Reverse bulk_insert alembic - python-3.x

So I have a case where the migration script only adds data from a specific seed file. This is written in the update part of the migration script.
But, in the downgrade part of the migration script, I want to reverse the inserts of the seed data file.
As bulk_insert, is there anything that will allow me to do the reverse


SAP-Commerce Admin Aspect Not performing updatesystem

We are experiencing an issue on v2011, where using the admin aspect with the updatesystem command, does not actaully do an updatesystem. By that i mean, it does not perform any typesystem updates or impex etc. where have also tried the command with passing a config file but still the same result. Also, if the completes it shuts down the container and just starts it back up again.
Tried basing the typeSystem only argument, and also a passing a config json file. Check DB SystemINit table to ensure it was not locked

How to initialize Alembic on an existing DB

I have an existing app which uses SQLAlchemy for DB access. It works well.
Now I want to introduce DB migrations, and I read alembic is the recommended way. Basically I want to start with the "current DB state" (not empty DB!) as revision 0, and then track further revisions going forward.
So I installed alembic (version 1.7.3) and put
from my_project.db_tables import Base
target_metadata = Base.metadata
into my The Base is just standard SQLAlchemy Base = sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base() within my project (again, which works fine).
Then I ran alembic revision --autogenerate -m "revision0", expecting to see an upgrade() method that gets me to the current DB state from an empty DB. Or maybe an empty upgrade(), since it's the first revision, I don't know.
Instead, the upgrade() method is full of op.drop_index and op.drop_table calls, while downgrade() is all op.create_index and op.create_table. Basically the opposite of what I expected.
Any idea what's wrong?
What's the recommended way to "initialize" migrations from an existing DB state?
OK, I figured it out.
The existing production DB has lots of stuff that alembic revision --autogenerate is not picking up on. That's why its generated migration scripts are full of op.drops in upgrade(), and op.creates in downgrade().
So I'll have to manually clean up the generated scripts every time. Or automate this cleanup Python script cleanup somehow programmatically, outside of Alembic.

Azure Kusto Data Explorer - invoking multiple management queries at once

I want to run multiple alter-column commands at once (to save some time).
For example, I have these 2 commands:
.alter column policy encoding type='identifier'
.alter column e53b2c81_eb5c_45e4_9e5e_333332211111.doc policy encoding type='bigobject'
And running them separately works fine. but I want to invoke them together. So I tried something like:
.alter column policy encoding type='identifier';
.alter column e53b2c81_eb5c_45e4_9e5e_333332211111.doc policy encoding type='bigobject';
But it didn't work.
Is there any way I can run them both together?
(Eventually, I want to avoid running this query for 1000+ tables for different fields. I much rather performing this task at once to avoid so many requests. I'll be running these commands through the Golang SDK).
You could include all commands in a script, and use the .execute database script command to have them run by the service one after the other.
Please note that this does not run all commands in the script in a single transaction - commands are executed sequentially, in the order they appear in the input script.

Disable wrapping migration in a transaction with Node db-migrate

I need to use db-migrate to add an index to a Postgres database with CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY. However, db-migrate wraps all migrations in a transaction by default, and trying to create a concurrent index inside a transaction results in this error code:
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY cannot run inside a transaction block
I can't find any way to disable transactions as part of the db-migrate options, either CLI options or (preferably) as a configuration directive on the migration itself. Any idea if this can be accomplished?
It turns out that this can be solved on the command line by using --non-transactional. Reading the source, I can see that this sets an internal flag called notransactions, but it's not clear to me whether this can be set as part of the migration configuration or must be passed on the command line.
I kept getting the errors even when running with --non-transactional flag.
The solution for me was to run with --non-transactional AND have each CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY statement in its own separate migration file. It turns out you can't have more than one of it in the same file (same transaction block).

Sequelize-cli how to create seed files from an existing database?

In order to start in a clean environment for developing stuff for a web app I would appreciate to be able to retrieve some data from an existing DB (let say the 10 first lines of every tables) in order to create a sequelize seed file per table. It will then be possible to seed an empty DB with these data into the corresponding models and migrations.
I have found the tool named sequelize-auto which seems to work fine to generate a model file from an exsting DB (beware of not already having for example a uses.js model ; it will be overwritten !) :
This tool will create a model file, but neither a migration or a seed file.
Is there a way to build a seed file from an existing database?
Found this cool module
you can create (dump) seed with command
npx sequeliseed generate table_name --config
