how to install ELKI on windows? - python-3.x

I would like to install ELKI on windows and use clustering methods from python source code. The official documentation on the installation and use of their methods is not clear, which makes it difficult to handle their tool.

It is a Java program. It does not need to be "installed".
If you have Java, you can just launch the jar file.
But the target audience are scientists and developers, these know how to run a Java program, and will want to check out the source code from Git anyway.


When using someone else's application code do I need to run Cmake to get the project structure for my operating system.

I am getting into a position where I have to use other people code for projects, for example openTLD. I want to change some of the code to give it more functionality and use it in a diffrent way. What I have found is that many people have packaged their files in such a way that you are supposed to use
and then
and sometimes after that
make install
I don't want to install the software on my system. What I am looking to do is get these peoples code to a point where I can add to it in Eclipse or even just using Nano and then compile it.
At what point is the code in a workable/usable state. Can I use it after doing cmake or do I need to also call make? Is my thinking correct that it would be better to edit the code after calling cmake as opposed to before? I am not going to want my finished code to be cross platform supported, it will only be on Linux. Is it easer to learn cmake and edit the code befor running cmake as opposed to not learning cmake and using the code afterwards, if that is possible?
You question is a little open ended.
Looking at the opentld project, there is a binary and a library available for use. If you are interested in using the binary in your code, you need to download the executables(Linux executables are not posted). If you are planning to use the library, you have two options. Either you use the pre-built library or build it during your build process. You would include the header files in your custom application and link with the library.
If you add more details, probably others can pitch in with new answers or refine the older ones.

Tools to help manage sets of multiple versions of executables on Linux?

We are in a networked Linux environment and what I'm looking for is a FOSS or generic system level method for managing what versions of executables and libraries get used, per session. The executables would preferably be installed on the network. The executables will be in-house tools and installs of commercial packages like Houdini, Maya and Nuke.
The need for this is that we'd prefer to have multiple versions of the software installed and available for the artists but there needs to be an easy way to select which version to use. As an added benefit, I'd like to be able to track the version of software used to generate a given output as metadata. I've worked at studios that did this successfully but I was not 100% up to speed on how it was achieved. Every executable in a given set was assigned a single uber version for the set. That way, the "approved packages" of the studio tools were all collapsed into a single package of tools that were known to work together.
Due to the way they install, some programs make setting this up easy (It's as simple as adding their install directories to $PATH). Other programs don't make it quite so easy. I'm particularly worried about how to handle the libraries a program might install. What's needed is a generic access method I can use to wrap everything into a clean front end.
Does anyone know of such a system available in the wild or am I going to have to implement it from scratch? Google hasn't been very helpful in finding a solution.
Check out the "modules" system at ; it's quite widely used in HPC.
There is eselect . I have only used it on funtoo(offspring of gentoo) but it seems to be doing what you need. It is also written entirely in BASH, so it should be quite possible to port to other distros.

How to develop in Linux using GNU toolchain, coming from Java?

I'm a good Java programmer, albeit the first languages I learnt were C/C++. Anyway, for work reasons, I switched to Java and web languages. Sometimes I get interested in this or that Linux project, usually coming as a git or svn repository... The problem is that I usually clone the repo, I try to configure it, I install all the needed libraries (and this takes ages), maybe finally I succeed... but then make fails or configure itself fails, complaining about some tool that is missing. Or maybe I installed two versions of the same library and the configure script gets the wrong one, or boring problems like this.
Anyway, I see loads of people using those tools everyday, so it must not be so difficult after all!
Can you point out resources that may help in the first steps?
What you are referring to are known as autotools and make
autotools are used to generate scripts and build files that can be used to build as well as install a program/package/software (whatever you call it)
Here is wikipedia link for the GNU build system in general.
And refer to this link for details about the autotools and related stuff
It may take longer, but if you are interested in how to fix those problems yourself I recommend learning how autoconf and automake work. I made a positive experience with the book "Autotools: a practitioner's guide to Autoconf, Automake and Libtool". I read the dead-tree version but it is also available online:

Is there a library and header to use to access EWMH/NetWM functions?

I need to get similar information on the current windows and virtual desktops as that provided by the command-line app wmctrl. I s there some (C/C++) API header & lib-files that I can use?
If it must be in C/C++, i think libxcb-wm is the most prominent one: very mature, still actively developed, and from Freedesktop, the same organization that created the EWMH spec.
On Debian/Ubuntu you have the binary packages libxcb-ewmh2 (run-time library) and libxcb-ewmh-dev (development headers), both from source package xcb-util-wm:
sudo apt install libxcb-ewmh-dev # also pulls libxcb-ewmh2, as usual
And official Documentation and Tutorial from Xorg
Download the source code of wmctrl and study it. If you are making some free software with the same or compatible GPLv2 license you could take some code from it.
There is only one source file main.c and it seems to do ordinary Xlib calls, notably XGetWindowProperty calls wrapped in get_property
I'm very surprised you asked the question here. With free software, it is so much simpler and quicker to download the source code and study it.

Light weight packaging tool

I am looking for a good way to install an application I developed with all its dependencies in a fancy way. Currently I have a big make file that downloads, unpacks, compiles and installs all dependencies. This however is a little tedious, since there are quite a few dependencies and the make file is getting larger and larger which eventually will be hard to maintain. Therefore I am looking for a packaging tool with the following features:
It should be a light weight package manager which is very easy to install (or even installs itself and afterwards all my dependencies)
The destination of the installed binaries, libraries etc. should be customizable
Each installation process of a dependency should be easy configurable
It should be possible to include self written scripts that get executed at a specific point during the installation process (in order to manipulate make files, flags etc)
No admin rights should be necessary since all clients that install my application will not have admin rights and are not able to use an already installed package manager
I do not know if this kind of software exists. I myself don't have much of experience with packaging tools.
Thx in advance for any link, hint, suggestion!
opkg is something thats based on ipkg (now defunct) and originally dpkg. Its used in embedded systems. Light weight for sure.
ports from crux linux (
A quick search returns InstallJammer. I would propose make debs and rpms and tarballs and stick with standard installation process (root privileges and such)m but if you can't do that, then, well, you can't.
I'm sure you know how suspicious it would look for the user.
