Performing a calculation on every item in a DataFrame - python-3.x

Have a large pandas DataFrame of 1m rows. I want to perform a calculation on every item and create a new DataFrame from it.
The way I'm currently doing it is crazily slow. Any thoughts on how I might improve the efficiency?
# Create some random data in a DataFrame
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dfData = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,1000,size=(100, 10)), columns=list('ABCDEFGHIJ'))
# Key values
colTotals = dfData.sum(axis=0)
rowTotals = dfData.sum(axis=1)
total = dfData.values.sum()
dfIdx = pd.DataFrame()
for respId, row in dfData.iterrows():
for scores in row.iteritems():
colId = scores[0]
score = scores[1]
# Do the calculation
idx = (score / colTotals[colId]) * (total / rowTotals[respId]) * 100
dfIdx.loc[respId, colId] = idx

I think this is the logic of your code
dfData.div(colTotals).mul((total / rowTotals) * 100, 0)


finding latest trip information from a large data frame

I have one requirement:
I have a dataframe "df_input" having 20M rows which includes trip details. columns are "vehicle-no", "geolocation","start","end".
For each of the vehicle number there are multiple rows each having different geolocation for different trips.
Now I want to create a new dataframe df_final which will have only the first record for all of the vehicle-no. How can do that in efficient way?
I used something like below which is taking more than 5 hours to complete:
import dfply as dp
from dfply import X
output_df_columns = ["vehicle-no","start", "end", "geolocations"]
df_final = pd.DataFrame(columns = output_df_columns) #create empty dataframe
unique_vehicle_no = list(df_input["vehicle-no"].unique())
for each_vehicle in unique_vehicle_no:
df_temp = (df_input >> dp.mask(X.vehicle-no == each_vehicle))
df_final = df_final.append(df_temp.head(1),ignore_index=True, sort=False)
I think this will work out
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df_final=df_input.groupby('vehicle_number').apply(lambda x : x.head(1)).reset_index(drop=True)

Improvement of a Python script | Performance

I wrote a code. But it's very slow. The goal is to look for matches. It doesn't have to be one-on-one matches.
I have a data frame which has about 3,600,000 entries --> "SingleDff"
I have a data frame with about 110'000 entries --> "dfnumbers"
Now - The code tries to find out if out of these 110'000 entries you can find entries in the 3'600'000 million.
I added a counter to see how "fast" it is. After 24h I only got 11'000 entries. 10% in total
I'm looking now for ways and/or ideas how I can improve the performance of the Code.
The Code:
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pathfiles = 'C:\\Python\\Data\\Input\\'
df_Files = glob.glob(pathfiles + "*.csv")
df_Files = [pd.read_csv(f, encoding='utf-8', sep=';', low_memory=False) for f in df_Files]
SingleDff = pd.concat(df_Files, ignore_index=True, sort=True)
dfnumbers = pd.read_excel('C:\\Python\\Data\\Input\\UniqueNumbers.xlsx')
outputDf = pd.DataFrame()
SingleDff['isRelevant'] = np.nan
count = 0
max = len(dfnumbers['Korrigierter Wert'])
arrayVal = dfnumbers['Korrigierter Wert']
for txt in arrayVal:
outputDf = outputDf.append(SingleDff[SingleDff['name'].str.contains(txt)], ignore_index = True)
outputDf['isRelevant'] = np.where(outputDf['isRelevant'].isnull(),txt,outputDf['isRelevant'])
count += 1
Example of Data
In the 110'000 Data Frame I have something like this:
ACDB-98765-001 AHHX800.0-3
In the huge DF i have entrys like:
Now i try to find matches - For which number we can find documents
Thank you for your inputs

