Open CV, find blurry images - python-3.x

I want a help in python code that should show me if the images in a folder is blurry or not.
I find this article useful
but in the output it shows a text on the top of the image with its blurry value.
But I want the result should generate a text file (output.txt) that shows the image path , it's blurry value and also states whther it is blurry or not. Rather than writing these things on the top of image.
I am using Anaonda 3 and install cv2, argparse and imutils explained in the article.
In output.txt it should be like this


image responsiveness in KivyMD RecycleView

Would you like your help in figuring out why the images don't fit?
Why aren't they responsive?
Based on the rounded image "NO IMAGE AVALIABLE" I would always like to see it in its entirety, that is, always see the circle memo if you cannot read the text.
This time I have a very reduced code.
My code here

Is it possible to make Inkscape autotrace PNG to SVG, but from the command line?

I want to automate "raster to vector" conversions. PNG to SVG. (most Qs here on SO are the other way around)
I have tried the old command line tool autotrace on Linux, but I could not get it to run. I've tried to install a package, and to compile it from the source. Nope.
Then I've realised that Inkscape has "autotrace" now integrated in its codebase. I'd like to convert simple sketches from PNG to SVG.
And I want to do this in a Bash for-loop , with different autotrace settings (number of passes; ignore Speckles with max X pixels width) etc.
I've tried the "action" command-line option
inkscape --without-gui --actions="file-open:my.png"
and this brings up the small "png bitmap image import" dialog, waiting for me to confirm.
Also I've tried the verb command line option
inkscape --with-gui --verb="FileImport:my.png"
and this opens the large "Select file to import" dialog (ignoring my --verb argument)
At this point I gave up.
I want Inkscape to import a PNG picture, autotrace it with some settings, save it as SVG. Perhaps, beofre saving, duplicate the traced layer, lock the imported background layer, rename the layers from path-12345 to "tracesettings-x-y-z" etc.
(my final goal is to permute the tracing settings, to find good ones for my use-case, but that's not the focus of this question)
Inkscape is using potrace and autotrace to trace bitmap images into vector formats such as SVG and PDF.
Let's assume you have an image: foo.png that you want to trace to SVG using potrace:
First, you need to convert your image to a bitmap format (BMP).
Invoke the potrace command
# I am using ImageMagick convert command to convert PNG to BMP
convert foo.png foo.bmp
# Invoke potrace command with SVG backend
potrace -b svg foo.bmp
The result will be: foo.svg.

How to change a part of the color of the background, which is black, to white?

I have been working on PyTesseract OCR and converting PDF to JPEG inorder to OCR the image. A part of the image has a black background and white text, which Tesseract is unable to identify, whereas all other parts of my image are being read perfectly well. Is there a way to change a part of the image that has black background? I tried a few SO resources, but doesn't seem to help.
I am using Python 3, Open CV version 4 and PyTesseract
opencv has a bitwise not function wich correctly reverses the image
you can put a mask / freeze on the rest of the image (the part that is correct already) and use something like this:
imageWithMask = cv2.bitwise_not(imageWithMask)
alternatively you can also perform the operation on a copy of the image and only copy over parts / pixels / regions you need....

How to save as PNG to tkinter's Image(Penguin)

when I click file>>save as png...
It will save as png to that penguin. Is it possible?
It is possible but the image must be a tkinter PhotoImage.
The picture of your program suggests that it's not a photoimage. However; google "tkinter PhotoImage" and you will find information on how to build one pixel by pixel or however you want. Once you have a photoimage, saving it is easy:
image.write('some_name.png', format='png')

Landmasking in SAR geotiff image

I am trying to mask the land in a satellite (SAR) grayscale geotiff image. The functionality is available in rsgislib, but it works on Linux and I am working on conda python 3.5 (Windows) and not able to find a possible way out.
Kindly guide as to how the land can be masked out in an image.
I found the way out :
First we have to download an appropriate shapefile of the region we wish to mask,
then there is a beautiful functionality available in gdal called as gdalwarp. We need to just open the anaconda prompt and from there just type in :`
gdalwarp -cutline shapefile_name.shp original_image.tif output_filename.tif
Now, the image with borderlines of the land will get saved in the file output_filename.tif
This is the file which contains the land portion and the ocean is masked out.
Then the procedure becomes fairly simple mask out the land by subtracting the output_filename.tif image from original image.
We will get the image of the ocean part with land portion in black, after that we can make the land portion as NaN.
