How To Create Flutter Moor Relationship With One-To-Many Join - flutter-moor

I have a table Category which is Related to a Task table in a one-to-many relationship and I am attempting to perform a join using Moor.
I would like to return a list for the list of tasks that match a category. How do I do it?
Stream<List<CategoryWithTask>> watchAllCategories() {
return (select(categories)
(c) => OrderingTerm(expression:,
.join([leftOuterJoin(tasks, tasks.categoryId.equalsExp(])
.map((rows) =>
(row) {
return CategoryWithTask(
category: row.readTable(categories),
task: row.readTable(tasks)); // How do I modify this line to return a list of tasks corresponding to a category?

I managed to find a way with the support of the guys at Flutter Moor after creating an issue on Github. Below is the working code;
Stream<List<CategoryWithTasks>> watchAllCategories() {
return (select(categories)
(c) => OrderingTerm(expression:,
.join([leftOuterJoin(tasks, tasks.categoryId.equalsExp(])
.map((rows) {
final groupedData = <Category, List<Task>>{};
for (final row in rows) {
final category = row.readTable(categories);
final task = row.readTable(tasks);
final list = groupedData.putIfAbsent(category, () => []);
if (task != null) list.add(task);
return [
for (final entry in groupedData.entries)
CategoryWithTasks(category: entry.key, tasks: entry.value)


What would be the reason that I can't make the ElementIDs of these objects in Revit match ones in a Revit file?

I am creating a plugin that makes use of the code available from BCFier to select elements from an external server version of the file and highlight them in a Revit view, except the elements are clearly not found in Revit as all elements appear and none are highlighted. The specific pieces of code I am using are:
private void SelectElements(Viewpoint v)
var elementsToSelect = new List<ElementId>();
var elementsToHide = new List<ElementId>();
var elementsToShow = new List<ElementId>();
var visibleElems = new FilteredElementCollector(OpenPlugin.doc, OpenPlugin.doc.ActiveView.Id)
.Where(e => OpenPlugin.doc.GetElement(e).CanBeHidden(OpenPlugin.doc.ActiveView)); //might affect performance, but it's necessary
bool canSetVisibility = (v.Components.Visibility != null &&
v.Components.Visibility.DefaultVisibility &&
bool canSetSelection = (v.Components.Selection != null && v.Components.Selection.Any());
//loop elements
foreach (var e in visibleElems)
//string guid = ExportUtils.GetExportId(OpenPlugin.doc, e).ToString();
var guid = IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(ExportUtils.GetExportId(OpenPlugin.doc, e));
if (canSetVisibility)
if (v.Components.Visibility.DefaultVisibility)
if (v.Components.Visibility.Exceptions.Any(x => x.IfcGuid == guid))
if (v.Components.Visibility.Exceptions.Any(x => x.IfcGuid == guid))
if (canSetSelection)
if (v.Components.Selection.Any(x => x.IfcGuid == guid))
OpenPlugin.HandlerSelect.elementsToSelect = elementsToSelect;
OpenPlugin.HandlerSelect.elementsToHide = elementsToHide;
OpenPlugin.HandlerSelect.elementsToShow = elementsToShow;
} catch (System.Exception ex)
TaskDialog.Show("Exception", ex.Message);
Which is the section that should filter the lists, which it does do as it produces IDs that look like this:
The trouble with this is, comparing it to the list of IDs in the IFC file that we imported it from reveals that these IDs do not appear in the IFC file, and looking at it in Revit I found that none of the Guids in Revit weren't in the list that appeared either. Almost all the objects also matched the same main part of the IDs as well, and I'm not experienced enough to know how likely that is.
So my question is, is it something in this code that is an issue?
The IFC GUID is based on the Revit UniqueId but not identical. Please read about the Element Identifiers in RVT, IFC, NW and Forge to learn how they are connected.

