How to copy-paste data from an OS-running application with Python? - python-3.x

I need to write an application that basically focuses on a given Windows window title and copy-pastes data in a notepad. I've managed to achieve it with pygetwindow and pyautogui, but it's buggy:
import pygetwindow as gw
import pyautogui
# extract all titles and filter to specific one
all_titles = gw.getAllTitles()
titles = [title for title in all_titles if 'title' in title]
window = gw.getWindowsWithTitle(titles[0])[0].activate()
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'a')
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c')
Using Spyder, I ocasionally get the following error when activating:
PyGetWindowException: Error code from Windows: 126 - The specified module could not be found.
Additionally, I would be interested in doing this process without affecting the user working on the machine. Activate basically makes the window pop to front. Moreover, it would be better to not be OS dependant, but I haven't found anything yet.
I've tried pywinauto but the SetFocus() method doesn't work (it's buggy, documented).
Is there any other method which would make the whole process invisible and easier?

Not sure if this will help
I am using pywinauto to set_focus
import pywinauto
import pygetwindow as gw
def focus_to_window(window_title=None):
window = gw.getWindowsWithTitle(window_title)[0]
if not window.isActive:


How can I close the print window only after user has printed/closed the window || How can I preview an image with the QPrintPreviewDialog

I need a way to have a printer dialog to print an image (a modern looking one is preferred)
I tried to find a way to print an image with a printer dialog and I found win32api.ShellExecute(0, "print", "test.jpg", 'None', None, 0)
But to make that work I need a wait after that and when the wait is over the window will close.. and I want it to close ONLY when the user has pressed print or closed the window...
Is there a way of doing that?
and it would be even better if you could link me to another module/way to have that printer dialog maybe a more modern one.. (not the PyQt5 one) because the win32api one looks kinda old school
Edit: So I found this piece of code -
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QAction, QTextEdit
import sys
from PySide2.QtPrintSupport import QPrinter, QPrintPreviewDialog
myapp = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = QMainWindow()
printer = QPrinter(QPrinter.HighResolution)
previewDialog = QPrintPreviewDialog(printer, window)
Source (I have minimized the code above as much as possible):
But I don't know how to preview an image (this is using PySide2) please help
Acroding to the document of ShellExecuteA function, nCmdShow parameter is passed via calls to ShellExecute, so I tried every nCmdShow parameters in this function, but it didn't work like you want. It always close the print window after user has printed/closed the window.I suggest you use Print Spooler API Functions to write your own printing interface, so that you can wait for the user's further operation after printing.

searching for tags in Tkinter Text widget

i am using a tkinter Text widget to display the content of gerber-code files.
the program runs on a raspberry pi and send code over serial to a machine one line of text at at time.
i set the current active line as follows:
class TextEditor(tkinter.Text):
def __init__(self, tkRoot):
self.tag_configure("activeLine", background="#87e8ed")# set the colour used for activeLine
def setLine(self, lineNumber):
self.tag_remove("activeLine", "1.0", "end")
self.tag_add("activeLine", str(lineNumber)+".0 linestart", str(lineNumber)+".0 lineend+1c")
def getLine(self):
pass # need to return the activeLine line number
there should only ever be one line at a time highlighted with "activeLine" so the first instance would be fine.
i could store a variable in the call to setLine and read it back in getLine but i would prefer not to as any edits to the text it could go out of sink
i notice using IDLE that the debugger uses what looks the same principle as i am trying to achieve here to set breakpoints, is it possible and if so where would i start looking for the IDLE source code to look into how it is achieved there, i am currently writing this on a Ubuntu 18.04 desktop i would like to no best ways to search IDLE source from
any help would be greatly appreciated, i am quite new to python and tkinter as i am generally a windows programmer but i am now learning to use Linux
i have now found an answer to my own question
listing all the functions of the text widget that start with "tag_" like this:
d = dir(self.tkRoot.text)
for dv in d:
s = str(dv)
if s.startswith("tag_"):
i found the method "tag_ranges(name)" that returns me this
(<textindex object: '5.0'>, <textindex object: '6.0'>)
at the time of calling the current line was 5

