Sanic web framework performance - python-3.x

I have a question to ask about sanic / asyncpg performance.
During a testing a weird things kept happening (Maybe it is by design).
First let me explain testing procedure. It is simple.
I use locust to push the server as much as possible by setting max user count.
The testing script is:
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet, task, between
class UserActions(TaskSet):
def test_point_1(self):
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
def test_point_2(self):
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
class ApplicationUser(HttpLocust):
task_set = UserActions
wait_time = between(0, 0)
It is used to test the following code. Notice asyncpg is calling potgresql sleep function to simulate a load:
import asyncio
import uvloop
from asyncpg import create_pool
from sanic import Sanic, response
from sanic.log import logger
import aiotask_context as context
app = Sanic(__name__)
'type': 'postgresql',
'host': '',
'user': 'test_user',
'port': '5432',
'password': 'test_password',
'database': 'test_database'
conn_uri = '{0}://{1}:{2}#{3}:{4}/{5}'.format(
DATABASE['user'], DATABASE['password'], DATABASE['host'],
DATABASE['port'], DATABASE['database'])
async def handler_json_1(request):
async with as connection:
await connection.fetchrow('SELECT pg_sleep(0.85);')
return response.json({"foo": "bar"})
async def handler_json_2(request):
async with as connection:
await connection.fetchrow('SELECT pg_sleep(0.2);')
return response.json({"foo": "bar"})
async def listener_before_server_start(*args, **kwargs):
pg_pool = await create_pool(
conn_uri, min_size=2, max_size=10,
server_settings={'application_name': 'test_backend'}) = pg_pool
except Exception as bss_error:
logger.error('before_server_start_test erred with :{}'.format(bss_error)) = None
async def listener_after_server_start(*args, **kwargs):
# print("after_server_start")
async def listener_before_server_stop(*args, **kwargs):
# print("before_server_stop")
async def listener_after_server_stop(*args, **kwargs):
# print("after_server_stop")
if __name__ == '__main__':
server = app.create_server(host="", port=8282, return_asyncio_server=True)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
task = asyncio.ensure_future(server)
except Exception as lerr:
logger.error('Loop run error: {}'.format(lerr))
The issue is, after a random amount of time server becomes unresponsive
(Does not return 503 or any other code) for a cca. 60 seconds.
Also process hangs (I can see it with ps aux and CTRL+C cannot kill it.)
That might be problematic because for one it is hard to detect and it is difficult to determine a rate at which we can send request to the server.
Could that be an issue with the configuration (sanic/asyncpg)?
Could setting nginx / sanic request timeout be the only option to circumvent this problem ?

Your aiopg pool is limited to 10 connections. So 10 requests at a time max, each takes 0.2 sec, your max possible load would be 1 sec / 0.2 sec * 10 pool size = 50 RPS. After that all incoming requests would just wait for a connection and queue of requests to serve would grow much faster than your ability to serve and your server would become irresponsive.


Random ConnectTimeout using aiohttp.ClientSession / httpx.AsyncClient via nginx into aiohttp.web.Application

I am trying to debug random ConnectTimeout happening in our infrastructure.
The symptom: Every now and then we receive a ConnectTimeout.
What I have tested:
Change host file: We changed the host file to route to the public IP, to avoid DNS lookups which may cause similar behaviour. This did not provide any significant benefit.
Change client:
Using aiohttp.ClientSession() - We get that occasionally, instead of a ConnectTimeout that the connection never terminates and remains open forever.
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.request(method, url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, raise_for_status=False) as resp:
if resp.content_type == "application/json":
data = await resp.json()
data = await resp.text()
if resp.ok:
return data
if isinstance(data, dict) and "detail" in data:
raise RawTextError(data["detail"])
Replacing the client with httpx.AsyncClient, I get a ConnectTimeout sometimes and increasing connect timeout removes the connectTimeouts received. Sample Code
async with httpx.AsyncClient(http2=True, timeout=30.0) as client:
result = await, data=json.dumps(wf_event["stages"], cls=JSONEncoder))
res =
Running the following script without timeouts (Default Httpx timeout is 5 s) I can reproduce the behaviour from multiple servers and locations
import httpx
import asyncio
import datetime
import sys, traceback
async def testurl():
cmdurl = "url
headers = {"authorization" : "token"}
while True:
t0 =
async with httpx.AsyncClient(http2=True) as client:
#print("Fetching from URL: {}".format(cmdurl))
result = await client.get(cmdurl,headers=headers)
res = result.json()
except Exception as e:
print("Start : ", t0)
print("End : ",
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Upgrade NGINX: The original Nginx is version 1.18. We created a separate Nginx on 1.21, we created a new URL for the new Nginx and could replicate the ConnectTimeouts with the above httpx script on the new endpoint, indicating that NGINX version is fine and that the load on Nginx is probably not the issue.
Regarding aiohttp.web.Application: Here we have 14 load-balancing dockers in play. I couldn't find anything suggesting a max connection count could be the issue here. I am also not sure if the upstream aiohttp is the issue as I don't see any related issues in the nginx error logs for the corresponding ConnectTimeout.
So while using the Httpx with timeouts almost completely resolved the symptom I still have no Idee why a ConnectTimeout would occur and why it sometimes takes longer than 5 seconds to connect. I haven't been able to reproduce this locally, but then our live service does handle 5000 concurrent connections at any given time.
Hope someone can point me in the direction of where to look.
Thanks for all the help in advance.