How to pass pivot table additional columns values using the sync method

I have extra columns in my pivot table named number and weight as follows
public function up()
$schema = static::SCHEMA;
if (! empty($schema) && (Schema::getConnection()->getDriverName() == 'pgsql')) {
$schema = $schema.'.';
} else {
$schema = '';
Schema::create($schema.'crime_species', function (Blueprint $table) use ($schema) {
I also have a store methods as follows
public function store(array $data = []): Crime
$item = $this->model::create($data);
if ($item) {
$item->fishingMethods()->sync($data['fishingMethods'] ?? []);
$item->species()->sync($data['species'], ['number'=>4, 'weight'=>20]?? []);
$item->offences()->sync($data['offences'] ?? []);
$item->confiscatedItems()->sync($data['confiscatedItems'] ?? []);
return $item;
throw new GeneralException(__('There was a problem creating this user. Please try again.'));
The difficult part which I have encountered is passing extra column values
$item->species()->sync($data['species'], ['number'=>4, 'weight'=>20]?? []); The extra column values 4 for number and 20 for weight were not inserted in the pivot table.
could you help me?
The sync method accepts an array of IDs to place on the intermediate table. Any IDs that are not in the given array will be removed from the intermediate table. So, after this operation is complete, only the IDs in the given array will exist in the intermediate table:
$item->species()->sync([1, 2, 3]);
You may also pass additional intermediate table values with the IDs:
$item->species()->sync([1 => ['number' => 4, 'weight' => 20]);
Note that you have to use a nested array. Where the key of the array is the id of the element to associate and its content the extra columns of your pivot table.
$attach = collect($data['species'])->mapWithKeys(function ($specie) {
return [$specie => ['number' => 4, 'weight' => 20]];

Using a custom filter button to filter a list, works on first click but subsequent clicks don't work as well! SPFX

I have 2 SP lists (A and B).
List A has filter buttons next to each list item. When a user clicks a button it should filter List B, only showing the related items.
List A has an Id column which List B matches it's column (MasterItems) with List A's Id.
Here's the code I'm using:
public _getListItems() {
sp.web.lists.getByTitle("ListA").items.get().then((items: any[]) => {
let returnedItems: IListAItem[] = => { return new ListAItem(item); });
Items: returnedItems,
ListAItems: returnedItems,
sp.web.lists.getByTitle("ListB").items.get().then((items: any[]) => {
let returnedItems: IListBItem[] = => { return new ListBItem(item); });
ListBItems: returnedItems, //This brings in the items from ListB so they can be filtered on this.state.ListB when clicked
private _editItem = (ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => {
this._getListItems(); //This attempts to reset the list when another filter is clicked, but is half working!
const sid = Number(;
const sid2 = 'DIBR'+sid;
let _item = this.state.ListBItems.filter((item) => { return item.MasterItem == sid2; });
if (_item && _item.length > 0) {
sp.web.lists.getByTitle("ListB").items.get().then((items: any[]) => {
let returnedItems: IListBItem[] =
items.filter(i => _item.some(other => other.Id === i.Id)).map(
(item) => new ListBItem(item)
ListBItems: returnedItems,
The problem is that when the button is clicked next to an item, it filters correctly on first click!
but if filtered again on the same or different item it will sometimes unset the filter and mix results, other times it will filter correctly. So I'm suspecting I've made a state problem here, but can't seem to discover why.
UPDATE: I've added a clear filter button which makes things work, but would like the user to be able to click on filter to filter instead of having to clear it each time.
I am doing the same in my SharePoint list
so basically I always set the clear filter function before the filter function,
for example:
function myFilter(){
//my filter code goes here
function clearFilter(){
//the clear filter code goes here
lets say you are running the function on an item select or a button click or text input change, set the clear filter to run before the filter.
function funcGroup{
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
function funcGroup{
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
I am using this scenario with my SharePoint lists and its working perfect...

