GCP Service account key management and usage in Terraform - security

I am creating CI/CD pipeline for Terraform so that my GCP resource creation would be automated. But Terraform needs Service account to do the job, I create the service account and the key is downloaded to my machine, but what should be the correct way to store it so when running Cloud build pipeline so that Terraform would pick on it and execute scripts.
provider "google" {
credentials = file(var.cred_file)
project = var.project_name
region = var.region
Is it okay to store this file in Cloud storage bucket ? Or there are some better alternatives ?

On GCP you have the bucket option to keep sensitive information and you can use access control lists (ACLs) to define who has access on your buckets and objects. GCP offers the next options to storage and I think that the better is according with your needs, just ensure that the option provides you the security tools to keep your files safe. I think that once you are Granting permissions to your Cloud Build service account, you can pass the path to the service account key in code


Can't create google_storage_bucket via Terraform

I'd like to create the following resource via Terraform:
resource "google_storage_bucket" "tf_state_bucket" {
name = var.bucket-name
location = "EUROPE-WEST3"
storage_class = "STANDARD"
versioning {
enabled = true
force_destroy = false
public_access_prevention = "enforced"
Unfortunately, during the execution of terraform apply, I got the following error:
googleapi: Error 403: X#gmail.com does not have storage.buckets.create access to the Google Cloud project. Permission 'storage.buckets.create' denied on resource (or it may not exist)., forbidden
Here's the list of things I tried and checked:
Verified that Google Cloud Storage (JSON) API is enabled on my project.
Checked the IAM roles and permissions: X#gmail.com has the Owner and the Storage Admin roles.
I can create a bucket manually via the Google Console.
Terraform is generally authorised to create resources, for example, I can create a VM using it.
What else can be done to authenticate Terraform to create Google Storage Buckets?
I think you run the Terraform code in a Shell session from your local machine and use an User identity instead of a Service Account identity.
In this case to solve your issue from your local machine :
Create a Service Account in GCP IAM console for Terraform with Storage Admin roles role.
Download a Service Account token key from IAM.
Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var in your Shell session to the Service Account token key file path.
If you run your Terraform code in other place, you need to check if Terraform is correctly authenticated to GCP.
The use of a token key is not recommended because it's not the more secure way, that's why it is better to launch Terraform from a CI tool like Cloud Build instead of launch it from your local machine.
From Cloud Build no need to download and set a token key.

How to create Azure databricks cluster using Service Principal

I have azure databricks workspace and I added service principal in that workspace using databricks cli. I have been trying to create cluster using service principal and not able to figure it. Can any help me?
I am able to create cluster using my account but I want to create using Service Principal and want it to be the owner of the cluster not me.
Also, it there a way I can transfer the ownership of my cluster to Service Principal?
First, answering the second question - no, you can't change the owner of the cluster.
To create a cluster that will have Service Principal as owner you need to execute creation operation under its identity. To do this you need to perform following steps:
Prepare a JSON file with cluster definition as described in the documentation
Set DATABRICKS_HOST environment variable to an address of your workspace:
export DATABRICKS_HOST=https://adb-....azuredatabricks.net
Generate AAD token for Service principal as described in documentation and assign its value to DATABRICKS_TOKEN or DATABRICKS_AAD_TOKEN environment variables (see docs).
Create Databricks cluster using databricks-cli providing name of JSON file with cluster specification (docs):
databricks clusters create --json-file create-cluster.json
P.S. Another approach (really recommended) is to use Databricks Terraform provider to script your Databricks infrastructure - it's used by significant number of Databricks customers, and much easier to use compared with command-line tools.

Can we able to change GCP cloud build settings using terraform or gcloud command

I have a use-case where I need to enable cloud build access on GKE but I did not found a terraform resource to do that, also not found gcloud CLI command to do the same.
Yes, you can do this in Terraform by creating a google_project_iam_member for the Cloud Build service account that's created by default when you enable the Cloud Build API. For example:
resource "google_project_iam_member" "cloudbuild_kubernetes_policy" {
project = var.project_id
role = "roles/container.developer"
member = "serviceAccount:${var.project_number}#cloudbuild.gserviceaccount.com"
The value declared in the role attribute/key corresponds to a role in the console user interface (an image of which you have included above).

Can Terraform be run from inside an AWS WorkSpace?

I'm trying to figure out a way to run Terraform from inside an AWS WorkSpace. Is that even possible? Has anyone made this work?
AWS WorkSpaces doesn't apply the same concept with an Instance Profile and associated IAM role that is attached to it.
I'm pretty confident, however, that you can run Terraform in an AWS WorkSpace just as you can do it from your personal computer. With Internet access (or VPC endpoints), it can reach AWS APIs and just requires a set of credentials, which in this case (without instance profiles) would be an AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key - just like on your local computer.

Make Azure storage account and container before running terraform init?

Correct me if I'm wrong, when you run terraform init you are asked to name a storage account and container for the terraform state.
Can these also automatically be made with terraform?
Edit: I'm using Azure.
I usually split my terraform configurations into two parts.
One that creates a storage account with container, with a specific tag (tf=backend for example). The second one that creates all other resources. I share a backend.tfvars between the two, and in the second one, I get the storage account key using Azure CLI and the previously set tag (that way I don't have to get the key and pass it manually to my second script).
You could even migrate the state of the first terraform configuration once deployed, if you don't want to rely on a local state
Yes, absolutely. You would in general want an S3 bucket for each of your environments, although it's also possible to have a bucket shared across all environments and then set up access controls using bucket policies. Don't create this bucket as part of provisioning other resources, as their lifecycles will likely be different (you would want to retain the bucket for a long time and would be unlikely to want to destroy it).
What you do is you define this bucket in Terraform using local state first. After it is created, you add a remote backend pointing to this bucket.
terraform {
required_version = ">= 0.11.7"
backend "s3" {
bucket = "my-state-bucket"
key = "s3_state_bucket"
region = "us-west-2"
encrypt = "true"
After you run terraform init, Terraform will ask if you want to migrate the local state file to S3. Answer yes, and after this completes you can delete the local state file, as it's no longer used.
This approach allows you to break out of this chicken and egg situation and still manage all of your infrastructure as code, rather then creating it manually using web console or bash scripts.
