How to automate finding sentences similar to the ones from a given list? - nlp

I have a list of let's say "forbidden sentences" (1000 of them, each with around 40 words). I want to create a tool that will find and mark them in a given document.
The problem is that in such document this forbidden sentence can be expressed differently than it is on this list keeping the same meaning but changed by using synonyms, a few words more or less, different word order, punctuation, grammar etc. The fact that this is all in Polish is not making things easier with each noun, pronoun, and adjective having 14 cases in total plus modifiers and gender that changes the words further. I was also thinking about making it so that the found sentences are ranked by the probability of them being forbidden with some displaying less resemblance.
I studied IT for two years but I don't have much knowledge in NLP. Do you think this is possible to be done by an amateur? Could you give me some advice on where to start, what tools to use best to put it all together? No need to be fancy, just practical. I was hoping to find some ready to use code cause i imagine this is sth that was made before. Any ideas where to find such resources or what keywords to use while searching? I'd really appreciate some help cause I'm very new to this and need to start with the basics.
Thanks in advance,

Probably the easiest first try will be to use polish SpaCy, which is an extension of popular production-ready NLP library to support polish language.
You can try to do it like this:
Split document into sentences.
Clean these sentences with spacy (deleting stopwords, punctuation, doing lemmatization - it will help you with many differnet versions of the same word)
Clean "forbidden sentences" as well
Prepare vector representation of each sentence - you can use spaCy methods
Calculate similarity between sentences - cosine similarity
You can set threshold, from which if sentences of document is similar to any of "forbidden sentences" it will be treated as forbidden
If anything is not clear let me know.
Good luck!


How to extract meaning of colloquial phrases and expressions in English

I am looking into extracting the meaning of expressions used in everyday speaking. For an instance, it is apparent to a human that the sentence The meal we had at restaurant A tasted like food at my granny's. means that the food was tasty.
How can I extract this meaning using a tool or a technique?
The method I've found so far is to first extract phrases using Stanford CoreNLP POS tagging, and use a Word Sense Induction tool to derive the meaning of the phrase. However, as WSI tools are used to get the meaning of words when they have multiple meanings, I am not sure if it would be the best tool to use.
What would be the best method to extract the meanings? Or is there any tool that can both identify phrases and extract their meanings?
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The problem you pose is a difficult one. You should use tools from Sentiment Analysis to get a gist of the sentence emotional message. There are more sophisticated approaches which attempt at extracting what quality is assigned to what object in the sentence (this you can get from POS-tagged sentences + some hand-crafted Information Extraction rules).
However, you may want to also explore paraphrasing the more formal language to the common one and look for those phrases. For that you would need to a good (exhaustive) dictionary of common expressions to start with (there are sometimes slang dictionaries available - but I am not aware of any for English right now). You could then map the colloquial ones to some more formal ones which are likely to be caught by some embedding space (frequently used in Sentiment Analysis).

Embeddings vs text cleaning (NLP)

I am a graduate student focusing on ML and NLP. I have a lot of data (8 million lines) and the text is usually badly written and contains so many spelling mistakes.
So i must go through some text cleaning and vectorizing. To do so, i considered two approaches:
First one:
cleaning text by replacing bad words using hunspell package which is a spell checker and morphological analyzer
convert sentences to vectors using tf-idf
The problem here is that sometimes, Hunspell fails to provide the correct word and changes the misspelled word with another word that don't have the same meaning. Furthermore, hunspell does not reconize acronyms or abbreviation (which are very important in my case) and tends to replace them.
Second approache:
using some embeddings methode (like word2vec) to convert words into vectors without cleaning text
I need to know if there is some (theoretical or empirical) way to compare this two approaches :)
Please do not hesitate to respond If you have any ideas to share, I'd love to discuss them with you.
Thank you in advance
I post this here just to summarise the comments in a longer form and give you a bit more commentary. No sure it will answer your question. If anything, it should show you why you should reconsider it.
Points about your question
Before I talk about your question, let me point a few things about your approaches. Word embeddings are essentially mathematical representations of meaning based on word distribution. They are the epitome of the phrase "You shall know a word by the company it keeps". In this sense, you will need very regular misspellings in order to get something useful out of a vector space approach. Something that could work out, for example, is US vs. UK spelling or shorthands like w8 vs. full forms like wait.
Another point I want to make clear (or perhaps you should do that) is that you are not looking to build a machine learning model here. You could consider the word embeddings that you could generate, a sort of a machine learning model but it's not. It's just a way of representing words with numbers.
You already have the answer to your question
You yourself have pointed out that using hunspell introduces new mistakes. It will be no doubt also the case with your other approach. If this is just a preprocessing step, I suggest you leave it at that. It is not something you need to prove. If for some reason you do want to dig into the problem, you could evaluate the effects of your methods through an external task as #lenz suggested.
How does external evaluation work?
When a task is too difficult to evaluate directly we use another task which is dependent on its output to draw conclusions about its success. In your case, it seems that you should pick a task that depends on individual words like document classification. Let's say that you have some sort of labels associated with your documents, say topics or types of news. Predicting these labels could be a legitimate way of evaluating the efficiency of your approaches. It is also a chance for you to see if they do more harm than good by comparing to the baseline of "dirty" data. Remember that it's about relative differences and the actual performance of the task is of no importance.