Fabric js Image Filters

Hello i am trying to create img filter there are Range input sliders from which user select filter value and then applied to selected image object its working but every time input changes it added a new filter and multiply how can i resolve this issue below is my code:
$('.img-fillter-controller .range-field').on("change", "input", function () {
t = $(this).data("filter");
v = $(this).val();
o = activeCanvas.getActiveObject();
switch(t) {
case 'brightness':
f = new fabric.Image.filters.Brightness({brightness: v/100 });
case 'saturation':
case 'contrast':
case 'blur':
case 'exposure':
case 'colorify':
case 'hue':
function applyImgFilter(f) {
For apply filter properly on image, we need to fix filter index or can say that assign filter by static index.
You should replace This funciton :
function applyImgFilter(f) {
With New funciton :
function applyImgFilter(f) {
o.filters[0] = f

Symfony2 Entity form type with a specific query_buider

In my case, I've some orders with "discount vouchers" (discount). A discount can be use on under different conditions. For instance, discounts have an expired date, can be used by a limited number of customers, can be dedicated to a user, ...
Each discount can be attached to several order.
In my backoffice, I want to add to order create form a field "Discount" with a list of discount available but only right discounts.
What I made
An entity "order" with a field manyToMany
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="PATH\MyBundle\Entity\Discount", inversedBy="orders")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="shop_discounts_orders",
* joinColumns={#ORM\JoinColumn(name="order_id", referencedColumnName="id")},
* inverseJoinColumns={#ORM\JoinColumn(name="discount_id", referencedColumnName="id")}
* )
private $discounts;
An entity "discounts" with a field manyToMany
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="PATH\MyBundle\Entity\Order", mappedBy="discounts")
private $orders;
A form OrderType with a field discounts
$builder->add('discounts', 'entity',
array( 'label' => 'Discount vouchers',
'required' => false,
'expanded' => true,
'class' => 'PATH\MyBundle\Entity\Discount',
'property' => 'title',
'multiple' => true,
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) use ($params) {
return $er->getQuerySelectType($params);
With this solution, I can return specific discount defined by my request in my entity repository. It's good for expired date condition for instance.
What I would like
I'd like to filter results in the checkbox list. In fact, I want limit usage of the discount to a dedicated user, limit to a list of products, or limit the number of usage... And these condition cannot be done by a simple sql request.
I try to create special Type. My idea is to have an array of entities Discount and load a choice list... After that, I create a dataTransformer but It doesn't work !
Thank's for your ideas !
You could use the $options from public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) to pass your user and product for instance. With those 2 informations you could refine your list of discount (in your query)
if you do so you need to add them in the setDefaultValue
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
'user_discount' => null,
'product_discount' => null,
and in your controller:
$form = $this->formFactory->create(new YourFormType(), $entity, array(
'user_discount' => $this->getUser(),
'product_discount' => $product,
I found a solution and explain it if someone have the same issue as me.
Create a custom Type
My custom type is inspired by Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType
class DiscountOrderType extends AbstractType
// overide choiceList callback
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
$choiceListCache =& $this->choiceListCache;
$type = $this;
$choiceList = function (Options $options) use (&$choiceListCache, &$time, $container) {
[[ Copy paste same as Doctrine type ]]
// Create your own choiceList class (EntityChoiceList)
if (!isset($choiceListCache[$hash])) {
$choiceListCache[$hash] = new DiscountChoiceList(
// If you want add container
return $choiceListCache[$hash];
'choice_list' => $choiceList,
Create a custom EntityChoiceList
My custom type is inspired by Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\EntityChoiceList
class EntityChoiceList extends ObjectChoiceList
protected function load()
if ($this->entityLoader) {
$entities = $this->entityLoader->getEntities();
} else {
$entities = $this->em->getRepository($this->class)->findAll();
// You have access to the entities in the choice list
// Add your custom code here to manipulate the choice list
// you can do some check not properly possible with sql request (http requests on each result, ...) before add it in choice list
// you can add some custom cache rules, ...
// if you use gedmon and want apply a "join" with translate table, you can add $query->setHint(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Gedmo\\Translatable\\Query\\TreeWalker\\TranslationWalker'); before playing request...
// Possibilities are infinite
// FOR INSTANCE : you already want unset first entity of the result
if (isset($entities[0])) {
try {
// The second parameter $labels is ignored by ObjectChoiceList
// The third parameter $preferredChoices is currently not supported
parent::initialize($entities, array(), array());
} catch (StringCastException $e) {
throw new StringCastException(str_replace('argument $labelPath', 'option "property"', $e->getMessage()), null, $e);
$this->loaded = true;
Of course you can try to extend symfony class for beautyfull code ;).
Thank's to #maxwell2022 for your help !
