How to skip the first row of data in SQL Query? - excel

I have this code:
select DOLFUT from [DATABASE $]
How do I get it to get data from the 2nd line? (skip only the first line of data and collect all the rest)

You can use LIMIT to skip any number of row you want. Something like
SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5,10; # Retrieve rows 6-15
To retrieve all rows from a certain offset up to the end of the result set, you can use some large number for the second parameter. This statement retrieves all rows from the 96th row to the last:
SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 95,18446744073709551615;
With one argument, the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set:
SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5; # Retrieve first 5 rows
MySql docs

In Access, which you seem to use, you can use:
Where DOLFUT Not In
(Select Top 1 T.DOLFUT
From [DATABASE $] As T
Order By 1)

Data in tables have no inherent order.
To get data from the 2nd line
, you have to set up some sort sequence and then bypass the first record of the set - as Gustav has shown.


How to show last two rows only in tableview from sqlite using with QSqlQueryModel?

Below is my example code:
db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE')
model = QSqlQueryModel()
model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM card")
I am using QSqlQueryModel, Qtablevie, Sqlite3, and able to view all rows in my table. But i want to view only last two rows of my table which are newly inserted rows in to the table. The table has no "id" field and it has numaric and text fields. How is it possible?
Below is the table image:
If you want to get the last 2 elements ordered by any field that indicates the insertion order, in your case "rowid", then you have to use a filter in the SQL command like this:
model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM card ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT 2")
Another possible option is to filter the table using QSortFilterProxyModel but it is more inefficient.

Get last item with date range and name filter in google sheets

I have the below set of records in Google Sheets. I would like to filter the rows with specific name and date range. Once I have the filtered data, I would like to fetch the last row's final amount cell data.
Ex: I would like to fetch final amount as 300 if my date(dd/mm/yyyy) range is 01/01/206 to 11/06/2016 and Name selection is 'Sandeep'.
As I have experience SQLite db, I have inserted the same records in DB and got the expected result using the below query.
select Final from MyTable where Date in (select max(Date) from MyTable WHERE Date BETWEEN '01/01/2016' AND '11/06/2016' and name = "Sandeep")
But I am not getting idea how to use multiple select statements in google sheets. It is ok for me to get result using any other way. So please help me to get the result as explained above.
= QUERY (A1:E50,"Select F where A > date '2016-1-1' and A < date '2016-6-11' and B ='Sandeep' order by A desc limit 1")
Use Column IDs A,B,C instead of name, income. Multiple columns can be given in a single Select clause separated by a ,
Dates in where clause should be written in yyyy-mm-dd format only(regardless of the format of dates in actual column)
See if this works
=index(E:E, max(filter(row(A:A), A:A>date(2016, 1, 1), A:A<date(2016, 6, 11), B:B="Sandeep")))
If you want to include start and end date, change > to >= and < to <=.

Is there anyway we could limit an update?

Generally, I see we can limit the select by select * from table where predicate = value limit by N Am currently in a situation where I have 200 records falling under a predicate, but I want to update the first 100 like update table set column = 1 where predicate = value limit...? and the second half by update table set column = 2 where predicate = value. I think it could be done by having ranges <=,>= in the predicate section, unfortunately, I have none of them.
Currently, I don't think we have this feature as WHERE clause must identify the row or rows to be updated by primary key as per. However, you could further limit the number of rows to be updated by using IF EXISTS condition. Details can be found here

How do I select everything where two columns contain equal values in CQL?

I'm trying to select everything where two columns contain equal values. Here is my CQL query:
select count(someColumn) from somekeySpace.sometable where columnX = columnY
This doesn't work. How can I do this?
You can't query like that, cassandra don't support it
You can do this in different way.
First you have to create a separate counter table.
CREATE TABLE match_counter(
partition int PRIMARY KEY,
count counter
At the time of insertion into your main table if columnX = columnY then increment the value here. Though you have only a single count, you can use a static value of partition
UPDATE match_counter SET count = count + 1 WHERE partition = 1;
Now you can get the count of match column
SELECT * FROM match_counter WHERE partition = 1;

Select records by first row and page size

I'm trying to implement lazy loading and pagination in my front end. I've been supplied the following two variables by the front end:
firstRow - the index of the first record to return in results of the select query.
pageSize - the total size of the records which the select query must return, starting at firstRow.
How can I use them in a select query in MyBatis in order to return the desired subset of records?
There is not really any magic to pagination in mybatis just write the query then subset it using row number. Pagination syntax will vary depending on the database, but here is an oracle example.
select *
from (
select r.*, rownum rnum,
from (# base query goes here #) r
where rnum >= (#{firstRow})
and rnum < #{firstRow} + #{pageSize}