Resample time series after removing top x percentile data

I have an hourly time series data (say df with date/time and value columns) where I want to:
Step 1: Remove the top 5 percentile of each day
Step 2: Get the max(Step 1)for each day
Step 3: Get the mean(Step 2) for each month
Here is what I have tried to implement the above logic:
step_1 = df.resample('D').apply(lambda x: x<x.quantile(0.95))
step_2 = step_1.resample('D').max()
step_3 = step_2.resample('M').mean()
Even though I do not get any code error, the generated output is different to the expected result based on the above 3 steps (I always get a constant value)
Any help will be appreciated.
You are almost there. Your step_1 is a series of booleans with the same index as the original data, you can use it to filter your DataFrame, thus:
step_1 = df.resample('D').apply(lambda x: x<x.quantile(0.95))
step_2 = df[step_1].resample('D').max()
step_3 = step_2.resample('M').mean()
Your first step is a boolean mask, so you need to add an additional step:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000), index=pd.date_range(start='1/1/2019', periods=1000, freq='H'), columns=['my_data'])
mask = df.resample('D').apply(lambda x: x < x.quantile(.95))
step_1 = df[mask]
step_2 = df.resample('D').max()
step_3 = df.resample('M').mean()

How to write from loop to dataframe

I'am trying to calculate 33 stock betas and write them to dataframe.
Unfortunately, I have an error in my code:
cannot concatenate object of type ""; only pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, and pd.Panel (deprecated) objs are vali
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
stock1=pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\Кир\Desktop\Uni\Master\Nasdaq\Financials 11.05\Nasdaq last\clean data\01.xlsx", '1') #read second sheet of excel file
stock2=pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\Кир\Desktop\Uni\Master\Nasdaq\Financials 11.05\Nasdaq last\clean data\01.xlsx", '2') #read second sheet of excel file
stock2['stockreturn']=np.log(stock2.AdjCloseStock / stock2.AdjCloseStock.shift(1)) #stock ln return
stock2['SP500return']=np.log(stock2.AdjCloseSP500 / stock2.AdjCloseSP500.shift(1)) #SP500 ln return
stock2 = stock2.iloc[1:] #delete first row in dataframe
betas = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(0,(len(stock2.AdjCloseStock)//52)-1):
betas = betas.append(stock2.stockreturn.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52].cov(stock2.SP500return.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52])/stock2.SP500return.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52].cov(stock2.SP500return.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52]))
My data looks like weekly stock and S&P index return for 33 years. So the output should have 33 betas.
I tried simplifying your code and creating an example. I think the problem is that your calculation returns a float. You want to make it a pd.Series. DataFrame.append takes:
DataFrame or Series/dict-like object, or list of these
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(33*53, 2),
columns=['a', 'b'])
betas = pd.DataFrame()
for year in range(len(df['a'])//52 -1):
# Take some data
in_slice = pd.IndexSlice[year*52:(year+1)*52]
numerator = df['a'].iloc[in_slice].cov(df['b'].iloc[in_slice])
denominator = df['b'].iloc[in_slice].cov(df['b'].iloc[in_slice])
# Do some calculations and create a pd.Series from the result
data = pd.Series(numerator / denominator, name = year)
# Append to the DataFrame
betas = betas.append(data) = 'years'
betas.columns = ['beta']
0 0.107669
1 -0.009302
2 -0.063200
3 0.025681
4 -0.000813

Python3, with pandas.dataframe, how to select certain data by some rules to show

I have a pandas.dataframe, and I want to select certain data by some rules.
The following codes generate the dataframe
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
today =
dates = list()
for k in range(10):
a_day = today - datetime.timedelta(days=k)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(100, size=(10, 3)),
columns=('other1', 'actual', 'other2'),
index=['{}'.format(i) for i in range(10)])
df.insert(0, 'dates', dates)
df['err_m'] = np.random.rand(10, 1)*0.1
df['std'] = np.random.rand(10, 1)*0.05
df['gain'] = np.random.rand(10, 1)
Now, I want select by the following rules:
1. compute the sum of 'err_m' and 'std', then sort the df so that the sum is descending
2. from the result of step 1, select the part where 'actual' is > 50
Create a new column and then sort by this one:
df['errsum'] = df['err_m'] + df['std']
# Return a sorted dataframe
df_sorted = df.sort('errsum', ascending = False)
Select the lines you want
# Create an array with True where the condition is met
selector = df_sorted['errsum'] > 50
# Return a view of sorted_dataframe with only the lines you want