Flask server using asynchronous Rpc client only answer 1 request out of two

I'm trying to implement an async RPC client within a Flask server.
The idea is that each request spawn a thread with an uuid, and each request is going to wait until there is a response in the RpcClient queue attribute object with the correct uuid.
The problem is that one request out of two fails. I think that might be a problem with multi-threading, but I don't see where it comes from.
Bug can be seen here.
Using debug print, it seems that the message with the correct uuid is received in the _on_response callback and update the queue attribute in this instance correctly, but the queue attribute within the /rpc_call/<payload> endpoint doesn't synchronize (so queue[uuid] has a value of response in the RpcClient callback but still None in the scope of the endpoint).
My code:
from flask import Flask, jsonif
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
import sys
import os
import pika
import uuid
import time
import threading
class RpcClient(object):
"""Asynchronous Rpc client."""
internal_lock = threading.Lock()
queue = {}
def __init__(self):
self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
pika.ConnectionParameters(host='rabbitmq')) ='kaldi_expe', exchange_type='topic')
# Create all the queue and bind them to the corresponding routing key'request', durable=True)
result ='answer', durable=True)'kaldi_expe', queue='request', routing_key='kaldi_expe.web.request')'kaldi_expe', queue='answer', routing_key='kaldi_expe.kaldi.answer')
self.callback_queue = result.method.queue
thread = threading.Thread(target=self._process_data_events)
def _process_data_events(self):, self._on_response, auto_ack=True)
while True:
with self.internal_lock:
def _on_response(self, ch, method, props, body):
"""On response we simply store the result in a local dictionary."""
self.queue[props.correlation_id] = body
def send_request(self, payload):
corr_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.queue[corr_id] = None
with self.internal_lock:'kaldi_expe',
return corr_id
def flask_app():
app = Flask("kaldi")
#app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def server_is_up():
return 'server is up', 200
def rpc_call(payload):
"""Simple Flask implementation for making asynchronous Rpc calls. """
corr_id = app.config['RPCclient'].send_request(payload)
while app.config['RPCclient'].queue[corr_id] is None:
#print("queue server: " + str(app.config['RPCclient'].queue))
return app.config['RPCclient'].queue[corr_id]
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
rpcClient = RpcClient()
app = flask_app()
app.config['RPCclient'] = rpcClient
print("Rabbit MQ is connected, starting server", file=sys.stderr), threaded=True, host='')
except pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError as e:
print("Waiting for RabbitMq startup" + str(e), file=sys.stderr)
except Exception as e:
I found where the bug came from:
Thedebug=True of the line, threaded=True, host='') restart the server at the beginning.
The whole script is then restarted from the beginning. Because of it, another rpcClient is initialized and consume from the same queue. Problem is that the previous thread is also running. This cause two rpcClient to consume from the same thread, with one that is virtually useless.

