Is Admin consent always required in an Azure AD Multi tenant environment? - azure

The environment is configured in a Multi-tenant way. 'AppName' is an App Registration within a common AD which was solely created to give access to users from different tenants to a single environment. For the sake of my description, call the multi-tenants AD1, AD2 and AD3.
This message is displayed when a user from one of these ADs (with no Admin privileges) logs in the first time.
AppName needs permission to access resources in your organization that only an admin can grant
Additionally in the application exception logging I can see the below error
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectProtocolException: "OpenIdConnectMessage.Error was not null, indicating an error. Error: 'access_denied'. Error_Description (may be empty): 'AADSTS650056: Misconfigured application. This could be due to one of the following: The client has not listed any permissions for 'AAD Graph' in the requested permissions in the client's application registration. Or, The admin has not consented in the tenant. Or, Check the application identifier in the request to ensure it matches the configured client application identifier. Please contact your admin to fix the configuration or consent on behalf of the tenant.
The premise is that for a user from AD1 to successfully access the environment, an Admin user from AD1 has to first login and grant admin access.
The "common AD" app registration is configured as following.
The Supported account types option in the App Registration is set as
Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant)
The only API Permission is as shown in the image below. The status "Granted for ...." only refers to the "common AD" where the tenant ID resides - it does not grant Admin consent to any AD.
The technology being used in the code is ADAL.Net with OpenIDConnect. We are using the: (V1.0) endpoint.
In the snippet shown below, found within this url for the only API permission being set in our case.. 'Admin Consent Required' is set as 'No'.
And that is what put me off. Why is the message/error popping up? Is the Admin consent always required because this is a multi tenant scenario? Does this Admin consent, sort of, create the trust between the common AD and the multi-tenant ADs?

Yes. In case of multi-tenancy, admins are required to on-board their tenant. Only after the on-boarding process, users can sign-in. Also, the admin consent which is being shown in the screenshot is not related or dependent on type of tenancy, it is permission specific. App permissions and some delegated permissions require admin consent.


Azure AD SSO login problem with admin account

I've registered a single application in Azure AD for the following reasons.
Azure AD SSO (From Any Azure AD directory)
Read users, groups, and their members
Provided following permissions and granted admin consent.
NOTE: We still depend on some of the Azure AD Graph API. So, we have added the legacy API permissions.
I can able to contact the Azure AD using REST API and get the user, groups and other information.
When I try to sign in to the application from any other directory, I'm getting the following consent screen. I can able to provide the consent and proceed to log in.
But, when I try to login into the same directory, I'm not getting the consent screen even when I logged in with the Azure AD admin. Stuck in the following screen.
When I register separate applications for SSO and REST APIs, this issue doesn't occur.
I would like to know why I'm stuck in the above screen when combining both SSO and REST API permissions.
• Please check whether the correct Azure AD roles have been assigned to your account ID, i.e., Global Administrator, Cloud Application Administrator, Application Administrator, or owner of the app object through the as one of these is needed for you to access the application. Also, ensure that you have assigned your account ID the correct app role assignment for the admin consent to be allowed during the SSO signup process as below: -
You can check the app role assignments for your account ID through the Enterprise application blade and searching your application there, then opening it and selecting the users and groups blade, check the app role assignment that your account ID has to that application while also, giving ‘Azure Service Management’ api permissions for user_impersonification as below, thus ensuring that you account ID will be having correct API permissions.
Once, the above settings are configured correctly, you should be able to access the application through your admin credentials.

AADSTS90008: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID

I am trying to login external tenant here. I have added below permissions to my app.
But i am getting below error. but i have gave that permission already.
AADSTS90008: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '268a9999-0000-4e61-99f5-020000f777b2'( This happened because application is misconfigured: it must require access to Microsoft Graph by specifying at least 'Sign in and read user profile' permission.\r\nTrace ID: bf014111-2e3f-4c11-1115e-de2fb6951800\r\nCorrelation ID: e0003455-0000-0000-ae4c-2264f23f5747\r\nTimestamp: 2021-12-10 09:24:34Z
my azure AzureAD version is v1
Here are few of the workarounds to solve the above issue:
If you have given all the permission You’ll need to make sure, that you’ve granted the Microsoft graph access to your application data (which you can do yourself, if the Azure Active Directory’s settings allow that and the application only wants delegated permissions without admin-consent) or to all users (which requires an administrator to grant the permissions).
If your application is on another tenant, then giving admin consent to the Microsoft Graph from your tenant can be done as Suggested by #amanpreetsingh-msft here .
Admin Consent via Azure Portal can only be provided for the tenant
where the application is registered in the first place. Users or
Administrators of other tenants cannot consent via Azure Portal and it
has to be done,
Either when user/administrator accesses the multi-tenant application first time.
Or by constructing the Admin Consent URL and sharing it with the Administrators of the other tenants.
Below is an example of the Admin Consent URL:
For more information please refer the below links:
MS Q&A: AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application .
BLOG - Fixed – AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID

Is Azure's User.Read permission required for OAuth consent forms?

