Calculate cosine similarity between two columns of Spark DataFrame in PySpark [duplicate] - apache-spark

I have a dataframe in Spark in which one of the columns contains an array.Now,I have written a separate UDF which converts the array to another array with distinct values in it only. See example below:
Ex: [24,23,27,23] should get converted to [24, 23, 27]
def uniq_array(col_array):
x = np.unique(col_array)
return x
uniq_array_udf = udf(uniq_array,ArrayType(IntegerType()))
Df3 = Df2.withColumn("age_array_unique",uniq_array_udf(Df2.age_array))
In the above code, Df2.age_array is the array on which I am applying the UDF to get a different column "age_array_unique" which should contain only unique values in the array.
However, as soon as I run the command, I get the error:
net.razorvine.pickle.PickleException: expected zero arguments for construction of ClassDict (for numpy.core.multiarray._reconstruct)
Can anyone please let me know why this is happening?

The source of the problem is that object returned from the UDF doesn't conform to the declared type. np.unique not only returns numpy.ndarray but also converts numerics to the corresponding NumPy types which are not compatible with DataFrame API. You can try something like this:
udf(lambda x: list(set(x)), ArrayType(IntegerType()))
or this (to keep order)
udf(lambda xs: list(OrderedDict((x, None) for x in xs)),
If you really want np.unique you have to convert the output:
udf(lambda x: np.unique(x).tolist(), ArrayType(IntegerType()))

You need to convert the final value to a python list. You implement the function as follows:
def uniq_array(col_array):
x = np.unique(col_array)
return list(x)
This is because Spark doesn't understand the numpy array format. In order to feed a python object that Spark DataFrames understand as an ArrayType, you need to convert the output to a python list before returning it.

I also got this error when my UDF returns a float but I forget to cast it as a float. I need to do this:
retval = 0.5
return float(retval)

As of pyspark version 2.4, you can use array_distinct transformation.

Below Works fine for me
udf(lambda x: np.unique(x).tolist(), ArrayType(IntegerType()))

[x.item() for x in <any numpy array>]
converts it to plain python.


convert pandas Series of dtype <- 'datetime64' into dtype <- '' without iterating

consider the below sample pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'date':[pd.to_datetime('2016-08-11 14:09:57.00'),pd.to_datetime('2016-08-11 15:09:57.00'),pd.to_datetime('2016-08-11 16:09:57.8700')]})
I can convert single instance into np.int64 type with
or convert the entire columns iteratively with x: x.value)
How can I achieve this without using iteration? something like
I would also want to convert back the np.int64 object to pd.Timestamp object without using iteration. I got some insights from solutions posted here and here but it doesn't solve my problem.
as per #anky comments above, the solution was straightforward.'int64') >> to int64 dtype
pd.to_datetime( >> from int dtype to datetime64 dtype

Pyspark - how to pass a column to a function after casting?

First I called sha2 function from pyspark.sql.functions incorrectly, passing it a column of DoubleType and got the following error:
cannot resolve 'sha2(`metric`, 256)' due to data type mismatch: argument 1 requires binary type, however, '`metric`' is of double type
Then I tried to first cast the columns to a StringType but still getting the same error. I probably miss something on how column transformations are processed by Spark.
I've noticed that when I just call a df.withColumn(col_name, F.lit(df[col_name].cast(StringType()))) without calling .withColumn(col_name, F.sha2(df[col_name], 256))the columns type is changed to StringType.
How should I apply a transformation correctly in this case?
def parse_to_sha2(df: DataFrame, cols: list):
for col_name in cols:
df = df.withColumn(col_name, F.lit(df[col_name].cast(StringType()))) \
.withColumn(col_name, F.sha2(df[col_name], 256))
return df
You don't need lit here
.withColumn(col_name, F.sha2(df[col_name].cast('string'), 256))
I believe the issue here is the call to F.lit which creates a literal.
def parse_to_sha2(df: DataFrame, cols: list):
for col_name in cols:
df = df.withColumn(
F.sha2(F.col(f"{col_name}_casted"), 256)
return df
This should generate you a sha value per column.
In case you need all of them you would need to pass all columns to sha since it takes col* of arguments.
Edit: The last bit of comment is not correct, only F.hash takes multiple columns as arguments, md5, crc, sha take only 1 so sorry for that confusion.

how to convert the type of an object from "pandas.core.groupby.generic.SeriesGroupBy" to "pandas.core.series.Series"?