How to configure tkinter buttons to seem more modern

Okay so I'm a teacher using tkinter to create gui's with my students. My mac users are fine with the look but in windows their programs leave something to be desired. I don't have access to PIP (my sys admin WONT open it up for the kids to use terminal) so I'm limited in my libraries.
Im (slowly) building up some configurations that i think would help them get the idea behind how to configure (I explain its like adding CSS to HTML - doens't (usually) change the function, it just looks better) any tips or examples i can pass on to them would be super helpful. Here is an example of a slider i turned into a tactile on/off switch.
import tkinter as tk
main = tk.Tk()
def on_off_slider_action(slider_val):
if int(slider_val): #using as "truthy"
on_off_slider = tk.Scale(main, from_=0,
on_off_slider.configure(bg="#999999", activebackground="#888888" )
example switch off
example switch on

I want to embed python console in my tkinter window.. How can i do it?

I am making a text editor and want to add a feature of IDLE in my app. So i want an frame with python IDLE embedded in it with all menus and features which original python IDLE gives.
I looked in source of idle lib but cannot find a solution.
import idlelib.pyshell
except ImportError:
# IDLE is not installed, but maybe pyshell is on sys.path:
from . import pyshell
import os
idledir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(pyshell.__file__))
if idledir != os.getcwd():
# We're not in the IDLE directory, help the subprocess find
pypath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
if pypath:
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = pypath + ':' + idledir
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = idledir
This code is of pyshell.pyw found under idlelib folder in all python install
I searched the idle.pyw and found that it uses a program pyshell which is real shell. So how can i embed it.
I want a Tkinter frame with python IDLE shell embedded in it.Please give the code. Thanks in advance.
idlelib implements IDLE. While you are free to use it otherwise, it is private in the sense that code and interfaces can change in any release without the usual back-compatibility constraints. Import and use idlelib modules at your own rish.
Currently, a Shell window is a Toplevel with a Menu and a Frame. The latter has a Text and vertical Scrollbar. It is not possible to visually embed a Toplevel within a frame (or within another Toplevel or root = Tk()). top = Toplevel(myframe) works, but top cannot be placed, packed, or gridded within myframe.
I hope in the future to refactor and so as to separate the window with menu from the frame with scrollable text. The result should include embeddable EditorFrame and ShellFrame classes that have parent as an arguments. But that is in the future.
Currently, one can run IDLE from within python with import idlelib.idle. However, because this runs mainloop() (on its own root), it blocks and does not finish until all IDLE windows are closed. This may not be what one wants.
If having Shell run in a separate window is acceptable, one could extract from python.main the 10-20 lines needed to just run Shell. Some experimentation would be needed. If the main app uses tkinter, this function should take the app's root as an argument and not call mainloop().
Tcl having Tkcon.tcl . when each thread source (means run/exec) the Tkcon.tcl
each thread will pop up a Tk shell/Tk console/tkcon.tcl very good idea for debug. and print message individually by thread.
Python having ... and how to use it ? still finding out the example .
The are same Tk base . why can't find an suitable example? so far ... keep finding...

accessing clipboard via win32clipboard

I am working on a project in which i have to continuouly check clipboard content. If clipboard content matches with certain specified data, then it should be deleted from clipboard.
After doing a lot of googling, I find out that it can be done easily by win32clipboard api.
I am using Python as a programming language.
Following is a code for file(CF_HDROP) format:
import win32clipboard
import win32con
def filecopy():
print win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_HDROP)
except TypeError:
Following is a code for text format:
import win32clipboard
def textcopy():
data = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
print data
except TypeError:
I am calling above functions in a infinite loop.
Individual function works correctly. But the problem with win32clipboard is that,
after win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() command, win32clipboard lock the clipboard and only realise it after CloseClipboard() command. In between i cant copy anything in clipboard.
How can i solve this problem??
Any other suggestion are also welcome to achieve ultimate aim.
NOTE: Its not necessary to use python. You can use any other language or any other approach.
An infinite polling loop (especially one without delays) is going to be a problem since there's no way to read the contents without locking. Instead you should look into becoming a Clipboard viewer (pywin32 and msdn), that way you are notified of the clipboard contents change and then you can inspect it (get it and get out). If you google a bit on pywin32 and WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD, you'll find some python implementations.