My multi-tenant Azure application requires only the app-level EWS legacy permission full_access_as_app to run. This app-level permission can only be consented to by an administrator---it's extremely powerful because it gives the app read and write permissions over every EWS mailbox in a tenancy.
If I, as an admin for my Azure tenancy, grant my application only this single permission behind the scenes in AAD configuration, everything works fine when I run the application for my tenancy.
However when you create a new app in Azure, Azure always assumes you will want the user-level Graph API User.Read permission automatically. When you try to remove the permission you get this ominous warning:
And in the case when I leave it out, interactive OAuth consent forms don't work. The error message looks like this.
The client has not listed any permissions for 'AAD Graph' in the requested permissions in the client's application registration. Or, The admin has not consented in the tenant. Or, Check the application identifier in the request to ensure it matches the configured client application identifier. Please contact your admin to fix the configuration or consent on behalf of the tenant.
In other words, it appears that the application won't be able to run for anyone else's tenancy because their admins can't consent to it.
My hypothesis is that this is because Azure is using the User.Read permission to check whether the person signing in through the OAuth form is an administrator. In other words this permission is needed just this one time, before the application is ever run for the admin's tenancy.
Looking at the actual OAuth consent form, this does appear to be the case.The app wants to sign in and read my profile, to check if I am admin... or so it seems to me.
Am I right about this? Documentation I have been able to find is rather scanty.

Azure app incorrectly requesting admin consent?

I'm hoping someone has some insight into an issue I'm having with a newly registered app within Microsoft's Azure Portal (
My issue on login when I get the following dialog
The error code and message appears in the lower right corner;
AADSTS90094: This operation can only be performed by an administrator. Sign out and sign in as an administrator or contact one of your organization's administrators.
Configuration-wise, I believe I have this setup to not require admin consent, however there maybe something I'm missing.
My app is configured with;
Id Token, single tenant (web) application
Delegated, user consent permissions with no admin permissions
With the enterprise application, the configuration is set to;
Enabled for users to sign-in: Yes
User assignment required: Yes
Visible to users: Yes
4 users have been added with the Default Access role
Allow users to request access to this application: No (as they are assigned)
Last of all, within the azure directory itself under the Enterprise applications - User settings configuration I have set the company data user consent to Yes
When I navigate to either my application URL, or from the app within, both give me the above dialog requesting an admin consent.
I don't want to grant admin consent if not required, as it seems a bit like using a sledgehammer to solve the problem.
I feel like I'm either missing something big, or doing something silly - please help, and let me know if I can provide further information.
Edit 1.1:
My authentication request URL is:<tenantid>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=<clientid>&redirect_uri=<redirecturi>&response_mode=form_post&response_type=code id_token&scope=openid email profile offline_access User.Read User.ReadBasic.All Mail.ReadWrite&state=OpenIdConnect.AuthenticationProperties=<gibberish>&nonce=<gibberish>&x-client-SKU=ID_NET461&x-client-ver=
(I'm using ASP.NET MVC combined with Microsoft's OpenId Connect authentication library)
When a user consents to an application which does not require assignment (in a tenant where user consent is allowed, and for an application requesting only permissions which do not require admin consent), two things happen:
Consent grants are recorded for the app, the user and the delegated permissions being requested.
The user is assigned to the app at a "default" app role.
The second step may seem surprising, but it serves a simple role: it ensures the user sees apps they've consented to in the Azure AD Access Panel ( (The Azure AD Access Panel will show a user all apps they are assigned to.)
It would defeat the purpose of the "user assignment is required" control if users could cause themselves to be assigned by triggering user consent. So, currently, when an application is set to require user assignment, users are simply not allowed to consent to the application.
Today, you have two options:
Ask an admin to grant tenant-wide consent for the application (e.g. Enterprise apps > Permissions > Grant admin consent, or App Registrations > API Permissions > Grant admin consent).
Configure the app to not require user assignment, and update the app's code to require the user be assigned to an app role by checking the "roles" claim.

Azure Active Directory Login: Web App Permissions, User Consent not triggered

I have currently set up a AAD instance and I am authenticating my users against it via my web app, and it’s working great.
When I added and configured the application on AAD, I added the required Application and Delegated Permissions to access the Office365 Calendar API. However, the only thing that is missing is that during the login flow users aren’t being prompted to grant consent for the permissions, as it should happen from what I’ve read in your docs:
I’m not sure what I’m missing. Apparently, from the docs,
After the user has signed in, Azure AD will determine if the user
needs to be shown a consent page. This determination is based on
whether the user (or their organization’s administrator) has already
granted the application consent. If consent has not already been
granted, Azure AD will prompt the user for consent and will display
the required permissions it needs to function. The set of permissions
that is displayed in the consent dialog are the same as what was
selected in the Permissions to other applications control in the Azure
Management Portal.
So maybe somehow I have already probably implicitly granted admin consent for those permissions, but I don’t know how that happened.
I've attached the permissions I configured on the AAD App.
Any help would be appreciated.
If an admin creates an application in their tenant using the AUX portal (, and requests permissions to other applications, then users in that same tenant are pre-consented for that application. Note this behavior is NOT true for our other App Registration Portals ( or
I believe this is why you are not seeing the consent dialogue when user's in your tenant are signing into your application. If you would like to push the consent dialogue experience, there are a few different things you can do:
You can use query strings to prompt "consent" or "admin_consent" during login. Check here:
You can delete the service principal for your application from your tenant using AAD PowerShell. You can learn how to do that here:
You can have a user from another tenant try to login to your multi-tenant application.
You can create your application under a non-admin account.
I hope this helps!
Shawn Tabrizi
Try this:
What is the Resource parameter in Windows Azure AD tenant application oAuth 2.0 specification
Changing the resource parameter to did the trick for me.
Furthermore, Microsoft support suggests disabling all permissions except "Enable sign-on and read users' profiles", apparently to avoid permission related problems. I understand that this is not a solution in your case, but at least it gives you a test case.
