Opening a web app page using View Definition - azure

In my managed application deployment I deploy an App Service Web app.
Is it possible to use viewDefinition.json to create an Overview Command Action that will open the deployed site in a new tab or link me to that deployed site?

No, frustratingly, it is not. viewDefinition.json artifacts do not allow you to read in any sort of dynamic variable from the deployment, which would be necessary for something like this.


Inability to deploy the WEB Api using Visual Studio

I have created a web API, and now I want to deploy it. Unfortunately, when I try to publish my web API, I need to sign in or create a new account on the App Service step.problematic step
When I try to log in or even create a new account - it accepts it but doesn't allow me to go further and open the App Service settings like this: enter image description here
In my case, it was because I didn't activate any subscription. But in my opinion, instead of just not allowing me to deploy my WEB API, they could also specify the cause.

What is a web job on azure, is it part of a web application or standalone

Is it a job attached to a web app, or is it a type of web app itself? I tried following this example but couldn't find the add webjobs link it mentioned, just links to create a web app.
Yes, a job is "attached" to a Web App. A Web App is the execution container for WebJobs. In some cases you might also have a companion website also running in the WebApp, but often, the Web App only contains WebJobs.
Once you have a Web App, you can create/manage WebJobs via the portal "WebJobs" blade in the new portal. You'll find it in the Settings blade under "Features".
Another way to think of a Web Job is as an extra .exe/process that runs on the same VM as your web app, with the only special thing being that it is launched with the same set of environment variables as the web app and has access to the same set of directories.
There's a great post here explaining WebJobs and how to create/operate one. Everything you need to know to get going.

Web service migration from Local IIS to Azure

I Used Azure Website Migration Assistance to migrate my web service that was running on my Local VM's IIS. My Migration process was successful and also I was able to use this web service. But I can't find where to find the migrated source code in azure portal. All I can see is some 20Mb of data in on the dashboard graph of azure portal. If I need to changed some of my code where to do this?
What is on the Azure Web App should now match what was on your IIS server. Now, to update the web app, you can use the deployment techniques here:
The simplest method to deploy to check what content is on your web app would be to use the SCM site. This is available at: Go to Debug Console > CMD and then the site > wwwroot folder to see your web app content. You can also upload to the site via drag and drop.
Alternatively, you can download the publishing settings for your web app via the portal and then re-use the migration tool, select the site, and then upload the publishing settings. However I would suggest using the deployment techniques above first. (Disclaimer: I wrote the migration tool.)
There are multiple ways to push changes to your Azure Website/Web App. They are listed here:
One simple way is to use an FTP client like FileZilla. In the classic portal, you will find the FTP address (hostname) and the credentials in the dashboard tab. In the new portal, select your Web App and the FTP address will be displayed in the Essentials section at the top of the page. Click on Settings and Deployment credentials to set your FTP user password.
Another simple alternative is to use Dropbox. Take a look at this video for how to set instructions:

How to get .publishsettings for Web Deployable Web Role?

I enabled the Web Deploy feature for my Web Role and deployed it.
But how can I get hold of the .publishsettings file so I can create a Publishing Profile for it?
This 2 year old article states that it should have been created automatically, but I haven't got that in my profile manager.
Any ideas?
If you are using Visual Studio 2012 or greater, the server explorer to the left will have several Azure items.
Specifically the Windows Azure Compute is what we are looking for, right click on that and say 'add deployment environment'. You will then be prompted with a dialog that allows you to sign in and download publish settings file:
You can get publishsettings file from the following link:
Well, the problem was really behind the keyboard.
So the publishing profile is actually provisioned correctly and automatically to the Web project as the documentation states.
The problem and confusion was that I have a secondary web application in my Solution that I also publish to the same Web Role (referenced as an additional Site in the ServiceDefinition.csdef file).
That Web Project does not get the Publishing Profile, and when I try to create a profile manually, it doesn't work since that (secondary) IIs instance is not configured for Web Deployment.
Oh well, back to the tedious Cloud Service deployment it is...

Feature with WebApplication scope - deploy only to one webapplication

After deploying my new Sharepoint solution, containing a feature with WebApplication scope, I noticed that feature was added to ALL webapplications in the farm.
The solution was deployed to a one particluar webapplication, so I wonder if such behavior is correct. Any way to make feature appear only in WebApplication, solution was deployed to?
How did you deploy from powershell or from central admin? If you deployed from central admin you should have been given a list of web apps to deploy too, but if you did powershell and left off the WebApplication flag (, it would have deployed to all of the web apps.
This is unfortunately by design.
The solution is deployed to a single web application, e.g.
but the features are visible on all web applications, i.e.:
Feature /= solution. That means that some elements from the solution (not features) will appear only in the designated web application.
One workaround is to hide the feature so that users cannot activate it.
Check out also these posts:
Is it possible to deploy a solution to a web application so that its features are only visible within this web application?
Creating a solution that deploys to selected WebApplications but copies the assembly to GAC
if the solution deployed to ABC webApp so it won't deployed to another WebApp, if it happened better remove from all WebApp and deploy to ABC webApp by PowerShell command.