Stanford NLP POS Tagger has issues with very simple phrases?

I found examples of inconsistent behavior in my application using Stanford NLP Parser/POS Tagger and I was able to replicate it online . I am using version 3.60:
Here are the 3 issues I have found so far:
Dot with or without inconsistency problem:
Verbs that are found as Nouns
Verbs that are tagged as Adjectives
I know that language is fairly ambiguous but I would like to know if I can trust this library even for those simple phrases. I would like to also know if I am doing something wrong. I tried the problematic cases of each of an example alone or in other words in separate sentences and the problem persists.
This is the expected behavior:
Any help is appreciated! Thanks
You're not doing anything wrong. You're of course welcome to decide for yourself how much to trust any tool, but I suspect you'll see similar issues with any parser trained empirically/statistically. As to your issues:
Periods are treated like any other token in model building, so, yes, they can influence the parse chosen.
There are indeed a lot of ambiguities in English (as there are in all other human languages), and the question of whether to interpret forms ending in ing as verbs, nouns (verbal nouns or gerunds), or adjectives is a common one. The parser does not always get it right.
In terms of particular bad choices it made, often they reflect usage/domain mismatches between the parser training data and the sentences you are trying. The training data is predominantly news articles – last millennium news articles for that matter – although we do mix in some other data and occasionally add to it. So:
The use of flagging as a verb, common in modern internet developer use, doesn't occur at all in the training data, so it not surprisingly tends to choose JJ for flagging, since that's the analysis of the only cases in the training data.
In news articles drinking is just more commonly a noun, with discussions of underage drinking, coffee drinking, drinking and driving, etc.
The different results from POS taggers was driving me crazy so for sanity checks I finally wrote something to quickly compare results against the three to typically use (Stanford NLP, NLTK 3.2.1 and Senna)
It also times them as often one tagger can choke on certain text.

Dividing string of characters to words and sentences (English only)

I'm looking for a solution to following task. I take few random pages from random book in English and remove all non letter characters and convert all chars to lower case. As a result I have something like:
Now what I'm looking for is something that could reverse that process with quite a good accuracy. I need to find words and sentence separators. Any ideas how to approach this problem? Are there existing solutions I can base on without reinventing the wheel?
This is harder than normal tokenization since the basic tokenization task assumes spaces. Basically all that normal tokenization has to figure out is, for example, whether punctuation should be part of a word (like in "Mr.") or separate (like at the end of a sentence). If this is what you want, you can just download the Stanford CoreNLP package which performs this task very well with a rule-based system.
For your task, you need to figure out where to put in the spaces. This tutorial on Bayesian inference has a chapter on word segmentation in Chinese (Chinese writing doesn't use spaces). The same techniques could be applied to space-free English.
The basic idea is that you have a language model (an N-Gram would be fine) and you want to choose a splitting that maximizes the probability the data according to the language model. So, for example, placing a space between "when" and "iwasakidiwantedtobeapilot" would give you a higher probability according to the language model than placing a split between "whe" and "niwasakidiwantedtobeapilot" because "when" is a better word than "whe". You could do this many times, adding and removing spaces, until you figured out what gave you the most English-looking sentence.
Doing this will give you a long list of tokens. Then when you want to split those tokens into sentences you can actually use the same technique except instead of using a word-based language model to help you add spaces between words, you'll use a sentence-based language model to split that list of tokens into separate sentences. Same idea, just on a different level.
The tasks you describe are called "words tokenization" and "sentence segmentation". There are a lot of literature about them in NLP. They have very simple straightforward solutions, as well as advanced probabilistic approaches based on language model. Choosing one depends on your exact goal.

How can I analyze pieces of text for positive or negative words?

I'm looking for some sort of module (preferably for python) that would allow me to give that module a string about 200 characters long. The module should then return how many positive or negative words that string had. (e.g. love, like, enjoy vs. hate, dislike, bad)
I'd really like to avoid having to reinvent the wheel in natural language processing, so if there is anything you guys know of that would allow me to do what I described above, it'd be a huge time-saver if you could share.
Thanks for the help!
I think you're looking for sentiment analysis. Here's a Twitter sentiment app.
Here's a question about sentiment analysis using Python.
Before you analyse pieces of text you need to preprocess given text by striping punctuation, repair language, split spaces,lower the whole text and store the words in an iterable data structure.
For some basic sentiment analysis, following techniques can be used:
Bag of words
In bag of words technique we basically go through a bag(file) of words and check if the iterable made by us contains these. If it does then we assign some value to each word's presence in order to weigh the total sentiment of the text.
This link should help you understand more about this
Keyword Extraction and Tagging
Keywords and important information can be extracted from the input text by tagging the elements and then removing unwanted data.
For example:
My name is John.
Here John, name are the information and "is" isn't really needed.
Similarly verbs and other unimportant things can be removed in order to retain only the main information.
Chunking and Chinking helps.
This link must be of help.
You can tokenize your text and get the sentiment using existing sentiment analysis tools. The most comprehensive sentiment analysis tool that I know is SentiBench. This is basically a survey study of all sentiment analysis tools. As well as the code and examples on how to use the code.