Run slow background blocking task from asyncio loop

I have asyncio crawler, that visits URLs and collects new URLs from HTML responses. I was inspired that great tool:
Here is a very simplified piece of workflow, how it works:
import asyncio
import aiohttp
class Requester:
def __init__(self):
self.sem = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(1)
async def fetch(self, url, client):
async with client.get(url) as response:
data = (await'utf-8', 'replace')
print("URL:", url, " have code:", response.status)
return response, data
async def run(self, urls):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
for url in urls:
await self.sem.acquire()
task = asyncio.create_task(self.fetch(url, client))
task.add_done_callback(lambda t: self.sem.release())
def http_crawl(self, _urls_list):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
crawl_loop = asyncio.ensure_future(
r = Requester()
_url_list = ['','','','','','','']
What I need now is to add some very slow beautifulsoap based function. I need that function do not block main loop and work as background process. For instance, I will handle HTTP responses.
I read python docs about it and found that:
I tried to add it to my code, but it does not work as should (I use cpu_bound only for demo):
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import concurrent.futures
def cpu_bound():
return sum(i * i for i in range(10 ** 7))
class Requester:
def __init__(self):
self.sem = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(1)
async def fetch(self, url, client):
async with client.get(url) as response:
data = (await'utf-8', 'replace')
print("URL:", url, " have code:", response.status)
####### Blocking operation #######
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:
result = await loop.run_in_executor(pool, cpu_bound)
print('custom process pool', result)
return response, data
async def run(self, urls):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
for url in urls:
await self.sem.acquire()
task = asyncio.create_task(self.fetch(url, client))
task.add_done_callback(lambda t: self.sem.release())
def http_crawl(self, _urls_list):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
crawl_loop = asyncio.ensure_future(
r = Requester()
_url_list = ['','','','','','','']
For now, it doesn't work as expected, it blocks HTTP requests every time:
URL: have code: 200
custom process pool 333333283333335000000
URL: have code: 200
custom process pool 333333283333335000000
URL: have code: 200
custom process pool 333333283333335000000
URL: have code: 200
custom process pool 333333283333335000000
URL: have code: 200
custom process pool 333333283333335000000
URL: have code: 200
custom process pool 333333283333335000000
How to correctly put the task in the background inside the main asyncio process?
Are there best practices on how to do that in a simple way, or I should use Redis for task planning?
I believe that since you are setting your BoundedSemaphore to 1 it is only allowing one instance of your task to run at a time.
You can use the ratelimiter package to limit the number of concurrent requests in a certain amount of time.
I would also upload code that works for me. It is two independent async queues, and one of them spawn high-CPU consumption process in a separate loop:
import asyncio
import functools
import aiohttp
import concurrent.futures
def cpu_bound(num):
return sum(i * i for i in range(10 ** num))
class Requester:
def __init__(self):
self.threads = 3
self.threads2 = 10
self.pool = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor()
async def fetch(self, url):
timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=10)
async with self.client.get(url, allow_redirects=False, verify_ssl=False, timeout=timeout) as response:
data = (await'utf-8', 'replace')
print("URL:", url, " have code:", response.status)
resp_list = {'url': str(response.real_url), 'data': str(data), 'headers': dict(response.headers)}
return resp_list
except Exception as err:
return {}
async def heavy_worker(self, a):
while True:
resp_list = await a.get()
if resp_list.keys():
####### Blocking operation #######
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
result = await loop.run_in_executor(self.pool, functools.partial(cpu_bound, num=5))
print('wappalazer', result)
except Exception as err:
async def fetch_worker(self, q, a):
while True:
url = await q.get()
resp_list = await self.fetch(url)
await a.put(resp_list)
async def main(self, urls):
# Create an queues those we will use to store our "workload".
q = asyncio.Queue()
a = asyncio.Queue()
# Create workers tasks to process the queue concurrently.
workers_fetch = [asyncio.create_task(self.fetch_worker(q, a)) for _ in range(self.threads)]
workers_heavy = [asyncio.create_task(self.heavy_worker(a)) for _ in range(self.threads2)]
for url in urls:
await q.put(url)
# wait for all tasks to be processed
await q.join()
await a.join()
# Cancel our worker tasks.
for worker in workers_fetch:
await asyncio.gather(*workers_fetch , return_exceptions=True)
for worker in workers_heavy:
await asyncio.gather(*workers_heavy , return_exceptions=True)
async def run(self, _urls_list):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as self.client:
task_for_first_run = asyncio.create_task(self.main(_urls_list))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await task_for_first_run
print("All tasks completed")
def http_crawl(self, _urls_list):
r = Requester()
_url_list = ['http://aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aa', '','','','',
'','','', '',
'','', '','',
'', '','','',