I have a variable of type "pandas.core.groupby.generic.SeriesGroupBy" which I got from grouping various fields of a pandas dataframe. But, I would like to convert that variable into a pandas series which is working but with a lot of errors.
Here is the code which I have tried:
w = data.groupby(['dt', 'b'])['w']
w = pd.Series(w)
When I try to run this code, it's taking a lot of time to execute and also generating a lot of errors.
I am getting a pandas Series as follows:
But, I am expecting something similar to this:
Is there any other way to group the below column of a DataFrame and store it inside a pandas Series:
Pandas groupby objects are iterable. Using list comprehension you can extract the partitioned sub-series. Try:
list_of_series = [s for _, s in data.groupby(['dt', 'b'])['w']]
list_of_series is a list and should contain your desired pandas series.

Using loops to call multiple pandas dataframe columns

I am new to python3 and trying to do chisquared tests on columns in a pandas dataframe. My columns are in pairs: observed_count_column_1, expected count_column_1, observed_count_column_2, expected_count_column_2 and so on. I would like to make a loop to get all column pairs done at once.
I succeed doing this if I specify column index integers or column names manually.
This works
from scipy.stats import chisquare
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv (r'count.csv')
chisquare(df.iloc[:,[0]], df.iloc[:,[1]])
This, trying with a loop, does not:
from scipy.stats import chisquare
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv (r'count.csv')
for n in [0,2,4,6,8,10]:
chisquare(df.iloc[:,[n]], df.iloc[:,[n+1]]
The loop code does not seem to run at all and I get no error but no output either.
I was wondering why this is happening and how can I actually approach this?
Thank you,
Consider building a data frame of chi-square results from list of tuples, then assign column names as indicators for observed and expected frequencies (subsetting even/odd columns by indexed notation):
chi_square_df = (pd.DataFrame([chisquare(df.iloc[:,[n]], df.iloc[:,[n+1]]) \
for n in range(0,11,2)],
columns = ['chi_sq_stat', 'p_value'])
.assign(obs_freq = df.columns[::2],
exp_freq = df.columns[1::2])
chisquare() function returns two values so you can try this:
for n in range(0, 11, 2):
chisq, p = chisquare(df.iloc[:,[n]], df.iloc[:,[n+1]]
print('Chisq: {}, p-value: {}'.format(chisq, p))
You can find what it returns in the docs here
Thank you for the suggestions. Using the information from Parfait comment, that loops don't print I managed to find a solution, although not as elegant as their own solution above.
for n in range(0, 11, 2):
print(chisquare(df.iloc[:,[n]], df.iloc[:,[n+1]]))
This gives the expected results.

How to split column of vectors into two columns?

I use PySpark.
Spark ML's Random Forest output DataFrame has a column "probability" which is a vector with two values. I just want to add two columns to the output DataFrame, "prob1" and "prob2", which correspond to the first and second values in the vector.
I've tried the following:
output2 = output.withColumn('prob1', r: r['probability'][0]))
but I get the error that 'col should be Column'.
Any suggestions on how to transform a column of vectors into columns of its values?
I figured out the problem with the suggestion above. In pyspark, "dense vectors are simply represented as NumPy array objects", so the issue is with python and numpy types. Need to add .item() to cast a numpy.float64 to a python float.
The following code works:
split1_udf = udf(lambda value: value[0].item(), FloatType())
split2_udf = udf(lambda value: value[1].item(), FloatType())
output2 ='probability').alias('c1'), split2_udf('probability').alias('c2'))
Or to append these columns to the original dataframe:
randomforestoutput.withColumn('c1', split1_udf('probability')).withColumn('c2', split2_udf('probability'))
Got the same problem, below is the code adjusted for the situation when you have n-length vector.
splits = [udf(lambda value: value[i].item(), FloatType()) for i in range(n)]
out =*[s('features').alias("Column"+str(i)) for i, s in enumerate(splits)])
You may want to use one UDF to extract the first value and another to extract the second. You can then use the UDF with a select call on the output of the random forrest data frame. Example:
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col
split1_udf = udf(lambda value: value[0], FloatType())
split2_udf = udf(lambda value: value[1], FloatType())
output2 ="probability")).alias("c1"),
This should give you a dataframe output2 which has columns c1 and c2 corresponding to the first and second values in the list stored in the column probability.
I tried #Rookie Boy 's loop but it seems the splits udf loop doesn't work for me.
I modified a bit.
out = df
for i in range(len(n)):
splits_i = udf(lambda x: x[i].item(), FloatType())
out = out.withColumn('{col_}'.format(i), splits_i('probability'))*['col_{}'.format(i) for i in range(3)]).show()
