write to 2 additional replica node before it gives a acknowledgement to the client ,which in case of SimpleStratagy are the next two clockwise nodes in the Ring.

Major compaction in cassandra

I have a 4 node brisk cluster with 2 Cassandra nodes in Cassandra DC and 2 brisk nodes in Brisk DC. I stress tested this set up using stress tool which is being shipped along with cassandra for 10 Million writes
On executing
$ ./nodetool -h x.x.x.x compactionstats
pending tasks: 17
compaction type keyspace column family bytes compacted bytes total progress
Major Keyspace1 Standard1 45172473 60278166 74.94%
AFAIK major compaction is manually triggered from node tool. But I'm able to see that it has been triggered automatically.
Is this a desired behavior? If so what are all the situations this may occur?
From the doc:
Compactions are triggered when at least N SStables have been flushed
to disk, where N is tunable and defaults to 4.
"Minor" compactions merge sstables of similar size; "major" compactions merge all sstables in a given ColumnFamily.
Again from the doc:
A major compaction is triggered either via nodeprobe, or automatically:
Nodeprobe sends TreeRequest messages to all neighbors of the target
node: when a node receives a TreeRequest, it will perform a readonly
compaction to immediately validate the column family.
Automatic compactions will also validate a column family and broadcast
TreeResponses, but since TreeRequest messages are not sent to
neighboring nodes, repairs will only occur if two nodes happen to
perform automatic compactions within TREE_STORE_TIMEOUT of one
You may find more info here and here