Tornado Request with WebSocket Callback

I'm trying to start a long blocking function after receiving an HTTP request. The request must be responded inmediately (200 OK or 500 Internal Error), but the process should run in the background and send a notification to a WebSocket after finished.
Also, the application should receive other requests for processing and these must also be responded inmediately, without blocking the previous ones.
I'm using add_callback, but I'm not sure if it's the correct way to use tornado, since it's blocking the incoming HTTP requests. I've tried using different threads, but I got exceptions when trying to call the send_message method inside the WebSocket handler.
import time
from tornado import gen
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler, asynchronous
from tornado.websocket import WebSocketHandler
def long_process(id):
class RequestWeb(RequestHandler):
def process(self, id):
# Trying to call long_process, just like
# yield gen.Task(IOLoop.current().add_timeout, time.time() + 10)
# The response must be sent inmediately, but the process should run in the background
IOLoop.current().add_callback(callback=lambda: long_process(id))
def get(self, id):
IOLoop.current().add_future(self.process(id), self.process_complete)
def process_complete(self, future):
SocketHandler.send_message('Processing complete')
class SocketHandler(WebSocketHandler):
connections = set()
def open(self):
def send_message(cls, message):
for ws in cls.connections:
def make_app():
return Application([
(r'/api/(?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$', RequestWeb),
(r'/ws', SocketHandler)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = make_app()

aiohttp client not handling cookies correctly

I am trying to use cookies with aiohttp.ClientSession but it doesn't seem to be handling the cookies across multiple requests. That or I am not using it correctly.
I have a simple server which saves a cookie on the client. This works fine when accessed from the browser.
Server code: (modified from here)
import asyncio
import time
from aiohttp import web
from aiohttp_session import get_session, setup
from aiohttp_session.cookie_storage import EncryptedCookieStorage
import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
async def handler(request):
session = await get_session(request)
last_visit = session.get('last_visit', 'Never')
if last_visit == 'Never':
message = "Welcome, I don't think you've visited here before."
message = 'Welcome back, last visited: {} secs ago'.format(time.time() -
session['last_visit'] = time.time()
return web.Response(body=message.encode('utf-8'))
async def init(loop):
app = web.Application()
EncryptedCookieStorage(b'Thirty two length bytes key.'))
app.router.add_route('GET', '/', handler)
srv = await loop.create_server(
app.make_handler(), '', 8080)
return srv
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
When accessed from a browser I get:
Welcome back, last visited: 1176.336282491684 secs ago
Now, I am trying to mimic this behavior within a python client, which is currently not working. I am aware that I am not persisting the cookie to file but I am trying multiple requests within the same session so this should work right?
The cookie within the client session doesn't seem to be persisting across multiple requests.
The client code:
import aiohttp
import asyncio
jar = aiohttp.CookieJar(unsafe=True)
async def blah():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(cookie_jar=jar) as session:
for i in range(2):
async with session.get('http://localhost:8080') as resp:
print(await resp.text())
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
When I run the client code I get:
> python
Welcome, I don't think you've visited here before.
Set-Cookie: AIOHTTP_SESSION="gAAAAABXpF_SYEhcMpT-1Q_g6V-SwDuWh-XZipIMre5GgYvJ513ao4BaVgN4kcQM4b91umGCgWuoCEe5RCpZ5ryA30rchUAaojH3B35OL9LjH-kLJ3Md0PhfaylWl3_ct5K2aSwdBdMU_mACaHeTV0FA7yiT0DrMI_n9ct3D-jRTYCsKc5xLI2I="; Domain=localhost; HttpOnly; Path=/
Welcome, I don't think you've visited here before.
Set-Cookie: AIOHTTP_SESSION="gAAAAABXpF_SiCl07HDerId98tjI6hTrWOcEmCRVELV3F_sif3XkzgjS_hfwlkMK4HpoWbRrNoxJZpERPKkxRJi9AOpUeleWTkfkjXUcNk13OX5GCOZDSLbSbTkqdoiiAYfAsQ3CNHZWGWd2xzlha_E54ig3Jq1sQsAXV6rgcrqxh0xMGYWfseM="; Domain=localhost; HttpOnly; Path=/
